
Author Topic: Season 55 Nom pools  (Read 6403 times)


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2009, 01:50:21 AM »
Godlike - Persephone, X, Dhoulmagus, Elc, Naesela, Albedo

Heavy - Kato, Leo, Bowie, Hawk, Ashley, Gilder (get some wins!)

Middle, Sarah (S3), Bruiser, Darc, Nightburn, Leon, Sialeeds (ditto)

Light - Gares, Taloon, Gogen, Lunn, Ramus, Cinna (double ditto)

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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2009, 05:21:46 PM »

Godlike: Dhaos(ToP), Cloud of Darkness(FF3), Lugia(PKMN), X-Death(FF5), Lambda Zellweger(WA4), Zeromus(FF4)
Heavy: Edge Eblan(FF4), Yosuke Hanamura(Pers4), Ho-Oh(PKMN), Cliff Fittir(SO3), Artea(Lufia2), Saturos(GS)
Middle: Jessica Philomele(MK), Ragnar(DW4), Massimo(MMXCM), Bowser Koopa(SMRPG), Chester Barklight(ToP), Lucca Ashtear(CT)
Light: Randi(SoM), Irvine Kinneas(FF8), Colette Brunel(ToS), Relm Arrowny(FF6), Nara(DW4), Gobi(BoF1)

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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2009, 06:50:22 PM »

Chaz Ashley (PS4): Due, and I'm not convinced he's downgrade bait. Can he finally win?
Lugia (PKMN): That bird can take HOW much damage?
Gilbert (SH3): 12 straight seasons nomming him? Has to be a record for Godlike.
Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde (WA1): She's just plain fun.
Luis Virgil (XS1): Cooler now that we have stat topic notes!


Cameela (SF2): Random SF nom.
Tony Eisler (MK): He's so adorable when he's trying to be evil!
Lyon (S5): She's just adorable, period (for a badass assassin).
Princess Toadstool (SMRPG): Frying pan to the face.
Maya Schroedinger (WA3): Women have been living proudly for some time now. You just need to date more.
Harken (WA:ACF): d(risk)/d(time) = 0; d^2(risk)/d(time)^2 < 0


Fiora (FE7)
Massimo (MMXCM)
Elaine (S3)
Sharon (S3)
Miakis (S5)
Nightburn Acklund (WA5): Proving Grounds convinced me he's a lot of fun. Also HANK SCORPIO.


Orlha (CC)
Nara (DW4): To celebrate playing DQ4DS, and force me to decide which form of her I vote on. Doesn't suck?! (as much)
Cinna (FF9)
Miluda Folles (FFT)
Jogurt (SF1)
Shabon (S3)

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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2009, 11:03:18 PM »


Nightburn (WA5)

Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2009, 11:47:08 PM »
Yo Djinn. Tear is a Middle.!

Godlike: Gilbert, Elc, Persephone, Necrosaro, Cecilia, Gades

1. Ugly, due. Get a win.
2. Has beaten a Godlike champion!
3. So needs to smite some things.
4. I can vote on him now!
5. She's cool. Also pretty.

Heavy: Lady Harken, Jowy, Lilka, Sgt. Joe, Elena (G2), Tony

Harken (WA:ACF): d(risk)/d(time) = 0; d^2(risk)/d(time)^2 < 0
Brings Elfboy to his peak.
2. Brings Ciato to her peak.
3. V is for VICTORY suckers!
4. Quack quack, motherfuckers.
5. Moonshines as a Godlike.
6. DAMN KIDS. Wait. Wrong game.

Middle: Noa, Nightburn, Maya (LoL2), Miakis, Arche, Neimi

1. It's time for some <3
2. More NEB hype.
3. Is cute.
4. Is also cute (along with being badass)
5. Is also cute (along with being a slut)
6. Is also cute (and is too damned good to go 0-1)

Light: Randi(SoM), Irvine Kinneas(FF8), Colette Brunel(ToS), Relm Arrowny(FF6), Nara(DW4), Yumei (VP1)

1-6. Buuuuurrrrrrrrrrp. (plus Mermaid)


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2009, 02:02:33 AM »
Godlike: Fou-lu (BoF4), Lugia (Pokemon), Chaz (PS4), Gilgamesh (FF5)
Heavy: Kanon (WA2), Toadstool (SMRPG), Ziggy (XSs), Marcello (DQ8)
Middle: Karsh (CC), Oswin (FE7), Dekar (L2), Massimo (MMXCM)
Light: Diego (VH), Mukumuku (S2), Shady Thousand (WA3), Yumei (VP)

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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2009, 02:49:47 AM »

Sir Leopold(Dragon Quest 8)
Yunalesca(Final Fantasy X)
Dark Force(Phantasy Star Series)
Kurando Inugami(Shadow Hearts: Covenant)
Cidolfas Orlandu(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Gilbert(Shadow Hearts: From The New World)


Sofia(Dragon Warrior 4: Chapters of the Chosen)
Rayquaza(Pokemon Series/RuSaEm)
Lyon(Suikoden 5)
Scias(Breath of Fire 4)
Barubary(Breath of Fire 2)
Barbarossa(Valkyrie Profile)


Bowser Koopa(Super Mario RPG)
Robo(Chrono Trigger)
Ken Amada(Persona 3)
Vesper(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Swampert(Pokemon Ru/Sa/Em)
Wiegraf Folles(Final Fantasy Tactics)


Karyl Sheeden(Tales of Destiny)
Nara(Dragon Warrior 4: Chapters of the Chosen)
Black Wizard(Final Fantasy)
Meg(Suikoden 1/2)
Wilder(Suikoden 3)
Serra(Fire Emblem 7)
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2009, 02:51:30 AM »
Godlike: Gilbert, Elc, Persephone, Necrosaro, Cecilia, Gades

1. Ugly, due. Get a win.
2. Has beaten a Godlike champion!
3. So needs to smite some things.
4. I can vote on him now!
5. She's cool. Also pretty.

Heavy: Lady Harken, Jowy, Lilka, Sgt. Joe, Elena (G2), Tony

Harken (WA:ACF): d(risk)/d(time) = 0; d^2(risk)/d(time)^2 < 0
Brings Elfboy to his peak.
2. Brings Ciato to her peak.
3. V is for VICTORY suckers!
4. Quack quack, motherfuckers.
5. Moonshines as a Godlike.
6. DAMN KIDS. Wait. Wrong game.

Middle: Noa, Nightburn, Maya (LoL2), Miakis, Arche, Neimi

1. It's time for some <3
2. More NEB hype.
3. Is cute.
4. Is also cute (along with being badass)
5. Is also cute (along with being a slut)
6. Is also cute (and is too damned good to go 0-1)

Light: Randi(SoM), Irvine Kinneas(FF8), Colette Brunel(ToS), Relm Arrowny(FF6), Nara(DW4), Yumei (VP1)

1-6. Buuuuurrrrrrrrrrp. (plus Mermaid)

Hatbot instructed me to steal Pyro noms, so.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2009, 04:37:19 AM »
Godlike: Guv(DQ8), Zeromus(FF4), Millenia(G2), Sierra Mikain(S2), Dhaos(ToP), Valvalis(FF4)
Heavy: Yosuke Hanamura(Pers4), Saturos(GS), Tiamat(FF1), Nicole Mimi Tithel (Nikki)(MK), Angela(SD3), Tony Eisler(MK)
Middle: Ragnar(DW4), Jaffar(FE7), Bowser Koopa(SMRPG), Raine Sage(ToS), Peppita Rosetti(SO3), Flay Gunnar(MK)
Light: Soren(FE9), Sten(BoF2), Oulan(S2), Colette Brunel(ToS), Luke fon Fabre(TotA), Sylvina(S1)


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2009, 09:33:06 AM »
Rolf Landale (PS2) - Awesome
Chaz Ashley (PS4) - Awesome
Persephone (WA5) - New
Gilbert (SH3) - No wins
Dhoulmagus (DQ8) - No wins
Diekbeck (AtLC) - Everyone loves Diekbeck

Nina Wyndia (BoF4) - Nina
Ryu (BoF1) - Upgrade
Songi (LoL) - Upgrade
Kanon (WA2) - Bionic Commando
Cloud Strife (FF7) - Sword
Kane (SF1) - Sword

Alma Beoulve (FFT) - Awesome
Max (SF1) - Mostly-awesome mostly-tank
Sheena Fujibayashi (ToS) - Card games
Clive (Ss) - Guns
Ursula (FE7) - Token FE
Sharmista (S5) - New

Nanami (S2) - Awesome
Amy Sage (PS2) - Awesome
Hugh Thompson (PS2) - Awesome
Aisha (OB) - Collect stats for OB culling
Guido (G1) - Arbitrary
Gadget Z (S3) - Arbitrary


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2009, 09:40:56 AM »
The following misnominations currently exist:
Lance, Mara isn't in Middle My mistake
DjinnAndTonic, Tear isn't in Light
Scar, Bowie is still cooling off from his last fight Thanks
Dark Holy Elf, Jogurt is still cooling off from his last fight
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 10:50:13 PM by Twilkitri »


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2009, 01:09:15 PM »
Mara's a middle.

14~ish hours to go. Get your nom pools in now!
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2009, 02:48:11 PM »
Right, I must have gotten mixed up while converting the name and used the wrong division page. Sorry.


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2009, 03:02:26 PM »
Boomerang then.
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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2009, 05:53:48 PM »
Godlike: Fou-lu (BoF4), Lugia (Pokemon), Chaz (PS4), Gilgamesh (FF5)
Heavy: Kanon (WA2), Toadstool (SMRPG), Ziggy (XSs), Marcello (DQ8)
Middle: Karsh (CC), Oswin (FE7), Dekar (L2), Massimo (MMXCM)
Light: Diego (VH), Mukumuku (S2), Shady Thousand (WA3), Yumei (VP)

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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #40 on: October 03, 2009, 06:51:46 PM »
1. Zeromus, FF IV - Random.
 2. Miguel, CC - Hooray for hats.
 3. Gades, Lufias - Downgrade.
 4. Lugia, PKMN - Rank D/P/P.
 5. Gilbert, SH3 - Only one match.
 6. Virgil, XS1 - Whatever.
 1. Culgan, S2 - One-timer.
 2. Zeon, ShF2 - 25+ seasons.
 3. Silmeria, VP2 - Main.
 4. Lloyd, LoD - Hey, it's that guy!
 5. Elmdor, FFT - 25 seasons.
 6. Kasumi, Suikos - 25 seasons.
 1. Cray, BoF4 - Random.
 2. Alma, FFT - For the OKs.
 3. Massimo, MMXCM - First-timer.
 4. Roan, G2 - Random.
 5. Grey, VP - Random.
 6. Janice, CC - Memorable enough.
 1. Dahna, G3 - ...know when to fold em...
 2. Flonne, Disgaea - Wuv.
 3. Wilder, S3 - One match.
 4. Pikachu, PKMN - Random.
 5. Nara, DW4 - Keep on losing.
 6. Leena, CC - Notable scrub with one match.


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #41 on: October 03, 2009, 07:27:13 PM »
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT), Claude Kenni (SO2), Dhoulmagus (DQ8), Necrosaro (DQ4), Kurando Inugami (SH2), Melfice (G2)
Marsillo (SO2), Kaus Debonair (OB), Cristo (DQ4), ,Cecil(FF4), Edge Eblan (FF4), Galcian (SoA)
Tifa(FF7), Nergal (FE7), LC Chan (S2), Philia (ToD), Maya (LoL2), Cid Highwind (FF7)
Koroku(S3), Nara (DQ4), Yushis (OB), Cid (FF4), Melville (S3), Aisha (OB)
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #42 on: October 03, 2009, 08:24:26 PM »
Godlike: Chaz, Nate, Ellen, Lugia, Orlandu, Kurando
Heavy: Debonair, Silmeria, Fogel, Nina4, Deathevans, Jowy
Middle: Tengaar, Bowman, Ox, Rand, Tear, Anastasia
Light: Garcia (FE8), Nara (DQ4), Opera (SO2), Cid (FF4), Melville (S3), Aisha (OB) (I'll just take Super's)
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 08:26:21 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #43 on: October 03, 2009, 08:37:57 PM »
Godlike: Guv(DQ8), Zeromus(FF4), Millenia(G2), Sierra Mikain(S2), Dhaos(ToP), Valvalis(FF4)
Heavy: Yosuke Hanamura(Pers4), Saturos(GS), Tiamat(FF1), Nicole Mimi Tithel (Nikki)(MK), Angela(SD3), Tony Eisler(MK)
Middle: Ragnar(DW4), Jaffar(FE7), Bowser Koopa(SMRPG), Raine Sage(ToS), Peppita Rosetti(SO3), Flay Gunnar(MK)
Light: Soren(FE9), Sten(BoF2), Oulan(S2), Colette Brunel(ToS), Luke fon Fabre(TotA), Sylvina(S1)

Supporting quasi-lurker noms since Iunno. Also lazy.


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #44 on: October 03, 2009, 08:50:39 PM »
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) - Swordguy.
Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde (WA) - Everyone has... things they care about in their hearts!
Sierra Mikain (S2) - Vampire.
Ellen Kirishima (Personas) - Roses are red, zombies are blue.  I don't want brains, so you know I'm true.
Elc (AtL2) - I've got a job to do, and today you're it.
Persephone (WA5) - I refuse to accept this!

Harken (WA:ACF): d(risk)/d(time) = 0; d^2(risk)/d(time)^2 < 0
Nina Wyndia (BoF4) - Everything's better with princesses.  And birdies.
Princess Toadstool (SMRPG) - Everything's better with princesses.  And umbrellas.
Lilka Eleniak (WA2) - Umbrella to the face!
Jack van Burace (WA) - To keep them from destroying everything!
Tony Eisler (MK) - MK2 kobold form hype???

Maya (LoL2) - Is awesome.
Sharmista (S5) - I dunno.
Noa (LoL) - <3
Tifa (FF7) - Kick, punch, it's all in the mind.
Natalia Luzu Kimlasca Lanvaldear (TotA) - Everything's better with princesses.  And bows.
Miakis (S5) - Is awesome.

Chidori Yoshino (Pers3) - For lulz.
Emma Hetfield (WAACF) - I'll just push this.
Serra (FE7) - For lulz.
Flonne (Disgaea) - For lulz.
Shady (WA3) - For lulz.
Mist (FE9) - Owns all of the above.


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #45 on: October 03, 2009, 09:04:56 PM »
Miguel - CC
Dhoulmagus - DQ8
Dark Force - PSs
Yunalesca - FFX
Chaz Ashley - PS4
Cyril - LF...  er...  SO2

Tony - MK
Yosuke - P4
Culgan - Suiko2
Elmdor - FFT
Kasumi - Suiko 1/2
Sgt. Joe - Suiko 3

Ken Armada - P3
Jin Shirato - P3
Oswin - FE7
Flare - Suiko 4
Alma Beoulve - FFT
Matthew - FE7

Leena - CC
Radius - CC
Nanami - Suiko2
Eilie - Suiko 2
Amy Sage - PS2
Priscilla - FE7


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #46 on: October 03, 2009, 10:24:31 PM »
Persephone, Fereydoon, Ted, Gilbert, Cecilia, False Althena
Tony, Edea, Alex, Worker 8, Ho-oh, Solo
Sharmista, Ramza, Bowser, Red 13, Massimo, Flare
Dominia, Galleon, Blastoise, Lucius, Zhuzhen, Cid
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 02:22:27 AM by hinode »


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #47 on: October 03, 2009, 10:49:33 PM »
hinode, BoF 4 Kahn is still cooling off from season 53.

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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2009, 11:42:36 PM »
Godlike: Miguel(CC), Gades(Lufias), Mewtwo(PKMN), Gilbert(SH3), Tir McDohl(Suikos), Elvis(WA5)
Heavy: Rei(BoF3), Lynx(CC), Jeff(EB), Freya Crescent(FF9), Princess Toadstool(SMRPG), Lilka Eleniak(WA2)
Middle: Ox(BoF1), Bow(BoF2), Paula(EB), Nanaki(FF7), Blaziken(PKMN), Blanca(SH2)
Light: Sten(BoF2), Poshul(CC), Yukimaru(Disgaea2), Roger S. Huxley(SO3), Luke fon Fabre(TotA), Lucied(WAs)

Incidentally, is there supposed to be two entries on the Nom checker for SH2 and SO3?


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Re: Season 55 Nom pools
« Reply #49 on: October 04, 2009, 12:11:43 AM »
Claude (SO2)
Dhoulmagus (DQ8)
Jessica (DQ8)
Zeromus (FF4)
Exdeath (FF5)
Rosa (FF4)

Sync (TotA)
The Prince (S5)
Lyon (S5)
Cloud (FF7)
Ike (FE9)
Popoi (SoM)

Luna (Lunar)
Lise (SD3)
Elly van Houten (XG)
Natalia (TotA)
Tear (TotA)
Karin (SH2)

Mullen (G1)
Evil Gaia (G1)
Llewelyn (VP1)
Soren (FE9)
Zahhak (S5
Riddel (CC)