Kate Winthrop
Sanity - 6/6
Stamina - 4/4
Speed - 1 2 [3] 4
Sneak - 5 4 [3] 2
Fight - 1 2 3 [4]
Will - 3 2 1 [zero]
Lore - 2 3 [4] 5
Luck - 4 3 [2] 1
2 Clue Tokens
Dynamite (2H, +8 Physical Combat, discard on use)
Ancient Spear (2H +4 Physical Combat, exhaust to make magical for one combat, currently exhausted)
Flesh Ward (-2 casting penalty, 1 Sanity, ignore Stamina damage from one source, discard if Ancient One wakes up)
Mists of Releh (0 Sanity, Cast to pass an evade check, modifier = monster's awareness, currently exhausted)
Sneak Skill (+1 Sneak, clue tokens count for double when making sneak checks)
1 Monster Trophy (Fire Vampire, total toughness: 1)
Personal Story:
Pass - Kate has two gate trophies
Fail - Doom track reaches 6
Kate moves to the Woods, sneaks past the Colour out of Space and kills the Fire Vampire. She then enters the gate and awaits what horrors can be found in the other world
RandomlyAwkward: Right, so moving to Woods, casting Mists of Releh to get past the Colour out of Space
01:35 RandomlyAwkward: Lore is currently 4, Colour has +1 Awareness, so that makes it 5 dice?
01:36 Yakumo: checks spell. Looks right to me.
AndrewRogue: (Yakko: Thanks for helping out)
RandomlyAwkward: So 5d6 to magick my way past the Colour
Yakumo: Yep.
RandomlyAwkward: 5d6
Hatbot: %01ACTION --> "RandomlyAwkward rolls 5d6 and gets 19." [5d6=6, 3, 2, 5, 3]
RandomlyAwkward: Done
01:37 RandomlyAwkward: Now then, equipping Ancient Spear, exhausting it, and fighting the Fire Vampire
RandomlyAwkward: Ancient Spear gives +4 Fight, my own fight is at 4, Fire Vamp has -2 combat mod, but I need but one success
Yakumo: Actually, lemme check something quick.
01:38 Yakumo: ...huh. The Mists don't use any hands at all? Either that or the picture on the wiki's screwed up.
AndrewRogue: Non-combat spells dun use hands
Yakumo: I was going to check if you could swap items around but I guess it doesn't matter.
01:39 RandomlyAwkward: Right, then
RandomlyAwkward: 6d6 to impale a vampire
Hatbot: %01ACTION --> "RandomlyAwkward rolls 6d6 to impale a vampire and gets 28." [6d6=6, 6, 2, 4, 5, 5]
RandomlyAwkward: Done
Hello-DojimathedralWaddleDee: ... that's some impaling.
Smashy: That is some impaled vampire
RandomlyAwkward: I collect 1 toughness worth of monster trophies
Edited to indicate which items were exhausted