So, yeah, to explain:
The last few weeks have been insane due to finishing up interviewing and everything else I need to do so I can do something after I graduate. This has involved way too many interviews and way too much travelling and business.
So, 5 weeks before graduation, on Friday, I got a call from UPMC Presbyterian-Shadyside in the middle of a seminar at school. Naturally, I took it and left the lecture hall. Since I actually was quiet about it, and came back, and actually paid attention while others were jumping around and leaving and acting like idiots, no one really cared much.
So, yeah, I got accepted into my top residency pick (4 spots for like 60-some+ people applying) at UPMC. Which means I need to get my ass in gear to prep for the NAPLEX and MPJE. But yay! This has been the best news I've had in ages. Celebrated with a bunch of people on Friday and Saturday, with other people getting ready for their lives in 5 weeks.
Course, there are other things to say about everything that's going on now, but I won't bore people with that. Suffice to say, I am extremely happy, and I'm almost nearly-certainly making it to DLCon now that I know what's going on (just need to clear some things first - I'll have to talk to Gate and others when I get things straightened out).
So yay, happiness and cookies for all!