Two stargazers, two travellers of the great beyond, two stalwart guardians of the people. Geno and Demi have many similarities, right down to their non-organic nature and immense responsibilities placed upon their shoulders. However, the caped starman is capable of harnessing the very power of the skies within his tiny build, while Demi's equipment may be even impressive, but lacking in the ethereal mystique given by the very Ursa Major. As such, Geno's superiority will be proved quite fast in this match: after a single Geno Boost running off his breakneck speed, Geno will easily outpace Demi's self-repair systems, and a couple of Geno Flash castings should burst her somewhat magically inept frame into a conflagration very quickly. Once again, it's time for Geno to fight for the wishes of the world!