copying and pasting my rant:
I hate the way I'm being treated at school. I'm not being... beaten up or bullied per se, however, I have to deal with a crapload of perverts who want to touch me inappropriately and people trying to sweet-talk me for no apparent reason. I was ranting about this to someone over IRC, and I got to thank them a lot. If you want me to cite certain instances, I can bring them up right now.
1) There's this one dude in my class who keeps wanting to touch my chest for no reason. At all. He'd just come up and do his thing, so I have to keep hitting him for that. Or threaten to eviscerate him with a pencil. Either works. I have no words, he also likes to make comment about my chest. "lol why are your boobs so flat" or "you're hot" for no reason. It annoying.
2) I have this other guy who keeps wanting to come on to me and it's creepy and weird and what the hell. And the dude kept whispering stuff in my ear that I couldn't understand. Waaargh.
3) Some dude was asking me "hey can I see your nipples ROFL" and started laughing really weirdly, like some maniac. It was creepy.
4) One time, a guy I knew was saying (hopefully as a joke, a sick one, but a joke nonetheless) "Hey, you're skin and bones, so you must've been raped a lot!" Who the fuck jokes about shit like that? It's not very funny to be joking about things like raep, even if 4channers and the like do it /all/ the fucking time. That's horrible!
and countless of other things. Gaaaaah.