
Author Topic: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)  (Read 3444 times)


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The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« on: September 29, 2009, 12:00:58 AM »
Everyone loves Team Matches!  So let's have some Big Team Matches.  Really Big.  Our sponsors have arranged four teams to go at it against each other.  You may be familiar with them already.

Our competitors:

Light - Light musters a mighty army of Suikoscrubs and Fire Emblem washouts.  But who will lead them?  Why, WAACF Jane, of course, with possibly the most broken move in the format: Follow Me, which means that ALL OF LIGHT NOW HAS INITIATIVE.  This includes Nei and the mighty Song of Madness.  And if Jane falls, well, there's always Jet.  He can save the day!

Middle - The largest division (357 members!), but also perhaps the underdogs.  Delta Shield + Justice Shield from Aika & Enrique mean that Middle is immune to magic and takes half damage from everything else.  And when doing physical damage, you'd best be careful, as Ragnar can reflect some with Swordedge Armor and a bunch of FF7 characters can limit to hit back immediately.  The magic immunity also helps cover for the nasty SMT weaknesses some of Middle has.  A bunch of Mana Khemia characters means that Defensive Supports might find a place as well.  Middle does have one nasty surprise in that even if all of Middle wipes, there's a ~25% chance or so that everyone revives thanks to Eiko's Phoenix.

Heavy - Don't mess with Heavy.  Dehuai's got an initiative Stone, Albert Simon has an initiative Holy Chest, Ashley can shoot someone, and Auron...  can stat break someone, I guess.  Heavy's immune to normal physicals thanks to Vyse's Skull Shield and immune to status thanks to Gilder's Aura of Denial.  Heavy's got a cute final attack in VP2 Freya, as she Ether Strikes everyone.

Godlike - The smallest division, by a lot, Godlike is saved by the fact that a higher proportion of Godlikes than any other division are packing the Multitarget punch you need.  Tidus can potentially blow matches wide open with an opening Hastega, as well, making sure that Kefka & Lavos flatten any puny PCs.  Timelord's got some nice initiative damage.  Lady keeps opposing buffs under control with Lost Progress and packs a surprise Malice Dirge final attack - especially deadly if combined with Beatrix's HP-1 final attack.  Godlike's finest have a lot of counterattacks handy as well that work even against MT - Magus, most notably.

Puny - Enil sure has a lot of clones to work with here.

This competition is extremely silly.  You have been warned.

Light vs. Middle
Light vs. Heavy
Light vs. Godlike

Middle vs. Heavy
Middle vs. Godlike

Heavy vs. Godlike
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 12:13:09 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2009, 12:15:20 AM »
Light vs. Middle - Follow Me! sweeps this division. Middle doesn't like the borderline Middles being counted among the Lights. Jane uses Follow Me! and Peco, Emma, Pikachu, Shiho, Nina3 and the entire host of other VP mages introduce Middle to STAT BUFFING AND DEBUFFING HELL. Also status. Hi Middle, bye! Think they can mount the offense to cripple Middle enough before they start getting turns.
Light vs. Heavy - Except this
Light vs. Godlike - Is slaughter.

Middle vs. Heavy - Overwhelms.
Middle vs. Godlike - MT.

Heavy vs. Godlike - MT.


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2009, 12:26:13 AM »
Light vs. Middle
Light vs. Heavy
Light vs. Godlike

Middle vs. Heavy - I'll think about these two later.
Middle vs. Godlike

Heavy vs. Godlike - This one... is interesting. Since Tidus is apparently Godlike (...) I think they have it since I can't think of any real way for the Heavies to deal with him getting an Initiative Hastega off. Could be argued on this one, though. EDIT: Nevermind. Timelord just casts Overdrive and spams Chaos Stream a bunch of times and it takes enough of Heavy out, I think. Now, if this were Heavy + Light...
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 12:29:07 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2009, 01:11:21 AM »

Light vs. Middle - This is kind of a slaughter.  Song of Madness and whatever other MT attack buffers Light can manage smash through Justice Shield pretty well.  Just aim for Middles with anything MT.  Light's got a bunch of healers & revivers, so to have any chance at all the surviving Middles need to kill them, which means they're dying round 2.
Light vs. Heavy - Jane is faster than pretty much any of Heavy's duelers with initiative, so I'd see her initiative as winning.  Exception is Masamune Auron but that doesn't matter much. (and maaaaybe Dehuai, but don't respect that initiative so much, Dehuai is average speed).  From there... well, the Light scrubs with only a physical are walled here, so Nei doesn't help so much.  So it really comes down to how much MT damage Light can crank out.  Since there is multiple VP1 Great Magic being cranked out here, I think Light wins anyway.  (SH2 Lucia has a magic attack booster I believe?  Someone else probably does anyway.)
Light vs. Godlike - Comes down entirely to if Tidus & TimeLord can assassinate Jane before a killing spree occurrs, as Godlike has fewer defensive tricks than Heavy.  Assuming Jane lives... the shattering amount of MT damage should clear anyone with 2.5xPCHP or less at the very least, and the fighters can pick off the rest.  The super-tanks like Jade & Zog get targeted by Suikodogs who hope for Freeze to kick in - all those 20% shots of Stun which even bosses don't immune add up.  This is important as Zog + Jade could really screw over Light with their MT damage, buuut they don't get the chance.  (They might die to Song of Madness'd beatdown anyway, rendering the point moot, of course.)  Now, if Jane's init is worse than TL's, Light dies horribly!  Uh dunno.

Middle vs. Heavy - Unsure.  How much fast MT status does Heavy have?  They're helped by most fast mages in Middle upgrading out of it (like Nash).  Notably, Jack's MT ID, if Jack survives - and Jack is moderately fast - can kill like 100 duelers in one shot, since it's physical and gets past Delta Shield.
Middle vs. Godlike - Middle cannot deal with Tidus's opening Hastega.

Heavy vs. Godlike - Unsure here.  Dehuai might stone TimeLord?  But Tidus's Hastega is still major, major problems for Heavy.  Auron is not real helpful, and the now super-hasty Godlikes will gun for anyone who can get rid of said Hastega first.  Kneejerking Godlike, as it shouldn't take many Godlike turns to mess up Heavy even with their status / physical immunity.  I suspect that it's Tidus that wins this for Godlike, though, they'd be in trouble without him.


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2009, 02:53:24 AM »
Heavy has BoF Ninas with initiative madness. Thinking that outspeeds Jane. But damn, there's just too much to think about in these...

Amusing thought though!


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2009, 05:42:01 AM »
Light vs. Middle- I don't think Follow Me isn initiative, it's just based on Jane's speed. So...throw out any magic Light has. Also, I guess throw out Follow Me anyways for me at least, since Jane is going to be outsped by enough people and put down before she gets going (Especially since I have a shitload of Destiny speed respect/if you allow Rikku common items, she just statuses Jane out).
Light vs. Heavy- Forget any initiative attacks, there may enough people flat outspeed Jane so that all of Light has been MT killed by the time her turn comes.  Dehaui and Albert having that MT also don't hurt though.
Light vs. Godlike

Middle vs. Heavy- Initiative Dehaui and Emelia are both faster than Enrique I think (Emelia certainly!). He's statused out, and Heavy's rain of physicals should be enough to pummel Middle out. This is just kind of a gut though, and it's not theoretically impossible that Middle might have something that could take this. But the Alberts and the Jacks and the Harkens add up.
Middle vs. Godlike
Heavy vs. Godlike- Heavy's initiative attacks aren't that impressive.
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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2009, 12:19:48 PM »
Uhh ... What the hell! :o

See Dyher. Middle aren't scrubs. I mean seriously. Not that there aren't decent Lights but there are -also- borderline Heavies/Heavies in Middle -with- borderline OHKO damage and what not. Those borderline Heavies vs near or OHKO Lights ... yeah.

Unless I'm missing something I don't see Follow Me bypassing the charge up of Song of Madness either ...
... All it does is ensure Nei gets a turn/goes before she usually would right? As far as I know Follow Me just ensures a character starts their ability on their turn ... I don't know about bypassing the charge up time of moves. Nei just ... starts charging earlier than usual? That's how I see it - and isn't SoM usually T3 for characters slower than Nei? >_> Or maybe that's faster <_<

So yeah T2 instead of T3 for SoM. Maybe.

IIRC Jane -is- one of those borderline OHKO baits. There are definitely speedsters in Middle that in addition to the speed have solid offence or tricks like Meru or yeah Rikku. There's also ... oh wait ... isn't Haschel in Middle? Lowering Haschel's HP yeah good idea Light! Hi Destroyer Mace Hype.


Borderline Heavies we has - Shinji, Kanji. Aegis? Maybe even Mitsuru/Aki I donno, don't remember those two that well. They weren't in my final team first run and the replay stalled. Then there's Koro and Ken - I donno about Heavy but they are -fast- at least.

Peppita ... Snow once pegged Peppita as swinging Heavy if she had the CP to set Healing Dance, Power Dance and Faerie Friend in an all in one! ^_^

Even so she's potentially a borderline Heavy depending on speed/counter/Faerie Friend interps.

Hell Meru even had a stint in Heavy and it wouldn't surprise me if Haschel was a borderline Heavy either.

Sure Middle has it's 2HKO bait with it's Peppitas and it's Eikos and even OHKO bait with Meru but Shinji, Kanji and Aegis are powerhouse tanks. Aegis is a powerhouse tank that can - revive - irrc. Lavitz might even be in too and then it's tank with Rose Storm hype tiem. Light might have it's SoM but Middle has it's Power Dance and Peppita can even go ahead and die as long as she gets Power Dance off on the likes of Shinji and co first it's game.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 02:00:32 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2009, 01:27:01 PM »

Skull shield means Light can barely damage heavy. There isn't much MT in  light and I'm sure  there's at least a few fighters faster than Jane in Middle.
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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 01:38:13 PM »
Light vs. Middle- I don't think Follow Me isn initiative, it's just based on Jane's speed. So...throw out any magic Light has. Also, I guess throw out Follow Me anyways for me at least, since Jane is going to be outsped by enough people and put down before she gets going (Especially since I have a shitload of Destiny speed respect/if you allow Rikku common items, she just statuses Jane out).

Discussed this in chat.

Follow Me! goes after Accelerator, but before Life's Flame.

Life's Flame lets Cecilia beat out Jane if Jane doesn't use Follow Me!, and Quick on the dolls boost their RFX to 880... Cecilia still goes first with Life's Flame, and Jane goes before Life's Flame with Follow Me! I'd definitely see it as Initiative, just of middle priority.

//Edit: The point with the dolls being, at 880 RFX whereas my Jane had around 600, she still beat them with Follow Me!
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 01:54:15 PM by Bardiche »


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2009, 02:25:31 PM »
Dhyer: In the general "which initiative goes first" debates, I'd definitely let defensive initiatives in systems that have them always go first "win."  So Skies of Arcadia defense inits almost always go first (same with Nina1 Healing - not that I think that helps - or Pokemon Protect).  On the other hand FFX First Strike is insanely badass, more like a "turn 0" they get in addition, so I'd see Tidus and Auron as basically beating out everything, myself.

Re Light vs. Godlike, because it also came up in chat: It's not clear if TimeLord or Jane's initiative is "better" (TL's needs to be better, as Jane is faster if they're the same).  Buuut Tidus can Delay Buster Jane first with his fantastic init, so that might tip things in Godlike's favor.

super: Well, I think Light has enough MT, at least if Jane lives.  VP Mages PWS is the big one, but there's also Serph, Yushis, Joker, Estella, Genis, Zhuzen, Relm's sketch, Tellah, Maria, and probably a decent number of CC scrubs.  Elemental resistance can mess this up, but that's what everyone else is for.  (Light vs. Heavy is interesting though, yeah, a lot of Light is just utterly useless.  Just think that the MT barrage is already enough here.)

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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2009, 04:03:02 PM »
Only one in debate so far is Light vs. Middle, and I'm favouring Light. As mentioned, it certainly has enough MT. Granted, that's mostly magic... so it depends whether I respect Follow Me or Delta Shield more. To recap... Follow Me beats Accelerator but loses to Life Flame, while Delta Shield beats Piastol but loses to Spirit Charge? Both games seem to be favouring a "defensive move initiative wins" which would lead me to favour Delta... okay that gives Light some problems. Of course, Song of Madness hype is there, and ACF does allow Follow Me turns in any damn order, so yeah, the ST blitz comes out at worst. Light damage with a SoM boost needs 1-2 hits to kill most Middles, 2-3 after Justice Shield, so about 40% of them can probably be killed... as mentioned, most/all of them with MT. And there are a few MT physicals mixed in there (CC has some at worst) which gets ugly pretty fast, probably reduces the stress considerably. Yeah, think Light has this.

Kneejerking Light > Heavy on similar arguments, this time based around magic blitzing. Way too much MT magic in Light and when it all comes off... well.

Godlike beats everyone because Godlike was already stupid broken (Belial is faster than TB initiative moves to me, so already Jane/Aika/Vyse are out; Guv has Call Team; Godlike has people with fast MT overkill like Rolf and Johnny) even before they get Tidus who doubles all of their speeds and suddenly that have 200%+ speed Rolf, Lady, Johnny, Ryu2, and god knows who else. Heck, Tidus + Ryu2 alone = goodbye every other division, and both of them had to upgrade from Heavy!

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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2009, 05:39:15 PM »
Heavy has BoF Ninas with initiative madness. Thinking that outspeeds Jane. But damn, there's just too much to think about in these...

Only BoF1 Nina gets initiative.

Regarding Follow Me, it's already been said before, but Accelerator > Follow Me > Life's Flame > everything else.  It is definitely initiative, but is beaten by Accelerator initiative and beats Life's Flame initiative (NEB, you have it backwards, dunno if that's a typo or not).  Also I was under the impression that Piastol doesn't actually have initiative, just really high speed.

(and maaaaybe Dehuai, but don't respect that initiative so much, Dehuai is average speed).

On the other hand FFX First Strike is insanely badass, more like a "turn 0" they get in addition, so I'd see Tidus and Auron as basically beating out everything, myself.

These are exactly the same types of initiative.

Light vs. Middle - Follow Me does its work here.
Light vs. Heavy - Dehuai stones Jane, then Heavy just outslugs Light, I believe.  The fast Heavy ST people can just focus on the Light MTers and knock them out to minimize damage.
Light vs. Godlike - Need to figure out how I view initiative here.  If Follow Me beats everything important (i.e. not Tidus), then Light... might take it?  Quite possible they don't even then.

Middle vs. Heavy - Not sure what Middle can do here.  Dehuai takes out Aika to block Delta Shield, and then the rest of Heavy should be able to outslug Middle I believe.
Middle vs. Godlike - Uh yeah, Delta Shield can't even get into play here due to Lost Progress.

Heavy vs. Godlike - There might be something abusive here with Pamela Immortal Body hax but Belial can take care of that with 4D Pocket anyway.

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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2009, 05:50:57 PM »
Misread Bard's post, but makes no difference; either way, it's in the middle of 3 initiative effects. Though... throws a wrench in the "defensive stuff goes first" argument... eh.

Re Piastol, there is no difference between TB initiative and "super high TB speed". Piastol goes first 100% of the time despite SoA's randomness even against Quickened Aika, so she might as well have initiative.

Dehuai and Auron don't have quite the same type of initiative; I believe Dehuai's is similar to WA5's Speed Skates, which allow the first turn to come shortly before the first turn of the fastest person in the battle, rather than at "clocktick 0". Basically, if Auron/Tidus is faster than his opponent, he'll instant double; if Dehuai is, he won't. So... not sure quite how to interpret Dehuai's, but there's a gap there probably.

Regarding Light vs. Godlike assuming more respect for TB initiative than I have (Tidus lets most of Godlike act before Follow Me, Delta Shield, or any such nonsense), it's worth remembering Guv's Call Team. I believe it's the only initiative move in DQ8 (might be forgetting something?) and it is defensive, so there's an argument it pre-empts Follow Me... but then again they're both arguably "average" initiative and you can use Jane's better speed as a tiebreak. Regardless, Call Team could possibly take the dent out of Light's offence they need to survive.

Also worth noting Godlike has some MT counters in there which screw up a Light MT blitz (Kuja, Rubicant offhand). Come to think of it, Lloyd has 'em too. And I bet I'm forgetting some. Interesting.

EDIT: Also Delay Buster exists, Snowfire makes a good point. Seems to seal the argument shut. Note that yes, Tidus can Delay Buster enemies with first strike whom he pre-empts to get people without First Strike to act before them, so I'd definitely see this delaying Jane's use of Follow Me. She could dodge, but I don't think her evade is -that- good when faced with Tidus' decent accuracy?
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 05:54:18 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2009, 05:52:55 PM »
Light vs. Middle - Y'know, there are a fair amount of VP1 physical fighter scrubs kicking around here.  Suddenly the hordes of normally mockable VP1 mages become scary.  Well, that and Follow Me having initiative here.
Light vs. Heavy - Seems like heavy taking this hinges on boss initiative arguments, which I'm not inclined to respect.
Light vs. Godlike - However, there's not enough firepower to take on Godlike.

Middle vs. Heavy
Middle vs. Godlike

Heavy vs. Godlike - The rest of these matches are straightforward.


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2009, 06:41:22 PM »
Re Piastol, there is no difference between TB initiative and "super high TB speed". Piastol goes first 100% of the time despite SoA's randomness even against Quickened Aika, so she might as well have initiative.

Eh, inclined to think a character who goes first with EVERY move is just really fast, rather than having initiative on every move.  Initiative in TB games is generally locked to moves, not a character.

Not that it's actually relevant most of the time.

Dehuai and Auron don't have quite the same type of initiative; I believe Dehuai's is similar to WA5's Speed Skates, which allow the first turn to come shortly before the first turn of the fastest person in the battle, rather than at "clocktick 0". Basically, if Auron/Tidus is faster than his opponent, he'll instant double; if Dehuai is, he won't. So... not sure quite how to interpret Dehuai's, but there's a gap there probably.

I thought WA5 Speed Skates do grant an instant turn right at the beginning of battle, at "clocktick 0" as you put it.

Maybe what happens is that Dehuai acts at "clocktick 0", but the PCs don't start with 0 CT, so Dehuai doesn't actually insta double slower people because the PCs don't have to wait a full turn to act.  It's possible WA5 Speed Skates work this way too, but I don't think they do.

Regarding Light vs. Godlike assuming more respect for TB initiative than I have (Tidus lets most of Godlike act before Follow Me, Delta Shield, or any such nonsense), it's worth remembering Guv's Call Team. I believe it's the only initiative move in DQ8 (might be forgetting something?) and it is defensive, so there's an argument it pre-empts Follow Me... but then again they're both arguably "average" initiative and you can use Jane's better speed as a tiebreak. Regardless, Call Team could possibly take the dent out of Light's offence they need to survive.

Also worth noting Godlike has some MT counters in there which screw up a Light MT blitz (Kuja, Rubicant offhand). Come to think of it, Lloyd has 'em too. And I bet I'm forgetting some. Interesting.

EDIT: Also Delay Buster exists, Snowfire makes a good point. Seems to seal the argument shut. Note that yes, Tidus can Delay Buster enemies with first strike whom he pre-empts to get people without First Strike to act before them, so I'd definitely see this delaying Jane's use of Follow Me. She could dodge, but I don't think her evade is -that- good when faced with Tidus' decent accuracy?

Hm, right, Delay Buster.  Tidus smacks Jane with that, Time Lord takes her out.  While Guv's Call Team is initiative, the monsters he summons don't have initiative so that doesn't stop Jane in a vacuum (and the monsters aren't getting Hasted either if Tidus goes that route).  Depending on how good Delay Buster is, Belial might be able to take a turn before Jane would too.

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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2009, 06:46:00 PM »
I'm quite certain WA5 Speed Skates get better the faster the fastest person in the battle is. I know I saw some direct proof of this... think it was something like...

Avril has Speed Skates, is slow. Rebecca is fast, no Speed Skates. Normal turn order:

Avril > Rebecca > enemy > Rebecca > Avril.

That alone makes it pretty clear it's not "CT 0", at least not if everyone starts with empty turn gauges. But, for further evidence, when they face a fast boss, we get:

Avril > Fereydoon > Rebecca > Fereydoon > Avril > Rebecca

i.e. Speed Skates are clearly based on the speed of the fastest character, since Avril is no longer insta doubled by Rebecca despite their speeds and setups not changing.

IIRC there was another complication like Speed Skates eventually losing out initiative entirely, maybe if the RFX gap was over 2x? Less sure on that though.

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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2009, 10:59:00 PM »
Well, that's really weird.  Could even be counterproductive if equipped on the fastest person in battle!


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2009, 11:37:26 PM »
(and maaaaybe Dehuai, but don't respect that initiative so much, Dehuai is average speed).
On the other hand FFX First Strike is insanely badass, more like a "turn 0" they get in addition, so I'd see Tidus and Auron as basically beating out everything, myself.
These are exactly the same types of initiative.

To explain my view: FFX First Strike is "I get a turn 0 before you do" - if Tidus is faster than an opponent he insta-doubles.  Dehuai's initiative is a more standard "On, turn 1 is now first;"  he's shifting his turn to be first here rather than its normal slot.  According to the stat topic (If I'm reading it right, at least!) Dehuai gets insta-doubled afterward, so basically I'd see that as "Dehuai is below average speed, but his turn 1 is accelerated."  That would perfectly explain Dehuai T1->YuriT1->YuriT2->DehuaiT2.

So, in the same way, I'd disagree about Dehuai beating out any defensive moves.  Aika & Dehuai both have a Turn 1 move, just Aika's is a defensive move that beats anything offensive.  (I'd also see Delta Shield vs. Lost Progress as being...  debateable?  I certainly don't see Lost Progress as stopping, say, Silent Lake or Pokemon Weather.  I also don't see it stopping something like Ramsus's counter-stance or Vyse's Skull Shield.  Delta Shield does affect only 1 side, but it's also kind of a field effect too.  Mushy.  Can totally see judgment calling against DS, though, not sure myself.)

Re Light vs. Heavy, was pointed out in chat, but even if you do see Dehuai's init beating Jane's, Jane might well evade Dehuai's Stone since it's attached to his physical and Jane dodge is decent.


Idly - I wonder how Godlike would do without Tidus?  Tidus is really broken in this format.  Light goes back to an interp call of a race between Jane and TimeLord, Middle is still an easy Godlike win, but Heavy...  Heavy's got some major spoiling going on and is much larger.  Dehuai is stoning fast Godlikes with MT like DQ8 Jessica, Belial probably has to kill Jeremy first, Nina1 is doing her protection nonsense...  it'd be close.  (And if Tidus was still in Heavy rather than gone, I think Heavy wins rather cleanly.)

A few other notable duelers:

Marona - Sadly Marona is kind of out of her depth here despite full power Marona beating every other dueler in the league (Unless you see Belial > her initiative.).  Sure, Ash and his 14 Werewolf friends all have initiative along with Marona, but I think they're all ST, meaning they get buried by every division thereafter.  Heck, even if Marona beats out Jane in init, she's probably not surviving the return strike...  don't recall PB having any true MT, so the other options don't really help either.

Minato - Kinda screwed as well?  Not a P3 expert, but Persona 3 has no speed stat so I'd see Jane as winning the tiebreak for Light.  Delta Shield screws over Minato's mega-damage to Middle.  Godlike...  assuming Minato even beats out TimeLord after getting Delay Bustered, Souji would Enduring Soul his nuke anyway and kill him?  Heavy I'm less sure on, it probably involves Pokemon using Protect which lets Pamela revive on turn 2, and Minato has no SP left, but tentatively that'd still be a Heavy win.

Any other uber godlikes out there that are at least worth thinking about, even if they too get swept?


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2009, 11:44:50 PM »
To be fair on the Minato thing, Armaggedon is Almighty, which ignores stuff like Makarakarn, so I might see it going through Delta Shield as well, whereas Silent Lake would nail it.
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Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2009, 11:47:17 PM »
Just a thing: at the very least, S3 Silent Lake is dispellable in-game. Saying it can't be undone by something like Lost Progress strikes me as off. S4 Silent Lake I have no idea on, and S5 Silent Lake is just full MT silence that can be immuned. Dunno about the other effects, but Silent Lake < Lost Progress feels perfectly reasonable to me.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2009, 12:05:21 AM »
Meanwhile I'm sitting here wondering "and what happens if you only allow duelers to target up to the amount of people they could in their own game".

Probably just shifts everything back to Light < Middle < Heavy < Godlike, but Heavy might trump Godlike thanks to overwhelming numbers. Iunno.


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2009, 12:52:10 AM »
Any other uber godlikes out there that are at least worth thinking about, even if they too get swept?

Blue. Has TL's Initiative, only with lots of magical MT and the nigh-infinite turns after the Initiative to use them with. All of his matches will depend on which Initiative goes off first.


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2009, 01:25:52 AM »
SMTN Demi-Fiend with full summoning rights!

SN Revya with full Squad summoning rights!

ToV Repede of the infinite invincibility endless chipping!

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2009, 01:34:59 AM »
SMTN Demi-Fiend with full summoning rights!

SN Revya with full Squad summoning rights!

ToV Repede of the infinite invincibility endless chipping!

Demi-fiend and Repede just get Tidus'd to death, they don't have initiative in any sense (Repede isn't even Bluelike anyway. How good a Godlike he is is highly up to debate due to ARPG interp trainwrecking, since his strategy is very simple: get a single turn, win over ten thousands of years). Revya entirely depends on whether you allow room effects, and I think he ends up losing even so, since enemies -can- go before a Los Banditos Room and Revya's initiative is Speed Skates-like rather than FFX First Strike-like.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: The ultimate DL team match! (Doom inside.)
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2009, 02:09:43 AM »
It seems that as thing are now, light beats both middle and heavy, and the greater division wins all the other matches. We should give heavy and godlike second looks in the very likely event that Tidus downgrades in 2 days - that should shake things up a lot.

As for bluelikes... Brahman could probably solo light. He's guaranteed 4 turns no matter what kind of offense he's facing, has some nasty ID spam in one of his earlier forms to take care of what few really good MT buffer/healers light has, and can finishthings spectacularly with his 2 or 3 final turns of MT stat drain + MT damage spamming. Heavy and godlike are too tanky for him to handle though, and middle makes him a eunuch with Delta Shield spam.