Author Topic: The Touhou Topic  (Read 5050 times)


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The Touhou Topic
« on: February 20, 2008, 03:58:40 AM »
As revived from the last board. A place to mark your progress in Touhoudom and general shenanigans.

All of the Touhou games can be downloaded off of Hal's fserv on IRC. Just do /ctcp Yukari-sama has Tohou! (For those seeking the awesome music of the series, /ctcp Yukari-sama Tohoumusik will get you your needs as well.)

Those wanting to find Touhoutalk are always welcome to stop by at #gensokyo (on dejatoons), where you'll find both other DLers and people from branching Touhou communities. IaMP and Mahjong are currently popular games of request, as is PoFV.

Feel free to steal my format or somethin'.

Replay archive can be find here:

Touhou wiki (oodles of information on characters, world, etc.) here:

Random statistics. These are the percentage of players (taken from a Japanese survey, roughly 8000 participants) who have played Touhou and managed to clear the listed difficulty setting on the Window games.

Quote from:
IN Easy - 92.75%
PCB Easy - 88.02%
EoSD Easy - 86.56%
MoF Easy - 85.35%
IN Normal - 75.24%
PCB Normal - 70.19%
MoF Normal - 68.64%
EoSD Normal - 68.6%
PCB Extra - 46.52%
IN Extra - 46.06%
MoF Extra - 36.43%
EoSD Extra - 32.81%
PCB Phantasm - 30.28%
IN Hard - 30.99%
PCB Hard - 22.5%
EoSD Hard - 17.42%
MoF Hard - 15.95%
IN Lunatic - 10.93%
PCB Lunatic - 6.79%
MoF Lunatic - 4.65%
EoSD Lunatic - 4.53%
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 04:20:50 AM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 04:02:26 AM »
TH04 - LLS (Lotus Land Story)
* Story Mode: Cleared Normal/Hard/Lunatic with MarisaA.
* Extra Mode: Cleared with MarisaA.
Notable accomplishments: Managing to kill Lunatic Stage 4 Reimu with only losing 1 life.

Thoughts: LLS, despite being a PC-98 games, might well be one of the most generously designed games in the series, managing to be challenging enough and still sane to clear even on the higher settings. It manages to do this by having a very lenient extra-life reward system, giving them in fountains from both score and boss drops. It also features the original MAAAAAAAASTER SPARKU, and will retain this honor till the end of days.

TH05 - MS (Mystic Square)
* Story Mode: Cleared Normal with Reimu and Mima; Hard/Lunatic with Mima.
* Extra: Cleared with Reimu.
Notable accomplishments: Clearing Lunatic, period. No really. Yumeko cheats.

Thoughts: Lauded as the hardest game of the entire series due to a brutal 4-5-6 stage sequence and a distinct lack of extra lives, Mystic Square otherwise behaves pretty identically to LLS in terms of gameplay and whatnot, although it introduces the relatively-broken Mima (and the pathetic Yuka. What the heck happened to her transition to a PC?) Also, Yumeko owns Sakuya in her sleep as a knife-wielding maid. Really.

TH06 - EoSD (Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)
* Easy: Have never attempted. It ending on stage 5 sort of turns me off from trying. It does house Icicle Fall -Easy-, though.
* Normal: Cleared on all chars.
* Hard: Cleared on all chars. Trying to pull off an NB on this someday.
* Lunatic: Cleared on all chars.
* Extra: Cleared on all chars. The only (non-MoF) Extra that has eluded an NF or NB from me so far.
Notable accomplishments: NFNB ReimuA Normal, NF ReimuA Hard, NF ReimuA Lunatic.

Thoughts: Probably the hardest of the traditional Window Touhou games (though MoF has an argument to me), it plays on raw dodging skills much more than the pattern-reading that becomes more prevalent in the two sequels that follow it. There's a glaring lack of polish, but it definitely has its charm and is nostalgic for me to return to.

TH07 - PCB (Perfect Cherry Blossom)
* Easy: Cleared with SakA, have never returned to it.
* Normal: Cleared on all chars.
* Hard: Cleared on all chars. NB on this is a -bitch-, but I'm trying.
* Lunatic: Cleared on all chars but ReimuB. NF is horrifying, making the challenge far, far harder than EoSD Lunatic NF, but is my current project (with ReimuA to boot.)
* Extra: Cleared on all chars.
* Phantasm: Cleared on all chars.
Notable accomplishments: NFNB ReimuA Normal, NF ReimuA Hard, NFNB ReimuA Extra, NF ReimuA Phantasm.

Thoughts: PCB is the game that nearly everyone starts out with. It's pretty, it's got great music, the polish shines, it's got reasonable spellcards without overdoing raw hax (like EoSD) or pure pattern (like IN) and is generally a great game that showcases the entire series' strengths. I find myself struggling to turn back to play on it, though, as it just feels so slow compared to the other games.

TH7.5 - IaMP (Immaterial and Missing Power)
* Story Mode: Cleared Normal with Patchy (HAH!) and Lunatic with Patchy (HAH! take 2) and Sakuya (considerably more noteworthy).
* LagAMP: Die to Snow. All the time. And everyone else in #gensokyo.
Notable accomplishments: Haha you're kidding me right.

Thoughts: IaMP is a fighting game based on the Touhou series, rather than the traditional danmaku... or so you'd think. That is, until you see the projectiles flying everywhere and the Lunatic Story mode spellcards and go "wait a second, that's danmaku in a fighting game." Yes. Yes it is. By grace of the graze mechanic, these feats are actually possible and not utterly overpowering, although one round with Ruka's Patchouli may make you believe otherwise. Like all fighting games, you likely either get into it or you don't, and although I dislike high tier play (where, again, like with most fighting games it gets heavily into comboing/air looping ability), it's definitely worth a spin for casual fun every once in a while.

TH08 - IN (Imperishable Night)
* Easy: uh I think I ran it like once. IN Easy is the (9) of difficulties.
* Normal: Cleared on all chars. NFNB ReimuA is the one thing I may try to finish at some point.
* Hard: Cleared on all chars.
* Lunatic: Cleared with Border Team. No interest in trying it with anyone else.
* Extra: Cleared on all chars. (Yes, even the likes of solo Alice and Youmu. IN Extra is broke'd, and not in a good way.)
Notable accomplishments: NF ReimuA Normal, NF ReimuA Hard.

Thoughts: IN is the bastard child of the series, the game which went just a little too far. ZUN, no doubt encouraged by the pretty pattern success of PCB, decided to take it one step further, and as a result almost every spellcard or attack in IN is patterned to a fault, making it primarily a game of memorization and practice-till-you-get-movement-perfect rather than rewarding creative movement or raw hax. It's still got its good phases, and the spellcard practice feature is praised by many, but it's definitely not to my taste. (Stage 6a over 6b anyday!)

TH09 - IN (Phantasmagoria of Flower View)
* Story Mode: Cleared Lunatic with Aya, Medicine, Shiki, Reimu, and Lunasa.
* Extra: Cleared on Komachi and none else.
Notable accomplishments: Lasting for over four minutes for one round in a Shiki/Shiki mirror match in match mode against the AI. That was something.

Thoughts: PoFV is the versus mode of modern Touhou. I don't really care much for the story mode or the Extra mode, both of which go against a fairly boring AI, but the sheer hax that erupts from PoFV netplay is absolutely hilarious. Character balance basically does not exist (the gap between low and high tier are massive, and broken miko is broken), but this isn't so bad if you're just going in to have some fun. Better yet, it has a much lower learning curve than the other games - you just, uh, gotta know how to dodge! Have had great rounds with Alex, Yakumo and Sage, amongst others.

TH09.5 - StB (Shoot the Bullet)
* Scenes: Cleared everything Stages 1-10, missing EX-3 and EX-6.

Thoughts: StB is weird. Starring my avatar rather than Reimu, the whole concept of using the camera to eliminate bullets is... interesting. This mechanic, of course, is an excuse for ZUN to code in some of the most brutal spellcards in the entire series, including some that are flat-out impossible (Patchy's cards come to mind) in normal danmaku. I never really got into it aside from completion for the sake of completion, though some cards are awesome and I hope they get seen in the future (EX-8! EX-8!!!)

TH10 - MoF (Mountain of Faith)
* Easy: Cleared on ReimuB.
* Normal: Cleared on ReimuB.
* Hard: Cleared on ReimuA, B, C.
* Lunatic: Cleared on ReimuB.
* Extra: Cleared on ReimuB.
Notable accomplishments: NB ReimuB Normal.

Thoughts: MoF is the newest game in the series at the time of this post, and it has its good and bad points. ZUN rehauled the entire engine for the game, so there are some glaring flaws, like Marisa's hitbox and the hilarious MarisaBug. There's also no option to change default lives, and the spellcard bomb system was replaced was a universal Gradius option-like bomb that consumes power. The innovations were mostly good, although the entire game feels rushed, and it is quite brutal on raw difficulty - you really gotta be willing to tap that bomb button a lot, even on randoms, which are the most threatening by far of any Touhou game. As you can tell from my clears, I really don't like anyone but ReimuB for the game. >_>
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 04:07:12 AM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.

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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 04:14:38 AM »
My accomplishments:


Easy: lol stomp.
Normal: Cleared with all but ReimuA. ReimuA fails.
Extra: Cleared with MarisaA and ReimuB.
Hard: Cleared only with MarisaB, since I hardly bother with the game anymore.
Lunatic: I don't care if you cleared it, Sage, I am -not- doing that. ^_^

Thoughts: I just lost the flare I had for the game. Too brutal in resources to let my more management-heavy playstyle apply to its fullest, and the polish has issues.


Easy: Um yeah.
Normal: Um yeah.
Extra: Cleared with non-Marisas.
Phantasm: Cleared with SakuyaB and ReimuB.
Hard: Cleared with all characters but MarisaA.
Lunatic: Two SakuyaB clears.

Thoughts: Still my favorite in the series. Great aesthetics, very good pattern-to-hax balance and the most forgiving mechanics in the series. Also the one I come back to the most.


Easy: Everyone can clear IN Easy. ^_^
Normal: Cleared with all teams.
Hard: I only play Hard and above with Magic Team. Otherwise, I end up hating the game. Cleared with Magic Team.
Lunatic: FinalA Clear with Magic Team. Fuck you, Kaguya.


*Cleared Story Mode Lunatic with both Patchouli and Alice, never did with Yukari for complete lack of trying. I'm certain I can beat IaMP Lunatic Story with all the characters I play with some degree of regularity (Alice, Patchouli, Yukari and Yuyuko).

The others, I either did too little or care too little to comment on.

[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 04:19:58 AM »
I can't really play Touhou regularly anymore due to school, but here's where I left off back when I could, pretty much.

Lotus Land Story & Mystic Square

1cc'd these on Normal forever ago.  Didn't really do any more than that, so I can't even really remember the games (or who I played as).

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

1cc'd Normal with everyone.  1cc'd Hard with MarisaB.  I like this game a lot and want to get back to it.

Perfect Cherry Blossom

1cc'd Hard with everyone.  1cc'd Lunatic with... one of the Sakuyas, I can't remember anymore.  Cleared Extra and Phantasm with everyone.  Did some fun challenges like clearing Extra and Phantasm with No-Focus ReimuA, No-Focus other characters, All-Focus characters, basically I ran Phantasm too much and just started coming up with harder and harder ways to torch it.  PCB is also awesome and I wouldn't mind doing some more with it.

Imperishable Night

I haven't even run it with all the characters.  I've 1cc'd Normal and possibly Hard at some point but I'm not even sure.  I don't really like this game.

Mountain of Faith

I -think- I 1cc'd Normal, but this game came out like a day before I left for college so that run was it.  -Think- I cleared it, though, with ReimuA.  I should really have an -actual- go at this game sometime in the future when I get the chance.

Phantasmagoria of Flower View

I played enough to unlock dudes.  And I played a couple times over netplay, but I was horrible because I never really could remember which attacks were any good or how the score system worked.  So yeah, something I should learn eventually.

Shoot the Bullet

Heck yeah.  IIRC I had all but, like... how many cards, cleared?  Only a few; I want to say seven, but maybe it was higher than that.  Anyway so yeah, I got the EX stage unlocked and everything, I didn't bang my head against certain instances of Yukari madness or anything but I was okay.  I should do this all over again and NOT use windowed mode the whole time, maybe I'd do better and it'd definitely be fun.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 04:32:28 AM »
At this point it's easier to list what I haven't done.

- MoF Lunatic (got to the final card with 3 lives, lost them all to BS deaths, I'm probably never trying this again till hitboxes are fixed)
- MS Lunatic (can perfect first three stages, beyond that not happening without my comp/emulator situation improving)
- HRtP above Normal
... that's about it.

Poke me for PoFV netplay anytime.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2008, 04:38:19 AM »
Hiiiiiiii talented newbie here~

Or something.

Oh, everything listed, when applicable, is maximum lives. I haven't bothered with default lives except on...some PCB Normal runs, I think? And by "cleared" I mean 1cc.

Lotus Land Story, Mystic Square:

Cleared Easy on both of these. (Mystic Square Easy is, for the record, freaking hard for an Easy. I suppose it still deserves the name, I can't see it passing for a Normal, but still.) I forget who with.

Haven't really given either of these any real attention; When I have access to the laptop, I play the more modern games simply due to liking them more. On this computer, I can play them, but...with flickering. As in, the entire sprite layer.

As in, every bullet. Just for a quarter second or something, every ten seconds or so! But it's more than enough to annoy me.

I got my Easy clears that way, but I sure as hell don't plan on trying to play higher modes that way.

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil:

Easy: Cleared with all characters.
Normal: Cleared with everyone but ReimuB.
Hard: MarisaB clear.
Lunatic: MarisaA cleared.
Extra: MarisaA cleared.



No, really, that sums up most of how I feel towards EoSD.

I enjoy the high difficulty of the game in many ways-I love the high speed bullet showers, though I don't claim to be as good at them as more patterned and slower attacks(Nowhere near, in fact.). This kept me playing the game far after my instincts were yelling at me to stop, something that happened during Extra and continued through Hard and Lunatic.

Y'see, I don't do well with limited resources.

EoSD chokes you for resources. Ten(11 counting starting) lives main-game, three bombs no matter what. Four(five) lives Extra. This is not my forte-usually I'm all about managing to, in the famous phrase, bomb more. And eventually struggle into a win through strategic use of resources combined with abusing my ability to read bullets really fast which allows me to live through some weird junk.

EoSD Lunatic was nightmarish for me. And a whole lot of fun. I have no clue why I did it, and I quite possibly have the biggest love-hate relationship with it out of any part of any game ever. It's quite odd.

Perfect Cherry Blossom:

Easy: Cleared with all characters. All spellcards capped on Easy.
Normal: Cleared with all characters. Cleared with Sakuya A without ever taking my finger off the focus button(and a lot of lives left, too. I was surprised.).
Hard: Cleared with Sakuya A.
Lunatic: Cleared with Sakuya A.
Extra: Cleared with Sakuya A(About two weeks after I started playing. ^_^) and Reimu B.
Phantasm: Same as Extra. Reimu B got a DBF cap~



Also sums this up.

About half the DL got to see(or at least, witness reactions to) my first PCB Easy run; I took to this game incredibly fast, I don't quite understand why, and I love the hell out of it. I've enjoyed every bit of it except running Extra the first time, and that was pushing myself too hard. And even then I enjoyed it when I wasn't swearing at how hard it was.

Graphically, the style is just beautiful for what are still barrages of bullets, the patterned attacks have just enough variance(or, in many cases, just extreme complexity) to make them not just "move here, do this, repeat", the game is high on resources(Well, unless it's Marisa.), the music rocks, and...yeah, I could basically come up with tons of reasons I'm fond of PCB.

Imperishable Night:

Easy: Cleared with all teams. Also cleared NF with solo Youmu. That was fun. Everyone should do that. ^_^ Also cleared it the first time I played it...which was the second time I played Touhou. Easy Touhou is easy~ Or something.
Normal: Um...well, I've cleared it...with Border Team and Ghost Team, I know. Damned if I recall if I did it with other teams...
Hard: Border Team clear. 6B.
Lunatic: Border Team clear. 6B. Three months into playing the games. ^_^ The other thing I'm proud of, 'sides the Extra PCB clear that fast.
Extra: Cleared with Border Team, Scarlet Team, Ghost Team, solo Yukari, IIRC. (...there may have been a solo Remilia in there, I forget.) Got the Imperishable Shooting run with a o_O Scarlet Team run where I capped Fujiyama and Possessed by Phoenix instead of some easier stuff and just barely nabbed it.
Other: All spellcards in the game capped in Spellcard Practice, including all Last Words. I think I've capped...around 215 with Border Team, used other people for the remainder. (Well, I've capped some cards I've capped with Border Team with other teams for kicks, too.)


My other favorite out of the series, though I admit to not having played MoF much at all.

The high patterning agrees with me well, however. Still, it's patterning that requires very high skill to pull off reliably, in addition to knowing your stuff. It's not a big deal on lower modes, either, knowing the patterns helps a lot on, say, Normal, but it is possible to clear without it.

Also, this has to date my favorite OST out of any Touhou game...on average. However, I still like a ton of PCB tunes, and on average I like them more than my favorites out of IN.

Phantasmagoria of Flower View:

Story Mode: Um I think I have non-cheap Normal clears and an Aya Hard clear! I don't play this much against the CPU.
Extra: Komachi Extra cleared. Shikieiki Extra looks far easier for me, but I can't be bothered, PoFV Extra is both cool and highly annoying at the same time.


Great competitive-against-people game(so long as you don't, like, use Reimu. Either of you.), rather mediocre against AI. It's still fun against AI, but it's fundamentally fun in the same way that timing out spellcards is, which is a weird and situational fun. Extra would have been great if you started with *any* lives(even if they'd upped the difficulty a bit to compensate), but as it is, it's rather annoying to me. Fun game, just not *as* fun as the above three. Though it doesn't drive me nutso like EoSD has at points. So that's something.

Shoot the Bullet:

Scenes cleared: All 85.

Also, getting EX-4 in 32 shots(to this day, I don't know how.) and clearing the entire game without any card ever going over 1k shots is pretty good. (Only two over 600 or so, even, IIRC.)


Fun game~ with moments of utter stupidity.

As you might have guessed from IN, I rather like having single, hard spellcards to work on, and StB delivers that...a bit too well, at points, however. 9-6 is a glaring example, and there were some others nearly as bad(Though, thank god, I was profoundly lucky as well as my usual good-at-grasping-patterns for some of the nastiest.). The idea of "capping" cards by spamming bombs works well for me, as does ULTRA TINY MICRO DODGE SPEED GOOOOO. However, Aya's normal focus is the most trashy thing ever. Oh, that isn't relevant, but I like to say it. ^_^

Mountain of Faith:

Easy: Cleared this with MarisaB, ReimuB, ReimuA, MarisaA. Capped every spellcard on Easy.
Higher difficulties: Haven't tried except one Normal run that I flubbed(NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE WHITE BACKGROUND GLARE ON THE FINAL STAGE KILLED MY RUN~. No. Really, it had a chance until that. I was sucking that day though.).


Awesomely pretty, prettiest in the series in fact. Good music.



Well, I really, really like how much I can bomb~

'sides that, haven't played it enough to say. I rather like it, but not enough for a major discourse.


Main game: 1cced.
Extra: Cleared.


Whaaaaat. >_> Where else am I going to put this!?

I really like Samidare. More people need to play it. ._.

Oh, and I've BEATEN REKKADAN ON LUNATIC!!1!1 Oh, and I beat Megamari. But neither count. For different reasons.

Edit: Knocked off MoF Normal the same day I posted this, complete with shiny Mountain of Faith Normal cap. ^_^ Much better.

Edit 2(Feb 25 08): MoF Extra down. That was fun. ^_^

Edit 3:

PCB: Cleared Extra with all characters but MarisaB, capped all cards but K-Con(I WAS ROBBED :(). Cleared Lunatic with SakuyaB.

Phantasmagoria of Flower View: Cleared Lunatic Aya run. Don't really care much beyond that. >_>

Mountain of Faith:

Cleared Extra with...ReimuA, ReimuB and Marisa C, I think? I forget who all I've cleared normal with.

Cleared Lunatic with MarisaC.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 04:30:11 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 04:39:15 AM »
I suck at Touhou. I like it, but I suck.

Perfect Cherry Blossom:
Easy: Cleared with SakuyaA.
Normal: Got to Stage 6 with SakuyaA.
Hard: Think I got midway through Stage 4 with extreme bombing.

Imperishable Night:
Easy: Absolutely trivial, even for me. Cleared with Border Team with lives to spare on my first run.
Normal: Got to Stage 6.
Hard: Think I tried this once.

Shoot the Bullet:
Cleared...the first two and a half "worlds", I think. Fun game, but there's a very stark line between spellcards I can do and spellcards that destroy me mercilessly.

Mountain of Faith:
Easy: 1cced with ReimuB. Also 1cced with MarisaB, but that doesn't count ever.
Normal: Got to stage 5.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 03:58:11 AM by Shale »
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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 04:53:39 AM »
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Cleared Easy and Normal with everyone.  Hard with MarisaB!

Perfect Cherry Blossom
Cleared Easy and Normal with everyone.  Usually can get up to stage 6 in Hard, but not far enough in for me to think I'm close to clearing.

Imperishable Night
Cleared Easy with everyone.
Cleared Normal with everyone except Yukari, Sakuya, Remilia, Youmu, and Yuyuko (got about two seconds away from clearing with Yuyuko though...)
Cleared Hard with Border team, Yukari, and Marisa.  I was trying to get a Normal clear with Yukari and picked Hard on accident.  Cleared anyways.  Funny how that works.

Mountain of Faith
Cleared Easy with everyone.
Cleared Normal with everyone except ReimuC.
Hard is effing hard.  I can't even get past stage 4.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 12:57:47 AM by Talaysen »

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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 12:01:02 PM »
I see no discussion of Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream, the most superior Touhou game.  Seriously, if you like PoFV, PoDD is so much better (other than lack of Netplay).

PoDD:  Cleared Lunatic with Yumeni, working on 1ccing it with Chiyuri.

EoSD:  Cleared Easy with Reimu A and Marisa A.

PCB:  Cleared Easy with Sakuya A.

PoFV:  1ccd Easy with Youmu.  Gotten to Stage 8 with several characters on Normal.  I refuse to continue on this game.

Samidare:  Came really close to beating the Stage 2 boss.  Also, SageAcrin's Extra replay is awesomeness incarnate.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 03:06:09 PM »
I see no discussion of Phantasmagoria of Dim Dream, the most superior Touhou game.  Seriously, if you like PoFV, PoDD is so much better (other than lack of Netplay).

It's not.  It's really not.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 03:44:55 PM »
Samidare:  Came really close to beating the Stage 2 boss.  Also, SageAcrin's Extra replay is awesomeness incarnate.

Especially the part where I sit on a laser and kill myself from a total mental blank.


(Oh, for those who want to see it: )
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 03:59:46 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2008, 05:32:56 PM »
Mostly, I've just 1CCed IN with the non-Ghost Teams and 1CCed PCB with Sakuya A. I'm currently trying the same with Reimu B, although I've only tried once so far. I definitely enjoyed IN a lot more, as shown by my basic halt in playing the games once I tried PCB instead. PCB does have better music though. <_<
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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2008, 04:14:07 AM »
I blow at the regular shooters (can't 1cc anything above Normal), so...

StB: Cleared everything except 10-4, 10-6, EX-4 and EX-6. Maybe EX-3 too, I can't remember it. Also, Aya is love.
MegaMari: I'm pretty sure I've no-tank 1CCed this at some point in my life. Allowing yourself weapons makes the game ridiculously easy. I've never no-tank Buster Duelled beyond the teleporter room however. Might try for a no-tank 1LC one of these days.
Super Marisa World: 100SS on every stage except 7-2-2, which will never happen ever.

EDIT: I guess I can toss in an IaMP Story Mode Lunatic Marisa 1CC, as well as several Arcade Mode Lunatic Meiling 1CCs.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 04:37:37 AM by Kilgamayan »

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2008, 06:52:08 PM »

Been trying this forever. Am so happy. ;_;
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2008, 02:46:30 AM »
Note: "Cleared" means 1cced. I have trouble using the latter because it is not actually a word.

EoSD: Cleared easy with Reimu B and Marisa B.

PCB: Cleared easy with Reimu A, Marisa B, and Sakuya A. Cleared Normal with Sakuya A.

IN: Cleared easy with all four teams. Cleared normal with the border team. I like this one the most, so I'll keep at it until I've at least managed to clear normal with all four teams. Have come pretty close with team scarlet--crashed on Eirin's last spellcard two games in a row yesterday. It was most vexing.

MoF: Cleared easy with Reimu A, Reimu C, and Marisa B.

That's as much of the series as I'm likely to play, really. I fiddled with PoFV a little, but zapped it when I had to free up some space on the computer. Ditto for IaMP (would love to mess with it, but I really can't play fighters on a keyboard).
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 03:53:11 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2008, 03:08:09 AM »
PCB: Just 1CCed Easy with SakB.  I'm still in shock over it all.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2008, 03:53:43 AM »
Bump, for updatedness on my part. Whee for sucking less at Touhou.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2008, 05:27:58 PM »
Well, I've knocked off MoF Hard, MoF Lunatic with continues, and PoFV Lunatic with Aya.

Mostly just leaves MoF Lunatic 1cc. Handy that 11's coming out soon!

Also of note: One death MoF Normal MarisaC clear. ^_^
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2008, 02:34:59 PM »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter

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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2008, 03:32:49 PM »
Never touched a Touhou Shooter ever, but that still sounds really impressive. Congrats!


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2008, 04:26:11 PM »
^_^ Thanks.


(A smaller, much lower quality version of) My new wallpaper.

Yes, Marisa's in the middle there.

(Click on it for the better quality form.)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 06:10:50 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2008, 08:18:54 PM »
Got back into PCB recently.

I suck.  Massively.

On normal.

And I still hate the fucking Prismrivers with a passion like nothing else.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: The Touhou Topic
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2008, 05:30:39 AM »
Some updates, most of them pretty old but I forgot this topic existed.

EoSD Hard: cleared at 2/2 with ReimuA.  Had cleared Hard before, but it was at 0/0 with MarisaB, so I thought of it as kind of a fluke.  Much more comfortable with it now.

EoSD Extra: cleared, with only a few attempts and without really feeling pressured by it anymore.  It was a good call to come back to it after I'd developed some better intuition for Marisa movement.

PCB Lunatic: cleared with ReimuB.  Feels good to get that 1cc without a Sakuya bomb arsenal.  SakuyaA eats the game alive, and ReimuB sort of does too but she's a little more subtle about it.  Also did some caps I always wanted to do, like Bloom (Perfect Cherry Blossom - Lunatic) and God's Flashing Slash (Hell God Sword - Lunatic).

PCB Extra: did a bunch of challenges for funsies.  NFNB (no focus, no bomb) runs completed for ReimuA, ReimuB, and MarisaA (which was way harder than either Reimu).  I could theoretically be able to swing NFNB SakB, although SakA and MariB reeeeally lack damage and start to feel like pacifist runs at points.  More people should do these challenges (assuming you can beat Extra normally), they're more intimidating than actually hard.  Or just NF runs.  What?  I really like Extra.

MoF Hard: cleared with ReimuA.  After trying unsuccessfully a bunch of times with ReimuC, felt easy.  Did beat Normal with ReimuC, capped MoF-Normal with her at low power, noted that it took a full two minutes while MarisaC can burn through the Hard version in about two seconds.  If I liked MoF enough to run Lunatic, I'd definitely pick MariC, memorize and spam bombs all over everything just to get to the final card, and abuse her ability to take that thing down.

StB: did that replay I was talking about.  Still didn't clear every card, didn't care enough for some of 'em, but did get some fun ones (9-6, EX-8, etc.) and it was good times.  Play StB.