Author Topic: List topic: Season 53- Godlike brings the pain.  (Read 5163 times)

Clear Tranquil

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Re: List topic: Season 53- Godlike brings the pain.
« Reply #50 on: November 25, 2009, 12:34:51 PM »
Djinn - Spike Shoes don't really have an issue. Or a least they shouldn't. Spike Shoes are an equip found on Moonbase where they are clearly meant to be abused (the enemies are weak to ice/water) Factors - Adds water/ice damage, shoots powerful balls of ice while attacking (good for counters!) The only "issue" they have is that if you allow Peppita her full throttle Power Dance > Faerie Friend combo in the DL anyway (or even eight hits!) then that might still be doing more damage to say Yukiko than an elementally enchanced Faerie Friend chain anyway! >_> Angelic Cape is "unique" in the sense that it's the only ultimate weapon that doesn't come with negative factors (others have to be synthed to be useable) and "unique" in that Peppita is the only one able to max her ATK w/th an ultimate without any IC whatsoever (yay Power Dance!) Still clearly flat out illegal unless you allow post game stuff anyway. I am thinking of allowing the SO3 characters to synth factors from their own unique weapons onto their best DL legal weapons though (so Peppita gets stuffs like adds attack decisions and emits/shoots elemental balls!) On the other hand I do already allow Peppita Power Dance > Faerie Friend chains and counters base physical skills anyway so yeah. She doesn't really need the Angelic Cape >_>

I had completely forgotten about the Enemy Skill materia in Aeris' tank thing.

Aeris just got plot-claimed up to Heavy to me.

*Headdesk* Are you serious? There isn't even a plot claim to it, it's just a materia that's randomly there. Aeris has no more claim to that than the rest of the team and it makes her the castbest dueller.

That nicely highlights my problem with such materia. There is zero uniqueness claim to a materia and it completely changes the cast balance, to the point of making Aeris the best dueller in the game and overriding her normal uniquesness of bad damage/healing limits and making her a killing machine with enemy skill.

Why are you yelling at Djinn and not me! I'm the one that brought it up! Bum~

I do abuse Aerith as a killing machine with enemy skill ;_; I find that works in with the uniqueness of her Umbrella/Princess Guard and for limit abuse actually~

Mm, I'm thinking of something like this. It seems ridiculous to penalise a pure mage for having storebought magic only, and allowing basic magic would also make them more like they are in-game - I mean, Aeris is one of the best mages there is, and would always be used for magic in-game, so having her without magic just seems... :psyduck:

Are you calling me crazy!? :P

Seriously though this works -

-FF7. Aeris and Vincent. Barret and Tifa to a lesser extent. Fire, Ice, Bolt, Quake, Bio (no poison). Contain/Ultima are far too hard to get 2 copies of, let alone 8.

It completely goes against the way I play characters after a specific part of disc one (magic starts sucking in general, physicals start to catch up) but yeah probably not for the majority/casual/non twink orientated players.

... and of course Relm does indeed cheer! This has nothing to do with my complacency~
« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 02:11:42 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: List topic: Season 53- Godlike brings the pain.
« Reply #51 on: November 28, 2009, 05:36:22 PM »

1. Zophar (Lunar:EBC)
2. Yuna (FFX)
3. Souji (P4)
4. Ghaleon (Lunars)
5. Xorn (G3)
6. Jade (BoF1)
7. TimeLord (SaGa)
8. Rubicant (FF4)
9. Terra (FF6)
10. Shania (SH3)
11. Xenobia (Lunars)
12. Kuja (FF9)
13. Asellus (SaGa)


1. Ness (EB)
2. Kary (FF4)
3. Nina (BoF1)
4. Lede (FFT)
5. Hilda (SH3)
6. Tana (FE8)
7. Nina (BoF2)
8. Agrias (FFT)
9. Chie (P4)
10. Nash (Lunar:SSSC)
11. Regal (ToS)
12. Glenn (CC)
13. Yuki (G3)


1. Yulie (WA4)
2. Junpei (P3)
3. Kraken (FF1)
4. Joachim (SH2)
5. Teddie (P4)
6. Lun (S5)
7. Setzer (FF6)
8. Scythe (WA4)
9. Raijin (FF8)


Ehh... later. I've done enough thinking today.
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if you believe in being a GOOD PERSON

If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.