Author Topic: Animafia - Game Over, Man, Game Over  (Read 29082 times)


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #100 on: September 08, 2009, 04:44:03 PM »
I count Sherman as being gone for over 60 consecutive hours of daytime now. Can we get an actual ultimatum on this? That has got to be a record of sorts.

Yeah, I think so.

Jay Sherman has been modkilled due to inactivity! Flip will come at the end of the day.

I'm not doing this for Cosgrove because I don't know if he's actually been around or not. I do know that Sherman has been around both before and after the multiple prods I sent him, and I can only guess at this point that he's actively ignoring them.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #101 on: September 08, 2009, 05:26:06 PM »
Sorry kids. I was in the middle of typing something when Guitierrez Launched a full out assault on Freakazoid. They had to rebuild all of cyberspace.

I'll get right back on it though.

Haruhi Suzumiya

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #102 on: September 08, 2009, 05:36:46 PM »

Coop (1): Filburt
Sgt. Cosgrove (1): Count Dooku
Mr. Crocker (2): Jack, Hank Hill
Count Dooku (0):
Hank Hill (0):
Jack (0):
Sylvester (0):
Bender (1): Sylvester
Shaggy (2): Coop, Bender
Filburt (0):
Jay Sherman (0): LOL U R DEAD, PWNT

With 10 alive, it still takes 6 to lynch. You have about 10.5 hours remaining.

Joe Buck

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #103 on: September 08, 2009, 05:56:39 PM »
um...actually miss suzumiya, i think there are only 7 hours left in the day...

Princess Leia

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #104 on: September 08, 2009, 06:25:02 PM »
I think my vote on Shaggy will stand for now. Posted... nothing about 9 hours ago, saying basically that he needs to catch up, then leaves?  It doesnt take 9 hours to catch up with the game. Hell, it doesnt take 2 hours, with all the inactives.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #105 on: September 08, 2009, 06:32:50 PM »
Well I guess I'll forgo the role playing for this post.

Right now I'm pretty content to keep my vote on the neo shaggy, he hasn't actually contributed anything yet other then "I'm here to replace the old shaggy," and I still find the one post the old Shaggy made to be rather suspicious.

I don't really think the people who are actively posting are scum, seeing as they're the ones who are sticking their heads out in this game of lurkers.

Honestly not sure who else I would buy arguments for atm, it seems like we were picking at each other more due to posting in the style of our characters then anything, it's gotten a bit better, but honestly so little has been said it's hard to get a read on anything.


Pretty much agreeing with Bender there.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #106 on: September 08, 2009, 06:51:50 PM »
Well then. It looks like this is most likely between the boy Mr. Crocker. Though I don't quite see why people are preferring potential lurking over a real case.

Mr. Robot, could you please explain to me why you persist in accusing the boy, even though you have called people out at least once? You seemed pretty accusing of Mr. Dooku there, and yet persisted in voting the boy. Why!?

And you, Mr. Coop. What do you think of the less inactive people? Like the turtle and Mr. Dooku.

Ugha. If people don't start posting more or buying some propane and propane accessories, I'm gonna have to start kicking some ass! 


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #107 on: September 08, 2009, 06:52:31 PM »
(I apologize if my RP falls flat halfway through the post. I had to rush four different day 1 ISOs after finally making it back.)

I have judged this man suspicious. His presence at day 1 has been lackluster. He revealed his presence briefly, to conclude only that he could lend no assistance to the discussion in any way. His vote on Lightyear is nothing but an easy stance to the Sith. In the end, we believe there was enough for him to lend his opinion on, and would urge him to do so after all. Lightyear was not Day 1's sole option for a lynch.

My mind was blurry yesterday. I work better with facts than I do guesses, kiddo. And according to the last votecount, the only other bandwagons were the Big fat meanie head, and the guy with the big fat head. I didn't want to vote either of them then.

There's plenty of evidence to go around now. Surveillance Report:

He first jumps on the meanie head for voting third, which seems a little jumpy to me. I don't think being bringing someway half to lynch is something you should worry about, kid. He then jumps onto the toy for a reason that looks almost like that one. It was combined with the bad reasoning, but he still put a tone on the number of votes. I will admit, he's got conviction at the end. I think that outweighs the bad things I see.

Hank Hill
Does the exact same thing as Jack in his second vote. Jumps on the Buzz vote for pretty much the same reason as anyone else. He then blames the cat for bandwagon hopping on the Scaredy-cat, the Meanie head, and the toy. I don't really see how the Scaredy-cat became a bandwagon, since the bandwagon was stomped on before it could go anywhere. Sounds like a hypocrate here.

His only serious vote was the bandwagon on the toy. He makes my mind feel urpy when I think about if he's an eraser or not.

Instead of changing his random vote, he says something not worth saying on the meanie head. He then complains about inactivity. Next post, he actually has a pretty good reason for voting the big meanie head. He also gives a heads up that he doesn't like the toy, and again complains about inactivity. His vote move looks better than average as well since it comes from figuring out what the meanie head actually says. Finally, more on inactivity.

Mr. Crocker
begins by asking the Wienie why he thought Jack was more eraser like than Jay. He's still pressing Dooku in his next post. Filburt's responce sounds like he doesn't understand why the mad scientist is attacking the Wienie. The Wienie's responce is much better. Changes his vote to the meanie head because she also glossed over Jay. At this point, if he's worried about people ignoring Jay, then why is he voting for people for not voting him rather than voting for Jay himself?

out of these five on the two town bandwagons, I'm more suspicious of Coop and Crocker.
##Vote: Mr. Crocker for his weird obsession over people not voting for Jay.

Alice Margatroid

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #108 on: September 08, 2009, 07:35:33 PM »
To answer Hank's question, I'm feeling pretty neutral on Dooku, but he does need to post more, but he strikes me as at least trying to say something one he does post.

Filbert I would like to see come back soon, he voted on me in regards to a flavor segment and not much else from what I can tell.  I would also say though that he seems a little aggressive in his accusation of people, which doesn't leave a very good vibe.  Doesn't really strike me as fitting his character much either >.>.

And now here's a question for Sgt. Cosgrove, why do you feel that it's alright to focus solely on the people who voted for now confirmed townies to the exclusion of everyone else?

You're also calling me the second most suspicious exactly like you did, on the exact same person you voted for, for pretty much the same reason's of his play being not good?

Still keeping the vote on Shaggy for now, keeping eyes on Cosgrove, not sure who else I would consider atm.

Also apologies for not roleplaying, I don't feel like acting like a clueless unintelligible gamer who only cares about his stomach right now.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #109 on: September 08, 2009, 08:44:16 PM »
The Sith are none too fond of those who call for the gods to smite the lurkers. While we agree that lurkers lend nothing to town, the call to erase more of what might be allies does not sit well with us.

Sgt Cosgrove has responded to our accusation. We welcome it, yet find it no stimulant to train our eyes on other targets. His reportings appeal to us as a device to give a false sense of contribution. His terms to refer to others are confusing- Even the Darth grow uneasy at Cosgrove's references. We have decided your reportings are futile and unhelpful. At the present moment in time, however, they are not enough to justify you as our prime target.

##UNVOTE: Cosgrove

If you say that his performance Day one was Lackluster, and that he could only vote on Lightyear for an easy stance, then why didnt you vote him day one? Hmmmm?

The answer lies in looking at when we were present on the scene. By the time Cosgrove revealed his activity and attached inability to contribute, we were not active. The Sith request you activate your sensors.

Crocker has been rapidly setting off alarms. We are curious why he does not approach people directly. His attempts at scumhunting seems veiled, and unhelpful to us. Crocker declares that someone on the Suzumiya train was suspicious- while the Sith are willing to review that assertion, we are unable to fathom why Crocker decides instead to press people who were suspicious of the train as well.

##VOTE: Crocker

Crocker's stubborn refusal to take a solid stance this day, and his presentation of an idle stance do not sit well with us. Our suspicion has been raised, our minds set. As Darth of the Sith, I hereby accuse you of being an Eraser, Crocker.
Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke! Kekekeke!


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #110 on: September 08, 2009, 09:12:13 PM »
And now here's a question for Sgt. Cosgrove, why do you feel that it's alright to focus solely on the people who voted for now confirmed townies to the exclusion of everyone else?

Because we know they voted with intent to kill someone who was town. I know, it's a poor end-all, be-all strategy, but I still think flips should weigh more.

You're also calling me the second most suspicious exactly like you did, on the exact same person you voted for, for pretty much the same reason's of his play being not good?

So what? You want me to say I'm suspicious of myself as well?


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #111 on: September 08, 2009, 09:48:10 PM »
Aw, thcrew it. ACME thent me a pair of Lithp-Reduthing pillth ath a thank you for my conthtant purchatheth. It'll latht me one good Wall of Tectht.

*swallows pills*

'Kay, that'll do me. Sorry, I'll be back to your regular cheery cat as soon as I'm done here.

I think my vote on Shaggy will stand for now. Posted... nothing about 9 hours ago, saying basically that he needs to catch up, then leaves?  It doesnt take 9 hours to catch up with the game. Hell, it doesnt take 2 hours, with all the inactives.
So, your response to my chainsaw accusation is to...ignore me entirely and press further on a lurker? Can't say I'm fond of that.
Coop is also sort of iffy for agreeing to exactly the same, but at least in his later posts he tries to explain some of his other suspicions (or lack thereof).

Crocker's suspicion of there being an early scum in Haruhi's wagon...doesn't seem that bad to me. He got mad at Dooku for suspecting Jack for following a basic enough rule designed to get out of RVS. Accusing him of not making a vote like that well thought out enough is sort of paradoxical. What's iffy about him, though, is the fact that he hasn't bothered to vote anyone for the entirety of the day, just asking people to post more and making accusations which real sense to me.

Cosgrove manages to break his silence with a massive wall of IIoA, which is sort of horrendous. He proceeds to suspect people for doing exactly what he'd just done, basically a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Hank writes off his suspicions of me with a simple 'I looked over his posts again', which is strange but probably acceptable. Definitely not enough to put him ahead of the current wagons.

Jack I don't really have a problem with right now. Dooku's attack on him for the 3rd vote is iffy, but I can't find much wrong with him besides that.

Filbert is also really stirring up something to me. He says in his last post that he's suspicious of Crocker, and then claims that he's actually nothing compared to Coop, based on one offhand joke and his relative lack of activity? Definitely worth looking at if Crocker flips scum.

Shaggy II needs to exist. Simple as that.

I'm still very suspicious of Bender, to be fair, but I'll be around for a while before deadline. Right now I'm probably fine with either a Crocker or a Cosgrove lynch, more the former than the latter. At least Cosgrove lookth like he'th tryin' to contribute - aw, phooey, it'th worn off.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #112 on: September 08, 2009, 10:11:49 PM »
Like, man, it takes a while to get over acid trips.  You have to sleep them off a bit. 

So, yeah, like, I'm going to attempt to start anew now - no more drugs until this mystery is solved! 

I think I'm, like, in total groovy harmony with those not focusing on the absent people - in all the mysteries I've solved, it's always been the people that are connected to everything - the silent ones, hand...the silent ones usually aren't a problem, but when some zany guy in the employ of the man makes single posts with little reasoning, or, like, little anything to support what they say, and makes many of them, that's, like, uncool, dude.  Like, the coolest cats in this groove to me right now are the sword guy in a dress and that Jedi with the tubular sword of magic meth.  Talking cat...whoadudetalkingcatmanamitripping...less so, but still cool enough.

Speaking of pot and acid and LSD and PCP, all the other good stuff, my absence thus far is all due to those crazy drugs, man.  I'm good now, I swear - I'm on the mystery-solving side here!  It just took a while to detox.  Anything yesterday was all due to those brownies I ate.

So, like, here's my current thoughts on the situation, dude:

Coop: - states nothing new, votes as a bandwagon.  As was, like, Buzzzzzzzzzzzzed up in the pre-hanging time, he hadn't said anything much, besides firing out a vote with little backing.  Like, he could be some midget scientists hiding inside that mound of fat! isn't too much gnarlier - I don't like how he forgot about who he was's an odd aside he made that makes my Scooby Senses tingle...or maybe that's just urine.  Like, pussy, I see what you mean, but when combined with his other ramble, it looks like an odd-ball slip - why say something that, like, wasn't there and dude?  And he does explain it himself, but...well, the rest of that post?  His reason to stay on me was a random slurpee thing?  It looked like he was just trying to cover a slip!  I didn't steal your slurpee, man!  I know you posted a reason before, but it looked like, mostly a, like, lurker shot only, which is a pretty easy shot!  You keep the vote on me...for this?  You, like, say lurkers have to be scum?  I don't, like agree - they could be, but people saying something that means nothing means nothing which means something!  I'm more worried about you keeping your vote on someone for the lurker aspect.  When half the group is lurking, it's, like...well, you can't know!  If it were a smaller group, I'd agree with you - but you're lurking yourself, not contributing much.

Bender falls into the same category - a lot of the comments have been mentioned.  He disappears more, and, like, uses the same reason for keeping a vote on me consistently.  I'm an easy target right now...since I've been drugged up all day.  It's too easy - anyone can jump on that, and it makes you have an easy target without much thinking beyond, "hey, munchies!"

As for Crocker...Haruhi I think had a good point with him, and he looks like he's going, man.  At this stage, he'll be gone, and I think, like, the case is decent enough...he's said a lot of nothings and ramblings.  I still feel stronger about Coop and Bender, myself.

Filburt's been out for today, but...I get a neutral read on him, like I do with everyone else not mentioned above.  Dude....

##Vote: Coop


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #113 on: September 08, 2009, 10:52:59 PM »
Vote count!

Coop (2): Filburt, Shaggy
Sgt. Cosgrove (0): Count Dooku
Mr. Crocker (4): Jack, Hank Hill, Sgt. Cosgrove, Count Dooku
Count Dooku (0):
Hank Hill (0):
Jack (0):
Sylvester (0):
Bender (1): Sylvester
Shaggy (2): Coop, Bender
Filburt (0):
Jay Sherman (0):

No vote: Mr. Crocker

With 10 alive, it still takes 6 to lynch. You have about 2 hours remaining.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #114 on: September 08, 2009, 11:02:32 PM »

I was going to be around from now to the deadline, but I've just (re-)broke a tooth. You'll excuse the complete drop of character, but fuck, I need to get this solved fast. I just hope I won't need replacing.


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #115 on: September 08, 2009, 11:33:48 PM »
He first jumps on the meanie head for voting third, which seems a little jumpy to me. I don't think being bringing someway half to lynch is something you should worry about, kid. He then jumps onto the toy for a reason that looks almost like that one. It was combined with the bad reasoning, but he still put a tone on the number of votes. I will admit, he's got conviction at the end. I think that outweighs the bad things I see.
Most of his reason for jumping bandwagons seemed to be the number of votes. I think this is slightly anti-town since it puts a halt to bandwagon information. The fact that he didn't want to switch off of Buzz at the end reads townie sourced to me, since I think scum would jump off either to not have power role blood on their hands or, if they looked townie enough themselves, could convince him to shoot someone who was town. Slightly town read, but not swayed.

Hank Hill
Does the exact same thing as Jack in his second vote. Jumps on the Buzz vote for pretty much the same reason as anyone else. He then blames the cat for bandwagon hopping on the Scaredy-cat, the Meanie head, and the toy. I don't really see how the Scaredy-cat became a bandwagon, since the bandwagon was stomped on before it could go anywhere. Sounds like a hypocrate here.
Again, I think the switch to the meanie head was slightly anti-town. He seemed hypocritical on his attack on the cat in that he was also doing almost - and arguably just as much - bandwagoning as well. He seems mostly anti-town right now. He's distant third of the people I've read through, but yes I would be willing to vote him.

His only serious vote was the bandwagon on the toy. He makes my mind feel urpy when I think about if he's an eraser or not.
His only serious vote was a bandwagon. There's not much here to see, so aside from that you could only pin lurking onto him.

For new stuff, his going after Shaggy for just lurking, and partially justified lurking at that makes him "Calling the Kettle Black" as well, which if it's a scumtell this game, I might as well use against him, too. Still willing to vote him. I'm also getting weird bonding vibes between him and Bender.

Instead of changing his random vote, he says something not worth saying on the meanie head. He then complains about inactivity. Next post, he actually has a pretty good reason for voting the big meanie head. He also gives a heads up that he doesn't like the toy, and again complains about inactivity. His vote move looks better than average as well since it comes from figuring out what the meanie head actually says. Finally, more on inactivity.
Not changing your random vote is worth noting, but I got a pro-town feel out of his vote for the meanie head. Yes, it was wrong, but he had a reason for voting her, and once that reason disappeared, he properly unvoted. Repeated complaining about inactivity gets a null from me, since it's just the cat being a whiny face.

Mr. Crocker
begins by asking the Wienie why he thought Jack was more eraser like than Jay. He's still pressing Dooku in his next post. Filburt's responce sounds like he doesn't understand why the mad scientist is attacking the Wienie. The Wienie's responce is much better. Changes his vote to the meanie head because she also glossed over Jay. At this point, if he's worried about people ignoring Jay, then why is he voting for people for not voting him rather than voting for Jay himself?
Pressing Dooku seems slightly pro-town since he's off away from bandwagons. Dooku has a good counterpoint to his argument. His votes on Jack and the meanie head strike me oddly and in sort of an pro-scum way. It looks as if he's trying to get other's votes onto a single target that he's not willing to vote for himself. This is why my vote is on him.

There, does that sound better, Mr. Cat?


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #116 on: September 08, 2009, 11:57:10 PM »
One hour remaining!

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #117 on: September 09, 2009, 12:16:23 AM »
Gimme those pills, NOW.

One thing I am seeing about the case against me is that people are pretty much saying the same thing over again. Mr Jack kicked it off with the point on Dooku and Sherman. Mr Hill comes around and says pretty much the same thing. Mr. Cosgrove comes around and says the same thing. Mr. Dooku has been at least picky about one different thing. Although, as I said, in retrospective I should have asked these questions directly, for Dooku I had an answer, and take in account that both questions would have been leaded to Mr. Sherman, who is now uh... dead.

Saying this, it makes me feel kind of uneasy that Hill and Cosgrove have been rehashing what Jack said, and nobody acknowledges the other people saying "I agree with x about Crocker". Having said this, I find ironical that Cosgrove is pointing me out for the same thing he's pretty much doing in his post, just like Mr. Cat said. And his next post tries to add something else to there, but it's just rehashing the same things.
Also, Mr. Cosgrove, sorry, but I haven't voted Jack at all. Mind checking?

However, what strikes me most out of everything is Mr. Robot's appearance and disappearance. Certainly he looks as the perfect lurker in my eyes. He hasn't posted much, yet he has posted enough to present "Hey, I'm here", just commenting on his vote and nothing else, spectacting what's going on with people around. One thing is absence and another completely different thing is lurking. Bender falls into the latter. No comments on lynch/death, just... Shaggy.

Cosgrove and Bender seem suspicious in my eyes, however, I'm going for Bender, simply because he accomplishes what it's a perfect lurker. No notices, no posts, no useful info, only deflecting all of this on a previous missing person. A proper "missing" would be Sherman and previously Cosgrove and Hill. Bender is not a proper missing person. He has been early, and he was here when the accusations against people started. Plus, his "missingness" was pretty rough, and he also talks about "catching up".

##Vote: Bender


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #118 on: September 09, 2009, 12:27:02 AM »
30 minutes remaining!

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #119 on: September 09, 2009, 12:39:31 AM »
15 minutes remaining!

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #120 on: September 09, 2009, 12:41:53 AM »
Quote from: Cosgrove
Most of his reason for jumping bandwagons seemed to be the number of votes. I think this is slightly anti-town since it puts a halt to bandwagon information.
The thituation with Haruhi in particular I don't agree with. The alternative wath 'hope thomeone putth Shaggy clothe enough to a lynch to be worth thuthpecting, and given that thith wath now about halfway through Day 1 I don't think it wath worth waiting on.

Quote from: Cosgrove
For new stuff, his going after Shaggy for just lurking, and partially justified lurking at that makes him "Calling the Kettle Black" as well, which if it's a scumtell this game, I might as well use against him, too. Still willing to vote him. I'm also getting weird bonding vibes between him and Bender.
Tho you're fine with uthin' that ath an attack when it'th being uthed againtht you?

Uh-oh, didn't know we were tho clothe to deadline. Lemme think thith over real quick.


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #121 on: September 09, 2009, 12:45:21 AM »
Less than 10 minutes remaining!

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #122 on: September 09, 2009, 12:46:04 AM »
Yeah, lookth like I'm not gonna be able to do anythin' about the lynch anyway.

Gonna thtick with my Bender vote. Hith 'firtht day of thchool' ecthcuthe wore off a while ago.


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #123 on: September 09, 2009, 12:49:42 AM »
5 minutes remaining!

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Animafia - Day 2 (Special Spectator Request Inside!)
« Reply #124 on: September 09, 2009, 12:52:43 AM »
2 minutes remaining!

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"