The cursed Soul Eater has had a forced break for quite some time, but its raging wiles are far from quelled, even after Ted's rightful return to Godlike. The young-looking lad is up and ready for distinct challenges in his new old home, and he's quite certainly up to the task of dealing with the most powerful of all Brood members - Ryu the Third. The dragon warrior is certainly a repulsively fearsome beast once he gets going - however, Ted has all he needs to stop Ryu from getting this far: being more agile than the just barely above average blue-haired dragon boy, and notably so as soon as he equips a Tai-Chi Garb, Ted needs but one casting of Judgment to obliterate Ryu's not so impressive build pre-Accession. Such a powerful spell felled far more durable beings in a single casting, and Ryu is not nearly as strong as he'd need to be to withstand the ultimate scream of hunger from the accursed True Rune. It won't be pretty, nor clean, but it will be clear-cut: Ted has all the right things to prove his worth in Godlike once again.