So, we have room for a max of 7 staying with us at our place (1 bunkbed with 2 mattresses, 1 sofa, 1 loveseat, 1 papasan and 2 on the floor). Before the house opens up, I think we can put up Tai, Super, Nitori, OK and Soppy (unless one of you guys have secured places elsewhere). That would leave 2 more at most for the span before the house opens.
Now, after the house opens, there's still the option of staying at our place overnight each night. It's a bit of a drive, though, about 30-45 minutes depending on traffic. If there are those staying with us instead of at the house, though, I'd like at least one of them to be willing to take the car so I'm not required to go over each day. I imagine I'll stop by for awhile here and there, but mainly I'll be at the apartment. I'm fine with loaning the car out for transport, though, those those going ou and about to do things. Luckily, my insurance covers the car no matter who's driving. And if no one's staying at the apartment during the con and you guys need the car, Gate can give me a call. ^_^
Just got in touch with the new landlord and am trying to arrange time to go over and see the new place so I can get a feel for floor space.