Here's a basic rundown of what I have so far in terms of choices for the Dungeon, I've removed a few people and added others--I'll bold the additions. If anyone has any other thoughts, feel free to let me know.
Godlike (4): Athos, Cecilia, Rika, T.G. Cid, Tir, Yuri1, Zerase
Borderline (3.5): Aeonless Yuna, Angelo, Benjamin, Citan, Deis1, Deis2, Demi, Guv, Jessica, KOS-MOS, Purim, Ryu4, Ted, Terra,Yuri2, Zemeckis
Heavy (3): Alakazam, Alena, Alex, Alys, Angela, Billy, Cecil, Chris, Edgar, Emily, Ephraim, FFT Chemist, Gau, Geddoe, Geno, Hiro, Hugo, Jerin, Magus, Momo, Nate (P2), Nel, Ness, Nina1, Nina4, Raquel, Riou, Rune, Ryu1, Tidus, Toadstool, Wren
Borderline: (2.5): Arnaud, Carlie, Claude, Crono, Eileen, FF1 Knight, FF5 Mystic Knight, FFT Ninja, Garnet, Karn, Jean (Lunar2), Lexis Shaia, Lyn, Lyon(S5), Max (ShF), Millenia, Nash (Lunar), Popoi, Quina, Rei(BoF3), Robo, Rose, Rudy (WA1), Rydia, Ursula, Zozma
Middle (2): Aika, Beowulf, Bow, Duran, Eiko, FF5 Red Mage, Hawk, Hellion, Jane (ACF), Lilka, Lucca, Marisa, Marle, Nina2, Philia, Prince (S5), Rutee, Selan, Snorlax (FRLG), Tengaar, White Rose, Yulie, Ziggy
Borderline (1.5) Bernadette, Blanca, Cray, FF1 DoS White Wizard, Jean (BoF2), Juan, Marcus, Pikachu (FRLG), Rena, Ricardo, Rikku, Sarah (ShF2), Virginia
Light (1): Aeris (w/ Restore Materia), Banon, Beecham, DW1 Hero, Erk, FF5 Mime, Lucia, Mallow, Mia, Moulder, Nei, Palom, Porom, Raja, Rand, Rennac, Zhuzhen,
Puny (.5): Malak, FFT Time Mage, FFT Priest, Nina3, Onix
Capsules (Free / 1): FF1 Monk, Mint, Lemina, FFT Oracle