Game: Wild ARMs 5
Rating: 8/10. a good game, but it's nowhere near as good as WA4. Better than WA3, WA2, worse than WA1 and WA4. Fairly average overall for the series, but that's above average, and it owns WA3 and WA2 by a lot, so...this works.
Best feature/element: Rebecca. Kept a drive to play the game - smart, sassy, cool, great journal entires and quotes, kicked Dean's ass...yeah. Badass. She's the reason I kept playing.
Worst feature/element: Dean. Everything everyone has said so far about worst features? IT RELATES TO HIM. The best part about him is POGO-SHOVEL...which you lose 2 hours in. Fucking pile of shit character. BURN IN HELL.
Best character: Rebecca. Yes.
Worst character: DEAN. DEAN FUCKING DEAN.
Best PC in-game: Mmm...the top 3 are probably Rebecca, Avril, Greg. High stats in offensive areas (speed, attack power, magic) are the best part of the game. Rebecca has speed and a much better special ability, so...I'll give it to her.
Worst PC in-game: Dean. Sonic Vision sucks. I made good use of Chuck's special, which was easier to work with (take damage, get stronger!). Also, he's prettier.
Favorite moment: POGO-SHOVEL. Just hilariously bad, but funny. Funny how DEAN has one of my favourite moments.
Least favorite moment: Dean getting an erection whenever golems were mentioned. Now, least favourite moment being related to Dean makes sense.
I'm all for Disgaea or Persona 3 next >_> Disgaea primarily, since...more voters.