Lyon vs. Ike - Goes first, Setting Sun's 70% ID is turn 1. Don't think I'd see Ike's crit-nulling Ragnell as stopping the ID. If it -does-, then she goes for Vermillion Sky, which just might OHKO since it's hitting Ike's weaker defensive stat. Likely not though. Lyon eats a counter due to Ike's Ragnell being ranged enough to counter most magic, though I want to say that ranged Ragnell attacks aren't as strong as close-range melee Ragnell? If Lyon survives Ike's ranged counter+his normal attack (at least he doesn't double her), then she gets her second shot of Vermillion Sky to finish him off. Ike is hitting Lyon's better defensive stat (though it's still only about average DEF), but he's also running into Lyon's notable evade, which I think tilts the odds in her favor if she dodges even one of his attacks, especially considering his shaky claim to ID blocking here. Close match.
Noa vs. Nightburn - A boss?! Has Noa finally been dethroned? Nightburn starts off in the hex that halves Wind damage, too, so Noa's hurting to damage him and she can't charm him. She probably goes first (probably, Nightburn 1's RFX is high compared to the PCs), and Nightburn's damage isn't great, but if she goes for a stalling strategy with Spirit/Defend and Noa's Ark (only partial Wind damage, so no fully halved damage), Nightburn's better moves open up and basically he just spoils the hell out of her unless you see LoL average damage as their best continuous damage and Noa's Ark is 3x average damage (and even -then-, Nightburn's durability probably sinks her anyway, so you'd have to allow universal LoL healing spells, too).
Shabon vs. Opera - SO2 characters can't block Sleep? >.>;; Useless.