Author Topic: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)  (Read 5853 times)


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Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« on: November 16, 2009, 11:25:54 PM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?
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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2009, 12:27:25 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

IRC and Skype mostly, couple other boards.  Used to have AIM, lost the six year old password, didn't care enough to make a new account.  IRC preferred.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

Lotsa new people in various places.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

99% friends.  Most of the family is technologically challenged, ditto for most people met in academia and work communication is via email.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

Occasionally and very rarely respectively.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).


6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

GameFAQs BoFIV and Diablo 2 boards, AIM.  (Not counting messing around on Compuserve at very young ages)

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

Not terribly, since as mentioned the various spheres tend to keep to themselves anyway.

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?

No idea.  I can cook various things when asked but prefer very simple meals for myself and haven't had occasion to cook for anyone else.

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

Can't think of anything.  If it's too complicated for me to cook if I had to, it's probably too complicated for me to want to eat it.  A really fancy wedding cake, maybe?

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

A really good sweet/mild pumpkin pie, chilled to around fridge temperature so that it's like eating pumpkin ice cream on a pie crust.  Served with real ice cream.  Mmm.  Also strawberries. 

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

Crab legs and lobster.  I didn't dislike them, but certainly didn't find them delicacy-level.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

Can't think of anything.  I'm usually very hesitant about trying new foods.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

No particular plans.  Might be working.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

They tend to get involved in planning all the church services of the season, which doesn't leave much time for anything else.  Haul out the small tree, throw a couple decorations on it, grab a couple books/socks as presents and call it a day after getting home from 6+ hours of church, is how it usually goes.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?


16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

Kind of.  This being Texas, snow is uncommon, and when it does fall it's usually only an inch or less.  That said it has happened around Christmas some years.

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

Blizzard's Warcraft 2/Diablo/Starcraft combo pack, back in, oh, 98, 99? 

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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 12:32:28 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?
Facebook, e-mail,, and I suppose World of WarCraft?

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew? and WoW, yeah. But it would be kind of strange if all the people on CBT were people I already knew.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?
Facebook and e-mail are pretty much just for that.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).
Nope. Shit, one of my aunts asked me yesterday if I had a single photo in which I was not intoxicated, and I told her no.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?
Solaris 7, maybe? AIM for sure, though.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?
Well, I absolutely do not talk about work except when I am there, as I spent all my time trying to forget about it, does that count?

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?
Etouffe, or however the fuck you spell it with weird extra vowels and accent letters. I am good with cajun food, due in to small part to my love for red meat and spice.

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?
Hmm. I can't ever seem to get making tuna steaks down. I don't know why, but I can't season them to a perceptible level without destroying the tuna flavor for some reason. Also, this is going to sound strange, but I like to try different seasonings on my tater tots. And once, just once, I made a batch just throwing random shit together and they were delicious, and I can't remember what I used.

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)
Well, ham and whiskey are the traditional foods of Alvistide.

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?
Like, what, a new recipe or an entirely new kind of food? Cause I'm coming up short on entirely new dishes.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?
The reason I came up short on entirely new dishes is that I have enjoyed a pretty good sized spread of dishes. I guess if I had to put something I haven't had and it's because I have not had the chance, it's gonna have to be fucking extravagant. I want those $200 Kobe burgers.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?
Eh, whatever happens happens.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?
Get together at some point. Not much gift exchange since a lot of us are getting older. We're to about 50%, but that's still like... ten kids. I usually get pretty drunk.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?
Eh, No More Heroes 2. I'm never sure if I'm getting presents on a given year anymore, since they're never consistent on that.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?
What, like when it's snowing? Probably a good 70% of all Christmases.

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?
Hmm... well, when I turned 16 I got an additional $500 that helped me buy my Mustang. So by proxy, a 1968 Mustang.


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2009, 12:46:45 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?
IRC (just for the DL), Facebook, AIM and Skype.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?
Just the DL, long, long ago.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?
Friends and family, mainly friends.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?
I usually have one or two distinct conversations a day on AIM.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).
Occasionally, but it's a situational thing. I'm not constantly watching what I say.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?
GameFAQs and AIM (well, AOL itself).

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?
Not particularly.

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?
French toast.

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)
A good fruit salad. My life is diminished when blueberries are out of season.

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?
Offhand, there's nothing I can really remember, unless you get into specific ways of preparing chicken, steak, etc.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?
I need to eat more Indian food.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?
Working, probably. Either that or sitting at home.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?
The age-old tradition of my people: Chinese food and a movie.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?
Uh....better Chinese food? I need to go back to that place near Meeple's, that was great stuff.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?
Yeah. At the very least during the winter of 1992-93, when the entire damn month was white, and covered in ice.

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?
My first car.
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Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2009, 12:49:17 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

Facebook/IRC. Rarely, AIM and Skype, e-mail even more rarely. However, I mostly talk to people in the DL boards.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

Almost all of them were new friends. I rarely use the internet to talk to people I know IRL outside of necessities.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

See above. Outside emergencies, I don't talk to people I know IRL via messenger/boards/whatever, mostly because I also don't care to ask.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

I almost never use IM devices, so I almost never IM people -or- get IM'd.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

I censor myself as much as I would in any other way. Which is to say I won't say anything in the intarwebs that I wouldn't say to other people in real life.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

My first message board was some forum from a RP community in a brazilian chat back when I was like 16. My first messaging service was ICQ.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

Very much so. My online life and my offline routine are two entirely distinct beasts and I don't like mixing them up in a regular basis.

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?

Varieties of beef, steak and sandwiches. I'm not very good a cook (I can at least make rice and warm beans without screwing things up horrendously), but fast snacks are something I do decently.

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

Pastries and desserts. I suck at making sweets.

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

Nnnnnnot really. I enjoy Christmas turkey, but it's not one of my favorite foods by far.

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

Got definitely acquainted with chinese food this year, and I'm glad I did. Gyoza is great. Also began eating more vegetables, which is better than I thought it'd be.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

I've always been curious to try more Japanese besides sushi and sashimi, but I don't know where I'd begin.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

Probably working this Christmas. My mother and sister are going up north to see my mother's family for Christmas/New Year, though.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

We usually gather up and exchange gifts. Nothing fancy. Won't be an option this year, but oh well.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

I haven't done so for the last ten years, no reason I'd start now. I -do- intend to buy a laptop shortly after the holidays, but that's more of a birthday gift to myself.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

It's sort of a weather impossibility, given I live smack in the middle of the South Hemisphere. >_>

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

I honestly have no idea. The PS2 I bought in 2007 was nice, but that was a gift I gave myself. There are a few books that were great, but no point in mentioning them. Although I will mention that the only reason I never got a car for my birthday is because I never learned to drive.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 03:58:18 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2009, 12:51:13 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

Other forums, email, Skype, in that order.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

Met a lot of new people, but a lot of Kalamazoo-origin people drive me nuts, so. ~

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

Sometimes, but I prefer face-to-face meetings, so.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

Very rarely, and more often, but still not commonly.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

Only on Facebook. Everywhere else, rarely if ever.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

WoT Now? forums, and AIM.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

Only on Facebook. Family (brother) has actually been referred to this site, amusingly.

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?

Uh... probably a three-way between the croissants, my mac & cheese, and my shepherd's pie.

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

Anything I can't cook right now. >_>

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

Not really.

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

Veggie burgers (not tofu burgers, but... this weird mix of ground up veggies). It was okay, needed less pepper and more baked beans.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

I'd like to actually try -good- sushi. I've had sushi before but got told later it was subpar crap (I thought it was shit, so).

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

Cope with family.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

Drama. Alternately, get together. Possibly both.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

It's not for another year, right?~

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

Only once have I not (China).

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

Uh. Music, primarily.


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2009, 12:58:42 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

Facebook, various other message boards, MSN, skype and Triple Triad Advance.
MSN is probably the one I use the most.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

Plenty, and I've made great friends this way. And I get the feeling I'm making even more by being here. ^^

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

All the time, for all three.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

Fairly frequently. If I'm online, I'm usually also on MSN.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

Rarely. I speak my mind.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

GameFAQs, 8 years ago (holy shit, I was 8).

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

Not in particular. I'm very close with my family, my mother especially. There's nothing I'd tell my friends that I wouldn't tell my mother.

8. What's the best dish you can cook?

Oh man, one of these days, I am making you taste my pecan cheese cake. I should own a bakery, JUST because of that cake I make.

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

Kraft Dinner. lolz, no, seriously, I have no idea. Nothing comes to mind. I've yet to try anything -too- hard to cook.

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

Hmm... chocolate pretzels at Christmas are pretty orgasmic.

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

Off the top of my head, zucchini fries were DELISH.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

I've never had pumpkin pie. I oughta try some at one point.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

Spending Christmas with my family, and spending the following week and a half of break with friends in Florida. =D

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

We open our presents right at midnight, the moment Christmas starts. Yeah. Santa Claus is THAT fuckin' fast.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

New, good quality headphones, and some shirts. And spending money for Florida.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

That's all we ever have in Canada. ;p

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

Hmm... probably Final Fantasy VII. I would be a completely different child if Final Fantasy did not enter my life. ;p
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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2009, 01:27:36 AM »
1. Skype and Steam

2. Just people I already knew

3. Nope

4. Nope

5. Yeah. I think everybody does.


7.  Yes

8.  Steak

9. Fettuccine Alfredo

10.  Egg nog at Christmas. I can drink gallons of the stuff.

11. Elk. Loved it.

12. Lion.

13.  Just the usual family related stuff. Not working.

14. Big Christmas Eve dinner, presents next morning, then we retire to our seperate quarters.

15. A new backpack

16.  Several.

17. PSX
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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2009, 01:47:26 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

Just email, for the most part. IRC to talk to you guys, and very rarely AIM. Something about the likes of Facebook and blogging in general is just anathema to my very being.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

Just you mooks.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

Just family, mostly.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

AIM got mostly phased out once the DL switched to IRC. This was mostly what I used AIM for, so. Anyway, I mostly just linger in the main channel occasionally. Don't regularly communicate individually.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

It's possible that I do this without realizing it. Not really sure.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

For the former: the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame used to have a message board, but it all went to hell when the Kiss Army invaded. I wish I was joking. For the latter, AIM sometime in college. I think I held out until junior year or so before actually using it, which is pretty remarkable these days.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

Sorta. I've not actually mentioned the DL to family, ever. Not really a shared interest, hasn't had a reason to come up.

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?


9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

I dunno, anything? I can really only manage sandwiches.

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

My parents make this awesome applesauce using McIntosh apples, which are usually only available in the autumn.

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?


12. What's a new food you'd like to try?


13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

Probably just hanging out with the family.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

Usually my parents make a lot of food and everyone else eats it. The lazy people (my siblings and I) likely do much reading and/or watching of movies while this occurs. Sometimes relatives are involved, sometimes not.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

No, but I probably should. Suggesting that people not get me anything never produces the desired result, so I'll likely circulate a list of books/movies/CDs just so they have some guidance.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

Probably? Not that I can recall which year it was, but it seems likely to have happened at some point. Northern Virginia's decently cold in December; snow doesn't usually show up until January, but I can see it happening earlier.

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

First guitar, I guess.

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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2009, 02:16:01 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

AIM, IRC, GameFAQs, Sleepywood message boards. AIM is still the preferred method for me.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

Yes, new people.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

Mostly friends and family.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

Mostly IM other people. Happens daily, but not often.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

Yes, depending on what and where.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

Message board: Prodigy Classic Star Wars message board.
Messaging Service: Prodigy Classic chat. After that, AIM.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

Not really? It happens naturally I guess since no one in the family shares the same interests.

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?

Chicken Teriyaki

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

No idea.

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

Milky Way Caramels. Only available at Christmastime usually for some reason, but they're like crack for me.

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

Can't quite recall. I've tried new types of sushi with differing amounts of success. Mostly crazy specialty rolls.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

There's a ton of different fast food type places down here I've never seen/heard of before. Call me simple, but giving these a try would be neat.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

Mom is coming down to Florida. Not sure what I'll be doing otherwise.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

Still open presents together in the morning. Classic.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

My Mom still has us make a christmas list for her, but it's more general and she picks stuff from there to maintain some surprise.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

Yes. It happens every once in a while in NJ.

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

Lunar 2: EBC. I'd been one of those people who preordered very early (hence Punching Puppet Ghaleon), so I'd been waiting and waiting and waiting. I'd heard it was pushed back again until after Christmas, but on Xmas Day I opened it up to complete and utter shock. My Mom said they had gotten it in just a few days ago so she decided to keep it secret from me to give it to me for Christmas. Still the most memorable Christmas moment for me.


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2009, 02:19:22 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

Gmail chat is the perfect chatting program. It works on every computer with internet. EVERY computer. Even the decades-old computers at my schools. I also use AIM and Skype when I remember to turn them on. I hang out at a small number of other message boards but not nearly the same way as at the DL. You guys are just so horrible memorable. Email is the primary form of important communication. Moreso than phone conversations and face-to-face conversations. It's nice when all the important errands of your life are searchable.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

Of the ones I currently use, just you guys. I've made a number of web-friends through services I used in high school and college though.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?


4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

When I remember to turn AIM on... >.>;;

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

I don't use easily-searchable services often, apart from the DL, so I don't have reason to censor myself. And at the DL... it's just not worth censoring myself.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

...deviantart... >.>;;  Yes, I was one of THOSE teenagers.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

No, I wish more of my friends and family would join the DL! My lil bro reads this place from time to time, but that's it, though. All of my friends know it exists, but they're frightened of you guys and your vast RPG knowledge. They see all these games they've never heard of from the SNES era and are like... 'Are there even any -new- games here?' *sigh* I need friends who played SNES RPGs...

Cooking, boring.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

Yes, I'm working *mutter* Japan celebrates Christmas, but it's only a commercial holiday, not a national day-off.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

When we're actually all together, we normally go to some relatives' house for Christmas Eve and then open presents on Christmas morning. And then I get to leave those boring people behind and party with my friends afterwards.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

Christmas sex.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

First one ever was in Japan! That was kind of cool, even though I despise snow.

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

Christmas sex.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 03:09:26 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2009, 02:24:16 AM »
17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

Lunar 2: EBC. I'd been one of those people who preordered very early (hence Punching Puppet Ghaleon), so I'd been waiting and waiting and waiting. I'd heard it was pushed back again until after Christmas, but on Xmas Day I opened it up to complete and utter shock. My Mom said they had gotten it in just a few days ago so she decided to keep it secret from me to give it to me for Christmas. Still the most memorable Christmas moment for me.

Touching RPG-related story is touching. I d'awwwwed.


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2009, 02:25:07 AM »
And Djinn wins at Christmas.


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2009, 03:49:15 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

-Facebook, IRC, AIM, MSN. I prefer MSN.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

-Mostly people I already knew, though the DL shook that up a bit.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

-Friends and Family

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

-Both occur, though I'm usually the one IM'ing.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

-Occasionally, though very rarely.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

-MSN I believe.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?


8.  What's the best dish you can cook?

-I could make a batch of pasta that would knock your socks off, and then toss them back on.

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?


10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

-No, not really.

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

-I'm not sure. Though I probably liked it.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

-Don't know enough foods I haven't tried.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

-Probably not working, though plans are all but guaranteed.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

-Lots and lots of flying around the country.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

-Nothing I really want.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?


17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

-A Big Box of Awesome.
<%King_Meepdorah> roll 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"?
* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
<%King_Meepdorah> ...
<+superaway> ...Uh oh.
<+RandomConsonant> ...
* +superaway shakes head.


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2009, 04:03:30 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

Facebook for friends, E-mail for anything pseudoprofessional or academic.  It's rare for me to initiate a conversation on steam, and I only use Skype to talk to relatives and my friend who went to Japan with the REACH program.  I sometimes use AIM but only because I can use it in the gmail browser window.

Oh, and IRC sometimes.  Y'know.  So I can ignore you all but ignore you with my presence.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

People I already knew mostly.  Well, nowadays anyway.  Used to be the other way around.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

Yeah.  Facebook for co workers, e-mail or AIM for family members.  Sometimes Skype.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?
Get IMed, and rarely.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

Eh, I should, just because it'll make it harder to get a job later (probably) if I don't.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

Something called IntoTheWeb, or AcrossTheWeb or something weird and stupid like that.  Think geocities for message boards.  It was a Final Fantasy... 7? message board.  First messaging service was a chat server called LiveUniverse.  Lot of stupid teenagers roleplaying but with no real rules so it was especially retarded.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

If I can help it.  Do I need my late-night partying til 5AM friends leaving me messages where my professors can see it?  What do you think.

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?

That I CAN cook?  Uh.  Probably a steak with a side of mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.  That I can be arsed to cook?  Probably just the mashed potatoes.  >_>

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

Sushi. Sounds cheaper to make than it is to buy, just way harder.
10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

Does mulled cider (8%< ABV) count as food?  Does it count if I've only had it once but damn was it awesome?

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

I'm done thinking about food.  I eat to live, not the other way around, and am also lazy.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

Visit the parents at some point.  If at all possible make it back to Albuquerque for Christmas night (it's an hour drive, so I could probably make it after dinner if I just had some sort of ride) and then get plastered with my coworkers, since Christmas is also my manager's birthday.  Given my parent's willingness to be iconoclastic there's a chance we may just do that whole thing on the solstice instead, anyway.  Um.  Work.  Find a new job. 

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?

Exchange gifts.  Eat a huge-ass meal somewhere in there.  Make token phonecalls to relatives we don't like very much anyway.

Oh, yeah, shit, Rob reminded me.  We all get blind stinking drunk if we can help it.  Family bonding~

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

Nope.  I'm enough of a financial drain on my parents as it is.

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

Yep.  Er.  Maybe?  It snows sometimes.

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

Money to help me at the end of my stay in Europe and to get back on my feet in Albuquerque.  That was pretty tits.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 04:14:25 AM by Makkotah »


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2009, 04:10:49 AM »

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

Not in particular. I'm very close with my family, my mother especially. There's nothing I'd tell my friends that I wouldn't tell my mother.


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2009, 04:17:25 AM »
16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

First one ever was in Japan! That was kind of cool, even though I despise snow.

I'm never giving you a Christmas gift ever. </nobodygivesadamn>
« Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 04:19:31 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2009, 04:28:12 AM »
16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

First one ever was in Japan! That was kind of cool, even though I despise snow.

I'm never giving you a Christmas gift ever. </nobodygivesadamn>

That's okay, there's only one kind of gift I want for Christmas anyway... ;D

And if I wanted it from you, it'd only be fun if it was a surprise (to you)! :-*

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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2009, 04:54:29 AM »
16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

First one ever was in Japan! That was kind of cool, even though I despise snow.

I'm never giving you a Christmas gift ever. </nobodygivesadamn>

That's okay, there's only one kind of gift I want for Christmas anyway... ;D

And if I wanted it from you, it'd only be fun if it was a surprise (to you)! :-*

So either you're asking him to buy you a prostitute and to ask for her to "make it weird," or you're going to rape him. Every time you get your hands on something, Japan, it's underage girls and rape all over the place!


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2009, 05:00:12 AM »
Yep, that was the joke. Nice of you to spell it out so clearly for the retarded kids in the audience. ^_^

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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2009, 05:12:34 AM »
1. What methods do you use to talk to people online besides the DL boards? (Other message boards, facebook, IRC, AIM, email, Skype, steam, etc) What's your favorite method?

I talk on Facebook a lot. I like IRC or Facebook.

2. Have you met new friends over these services, or just people you already knew?

On facebook? I've met a handful of people or so.

3. Do you use these services to talk to friends? Coworkers? Family members?

Friends and coworkers, I don't usually talk to family.

4. Do you IM people? Get IMed? How often does either happen?

Yup, maybe once or twice a day.

5. Do you ever censor what you say based on who will read it? (IE watch what you say on FB because you don't want a parent to see it,  don't want it to show up on a public search, etc).

I certainly think about some of the more cruel things I am thinking (or more likely interpreted in wrong ways) for public search sake. I am a wee bit paranoid.

6. What was your first message board? Your first messaging service?

Saga Frontier boards, GameFAQs, and AIM.

7.  Do you make any effort to keep parts of your life (Family, work, friends) separate online?

Somewhat, although this rule has been shattered recently.

8.  What's the best dish you can cook?

I don't have too much cooking experience, but I made some pretty good stew a couple weeks ago.

9. What is something you'd love to cook but can't make right/it's too complicated to manage?

I want to make a lot of stuff; maybe some stroganoff or broccoli casserole. As for hard things, chili probably.

10.  Do you have a favorite seasonal food? (Pumpkin pie at thanksgiving, summer fruits)

Christmas ham :D

11. What is a new food you've tried in the past year? Did you like it or hate it?

I've had all kinds of new foods, but I will say chicken spinach was the biggest positive surprise.

12. What's a new food you'd like to try?

I'd like to try some Brazilian food, but it's pretty expensive here.

13.  Do you have any plans this christmas? Are you working?

I'm going back home to visit my family.

14. What does your family normally do during christmas?(

Christmas Eve we go to my grandma's where all of my grandma's part of the family has dinner and plays a game with stealing gifts and stuff.

Christmas Day we visit my mom's mom and have a peaceful family meal.

15. Are you asking for anything in particular?

I want a Drew Brees jersey. :D

16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

Yup. It mostly involves being pelted by snowballs from a college baseball pitcher. :( Stupid brothers.

17. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?

I think my favorite gift ever was when I got this castle that had giant Polly Pockets in it that doubled as a tea set. Any variety of Christmases where I got Polly Pockets and Barbies was always awesome. I remember going to my grandparents' house and getting this super-special Barbie who had a ball dress and everything from Santa. It was so awesome.
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Profile pic by (@bunneshi) on twitter!

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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2009, 05:18:27 AM »
16.  Have you ever had a white christmas?

First one ever was in Japan! That was kind of cool, even though I despise snow.

I'm never giving you a Christmas gift ever. </nobodygivesadamn>

That's okay, there's only one kind of gift I want for Christmas anyway... ;D

And if I wanted it from you, it'd only be fun if it was a surprise (to you)! :-*

This is the first time I've ever been invited to a rape before, and I wish I still didn't know uttering this phrase was even -possible-.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2009, 06:00:16 AM »
And that brings the 'People in the DL who I -haven't- hit on yet' Count down by 1! ;)


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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2009, 06:24:44 AM »
At this rate you'll run out of people worth hitting on about two people ago~
(post later, lazy)
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: Commiuncations, cooking, and Christmas! (Questions)
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2009, 06:32:44 AM »
Oh great, I got called fat twice in a row in the span of a single topic page. >_>
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....