Dark Souls: Up to "10/10, except better"
Demon's souls: Up to 10/10.
Deux Ex Human Revolution down to 7/10. Replaying this is shockingly boring. Even throwing fridges is boring. What has happened.
Witcher 2: 7/10. This is going to age badly, but right now it's decent.
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2: 5/10. Fun with no soul whasoever.
Deus Ex 1: 5/10. Soul with no fun whatsoever.
Vagrant Story down to 5/10. Like Witcher 2 except it has already aged badly.
Baldur's Gate 2 up to 4/10. I'm trying and failing to get back some Grefter cred here.
SD Blader: 4/10.
Brandish 2: 3/10.
Brandish up to 2/10. I'm giving it a higher rating every update. When will this end!?
Gothic 4 *: 1/10. I have more time for random NES RPGs than for this.
Ar Tonelico *: 0/10. Fuck no.
Final Fantasy Legend 1, 2, Unlimited Saga up to 6/10. SaGa. How I hated you at first.
Fire Emblem 2,3,4 up to 4,4,5/10. FE. ^_^.
Wild Arms 1,2,3,4,Alter Code F: Down to 0,2,3,6,2/10 . Wild Arms. -_-.
Xenosaga 1,3 down to 1,2/10. Xenosaga. Shit.
This is it. This RPG rating list is 100% canon forever.