Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14  (Read 3490 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« on: October 07, 2009, 06:50:11 AM »

"Continue, continue. Let us see where this path leads."

Team Tal and Piggy vs. Floor 4
Team Yoshiken vs. Floor 2

(Note, Taishyr is on hiatus for a week or two. He'll be back soon!)

Team Talaysen and Piggyman's Matches

Floor 5c: Fly Me to the Moon

"So, you've found your way here. Very well, I think I'll make you fight some interesting people from beyond this terrestial plane."

Battle #21: Luna, Alex, Lucia and Ghaleon (EB/EBC Boss)

Luna: Alex...!
Alex: I will protect you, Luna!
Lucia: Ghaleon, I expect of you...
Ghaleon: Yes, yes... I'm aware.

Battle #22: Zeromus, Fusoya and Golbez

Fusoya: Lunarians...
Golbez: I will defeat you.

Battle #23: Virgil and Virgil

Virgil: How interesting.
Virgil: Hah! Truly this existence is a different one...

Battle #24: Dolan, Kevin and Lugar

Dolan: I don't get any lines. :T
Kevin: Kevin think this fun!
Lugar: HRRR!!

Boss Battle #5: Orgulla and Margulis

Orgulla: Sir, that wasn't a moon, that was a planet!
Margulis: We'll destroy them all with our DS system.

Team Yoshiken's Matches

Floor 3a: Singles Matchup

"So, I see you keep managing somehow... Well, let's try something a bit more interesting. You can only focus on one enemy at a time!"

*All MT attacks have become ST and can be targetted on both enemy and ally at will.

Battle #11: Eiko, Garnet and Rydia

Eiko: I'll show you my powers to summon!
Rydia: You will not get past us!

Battle #12: Geddoe and Hugo

Geddoe: ...This should be easy.
Hugo: Fubar's not here, but... I'll beat you anyway!!

Battle #13: Naoto and Ken

Naoto: This mystery ends here.
Ken: Okay!

Battle #14: Ephraim and Yosuke

Ephraim: Do not worry, Princess. I shall protect you.
Yosuke: Er... Princess? O... okay...

Boss Battle #3: Demi, Wren and Aigis

*The team has been fully healed!

Demi: I apologize, but I cannot allow you to pass.
Wren: We shall fight you until the bitter end. Do not resist.
Aigis: I will show you what I have learned.


Team Talaysen | Raquel, Jude, Arnaud, Yulie
[Synergy Bonus: This team fully heals after every battle. However, if a character dies they suffer a Max HP penalty until a full heal]
[Floor 5c]
Team Talaysen vs. Luna, Alex, Lucia, Ghaleon (EB/EBC)
Team Talaysen vs. Zeromus (FF4), FuSoYa and Golbez (FF4DS, No plot paralysis)
Team Talaysen vs. XS1 Virgil and XS3 Virgil
Team Talaysen vs. Dolan, Kevin and Lugar
*Full Heal
Team Talaysen vs. Orgulla and Margulis (XS2)

Team Piggyman | Orlandu, FF5 Chemist, Cray (Speed?), Garnet, Adray
[Floor 5c]
Team Piggyman vs. Luna, Alex, Lucia, Ghaleon (EB/EBC)
Team Piggyman vs. Zeromus (FF4), FuSoYa and Golbez (FF4DS, No plot paralysis)
Team Piggyman vs. XS1 Virgil and XS3 Virgil
Team Piggyman vs. Dolan, Kevin and Lugar
*Full Heal
Team Piggyman vs. Orgulla and Margulis (XS2)

Team Yoshiken | Cielo, Geno, Juan, Yukiko, Rosa (Status Symbol Law)
[Floor 3a]
*All MT is ST and targetable
Team Yoshiken vs. Eiko, Garnet and Rydia
Team Yoshiken vs. Geddoe and Hugo
Team Yoshiken vs. Naoto and Ken (P3)
Team Yoshiken vs. Ephraim and Yosuke
*Full Heal
Team Yoshiken vs. Demi, Wren and Aigis

Speed? - The effective speed of one character is reversed (60% becomes 140%), but after the first round of combat, their speed returns to default and can not be increased in any way.

Status Symbol Law - Team is fully status, debuff and ID immune, but has all their total statistics multiplied by .90.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 04:36:24 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2009, 07:18:21 AM »
Tal dies to the virgils I think. Virgil 1's second form is immune to the only good attacker on that team and has an HP buffer to stop from being moonlight-smashed. He even clears stat busts when he shifts, to rub salt in. Stop, stop, stop, stop, game (note that yulie can't cure statuses so virgil can afford to focus on the boys first, who are actually dangerous. Jude probably needs to be stopped first because of BS weakness hitting + mystic if you allow that.) SD3 fight's pretty brutal too. Yulie dies a couple times before that so Kevin OHKOs her, and Dolan MT 2HKOs the rest with spiral moon. Dolan is slow even before Arnaud speed busts him so it's not completely open and shut, but that difficulty combined with the virgils makes it too much to ask of this team.

Piggyman... also dies, tentatively. The big offensive assault at the start has to be wasted on FuSoYa in the FF4 fight, his skillset is deadly. So Zeromus can 2HKO and doubleturn the chemist without being in danger, while Golbez keeps sucking away Garnet's MP. With no MP for Garnet to revive the chemist and no Chemist to heal Garnet's MP, this team just doesn't have the longevity to handle the next 2 fights.

Yoshiken passes. Geno and Juan sweep aside this floor of PCs like so many dry leaves.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 07:32:48 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2009, 07:31:05 AM »
I'm confused, are they fighting multiple Virgils or a Virgil/Albedo combo?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 08:04:46 AM »
Team Talaysen | Raquel, Jude, Arnaud, Yulie
[Synergy Bonus: This team fully heals after every battle. However, if a character dies they suffer a Max HP penalty until a full heal]
[Floor 5c]
Team Talaysen vs. Luna, Alex, Lucia, Ghaleon (EB/EBC)

Ghaleon's got slow big MT damage, or fastish ST damage that also adds 80% Paralysis.  At first I thought Ghaleon paralyzing Raquel would be awful for their chances, but apparently Red Zone is also Condition Green on character-status (and the closest to paralyze, WA4 Stone, is a character status not a hex status).  So I suppose Ghaleon will be paralyzing Arnaud instead (going for the MT damage risks Raquel getting her turn off first, seems bad).  Jude...  Funny Poses Luna?  Luna is slow but I doubt Assault Buster is a OHKO and not finishing her off means Lucia can heal her.  And Luna Sleeping Raquel would also be Really Bad.  So Jude Poses for Luna, Ghaleon smashes Arnaud (it's magic so no evade hype)...  and now Alex / Luna / Lucia are getting turns which is Bad.  Alex RDAs (Arnaud is dead), Luna Cascade Songs Ghaleon (or tries to sleep Jude), Lucia zaps everyone.  Yulie...  can revive Arnaud?  Heal people?  Quicken herself?  Not sure.  And actually..  Alex Sword Dancing Yulie + Luna/ Lucia damage (ZOMG) might kill her.  Quick calculation: Sword Dance is apparently .53 PCHP, so probably not as Luna/ Lucia damage is wretched.  I'll assume she Quickens Jude (if not sleeping).  Raquel goes and...  hmm.  Think she has to blow her Intrude on killing Alex, she'd love to be Hypered but she isn't.

Jude ABs Luna and this time OHKOs her thanks to Quicken.  Ghaleon charges his MT attack.  Yulie can heal someone, but Raquel is going to be too slow, and thanks to RDA the MT is going to be fatal to everyone but Yulie.  So...  she heals Jude.  Raquel bites it, and Yulie has practically no HP left.  Jude can AB away on Ghaleon now, but Ghaleon is going to zap him with the fast ST magic damage next, and epic Jude Mdurability won't save him (and there's still paralysis on top of that!).  That leaves Yulie vs. buffed Ghaleon & Lucia which is not going to end well.

Yeah this looks pretty bad for team Tal.  Amusingly enough I think his team probably wins all the other fights on the floor, but awaiting arguments on this fight.

Team Talaysen vs. Zeromus (FF4), FuSoYa and Golbez (FF4DS, No plot paralysis)
Assault Buster smashes FuSoYa, Golbez isn't majorly relevant, Zeromus loses too much HP from Intruding Raquel before he can really play his game.  At the very least if he opens with Shake the Heavens and then wants to switch to Black Hole, I'd force Zeromus to reshake, meaning that going for Big Bang first means that buffs / debuffs are unanswered.

Team Talaysen vs. XS1 Virgil and XS3 Virgil
Moonlight Spam until a Hypered Raquel can kill XS3 Virgil all at once.  I have Virgil HP respect but it's kinda irrelevant here, even only 3 Raquel turns under Hyper is horrific.  Repeat for XS1 Virgil once complete.  (Fine, XS1 Virgil stops Jude thanks to the HP buffer turn, but he's going to face a Quickened Arnaud / Yulie jamming Elemental Blasts + Material down his throat, so no.)

Team Talaysen vs. Dolan, Kevin and Lugar
Jude Funny Poses Kevin.  Arnaud Hypers Raquel.  If Dolan goes for Spiral Moon this almost assuredly sets off Red Zone, which I'd see as giving Raquel an immediate turn before Lugar can finish her off.  I have God-Beast HP respect but Hypered, Intruding Raquel is like 3x PCHP damage; if it isn't enough, Arnaud finishes the job next turn (Jude is surely dead from SM + Kevin so Crisis Magic).  Otherwise Kevin gets handled via Illusion, don't think he can build up to an ITE lvl. 2 or 3 special of death in time if he's getting Illusioned Turn 2 or Turn 3.

More productive is to go for Chibiko on Raquel which, in light of revelations about how WA4 status of that type tends to be character-based, I wouldn't see Arnaud's Dispel as getting rid of.  Luckily I don't think it matters - on second thought, Arnaud opens with Slow Down Dolan instead, Yulie Turn Shifts Raquel in, she gets some non-hypered smashing of Dolan in instead.  If Dolan goes for SM anyway, Raquel gets a third hit in, Yulie heals Raquel in her sped-up turn, Arnaud Illusions Kevin, and I think Raquel should get her next turn (if needed) to kill Dolan with a 4th attack before he gets his turn thanks to Slow Down.  Even if Kevin & Lugar finish off the basically no HP left Yulie & Arnaud, healed Raquel can take it from here with Dragon Edge (and the extra 25 FP that's probably built up naturally by then).

If, as in the above Slow Down scenario, Dolan Chibikos Raquel anyway, Jude Assault Busters the Slowed Dolan.  Yulie heals Jude, and Jude should also get another turn in before Slowed Dolan goes again; 3 Raq hits + 2 ABs should finish Dolan off.  Arnaud uses Illusion to keep Kevin under control.

*Full Heal
Team Talaysen vs. Orgulla and Margulis (XS2)
Scary as Orgulla is, she does take a LITTLE time to set up (Manes Awakens -> Pound of Flesh, which doesn't take THAT long due to her insane speed).  The XS2 bosses also resist stat downs pretty well so Slow Down is a crapshoot.  But Hypered Raquel rides in to save the day again - she uses her Intrude turn to wipe out Margulis with Jude's help (I'd see Margulis as ~3x PCHP, but Hypered Raquel should be doing at least 1.4x PCHP a hit by now).

Yulie uses her turn for Quicken Raquel.  Without Margulis to use her boost, Orgulla has to wait till around turn 2.3ish to actually beat down herself.  Yulie meanwhile is tossing Quicken around like candy.  Raquel's damage type is being lightly resisted (75% damage from Slash) but Hyper's buff is excellent.  And Raquel has pretty decent physical durability, so after Orgulla smashes Yulie she can't finish off Raquel right away.  so Quickened, Hypered Raquel gets more turns and somewhere along the line more FP is generated.  Orgulla has monstrous durability but this is too much.  Yeah they take this one, impressive since the normal way to beat the two is to elementally hose 'em.

I will note, though, that Eryu Orgulla's Sealed Throne move is "steal your boost and give it to me."  Since WA4 FP is in fact being used to give Raquel free turns...  huh.  Suppose it depends on if this is expanded to "system specific gauge."  Will ignore it on the theory that the FP could be used for other stuff, unlike SH3 Stock.  If you allow this, though, WA4 is in deep trouble as they lose that initial Intrude turn AND Margulis throws it right back at them.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 08:07:41 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2009, 04:23:19 PM »
All three fail. Talysen and Piggy just have so many matches that give them huge problems that one of the fights is going to get them. Yoshi would pass if Geno had Geno Whirl by now. Unfortunately he doesn't. One of the healers is leaving the first fight dead and the other one is getting smashed by Geddoe/Hugo next fight. If the y make it to the boss they have a lot of trouble as all of the bosses can heal/revive eachother and they can all OHKO the girls. SSL is both a blessing and a curse on this floor as it saves his team from being statused or ID by the Garnet/Eiko/Rydia and the Ken/Naoto fight but it really hurts him on the others. Especially the speed penalty.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2009, 04:36:39 PM »
I'm confused, are they fighting multiple Virgils or a Virgil/Albedo combo?

I made a booboo. It's two Virgils.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2009, 12:20:50 AM »
Again, I'm assuming worst-case scenario here. That means I'm going with no Geno Whirl.

Team Yoshiken | Cielo, Geno, Juan, Yukiko, Rosa (Status Symbol Law)
[Floor 3a]
*All MT is ST and targetable
Team Yoshiken vs. Eiko, Garnet and Rydia - Geno Boosts Yukiko while Juan hits Rydia. Garnet and Eiko are forced to hit a healer/reviver, and can't take out either Yukiko or Rosa. Whether Cielo goes before or after Eiko, he heals whoever Garnet hits. Rydia can't resist fire, so gets hit by a Geno Boosted Yukiko, which probably finishes her despite MDef. This gives Rosa free reign to heal whoever Eiko hit if Cielo went first, and, uhh.. do something else otherwise. Geno and Juan can then take out Eiko. Garnet does something, party heals and kills.
Team Yoshiken vs. Geddoe and Hugo - Geddoe can OHKO with above-average speed, but... Hugo's not coming close to killing, and that means Geno, Juan & Cielo can bombard him with attacks while Yuki/Rosa revives the other, whichever was killed. (If Geddoe takes out someone else, either Yuki's magic will finish him or Geno Boosts one of the revivers to ensure their survival.) From there, Yuki/Rosa/Cielo spend time healing up while Geno/Juan deal damage, allowing me to finish the fight on full health still.
Team Yoshiken vs. Naoto and Ken (P3) - If this is a challenge, then something's gone seriously wrong. Two interps here on turn order. If:
Ken goes after Cielo - Geno/Juan/Cielo take out Ken while Naoto Mind Charges. Team can then spend time taking out Naoto while Yukiko/Rosa revive/heal whoever she hits to ensure full health for the next fight.
Ken goes before Cielo - Slightly more problematic, but Ken still can't kill. He fully heals himself, and that leaves the entire team to take him out before Naoto's next turn. Same situation now as if Ken goes after Cielo. Onwards~
Team Yoshiken vs. Ephraim and Yosuke - Ah, finally! This one is pretty tough, methinks? Geno Boosts Yukiko, Juan hits Yosuke. Yosuke hits Yukiko while Ephraim probably doubles/criticals and kills Rosa. Cielo hits Yosuke while Yuki revives Rosa. Geno/Juan hit Yosuke (into Endure), he takes out Rosa and Ephraim... probably criticals and kills Yukiko. Cielo Ziongas Yosuke and kills him, and Geno Boosts Cielo. Ephraim might take out someone here, but it's not gonna be Cielo, who's then hitting with a Boost'd Zionga followed by an attack from one of the others. Close, but my team takes this.
*Full Heal
Team Yoshiken vs. Demi, Wren and Aigis - Considering the full heal, this fight is a joke. >.> Demi and Wren have to kill the two healers to stand a chance, and that allows Geno and Juan to pummel Demi (be it through Geno Boost -> PAWNCH or just both attacking) and Cielo can Zionga Aigis to buy another turn before hitting Demi for weakness if still alive, Wren otherwise. With Wren's big damage being gone, Demi being down for the count indefinitely and Aigis being picked off without being able to attack, this fight's as good as secured, even without Geno Whirl. (As for revival hype, Rosa can heal off Wren's damage while Geno/Juan/Cielo keeps Aigis/Demi down and Yukiko hits Wren. That should be enough to crawl to a win, if nothing else.)

Edit: Dude mentioned in chat about Garnet/Eiko reflecting Rydia on Turn 1. In that case, Juan targets Eiko instead. Cielo heals off whatever damage the other of the healers deals while Rosa AIMS. Rydia is probably hitting Rosa but won't kill thanks to Cielo's healing, and then Geno can Boost Rosa while Juan finishes Eiko off. Boost means it'll take both to have any chance at killing Rosa, allowing Yukiko to revive.
With this strategy, team would probably take out Eiko first instead, then Garnet. Then, use Cielo/Rosa to heal off Rydia's damage before the others kill. Any revival is on low HP and that's just stalling that leads nowhere.
Edit: Okay... Rosa's MDur is worse than I thought. But, still, Yukiko is being constantly healed by Cielo and is under Geno Boost effects. Assuming Eiko dies to Juan's Turn 2 attack, Geno can Boost Juan which... should allow him to OHKO Rydia. Either way, Yukiko reviving Rosa means the dungeon needs to kill both, which is impossible with two characters, Cielo healing and Yukiko reviving. Once we're down to just one, my team stalls for a turn that allows for full healing before knocking down whoever's left.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 01:03:16 AM by Yoshiken »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2009, 03:38:24 AM »
Team Piggyman vs. Luna, Alex, Lucia, Ghaleon (EB/EBC) - Turn order is...

Cray > Ghaleon (ST) > Orlandu > Garnet > Alex > Adray > Chemist > Luna > Lucia

Alex's Dragon Spells are dangerous, no doubt. So Cray's gonna Might Orlandu, who's going to completely destroy Alex's already-low MP. At most, he's got a Sword Dance left or something. Ghaleon's initial Purple Circle is probably gonna be on Garnet to paralyze her, and prevent Bahamut, which would let my team blitz theirs. Alex is probably finishing off Garnet (if he doesn't, Adray gets rid of Paralysis), but Adray's picking her right back up. Now Chemist uses Bacchus Wine on Luna to prevent any buffing or status on her part, and leaving her rather useless. Lucia presumably buffs Ghaleon. At this point, Orlandu and Cray can start destroying Ghaleon, and Chemist can pitch in with a Split Shell on his next turn to counter Lucia's buff, while Garnet, Adray and Chemist constantly revive and heal one another. When only Berserk'd Luna's left, MP and HP healing can commence, to make me healthy for the next fight.

Team Piggyman vs. Zeromus (FF4), FuSoYa and Golbez (FF4DS, No plot paralysis) - Turn order is...

Cray > Zeromus > Golbez > Orlandu > Garnet > Adray > Chemist > FuSoYa

Firstly, Golbez is a joke. His best damage is an ST 3HKO, and his MP draining is mocked by Chemist. Cray's going to Speed Orlandu, so he can match turns with Zeromus. Zeromus has to Black Hole, to ensure Orlandu doesn't completely destroy him, which takes away from the Big Bang count. Not to mention, Zeromus needs to Shake before every Big Bang. Orlandu's smacking Zeromus with Holy Explosions (which are not Holy element, so no counters), and Garnet and Adray prepare to heal off all the Big Bangs and Golbez magic (lol). Chemist uses Bacchus Wine on FuSoYa, and he's effectively useless for the rest of the fight. Once Zeromus is gone, Golbez goes next, and healing commences with a Berserk'd Fussy.

Team Piggyman vs. XS1 Virgil and XS3 Virgil - Turn order is...

Cray > Orlandu > XS3 Virgil > Garnet > Adray > Chemist > XS1 Virgil (becomes faster than Orlandu when he reaches Doppelwogel)

Ok, to begin with, BOTH Virgil's seem to be limit fighters, and pre-limit, they're both HILARIOUSLY bad. XS1's got a 3HKO, XS3's got a 5HKO. XS1's also got Slow, but Cray can counter that by Speeding whoever he slows. Cray (+20% ATK) and Adray (+50% ATK) throw in their buffs (which they will have enough time to do, seeing how little pressure the Virgil's can put up at full HP) on Orlandu, while Chemist throws up a Split Shell on XS3 Virgil. Adray can now smack Virgil without putting him below 50% HP, and safely let Orlandu unleash a Holy Explosion, which should more than finish him off. Any damage inbetween, Garnet can heal off.
Now, for XS1 Virgil, he'll probably have either buffed himself, or slowed my party, but once he reaches Doppelwogel, all his buffs disappear, and Cray can speed boost my team. Hell, XS slow isn't all that worrisome anyways. He's still got a strong MT attack, but it's nothing my team can't handle. Curas and Healings from Garnet and Adray make sure my team's in good shape, and Orlandu DESTROYS VIRGIL, AND MAKES HIM PERISH INTO AN UNHOLY OBLIVION WHERE THE MAN IS TORTURED AND LACERATED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS TO COM- *shot*
But seriously. He's dead. XS1 Virgil durability is far worse than XS3 Virgil's, and with that many buffs, Orlandu's OHKO-ing him. Chemist can throw on a Split Shell on him, if absolutely needed.

Team Piggyman vs. Dolan, Kevin and Lugar - People tell me SD3 characters are average speed. I'd tiebreak them faster than Adray, though.

Cray > Orlandu > Garnet > Dolan, Kevin, Lugar > Adray > Chemist

Dolan's obviously the biggest threat here, so Orlandu and Cray are hitting him initially. If Dolan goes for Mini, Garnet's got Mini, too, and can trade turns with Dolan. Chemist can also heal Mini, so no hype for Mini-ing Orlandu. He Spiral Moon's someone every turn he gets, but it won't kill anyone initially, unless Lugar pitches in. Garnet can also throw up Shell to make sure a reviver survives the next blow. Chemist, too, can buff, if he didn't use Mini. Three revivers means I can pick up whoever dies pretty fast. Hell, if they don't kill Chemist after their turns, Chemist is reviving whoever died fully. And if they kill Chemist, Adray's picking him up right away. Orlandu and Cray start smiting Dolan, and whether he gets off a second Spiral Moon is questionable, but even if he does, two of my revivers will have survived it, and they can restore the damage. Dolan's dead by now, and Orlandu can shatter Kevin's weapon, and make their offense a joke. Orlandu's also got Night Sword, to heal HIMSELF, which takes that off the healers' shoulders.

*Full Heal

Team Piggyman vs. Orgulla and Margulis (XS2) - Ok, it's late, so I'll finish this one short. Chemist has Dragon Armor, which nulls Ice, Fire and Lightning, and Garnet's normal hat halves them all. Orgulla and Margulis' big damage are fire and ice oriented. Their non-elemental attacks are looking to be low2-3HKOs. Everyone's in good condition, thanks to the Full Heal, and Cray can boost Orlandu's speed to match Orgulla's. I pass.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 03:40:57 AM by ThePiggyman »
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if you believe in being a GOOD PERSON

If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2009, 04:03:03 AM »
Piggyman struggles with the floor, but my kneejerk is that he passes.  Abstaining on the other teams as usual.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2009, 05:03:58 AM »
Team Piggyman vs. Dolan, Kevin and Lugar - People tell me SD3 characters are average speed. I'd tiebreak them faster than Adray, though.

Cray > Orlandu > Garnet > Dolan, Kevin, Lugar > Adray > Chemist

Dolan's obviously the biggest threat here, so Orlandu and Cray are hitting him initially. If Dolan goes for Mini, Garnet's got Mini, too, and can trade turns with Dolan. Chemist can also heal Mini, so no hype for Mini-ing Orlandu. He Spiral Moon's someone every turn he gets, but it won't kill anyone initially, unless Lugar pitches in. Garnet can also throw up Shell to make sure a reviver survives the next blow. Chemist, too, can buff, if he didn't use Mini. Three revivers means I can pick up whoever dies pretty fast. Hell, if they don't kill Chemist after their turns, Chemist is reviving whoever died fully. And if they kill Chemist, Adray's picking him up right away. Orlandu and Cray start smiting Dolan, and whether he gets off a second Spiral Moon is questionable, but even if he does, two of my revivers will have survived it, and they can restore the damage. Dolan's dead by now, and Orlandu can shatter Kevin's weapon, and make their offense a joke. Orlandu's also got Night Sword, to heal HIMSELF, which takes that off the healers' shoulders.

Think Piggy would pass except for this fight. I don't think he's coming into it at full resources, and I'd view at least Kevin as faster than Garnet, maybe all three of them are. IIRC Kevin isn't all that reliant on his weapon for damage, so Weapon Breaking doesn't cripple him all that much. And, yeah, Wolf Form damage wrecks this team if they can't keep Kevin tied up. I'm also worried about the lowered resources for the healers (Adray in particular), and Chemist, who I only allow a max of 10 items of each type, so he's dipping into dangerously low resources until the Full Heal, especially his MP healing, and possibly his full-revival. Note that I'm also a little wary about a Full Heal restoring Item Supplies, but leaning towards that not being a problem here anyway.

Tal... falls. The mighty WA4 team doesn't quite get through the Lunar fight, especially considering that my Lucia respect is much higher than SnowFire's, so she could actually make things -even harder- for the team (I'd see her as 2HKOing Jude with his crappy MDEF at worst... she might OHKO if I'm feeling generous enough to scale her to her initial form).

Yoshiken's team... passes. After reading Yoshi's 'worst-case' thoughts, and kneejerking that I'd probably see F3 Juan (scaled against a Thomas team at this point?!) as OHKO-ing Rydia, I doubt he'll have any troubles. The fact that the Geddoe/Hugo team can't hit Yukiko's weakness amuses me. Side note: not sure on Geno Whirl for this floor... Magic, you've played SMRPG recently... what floor is Geno Whirl?

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2009, 05:06:43 AM »
Geno Whirl should be floor 3, methinks.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2009, 05:09:02 AM »
IIRC Kevin isn't all that reliant on his weapon for damage, so Weapon Breaking doesn't cripple him all that much. And, yeah, Wolf Form damage wrecks this team if they can't keep Kevin tied up.

Snowfire actually tested this. Even equipped with a crappy weapon, Kevin was only doing ONE DAMAGE. Without a weapon would be much the same. He's not 'useless' without a weapon, he can still heal, but he's not putting on any offensive pressure without a weapon.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2009, 05:15:17 AM »
Is that so? Okay, I'm convinced. Piggyman team passes~!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2009, 05:15:53 AM »
Ninja'd by Piggyman.  Ah well, will post anyway.  

Think Piggy would pass except for this fight. I don't think he's coming into it at full resources, and I'd view at least Kevin as faster than Garnet, maybe all three of them are. IIRC Kevin isn't all that reliant on his weapon for damage, so Weapon Breaking doesn't cripple him all that much.

Djinn: I actually tested this from comments in chat.  At around 3/4 of the way through the game (the Earth God-Beast's Lair) I tried equipping an out-of-date weapon on Kevin.  His damage sank to a godly ONE damage against randoms.  Okay, two, because he gets two hits.  Hurray for subtraction defense.  (His Level 2 special was better, but still a shadow of his normal damage - 111 damage off it.)

Anyway I basically buy Piggyman's arguments, so he gets a pass.  Main note of contention...  in the SD3 fight, actually mathed out how bad the second Spiral Moon would be.  It does .69 PCHP damage to Garnet when factoring in her Magic Defense.  Max HP reduced Garnet has 71%-73% PCHP max HP, so she survives that (but has to worry about Lugar finishing her off).  Anyway, Orlandu and Cray are reasonably tanky, Chemist can Shell himself, and Garnet also Shells herself Turn 1.  After that, MT Cura spam to the rescue; let Adray die.  Turn 3 could be dangerous since Garnet's Shell wears off by then but Dolan should have been beat on severely by that point.

As for Yoshiken, no vote, but I would be completely shocked if he fails.  Two revivers on the ST floor means that the opposition needs to wipe them at the same time without something bad happening to them first and that doesn't look real likely.  Closest chance would be something like Geddoe OHKOs Yukiko, Hugo OHKOs Rosa, but Hugo's got a big charge-up time on his Fire Ultimate.

Also for amusement factor I would like to point out that Cielo is totally a digital demon and thus Ephraim's Siegmunde gets its super damage bonus.  (Not that Ephraim hitting Cielo is a wise idea, he needs to go kill revivers first.)

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2009, 11:57:23 AM »
I had a dream that Piggy conquered the dungeon. Well it was last week but I didn't want to jinx it.

Given the current level of respect for Team Piggy it wouldn't surprise me.

Adray continues to come into his own and is settling nicely into his prime now. Last floor it was the revival and Berserk he picked up, this week it's the MT healing and Southern Cross chains.

Floor 5: Faerie Light, Reflection, Southern Cross, Stone Rain, Explosion

Actually Reflection ain't that bad either (halves damage from enemy symbols irrc?)  Stone Rain and Explosion aren't good for much besides hitting elemental weakness since Adray can't chain those like Sophia can but yeah the MT healing and Southern Cross is a beast. Definitely one of Adray's money moves and by god can he chain it.

I'm really surprised by the continuing level of Adray respect in the dungeon and I'm seriously considering the idea of using him now >_>

Yoshi what's Cielo physical offence like? Given FF9 Auto Reflect shenanigins and irrc there's no restriction on what enemies have access to? In addition Garnet can knock Yukiko down w/th Shiva and buy a One!More for the peeps that don't allow knockdown as status. I do but yeah.

Edit: Oh yeah moot point on the Auto Reflect thing I guess if Geno has Geno Whirl and considering even Snow considers it as F3 ... >_>
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 12:28:07 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2009, 03:13:55 PM »
Floor 3 seems early for Geno Whirl. I mostly got it on Star Hill or the pirate ship which is definately floor 4 for me.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2009, 05:33:25 PM »
To Snowfire:  If Raquel's using her Intrude to knock out Alex, she probably can do it by using a skill and a normal attack.  This is important because she has the option of Exorcism for a somewhat MT attack (hits the whole field when in the center hex, but only half when in a different one) or Dragon Edge for parasitic healing.  One of those plus a normal attack should still KO Alex.  Dragon Edge should fully heal Raquel (RDA is fire and Raquel resists that so it's not doing too much to her anyway), which means she can survive Ghaleon's MT attack.

Also, Yulie gets a 25% or so boost to RFX when allies are dead, so if she's surviving while other people are dead, she's getting a lot of turns to patch the party back together.

Also also, Raquel can get Rapid Attack at this point.  Takes some GC so that + Exorcism is probably a bad idea, but like I said before, I don't think Exorcism is needed.

Other abilities available... well, Arnaud has Magic Blocker, which is a 25% or so chance to block magic attacks.  Yulie can grab Magic Defender for another chance to laugh at magic.  She can also grab Healing Plus, which lets her revive with Material Code: O, which does take FP so I'm not sure how useful it is.  I will point out that if the rest of the party is dying, they're probably getting a good chunk of FP from being hit, so it might be usable there.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2009, 06:59:37 PM »
CT: I'm not gonna be hyping Cielo's physicals. Ever. Rosa's Aim probably does more damage than it. If I'm not mistaken, he's cast-worst for physical damage..?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2009, 07:00:14 PM »
Cielo physicals still register on the scale. Rosa Aim? No. Nope. Uh-uh.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2009, 07:02:47 PM »
Actually, both are pretty similar for damage, registering at something godly like 1/4 average damage or something. Both should register on the scale somewhat more awesomely than, say, Raja damage does.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2009, 07:08:02 PM »
...Aim was... that good? I remember Rosa damage physically only as like 10 damage.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2009, 07:19:52 PM »
...Aim was... that good? I remember Rosa damage physically only as like 10 damage.

Unlike what happens in-game, the dungeon most likely assumes well-upgraded arrows. And I'll be blunt and say that I've never seen Rosa deal -that little- damage with Aim even with punches. You might have either hit elementally resistant enemies. I think equipping weaponry on the wrong hand also murders attack, which would also be able to explain that. >_>
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 07:21:38 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2009, 07:26:19 PM »
That might be it? I don't remember FFIV too well so eh. >_>


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2009, 04:03:46 AM »
Talaysen: Interesting points.  However, checked GameFAQs since I was suspicious of the Lunar stat topic...

...Temptation Song is full MT, not an area.

Sooo Jude Funny Posing Luna is useless, only thing that can stop this is Arnaud getting lucky and resisting the paralysis.  Luna's slightly faster than Yulie, she's going to get her turn and then it's naptime.  Don't let Luna live, kids.

Alas, Team Talaysen fails

(While on the topic, though, if anyone ever replays Lunar... Luna/Ramus/Tempest stats scaled to the time they leave would be nice, it's weird using Gamesharked lvl. 42 Luna.  And Ramus, while Puny, is not THAT Puny.)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Monado Mandala Week 14
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2009, 04:43:16 AM »
(While on the topic, though, if anyone ever replays Lunar... Luna/Ramus/Tempest stats scaled to the time they leave would be nice, it's weird using Gamesharked lvl. 42 Luna.  And Ramus, while Puny, is not THAT Puny.)

And yeah, that does list Temptation Song as MT, looking at it.  But Luna's really slow (88% if you just divide speeds, 75% if you do 25%/SD).  Even if Jude can't OHKO with Assault Buster, Yulie should be able to attack for the KO before Luna gets a turn.