Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18  (Read 4768 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« on: November 07, 2009, 02:31:23 AM »

"You... you are beginning to ANNOY me! Let us see if you can continue your flawless streak or not..."

Team Taishyr vs. Floor 7
Team Sage vs. Floor 3
Team Monkey and Bardiche vs. Floor 2

Team Sage's Matches

Floor 4a: Counter-Punch

"Let's try something completely different...!"

*For this floor, any damage done to the enemies provokes one counter of the enemy's choice. Multitarget attacks cause all members hit to counter. These attacks are only targetted at the person who attacked the enemy, regardless of the original targetting mechanic.

Battle #16: FFT Squire x5 (w/ Nagrarock)

Squire: "The boss doesn't want you getting any farther."

Battle #17: Yosuke and Kanji

Yosuke: Let's do it, partner!
Kanji: Shut up and die!

Battle #18: Chie and Yukiko

Chie: Aha! Is now our chance?
Yukiko: There!

Battle #19: Nel, Fayt and Cliff

Nel: Let's go.
Fayt: All right!

Boss Battle #4: Genevieve

Genevieve: Worthless fools, wasting my powers... I shall show you true magic!

Team Taishyr's Matches

Floor 8b: Do you have the resources?

"Let us truly see which one of us can manage to last longer. You have stepped so far into my domain..."

Battle #36: Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa

Kyra: I will not allow you to pass here!
Artea: Let's go, everyone... they won't win!
Yukiko: There!
Chemist: I eat potions.

Battle #37: Aeonless Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja

Yuna: I will not allow you to pass.
Nina: I won't give up yet!
Raja: Ha ha ha ha... Jokes!
Teddie: Oooh...girls.

Battle #38: Fou-lu and Lambda

Fou-lu: You fools face the Dragon Emperor!? Die!
Lambda: I am the leader of Brionac! You have no hope!

Battle #39: Jade, Luca Blight and Chaos

Jade: Hah! I serve the mighty Myria herself!
Luca: Hoo hoo hoo hoo!
Chaos: I control time itself! You have no hope!

Boss Battle #8: Profound Darkness and Dark Force 3

Profound Darkness: *I* am that which encompasses all! Die, fools!

Team Bardiche's Matches

Floor 3b: Multiples (Before Midgame)

So you want to try multiple foes? Let's see how you like this, then!

*All ST is MT for this floor. ALL of it.

Battle FF1 White Wizard, FF1 Knight, FF1 Ninja and FF1 Red Wiz

Knight: Let us go, fellow warriors!
White Wiz: Yes, we shall not allow your passage here!

Battle #12: Yosuke and Tengaar

Yosuke: GO, SUSANOO!!!
Tengaar: HIX!! ...Oh you're not here...

Battle #13: Kanji, Ramza, Tidus and Crono

Kanji: Crush 'em, Rokuten-Maoh!!
Ramza: Of course, Alma!!
Tidus: Heh heh! Let's go!

Battle #14: Yuna, Rand and Marle

Yuna: I will not allow you to pass!
Rand: I'll fight you.
Marle: *pats her butt

Boss Battle #4: Nina4, Yulie, Jane and FFT Chemist

Nina: I'm afraid I can't let you through here.
Yulie: Ah... let us go, then.
Jane: Ha ha! Yeah!

Team Monkey's Matches

Floor 3a: Singles Matchup

"So, I see you keep managing somehow... Well, let's try something a bit more interesting. You can only focus on one enemy at a time!"

*All MT attacks have become ST and can be targetted on both enemy and ally at will.

Battle #11: Eiko, Garnet and Rydia

Eiko: I'll show you my powers to summon!
Rydia: You will not get past us!

Battle #12: Geddoe and Hugo

Geddoe: ...This should be easy.
Hugo: Fubar's not here, but... I'll beat you anyway!!

Battle #13: Nina1 and Ken

Nina1: This ends here!
Ken: Okay!

Battle #14: Ephraim and Yosuke

Ephraim: Do not worry, Princess. I shall protect you.
Yosuke: Er... Princess? O... okay...

Boss Battle #3: Ameno-Sagiri

*The team has been fully healed!

Ameno-Sagiri: I am the one who rules the fog... come, mortals.


Team Sage | Demi, Purim, Princess Toadstool, Brey, Rand (Firefly)
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies. These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Sage vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog))
Team Sage vs. Chie and Yukiko
Team Sage vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff
Team Sage vs. Kanji and Yosuke
Team Sage vs. Genevieve

Team Taishyr | Kyogre, Maya (MT), Garnet, Kyra, FFT Priest
[Floor 8b: Do you have the Resources?]
*Garnet has been granted Auto-Haste
*Maya has been given Sama Recarm on Maia Custom, Maha Aquadyne on Maihime Amano, and Makarakarn on Artemis.
Team Taishyr vs. Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa
Team Taishyr vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja
*Full Heal
Team Taishyr vs. Fou-lu and Lambda
Team Taishyr vs. Jade, Luca Blight and Chaos
Team Taishyr vs. Profound Darkness and Dark Force 3

Team Bardiche | Deis2, Eileen, Lucian & Shiho (MT), Eiko, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
Team Bardiche vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard
Team Bardiche vs. Yosuke and Tengaar
Team Bardiche vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono
*Full Heal
Team Bardiche vs. Yuna, Rand and Marle
Team Bardiche vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Chemist and Nina4

Team Monkey | Jessica, Mew (Firefly), Rosa, Lucian & Shiho
[Floor 3a: Singles Matchup]
*All MT is ST and targetable
Team Monkey vs. Eiko, Garnet and Rydia
Team Monkey vs. Geddoe and Hugo
Team Monkey vs. Nina1 and Ken (P3)
Team Monkey vs. Ephraim and Yosuke
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Ameno-Sagiri

Multitarget - One person on the team's actions all become Multitargetted. However, the damage of regular attacks, the healing of all spells that restore HP or MP, the status rates of status spells or attacks and the effect of buffs or debuffs (rounded down to the nearest half point in the case of Pokemon) is reduced to 50% of the original base chance. (For example, Deadly Fingertips has a max 50% chance of hitting all targets.) This applies even if there is only one opponent left.

Firefly: One member of your team becomes the target of all Single target attacks. This effect will override any elemental, status protection or resistance (Reflect, etc. also do not work). The target of this effect may not have damage to them reduced in any way; in addition, revival effects take effect on the character with this sealstone after the current fight is completed. This effect may not be used on Worker 8 or Jane.

EDIT: Added Monkey.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 05:11:45 AM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2009, 02:47:48 AM »
Team Bardiche | Deis2, Eileen, Lucian & Shiho (MT), Eiko, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
Team Bardiche vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard - Deis MT damage with a little help from Eileen should deal with these. Deis also has Death, but I don't remember if FF1 has ID protection. (and it's 70%)
Team Bardiche vs. Yosuke and Tengaar - Tengaar doesn't get a turn. The team easily survives Yosuke. Deis can even use Pwr Down. If you see Eileen outspeeding Yosuke, Copper Skin. Eiko has MT revival, and everyone beats Tengaar at speed.
Team Bardiche vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono - Tidus magic durability. Eileen Copper Skin. Overall resistance to ID. Eiko and Shiho both have MT revive here. Ramza's Yell shouldn't present a problem. I'd hope.
*Full Heal
Team Bardiche vs. Yuna, Rand and Marle - Yuna's slightly problematic. However, Marle's not going to do much, and everyone pretty much outspeeds Rand by enough that they should be beaten hard enough. Pretty awful fight if I can't drop Yuna in time, since that's eating resources what with MT revival. PWS + magic blitz, though.
Team Bardiche vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Chemist and Nina4 - Jane Follow Me!s. Yulie Protect, Nina4 Barrier. Well, crap. Deis throws up Pwr Up. Shiho Might Reinforces. Eiko casts her anti-magic shens. Eileen Earthquakes. Lucian throws damage against the wall and PWSes the entire enemy force. If that doesn't end the enemies... they heal up again, but shouldn't be able to do damage. Now that Lucian's buffed, though, Deis can add damage, as can Eiko with Summons (Shiho now Guard Reinforces), and Eileen should still have an Earthquake left... that should finish it off. If it doesn't, however, it's probably a safer bet for Eileen to conserve earthquake and just voice of earth while the rest put on pressure, until the Dungeon team needs to refresh buffs and can't heal/revive. Then go for a finishing blitz.

After discussing in chat... Deis throws up Pwr Up on turn 1. This should let Lucian OHKO Yulie despite the Protect, so Yulie can't throw up a Quicken ever. Deis spends the next turns casting Def-Down and hopes it'll stick. Because Shiho can 40% heal the party on every turn, and Eiko can emergency heal when necessary, the dungeon team shouldn't be able to kill anyone on my team.

Deis has infinite MP draining so she'll always have resources, and simply keeps casting Pwr Up and Def-Down until Lucian's in a situation where he drops Yulie and Chemist: Jane should be killable with PWS + Eiko magic damage after Chemist's Auto-Potion drops. Nina4 isn't winning speed-offs with Deis, who then drops the already severely wounded Nina4.

Deis has MT Shed Skin to solve any problems that could ever arise on damage if the dungeon team tries a 'blitz'. Nina4 really doesn't have any time to be buffing herself, what with the constant need for revival + healing...
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 03:29:45 AM by Bardiche »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2009, 02:53:51 AM »
Team Taishyr | Kyogre, Maya (MT), Garnet, Kyra, FFT Priest
[Floor 8b: Do you have the Resources?]
*Garnet has been granted Auto-Haste
*Maya has been given Sama Recarm on Maia Custom, Maha Aquadyne on Maihime Amano, and Makarakarn on Artemis.
Team Taishyr vs. Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa - Garnet either Shiva+Arks or just Arks, depending on how you see Shiva on Yukiko working out. Artea does something, Kyogre+Maya nail eKyra to the wall, my Kyra uses the MT Sleep and I go from there without many issues.
Team Taishyr vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja - This one's funnier. (Presuming it's A. Yuna. If not, uh... I call shenanigans again). Really, the fight boils down to "Telele + Artemis = lolwut enemy offense" and the threat of Garnet Ramuh+Ark wiping Teddie before anyone else does anything should be enough. This being said, it is actually a really fun and intricate fight, and a lot of the choices make things difficult, but... Effectively, Kyra, Garnet and Maya all get a turn without the enemy squad able to interrupt, and as such it's really bloody hard for them to survive the resulting MT slam.

*Full Heal

Team Taishyr vs. Fou-lu and Lambda - Spam MT on the two until Lambda gets hit once or twice and falls over. This should be before Soul Rend + pokepokepoke plan can enact, on average? Garnet's speed helps get the damage in here.
Team Taishyr vs. Jade, Luca Blight and Chaos - MT Makarakarn from Maya + Drizzle making Luca kinda emo + non-elemental magic for Chaos = should be good enough, on a gut? Apply buffing where needed, natch. Garnet being fast enough to toss up buffs for stalling purposes helps here, too.
Team Taishyr vs. Profound Darkness and Dark Force 3 - Kyogre begins his buffing game, Garnet stalls with a buff or two on Kyogre (Protect?), Kyra MT Atk Downs and Maya Def/MDef buffs. Effectively, focus on Kyogre nuking DF down, then turn to PD. DF3's Agl Down debuff doesn't make things nice but once he's down that can be removed via Dispel and Maya can speed buff. Let the MT Squadron whittle PD down, kill right before Kyogre gets a form, let Kyogre nuke the next form, and then outslug the final form.

Really, this is just abbreviated, there's probably a lot more indepth analysis that can be done and this floor is awesome, did I mention that? Well, if I didn't, I have now. The second fight alone is silly enough that the floor wins on style, if not in battle. We'll see.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2009, 03:18:22 AM »
Taishyr falls. Chaos casts Fast on Luca and his physically frail team weeps especially since Jade is going to OHKO Kyogre the instant that Makarakarn goes down. Bard should make it. Some of the fights are whoreish, but Deis has very accurate ID right now and Attack Up Lucian is still extremely damaging. Neph needs to stop trying to find ways to make this floor harder.

Abstain on Sage for right now. I have no idea how some of those fights end up.
Edit: Monkey also passes. Ameno Sagiri on the ST floor is funny.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 04:44:29 PM by dude789 »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2009, 03:39:58 AM »
Team Sage | Demi, Purim, Princess Toadstool, Brey, Rand (Firefly)
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies. These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Sage vs. FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog)) - Okay, Balloon arguably doesn't work here since the Squires can null DA/DM.  On the other hand?  They can't null fire and I'd see Blaze Wall as being able to lock them down just fine.  The squires being only able to beat on Rand helps.
Team Sage vs. Chie and Yukiko - Balloon handles this, I think
Team Sage vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff - EDIT: Sure, I'll bite
Team Sage vs. Kanji and Yosuke - See Chie/Yukiko
Team Sage vs. Genevieve - Fight's ugly, but yeah, thinking they manage.

Team Taishyr | Kyogre, Maya (MT), Garnet, Kyra, FFT Priest
[Floor 8b: Do you have the Resources?]
*Garnet has been granted Auto-Haste
*Maya has been given Sama Recarm on Maia Custom, Maha Aquadyne on Maihime Amano, and Makarakarn on Artemis.
Team Taishyr vs. Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa
Team Taishyr vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja
*Full Heal
Team Taishyr vs. Fou-lu and Lambda
Team Taishyr vs. Jade, Luca Blight and Chaos
Team Taishyr vs. Profound Darkness and Dark Force 3 - Largely agreeing with Snow/Tai.  I do see Chaos as tanking the team's offense, but... uh... DoS Chaos.

Team Bardiche | Deis2, Eileen, Lucian & Shiho (MT), Eiko, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
Team Bardiche vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard
Team Bardiche vs. Yosuke and Tengaar
Team Bardiche vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono
*Full Heal
Team Bardiche vs. Yuna, Rand and Marle
Team Bardiche vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Chemist and Nina4 - This team is exceedingly well suited to handle the floor.

Team Monkey | Jessica, Mew (Firefly), Rosa, Lucian & Shiho
[Floor 3a: Singles Matchup]
*All MT is ST and targetable
Team Monkey vs. Eiko, Garnet and Rydia
Team Monkey vs. Geddoe and Hugo
Team Monkey vs. Nina1 and Ken (P3)
Team Monkey vs. Ephraim and Yosuke
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Ameno-Sagiri - Mew still makes for a pretty good tank.  Team shouldn't have a problem dealing with this floor.

« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 04:26:31 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2009, 05:26:09 AM »
Team Sage, since people seem uncertain on it:

Okay, as I see it, there's not a lot that can be done to me if you see Princess as having Come Back at this point. She easily revives Rand over and over for the next fight, the next fight struggles to knock him down. Nagrarock Squires go down to either Blaze Wall or Balloon(Blaze Wall really has to be Floor 4...), I didn't see anything the P4ers could reasonably do to my team through the status blasting. Nel/Fayt/Cliff have the same issues with Balloon/Blaze Wall; Elemental Leather does nothing to Blaze Wall, resisting elements did nothing to the Engulf end in SoM IIRC.

That leaves Genevieve.

Let's hash that out. Genevieve blows Rand skyhigh, everyone else gets a free turn. There's two things that can happen from here.

Plan A: ATTAAAAAAAAAACK. One free turn to do it, Demi has average or above average damage, Princess has below average to balance that out, Brey has rather crappy damage(I gather Gen has notably better MDef than Defense) but can Sap Gen, Purim has averagish damage with Blaze Wall still. This works for anyone that sees Gen as sub-PC HP, or only marginally above, trash durability. I like you people right now. But fortunately I'm not relying on this.

Plan B: Turtle. Barrier, SpeedUp, Bikill(Is L19, this is mostly in case you respect Gen's MDef a lot or something.), Sap, Defender depending on respect, whichever. Indisc isn't going to focus except as a counter, thankfully, so I can keep this up for a fairly long time barring bad luck. Revive Purim every time she dies trying to take out Gen-or possibly not, depends on Barrier respect, it is a moderately subtraction subject attack running into raised subtraction defenses four times. If Indisc counters don't kill anymore this gets far, far easier, as someone like Demi can risk attacking instead. When enough chipping is done, THEN all out assault to finish the job when she's near death.

Things get a little more iffy if you don't allow Come Back by Floor 4. I still get to Gen pretty cleanly if I'm not missing anything, but for that point you pretty much have to see the all out assault working or Barrier preventing Counter-Indisc focused OHKOs. Respect's going to vary on those.

On balance of arguments I think I pass(I honestly can't see Come Back as Floor 5 myself.), I could be missing something though. Team Sage passes.


Team Taishyr...hmmm. The only major question to me seems to be Chaos, and Chaos definitely can be beaten down to me with Crescent Mirror/Waterspout resisted/Odin Sword/Kyra's higher power Hewn, and none of that hits his elemental resists outside of Waterspout. Add in resisted Holy if needed(and there's a solid argument for Chaos not hitting Holy, as that's what Fade, er, was. Holy. Admittedly it was mechanically non-elemental too, so I don't actually buy that, but.). Then the question is "Can Jade/Luca cause unrecoverable damage during that blitz if it's required." and....probably not. Kyogre blows up Luca next turn if they don't kill him and they can't down both revivers any other way, and Maya has Sama Recarm and has to use Artemis for the blitz, so Jade can't nuke's just a mess for the two remaining enemies, who also get softened up by that blitz, and none of them can really interrupt said blitz that I can see, not enough to kill. So that's not a problem.

The rest is hashed out enough to satisfy me, so. Team Tai passes.

Team Bardiche...mostly tears the floor apart that I'm seeing. Nothing really worth commenting on, completely smashes down everything until Jane and...that's just a fast healing team that Bard can easily poke holes in. In fact, they probably want the staggered healing more, since going all at once means they just get flattened by the the staggered enemy offense, and that's a bad enough problem by it's self. And they can't do damage fast either. Yeah, not a good fight for the dungeon there. Team Bardiche passes.

Team Monkey has the same setup I did on this floor, against a basically similar floor, and whereas my team is unbelievably MT focused, his is the exact opposite, with a brutal ST focus and a much faster startup than mine. And his Firefly tank is at least as good as Rand still. I'm not even thinking about this, Team Monkey passes.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 12:54:10 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2009, 06:07:14 AM »
Two quick comments re Sage's analysis:
I'd be inclined to call both Balloon and Engulf Paralysis.  If a game has a separate Burn status (like FF9), then sure, I'll call 'em separate, but SO3 doesn't have Burn, so I'd let Paralysis blockers stop both.  So no free win with Purim Blaze Wall / Ballooning the entire team.  I suspect Team Sage wins anyway, though, thanks to Firefly.
Second, for damage on Genevive, Blaze Wall / Flame Bouquet should definitely be fine on damage as Lucent Beam / Burst don't exist yet but Randi's damage is still bad, so I'd say Purim is doing above average damage right now easily.

Re Bardiche: If Protect won't save the last team, then won't Yulie just cast Quicken instead?  Nina4's got revival and the team would definitely rather have hasted revival running than Protect (though Yulie will obviously add that, too, if she gets a turn).  For the Yuna fight, I think a magic blitz is really bad here due to MT Shell, but Deis's Death should save the day. 


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2009, 06:26:32 AM »
If a game has a separate Burn status (like FF9), then sure, I'll call 'em separate, but SO3 doesn't have Burn, so I'd let Paralysis blockers stop both.  So no free win with Purim Blaze Wall / Ballooning the entire team.

Fire Bouquet drops enemy Attack by 33%(Well, that was Meeple's theory, it seems right to me), and can MT. In practice that's a 40%-50% drop or so in physical damage, IIRC? Screws the fight over just as well.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 06:28:23 AM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2009, 07:32:05 AM »
Question I just thought of:

If a move has both ST and MT versions available (like Fire in Final Fantasy)...  If on the ST -> MT floor, would it be cast in the ST form for a bonus of MT, or would it be forced into its MT form (probably irrelevant to this week's matches, but I like covering bases anyway)?  The same goes in reverse for the MT -> ST floor...  Kinda.

By the way, both Come Back and Mute hit me as pretty cleanly floor 4 for me, with Psych Bomb entering in on Floor 6.

Also, doesn't MTing Purim's moves kind of screw over their effect time?  I dunno, I have a hard time swallowing that anything Purim casts on the whole team lasts more than one turn, if that.  I remember MTing a Defender several times in the past, and it ending really, REALLY fast...  Like, it lasted barely 10 seconds fast...  Then again, I could easily be remembering incorrectly, and the times are unchanged, just messing with the boost amount.  I'm very open to correction.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2009, 07:55:18 AM »
It screws over defensive skills.

Offensive doesn't really get screwed up as much(at all?), in my experience, though. Blaze Wall still always was good enough to easily lock down enemies for as long as you wanted, MT. Not sure if it's because their duration tends to be better or what, but.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2009, 10:48:01 AM »
Team Sage vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog)) - I'll start by saying there's a judgment call to be made here regarding counters: whether simply disabling them from attacking normally shuts down counters or not. I'm honestly inclined to say "yes" - if nothing else because, otherwise, this floor is absolutely impossible for every team ever, and I think this isn't what this floor is supposed to be about, and punishes one of the things it's supposed to reward - intelligent statusing. So, yeah. Flame Bouquet here works fine.
Team Sage vs. Chie and Yukiko - While Flame Bouquet isn't a good idea here (Yuki immunes it, Chie is too likely to dodge it), Balloon is fine and shuts down the girls' evade too. Mopping up is relatively simple.
Team Sage vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff - This is more complicated: Fayt+Nel are capable of killing Purim without fuss and both are faster than Toadstool and Demi to me. However, they actually -can't- kill Demi, because of the combo of durability and ice resistance. Ice resistance also saves Toadstool (helloooooooo B'tub Ring, you had that since floor 3. God bless Marrymore), so Demi revival saves the day here once Toadstool drops Sleep. After Purim's back up, Flame Bouquet solves problems.
Team Sage vs. Kanji and Yosuke - Yosuke can resist Fire by 80%! This isn't enough. >_>
Team Sage vs. Genevieve - Okay, this is the theoretically ugly fight in the game. Sage has to spend his first turn mostly buffing, but that's enough: while I don't allow tinking, Barrier's effect is pretty strong (even Demi, who has egregiously poor MDef, becomes pretty tanky to magic under it, and the party's mdur spread here is better than Demi's by a fairly large margin). This means that the only people who -are- going to still be OHKOed by Gen's focused Indisc are Demi and Brey (Demi sorta barely, and honestly, with B'tub Ring, Toadstool is likely to avoid being -2HKOed-), and Acceleratle also gives them a better turn spread to work their magic. Phonon quite probably scrapes a 2HKO to average here, so I'm perfectly willing to buy Sage manages to eke this out before the fight gets ugly. Yeah, think it works (funny, Sage banked his victory on Toadstool having Come Back!. It -is- floor 5 to me, and I didn't even see this mattering ever. B'tub Ring was neat this floor, though).

Team Taishyr | Kyogre, Maya (MT), Garnet, Kyra, FFT Priest
[Floor 8b: Do you have the Resources?]
*Garnet has been granted Auto-Haste
*Maya has been given Sama Recarm on Maia Custom, Maha Aquadyne on Maihime Amano, and Makarakarn on Artemis.
Team Taishyr vs. Kyra, Artea, FFT Chemist, Yukiko and Rosa
Team Taishyr vs. Yuna, Nina4, Marle, Teddie and Raja
*Full Heal
Team Taishyr vs. Fou-lu and Lambda
Team Taishyr vs. Jade, Luca Blight and Chaos
Team Taishyr vs. Profound Darkness and Dark Force 3 - Mostly agreed with the toro's assessment on most fights, but the healer madness in the second fight is very nuanced, and the Jade/Luca/Chaos fight is a headache (and dude greatly overrates Chaos's staying power: Kyogre+Garnet+Kyra should definitely be able to manhandle Chaos with the magic offense that mostly neatly bypasses his elemental defenses. The concern about Jade OHKOing Kyogre is perfectly valid before Makarakarn's damage halving, but he's getting himself hurt every time he tries to drop it on someone, and Maya's faster than him - so, he's having issues breaking through that. Not to mention he -utterly fails at killing Garnet-, and there are three revivers here making the bosses' lives miserable, so they're struggling really badly to make damage stick here while getting themselves worn out. The real concern is whether the group's MP lasts long enough to handle the entire chain, but I suspect that, if they make it through Jade/Chaos/Luca, they're good as new - for starters, Kyogre fucking solos PD, and Dark Force 3 helps applying pressure, but against a party like this with even half their resources handy, Kyogre's threat will be too much to handle. Willing to give the benefit of doubt here.

Team Bardiche | Deis2, Eileen, Lucian & Shiho (MT), Eiko, Nall
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
Team Bardiche vs. FF1 White Wizard, Knight, Ninja and Red Wizard - Bliiiiiiiiitz. Think Lucian shouldn't have been saddled with MT here, but it so doesn't matter.
Team Bardiche vs. Yosuke and Tengaar - Death, buh-bye.
Team Bardiche vs. Kanji, Ramza, Tidus (Caladbolg) and Crono - Death ganks everybody but Ramza here with ease, Kanji folds fast afterwards and Ramza is sooooooo soloing this fight.
*Full Heal
Team Bardiche vs. Yuna, Rand and Marle - Death, once again, manhandles this fight. Marle gets Lucian'd and tagged by something else.
Team Bardiche vs. Jane, Yulie, FFT Chemist and Nina4 - Buffing helps immensely here. Once Attack Up and Might Reinforce are up, Lucian mops this fight up regardless of the MT Sealstone in a single turn (seriously, only Jane lives through that, and that's because she has evade), and the healer girls fail really epically at piling up offense here even with Quick.

Team Monkey | Jessica, Mew (Firefly), Rosa, Lucian & Shiho
[Floor 3a: Singles Matchup]
*All MT is ST and targetable
Team Monkey vs. Eiko, Garnet and Rydia - Jessica OHKOs Rydia with TDL, Mew splatters Garnet and Lucian OHKOs Eiko. Pretty simple matters.
Team Monkey vs. Geddoe and Hugo - Hugo can disable one person here, but not multiple, and he's stuck with hitting Mew, who also tanks the status pretty well. Geddoe can't really handle this with two revivers, and he's going down pretty fast.
Team Monkey vs. Nina1 and Ken (P3) - hay guize TDL+Mew splatter Nina before she gets a turn unless she casts support that ain't saving her. Ken's inaccurate ID ain't making waves by itself. I don't remember if he can revive (think not - between Yukari's niche division, who gets both MT healing and revival, he got the MT healing while Aigis got the revival), but it'd hardly be enough here with Rosa status and Lucian damage flying around.
Team Monkey vs. Ephraim and Yosuke - Without Firefly, Jess would Acceleratle Rosa so she doesn't get doubled and splattered by Eph, but the sealstone makes this fight even simpler. Eph+Yosuke could really wreck Mew with the weakness-hitting, but revival handles things and they're just before a full heal.
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Ameno-Sagiri - Ameno-Sagiri's really scary on paper, but he has two fundamental issues: not being too awesomely durable to me and going last. His heavy MT emphasis gets screwed over in this floor as well, and I'm just highly suspecting that Monkey manages to two-turn him at worst - risking one-turning as is even after defenses because of how much damage Lucian deals once Shiho piles up the Might Reinforce. I have to wonder if Adachi or Kunino-Sagiri couldn't be proper support ideas for Ameno in later incarnations of this floor.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 01:11:40 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2009, 12:33:00 PM »
Hnnn I should check Splitting Sky's MT ability (Nel goes first?) I vagualy recall Splitting Sky sucking overall due to wind resistances in game and Energy Burst being sooo much better but might be different for dungeon purposes. How's Demi for resources? IIRC Purim and usually have slight resource issues for dungeon purposes?
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2009, 12:36:32 PM »
Hnnn I should check Splitting Sky's MT ability (Nel goes first?) I vagualy recall Splitting Sky sucking overall due to wind resistances in game and Energy Burst being sooo much better but might be different for dungeon purposes. How's Demi for resources? IIRC Purim and usually have slight resource issues for dungeon purposes?

Demi has a lot of self-healing, should have about three-four shots of her MT revival. Who's really spamming healing here is Toadstool, and her own spells are cheap. Purim's starting to get into the point where her resource issues aren't really notable as well, since her money spells at this point are rather cheap and she should be above the 30 MP threshold as well. The problem in places like the lategame was where there was hype for her madly spamming things that cost like 7-8 MP a pop and her endgame MP pool is in the 60s or something.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 12:52:23 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2009, 02:31:07 PM »
B'tub Ring

You know, I've been riding so much on old assumptions for half my team that I forgot we actually found a few new things out in the years since I ran that team.

>_> Forgot about the Ring completely.


Actually, I didn't really bank on Come Back that much.

It just makes things a lot simpler if you allow it. The fights do get a little more iffy otherwise, as it depends on how much you respect Barrier, and Genevieve in general. I still think that even if I didn't see Come Back this early, I'd probably make it. You just hashed out the fights better than I did(And even noted the elementality of the SO3 group, which I hadn't thought of, that makes it hard for them to down anyone important.)

Also um did you forget that Rand is still going to tank attacks? >_> You never actually mention him dying at any point. Or existing.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 02:44:51 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2009, 02:52:16 PM »

Team Sage | Demi, Purim, Princess Toadstool, Brey, Rand (Firefly)
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies. These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Sage vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog))
Team Sage vs. Chie and Yukiko- Outlast evasion, smite. Barrier means the team doesn't fear counters.
Team Sage vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff- What's stopping the SO3 team from going MP bust crazy? Brey/Toadstool are largely dead weight without that and so is Demi.
Team Sage vs. Kanji and Yosuke
Team Sage vs. Genevieve
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2009, 02:55:29 PM »
Team Sage vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff- What's stopping the SO3 team from going MP bust crazy? Brey/Toadstool are largely dead weight without that and so is Demi.

Fayt's MP damage is awful and Nel's MP damage isn't nearly good enough for covering the slack there, and the MP damage's also mostly ST.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2009, 04:06:47 PM »

Team Taishyr vs. Profound Darkness and Dark Force 3 - Mostly agreed with the toro's assessment on most fights, but the healer madness in the second fight is very nuanced, and the Jade/Luca/Chaos fight is a headache (and dude greatly overrates Chaos's staying power: Kyogre+Garnet+Kyra should definitely be able to manhandle Chaos with the magic offense that mostly neatly bypasses his elemental defenses. The concern about Jade OHKOing Kyogre is perfectly valid before Makarakarn's damage halving, but he's getting himself hurt every time he tries to drop it on someone, and Maya's faster than him - so, he's having issues breaking through that. Not to mention he -utterly fails at killing Garnet-, and there are three revivers here making the bosses' lives miserable, so they're struggling really badly to make damage stick here while getting themselves worn out. The real concern is whether the group's MP lasts long enough to handle the entire chain, but I suspect that, if they make it through Jade/Chaos/Luca, they're good as new - for starters, Kyogre fucking solos PD, and Dark Force 3 helps applying pressure, but against a party like this with even half their resources handy, Kyogre's threat will be too much to handle. Willing to give the benefit of doubt here.
I see water as ramming into Chaos's elemental resists and Garnet and Kyra can't do enough damage especially considering that Chaos has almost twice the mdef as the PC with the highest Mdef.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2009, 04:16:25 PM »
*reads up* Thanks Snow =)

Re Super/Snow - Yeah depends a lot on averages irrc, Fayt can't even -chain- Ethereal Blast without Berserk and without Berserk Splitting Sky scores a lot less ticks per fury than Energy Burst though equals with. Splitting Sky also has more % per tick for what that's worth but yeah. Ironically Fayt's best MP damage in game is Divine Blade w/th Increase MP damage and short X/O spam but that's forced to turn based here >_> Ethereal Blast has fury issues to hinder serious chaining purposes even w/th Berserk regardless so yeah. Unless one allows evil!dungeon SO3 characters FAM and/or minus fury reduction factors or something <_<
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2009, 04:29:19 PM »
Team Sage vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff- What's stopping the SO3 team from going MP bust crazy? Brey/Toadstool are largely dead weight without that and so is Demi.

Fayt's MP damage is awful and Nel's MP damage isn't nearly good enough for covering the slack there, and the MP damage's also mostly ST.

Also Rand still exists. >_> By the time they kill him-if they even can, it'll definitely take the actions of all three, they don't do spectacular damage unless I misremember-they'll be disabled by Engulf or, at the very least, have an attack down status applied. Demi doesn't give a damn about MP busting, so unless you see them as above average speed she can just Phonon them twice, as another option(although that limits later options, possibly, she can't have too awful many Phonon shots at this stage, so it does depend on your views on Genevieve respect if that's actually a good idea or not. Can't see needing it, but at the very least she can do that to avoid MP drops later.)

I mean, Rand won't even be a frog by that point from Nagra spam, since two other characters have status healing. >_> Doesn't sound like he takes enough damage from the next fight to die either. So he's at full going in and still has his usual killer durability-that's pretty consistent throughout the game, IIRC.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 04:36:38 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2009, 05:15:52 PM »
Jo'ou: Only Shiho suffers the effects of the MT Sealstone. Lucian just attacks MT at full power. Not that it matters, but.

Re Bardiche: If Protect won't save the last team, then won't Yulie just cast Quicken instead?  Nina4's got revival and the team would definitely rather have hasted revival running than Protect (though Yulie will obviously add that, too, if she gets a turn).

Well, SnowFire, suppose Yulie spends her first turn casting Quicken. This means that the team has no protection against physical. This means that Lucian's first attack is going to take down both Chemist and Yulie at the least, and Nina4's going to fall behind rather quickly, especially given Eileen and Eiko adding with their own damage. That's despite Barrier, because Lucian's rather high-end damage should allow them to drop Nina4 with magic. That should reduce the fight to Jane solo, who just isn't going to win this by her lonesome.

Jane shouldn't double anyone on my team off the bat, even with Quicken. Even if she does, she's doubling Lucian, Shiho and Eiko at the very very very worst. Yulie throws up protect as well, and... what then? Nina4 and FFT Chemist fail at damage. Suppose Nina4 buffs int or whatever. Lucian then takes his turn and still drops Chemist and Yulie. Eiko throws in damage, then comes Deis who can just throw in more damage.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2009, 06:29:52 PM »
I see water as ramming into Chaos's elemental resists and Garnet and Kyra can't do enough damage especially considering that Chaos has almost twice the mdef as the PC with the highest Mdef.

You do realize that the MDef corresponds to a relatively trivial damage reduction, right? You also do realize that Kyra could also cast Warla to counteract the effect of Haste as well, and that Maya also has MT defensive buffing besides Makarakarn, right? It's hard to avoid Kyogre getting OHKOed, but they have too many tools to trivialize the enemy party's own buffing long-term, and too many revivers as well, and they outspeed the only buffer there. Garnet also can simply cast Blind on Luca (who has a bunch of status holes to start with) and now he just sorta fails at hitting things (and he wasn't awesomely accurate to begin with - she should get her second turn even before Luca's third swing, even, after all those buffs are in place to boot, due to Auto-Haste.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 06:32:31 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2009, 03:49:21 AM »
Sage: Yeah, I agree that you probably win...  though if Purim Flame Bouquets the SO3 team, I'd see their counters as ignoring Firefly and thus they'd be able to all nuke Purim's MP (even with their attack hosed, it's all three of 'em).  Dunno if your team can still win without Purim MP, so perhaps some other strategy might work better.

Bardiche: Ah, okay, Lucian was more broken than I thought.  Just looked it up in the stat topic which claims he can PWS every turn rather than every-other turn, which is why he alone is such a threat.  Huh...  that's really broken.  Surprised Lucian/Shiho is a 3.0, didn't know he dispensed practically a OHKO every turn.  (I didn't realize that non-Yulie members were under such threat.)

Anyway, pass to team Bardiche & Monkeyfinger, abstains on the rest.  Will irrelevantly note that re: Jo'ou's analysis of Monkeyfinger's 4th fight, revival isn't quite so useful there to Firefly basically hosing reviving Mew?  But it doesn't matter.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2009, 03:55:57 AM »
I meant mostly for the team as a whole when I mentioned revival. Eph+Yosuke basically need to focus on a target to kill it.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2009, 04:10:37 AM »
Uhh... wow. I think Tai's team actually passes. Talk about a beast team. The only fight I find of concern is the second-to-last one, but I think Chaos gets ousted pretty quickly, and Luca has trouble actually being threatening. That leaves Jade against a bunch of healers and Kyogre...

Bard and Monkey pass, not -entirely- sure on Sage, but a likely pass as well.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 18
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2009, 05:13:38 AM »
...I know I'm probably missing something in interpretation, but are we talking final boss Fou-Lu or PC Fou-Lu, or...  What?

Anywho, if it's final boss Fou-Lu, then it might actually make that battle a little more resource-intensive, in terms of killing Fou and Lambda at the right time as to not go into the next fight with everyone at only 1 HP...  Plus, with Soul Rend -> Lambda's LT move, at least two or three members of Tai's team is dying all at once...

...And since no one else is coming up with that conclusion, I KNOW I'm missing something big.