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Game: Disgaea 2
Rating: 10/10. It's Disgaea with more stuff to do, and with a different feel. Changes things, some for the better, some for the worse, but overall kicks ass.
Best feature/element: Redone battle system. All the classes are now balanced (well, except for the Togabito, and even they have theoretical use) and useful in some way throughout the game. Healers level up easier now. There's more variety in each class, and even the plot characters. Tower attacks have been added, weapons are a HELL OF A LOT MORE BALANCED, monsters don't suck...yeah. More combined arms mix and lots of other cool stuff. Great game in the battle system regards.
Worst feature/element: Game's humour value and character appeal is down from the original, present mostly in the non-required portions of the game. The game is more serious than the original, though this is not bad by any means. It's just a bit of a let-down compared to the original. I suppose outside of that, I can't think of any major feature that's bad.
Best character: Uh...yeah, what I said above applies here. Probably have to go with Axel, who maintains the humour value and character fun from Disgaea, but still works in the more serious setting. Honourable mention goes to Mom, she who is a bette summoner than Yuna.
Worst character: Mmm...Yukimaru? I don't know, none inspire any hate (more apathy than hate), but Yukimaru's 'zam thing was...not as cool as I would have expected Disgaea writers to make it out to be. Felt forced and tacked on, and made me not want to listen to her half the time. She's also kind of boring overall too >_>
Best PC in-game: Mmm...of the plot characters? Adell. Tough overall on all stats, and his special ability was useful overall. Tink gets honourable mentioned for Item World whoring due to his insane movement and ability to ignore zones of control. Granted, much worse in an actual fight, so... Of the Not sure. Archers are pretty fantastic in this, though, and Thieves are MUCH BETTER. One of them, probably.
Worst PC in-game: Mmm...of the plot characters, I really don't know...Etna comes late, but builds up fast. Tink I already mentioned. good overall, though her special is marginally useful at best. Hanako and Taro are the last two, and of them...probably Taro. Hanako's stat-busts I found more useful than Taro's stat-ups, and her damage was a bit better...and she reduced monster damage, which meant she was more durable than she looked in practice. Togabito's are the worst of the generics, easily.
Favorite moment: Cutscene after the first battle with Laharl (post-game optional stuff). That was hilarious.
Least favorite moment: 'zam'
Suggestions: Disgaea next time? Better playership, just as much division as TotA! We did it already, but it has been a while.