Cristo (DQ4) vs Rayquaza (PKMN): Ray's legendary stats are all in offence, not defence. 1.1x average MDef? That -may- make Beat turn 2, but offhand I don't think so. Not sure it matters, Cristo is tanky enough to survive DD + Hyper... maybe not 2x DD + Hyper, though? But I don't think Ray's quite fast enough for a 3-2 even with two Dragon Dances in there (the second barely touches Ray's speed). It's... there's enough judgement calls there that Ray could win, but I don't think so. Might also consider a vote change if someone tested DQ4DS's Whack.
Wait. Ray's best strategy here isn't to buff, it's just to spam Dragon Claw all day. That can't be stopped by Upper, and he doubles well before it runs out of ammo. So.. yeah Cristo really does need that turn 1 ID. One judgement call = switching to abstain for now.
The heck you guys talking about Turn Splits? Cristo's from a Turn-Based System, Ray's from a Turn-Based System, so their fight would be a Turn-Based Fight. If Ray uses Dragon Dance, it
would allow him a double against Cristo, but only
once, on the turn that his relative agility becomes greater than Cristo's (i.e. after the 1st DD). DD is still a viable move normally though, as it's not just speed that's buffed, but also physical attack... which makes it fail against Buff/Upper...
So, basically, Dragon Claw just puts Cristo into Healall-Lock, but he has enough charges to resist. Add 3 turns of Outrage for further Heallall-lock, and a casting of Upper on Turn 1 to prevent Ray from KOing Cristo on a Claw+Extremespeed Combo, and you're looking at 47 MP left for the guy. Long story short, Whack needs to be Turn 3 or better against Ray or Cristo's dead. (Alternately, Cristo can try for Dazzle for an extra shot or two, but
that assumes that Dazzle is Turn 1 or 2. Wash.)
So... Yeah. Abstain until someone can get Whack's rate in the DS form.
Toadstool v
Joshua: Josh has the speed to get the 2nd hit for his turn, if Killing Edge doesn't crit on Hit #2, it
definitely does the next chance he gets a turn, Crit = 3x Damage = OHKO, Toadstool's Sleep is removed by
any damage per Stat topic, and Toadstool can't OHKO. (Josh can survive 3 Psych Bombs, albeit barely; Frying Pan
does 3HKO, but then she's subject to counters.)
Realistically, though, he just does better at the minigames.
If you allow FE-Style
Counters for non SRPG opponents of FE characters, then replace OHKO above with 2HKO.