Author Topic: Fishmen back in the water, the play has moved on.  (Read 12784 times)


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Fishmen back in the water, the play has moved on.
« on: November 19, 2009, 08:44:16 AM »

Current Effects
Estate Sale - Investigators who end their movement in the Uptown streets may draw 2 Unique Items and purchase one, none, or both of them at list price, discarding any that are not purchased.

The bolded player is first, play continues down the list.

Taishyr - Minh Thi Phan
Talaysen - Mark Harrigan
Nitori - Agnes Baker
Hunter Sopko - Carolyn Fern
Shale - Diana Stanley
Sir Alex - Silas Marsh
« Last Edit: December 05, 2009, 03:03:33 AM by Yakumo »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 08:44:26 AM »

: Esoteric Order of Dagon
: Sky
: Uptown Streets
: The Unnameable


: Devil's Reef
: Esoteric Order of Dagon
: The Unnameable
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 11:21:36 PM by Yakumo »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2009, 08:44:35 AM »
Doom Track 10/11

Open Gates 3/6
Monster Limit 4/9
Outskirts Limit 0/2
Deep Ones Rising 4/6
Feds Raid Innsmouth 0/6
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 11:21:40 PM by Yakumo »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2009, 08:44:57 AM »


Bank of Arkham
Bank Loan: Instead of having an encounter here, you may take out a Bank Loan if you don't have one yet.

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Care: Instead of having an encounter here, you may recover sanity by receiving psychiatric care. You may either regain 1 Sanity for free, or pay $2 to restore your Sanity to its maximum value.

Curiositie Shoppe
Shop: Instead of having an encounter here, you may draw 3 Unique Items and purchase one of them for its list price. Discard the other two items.

Police Station
Deputized: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster trophies, 2 gate trophies, or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies and 1 gate trophy to become the Deputy of Arkham. Take the Deputy of Arkham card.

General Store
Shop: Instead of having an encounter here, you may draw 3 Common Items and purchase one of them for its list price. Discard the other two items.

Science Building
Dissection: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain 2 clue tokens.

Classes: Instead of having an encounter here, you may pay $8 to draw 2 Skills. Keep one of them and discard the other.

Silver Twilight Lodge
Inner Sanctum: If you have a Silver Twilight Membership, then you look at the Inner Sanctum entry when having encounters here.

St. Mary's Hospital
Medical Care: Instead of having an encounter here, you may recover Stamina by receiving medical care. You may either regain 1 Stamina for free, or pay $2 to restore your Stamina to its maximum value.

Ma's Boarding House
Recruit:Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 10 toughness worth of monster trophies, 2 gate trophies, or 5 toughness worth of monster trophies and 1 gate trophy to take any 1 Ally of your choice from the Ally deck.

Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
Magic Lessons: Instead of having an encounter here, you may pay $5 to draw 2 Spells. Keep one of them and discard the other.

South Church
Blessing: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to have any investigator you choose be Blessed.

River Docks
Shady Character: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend 5 toughness worth of monster trophies or 1 gate trophy to gain $5.  This location counts as an Aquatic location.

Unvisited Isle
This location counts as an Aquatic location.


Innsmouth Jail
Jail Break: Each investigator in the Jail Cell during the Arkham Encounter Phase makes a Sneak(-1) check and draws one encounter card, plus one additional card for every success rolled, encountering one card of his choice and discarding the others.

Sawbone Alley
Outside Help: Investigators imprisoned in Innsmouth Jail gain one extra success on their Jail Break roll for every investigator in Sawbone Alley.  This is a street location.

First National Grocery
Food and Gossip: Instead of having an encounter here, you may spend $1 to search the Common Item deck for a "Food" or "Research Materials" card.

Gilman House Hotel
Uneasy Sleep: After having an encounter here, if you are still at this location, you may gain 1 sanity or 1 stamina.

Falcon Point
Boat Charter: During the movement phase, you may spend $2 to move to any aquatic location and have an encounter there(if applicable), or to move any other investigator in an aquatic location to Falcon Point.  Investigators may not move any further after moving with this location ability.

Devil Reef
Accursed: Investigators must end their movement upon entering Devil Reef.  Flying monsters may move into Devil Reef as though it were a street area.

Inaccessible: Investigators may only enter Y'ha-nthlei from Devil Reef or when returning to Arkham from an Other World, regardless of other game effects.  This is true even if there is an open gate here.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 09:30:30 AM by Yakumo »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2009, 08:45:04 AM »
A gaudy yellow bus brought a travelling acting troupe to Arkham, one you hadn't heard of before.  The playbills they've posted are advertising a play you've also never heard of, The King in Yellow.  Something about the advertising isn't quite right, though.  That yellow sign painted everywhere feels wrong, somehow, and people that have come into contact with the actors or the script are treating them with a reverence bordering on religious zeal.  Somehow you feel this needs to be looked into...

That's not the only thing that's got you digging for clues, though.  You've heard too many rumors and stories from travelers through nearby Innsmouth to discount them any longer.  Reports of strange creatures and activities have been increasing, though it's hard to get any details from the close-minded, distrustful townsfolk.  You can't help but think that this has something to do with the same sorts of reports in Arkham, though.  Insular town or not, you feel that someone needs to get to the bottom of things over there before things take a turn for the worst.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 09:30:38 AM by Yakumo »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2009, 08:45:11 AM »
Among the many signs that things weren't right, one of the most obvious was the unseasonable rains that had partially flooded Innsmouth and Arkham.

The Streets are Flooded
Environment: Weather
All street areas are also aquatic locations while this card remains in play.

A clue appears at The Esoteric Order of Dagon.  A gate appears at Devil Reef, spawning a Dark Young and a Witch.
Circle monsters move on Black, the Witch moves into a vortex.  The Terror Level increases by one.  A token is added to the Deep Ones Rising track.

One of you has an item that can prevent the terror level from rising, so before you actually take actions I need to know if you plan to let it rise or prevent it.  If you let it rise, I need to know if you place your Yellow Sign token on the Terror Track and allow a Blight to enter play or if you will add the token to the Doom Track, per the King in Yellow.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 09:30:42 AM by Yakumo »

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2009, 10:26:15 AM »
Posting up the ol' char sheet at least. Not taking any actions until we decide upon a course of action.

EDIT: Since we've decided, I move to Hibbs and pick up the clue there and hope for an encounter that gibbs money.

Carolyn Fern
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Focus: 2

Speed  0  1  [2]  3
Sneak  3  2  [1]  0  

Fight  1  2  [3]  4  
Will    4  3  [2]  1  

Lore  2  3  [4]  5  
Luck  5  4  [3]  2  

2 Clue Tokens

Speed skill (+1 Speed, One extra bonus die on Speed checks if I spend a Clue token)
Understudy's Script (Tome. Exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Will (-2) check. If you pass, draw 1 Spell, gain 2 Clue tokens, and discard Understudy's Script. If you fail, you lose 1 Sanity)
Sedanette (You may automatically Evade monsters of toughness 1 while in the street.)
Petrifying Solution (2H Physical Weapon. +8 to Combat checks (Discard after use) This weapon ignores the Physical Resistance and Endless special abilities.)
Illuminated Manuscript (Exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-1) check. If you fail, nothing happens. If you succeed, you lose 1 Sanity and may either: Draw 1 Skill but discard this card, or gain 1 Clue token and keep this card.)

Personal Story:
Pass- Spend $15 at Arkham Asylum.
Fail- Possess 6 Clue Tokens at once. (2/6)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 03:38:48 PM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2009, 12:40:04 PM »
Manly man should kill that gate before the gate kills us~

Agnes Baker

Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 5/5
Focus 2

Speed 1 2 3 [4]
Sneak 3 2 1 [zero]

Fight [1] 2 3 4
Will [3] 2 1 0

Lore 3 4 [5] 6
Luck 4 3 [2] 1

4 Clue Tokens


Stealth - Exhaust to reroll an Evade check


Safety Deposit Key

Movement: Spend 1 movement point and discard this card while in the Bank of Arkham to make a Luck (-2) check.
If you succeed, draw 1 Unique item. If you fail, gain 2 Clue tokens.

Illuminated Manuscript

Movement: Exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-1) check. If you fail, nothing happens.
If you succeed, you lose 1 Sanity and may either:
Draw 1 Skill but discard this card, or gain 1 Clue token and keep this card.


Shrivelling (casting mod -1, sanity cost 1, 1H) - Cast and exhaust to gain +6+7 to combat checks until the end of combat
Wither (casting mod +0, sanity cost 0, 1H) - Cast and exhaust to gain +3+4 to combat checks until the end of combat

Personal Story:

PASS - Have 3 or more monster trophies - Exhaust this card to reroll a failed Spell check
FAIL - Knocked unconscious or driven insane - Max Stamina -1

Moving to Independence Square~, +1 CT

« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 10:16:22 PM by Nitori »
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2009, 01:57:20 PM »
Iunno if we should use the anti-Terror Track item yet, though it seems like it might be wise to keep as many places/options open for as long as possible? No matter how we look at it, it's only going to extend our lifespan, so to speak, by one turn, so we should probably use it ASAP, thinking on it. Any arguments against? I am kinda new at this, sooo.

Minh Thi Phan
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Focus: 2

Speed  2  3  4  [5]
Sneak  4  3  2  [1]

Fight  1  2  [3]  4
Will    4  3  [2+1]  1

Lore  1  2  3  [4]
Luck  3  2  1  [0]

2 Clue Token

Unique Ability: Synergy - Any Phase: Minh gains a +1 bonus to all skill checks while she has an Ally, or while another investigator is in the same location as her.
Team Player - Upkeep: Minh may choose one other investigator in her location. She gains a +1 bonus to all skill checks she makes until the end of the turn.

Will: Skill (+1 Will; when spending a clue token on any Will check, add extra bonus die.)

.18 Derringer (1h phys weapon, +2 Combat, cannot be lost or stolen unless allowed. $3)
Enchanted Blade (1h mag weapon, +4 Combat. $6 )
Voice of Ra (Spell; -1 cast mod, -1 Sanity. +1 all skill checks until end of turn.)
1x Unknown Spell
King in Yellow (Tome: Exhaust/spend 2 move to make Lore -2 check. If pass, gain 4 clue tokens/lose 1 sanity/discard tome. Failure results in nothing.)
Ancient Tome (Tome: Exhaust/spend 2 move to make Lore -1 check. If pass, gain 1 spell/discard tome. Failure results in nothing)

Combat Mod: 3+2+4-mod (Fight+.18+Enchanted).

Personal Story:
Pass- Read three tomes. (1/3) Reward: Gain ally of your choice (pesky wording!).
Fail- Go insane. (---)                 Penalty: Can no long hold or use Tomes.

Turn: moved to Administration, read Ancient Tome, success.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 03:25:25 PM by Taitoro »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2009, 02:46:25 PM »
Using ASAP sounds fine to me; like Tai said, it's a one-point reduction in the terror track no matter when we choose to use it, might as well do so sooner, when we're less prepared to deal with the play.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2009, 03:06:21 PM »

Regardless of what you do, I think I can declare my action:

Moving to the administration building, exhausting Ancient Tome for a Lore -1 check.

[10:03] > Alright. Lore at 4, going to try and read Ancient Tome. Can you check for me, Soppy?
[10:04] > Or, well, anyone else awake? >_>
[10:04] <MishaArsellecLune> For a bit.
[10:05] > heading to the Administration building, reading my Ancient Sandwich. I mean tome. ...No, I mean sandwich. Lore -1 check, so three dice.
[10:05] > roll 3d6 sandwich spell?
[10:05] > ...
[10:05] <MishaArsellecLune> gj
[10:05] * Hatbot (~Hatbot@ has joined #rpgdlarkhamhorror
[10:05] > stfu
[10:05] > roll 3d6 sandwich spell?
[10:05] * Hatbot --> "Taishyr rolls 3d6 sandwich spell? and gets 13." [3d6=6, 1, 6]
[10:05] > Sandwich spell.
[10:05] <MishaArsellecLune> Sandwich~

Discarding Ancient Tome, gain 1 Spell.


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2009, 06:53:27 PM »
Diana Stanley

Stamina: 4/4
Sanity: 6/6

Focus: 1

Speed  0  1  2  [3]
Sneak  4  3  2  [1]

Fight  1  2  [3]  4
Will    4  3  [2+1]  1

Lore  3  [4]  5  6
Luck  4  [3]  2  1


3 Clues
Director's Diary: Discard to cancel one point of Terror Level increase.
Mists of Releh: Cast and exhaust to pass an Evade check. Casting cost 0, spell check equals the target monster's Awareness.
Will: +1 Will, Clue tokens that add to Will checks count double.
Silver Twilight Lodge Membership: Take encounters from the Inner Sanctum instead of the Silver Twilight Lodge. Cannot be lost under any circumstances.

Quest Status:

Pass: 3/5 Clues, not at Police Station
Fail: Terror Level at 0

* Shale reads from the director's diary, calming the town of Arkham with the soothing balm of behind-the-scenes gossip from the local community theater.
<Taishyr> Yay.
<Shale> It then catches on fire, for some reason.

PRoceed to the Silver Twilight Lodge, take a clue, and await an Inner Sanctum encounter.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2009, 08:18:32 PM »
Mark Harrigan

Location: Historical Society

Sanity: 3 / 3
Stamina: 7 / 7

Speed: 1 [2] 3 4
Sneak: 5 [4] 3 2

Fight: [3] 4 5 6
Will: [3] 2 1 0

Lore: 0 1 2 [3] (+1)
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Focus: 1

Unique Ability: One Man Army - Any Phase: You cannot be arrested or delayed.

4 Clue Tokens

Common Items
Flamethrower - Type: Physical weapon / Hands: 2 / Any: Exhaust before making a Combat check to gain +7 to that check. / Price: $6
Molotov Cocktail - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +6 Combat check (Discard after use) / Hands: 1 / Price: $3

Unique Items
Cursed Sphere - Type: Magical weapon / Hands: 1 / Any: Exhaust and spend either 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity before making a Combat check to gain +6 to that check. / Price: $4

Lore - +1 Lore / When you spend a Clue token to add to any Lore check, add one extra bonus die.

Personal Story
PASS - Get R'yeh gate trophy.
FAIL - Reduced to 0 sanity.

Current Action
Heading over to Historical Society and gaining 1x Clue Token.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 08:20:25 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2009, 08:21:37 PM »
Silas Marsh, Man of the Sea
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 6/6

Focus: 2

Speed  1  2  3  [4]
Sneak  4  3  2  [1]  

Fight  3  4  [5]  6  
Will    4  3  [2]  1  

Lore  1  2  [3]  4  
Luck  3  2  [1]  0  

$7 $0
2 Clue Tokens

Marksman skill (Exhaust to reroll a Combat check)
Cross (+1 to Horror checks (passive, always on), 1H magical weapon, +0 to Combat checks, +3 to Combat checks if opponent is undead)
Cavalry Saber (1H physical weapon, +2 to Combat checks)
Shotgun (2H physical weapon, +4 to Combat checks, 6s count as double successes when in use)
Map of the Mind (Other World use only: Discard to keep from being delayed or Lost in Time and Space. If you use this item when you go insane or are knocked unconscious in an Other World, you go directly to Arkham Asylum or St. Mary's Hospital respectively.)

Monsters - Dark Young (3 toughness)

Personal Story:
Pass- Discard 1 gate trophy, 1 monster trophy and 3 clue tokens during upkeep phase, be devoured.
Fail- Enter R'lyeh.

Silas spends 2 movement sailing his mighty ship through the flooded streets, meeting Soppy/Carolyn and tossing her his cavalry saber and $7 in doubloons, then spends his other 2 movement sailing forth to his destiny at Devil's Reef, using his trusty shotgun to abort the Dark Young and hop into Another Dimension!

Results: [14:49] <Ranmilia> Silas Marsh, Man of the Sea, vs Dark Young
[14:49] <Ranmilia> Horror check is at +0.
[14:49] * Taishyr nods.
[14:50] <Ranmilia> 2 base will +2 aquatic location bonus +1 cross necklace
[14:50] <Ranmilia> 5 dice
[14:50] <Ranmilia> 5d6
[14:50] * Hatbot --> "Ranmilia rolls 5d6 and gets 18." [5d6=4, 4, 5, 1, 4]
[14:50] <Ranmilia> Success, barely.  Silas takes 1 sanity damage from Nightmarish anyway.
[14:50] <Taishyr> Safe from the mind tentacles, though Nightmarish, yes.
[14:50] <Ranmilia> Combat check is at -1.
[14:51] <Ranmilia> 5 base fight, +2 aquatic location, +2 shotgun through physical resistance, -1
[14:51] <Ranmilia> 8 dice.
[14:51] <Ranmilia> Shotgun in use, 6s count twice.  Three successes needed.
[14:51] <Ranmilia> 8d6
[14:51] * Hatbot --> "Ranmilia rolls 8d6 and gets 33." [8d6=6, 5, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 6]
[14:51] <RandomAttackOfTheLobstermen> Have some sixes
[14:51] <Taishyr> Bang bang.
[14:51] <Ranmilia> Pulverized.
[14:51] <Taishyr> (Ow, seven successes. Ground monster, anyone?)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 08:53:49 PM by Sir Alex »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2009, 07:21:22 PM »
Arkham Encounters

Taishyr - Min Thi Phan
You are asked to speak to the students regarding Lost Carcosa. Pass a Lore (-1) check to gain $1 for each success you roll.

Talaysen - Mark Harrigan
Perusing the county records, you discover something horrifying about your family tree. Lose 1 Sanity.

Nitori - Agnes Baker
Make a Will (-1) check. If you pass it, Anna Kaslow the fortune teller offers her help in your investigation. Take her Ally card if it is still available. Otherwise, gain 2 Clue tokens. If you fail, nothing happens.  Anna Kaslow is available.

Hunter Sopko - Carolyn Fern
The only empty seat is next to a strange, diminutive man.  He has no ears, and is missing all the fingers on his left hand.  If you pass a Luck (+0) check, he cackles, says "You did well, though you knew it not," and hands you $2.

Shale - Diana Stanley
"You must always be studying," Carl Sanford tells you. Make a Lore (-1) check. If you pass, draw 1 Spell. If you fail, you are delayed, and then draw 1 Spell.  

Other World Encounters

Sir Alex - Silas Marsh
In each facet of the gem is a monstrosity waiting to be born.  Make a Luck (+0) check.  If you fail, a monster appears!


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2009, 08:08:21 PM »
<Shale-work> Anybody here to witness hatebot?
* Smashy floats around?
<RandomConsonant> ~
<Shale-work> 4 Lore, -1 check.
<Shale-work> Roll 3d6
<Shale-work> Hatbot?
<RandomConsonant> Case sensitive
<Shale-work> roll 3d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Shale-work rolls 3d6 and gets 4." [3d6=2, 1, 1]
<Shale-work> Dammit.
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2009, 08:13:14 PM »
Silas Marsh, Man of the Sea
Sanity 4/4
Stamina 6/6

Focus: 2

Speed  1  2  3  [4]
Sneak  4  3  2  [1] 

Fight  3  4  [5]  6 
Will    4  3  [2]  1 

Lore  1  2  [3]  4 
Luck  3  2  [1]  0 

2 Clue Tokens

Marksman skill (Exhaust to reroll a Combat check)
Cross (+1 to Horror checks (passive, always on), 1H magical weapon, +0 to Combat checks, +3 to Combat checks if opponent is undead)
Shotgun (2H physical weapon, +4 to Combat checks, 6s count as double successes when in use)
Map of the Mind (Other World use only: Discard to keep from being delayed or Lost in Time and Space. If you use this item when you go insane or are knocked unconscious in an Other World, you go directly to Arkham Asylum or St. Mary's Hospital respectively.)

Monsters - Dark Young (3 toughness)

Personal Story:
Pass- Discard 1 gate trophy, 1 monster trophy and 3 clue tokens during upkeep phase, be devoured.
Fail- Enter R'lyeh.

Abu!  NO!

[14:12] <Ranmilia> 1d6 to avoid picking up the gem?
[14:12] * Hatbot --> "Ranmilia rolls 1d6 to avoid picking up the gem? and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[14:12] <Ranmilia> Hey, what about that.


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2009, 08:34:46 PM »
<Nitori-KoisaMicrowave> Anyone around for my check~?
<RandomConsonant> Sure
<Nitori-KoisaMicrowave> 3 Will, Will (-1) check
<Nitori-KoisaMicrowave> 2d6 to win friends and influence people
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Nitori-KoisaMicrowave rolls 2d6 to win friends and influence people and gets 4." [2d6=3, 1]
<Nitori-KoisaMicrowave> She comes with 2 CTs however, so I will burn a CT on this
<Nitori-KoisaMicrowave> 1d6
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Nitori-KoisaMicrowave rolls 1d6 and gets 4." [1d6=4]
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2009, 09:34:46 PM »
Mark Harrigan

Location: Historical Society

Sanity: 2 / 3
Stamina: 7 / 7

Speed: 1 [2] 3 4
Sneak: 5 [4] 3 2

Fight: [3] 4 5 6
Will: [3] 2 1 0

Lore: 0 1 2 [3] (+1)
Luck: 4 3 2 [1]

Focus: 1

Unique Ability: One Man Army - Any Phase: You cannot be arrested or delayed.

4 Clue Tokens

Common Items
Flamethrower - Type: Physical weapon / Hands: 2 / Any: Exhaust before making a Combat check to gain +7 to that check. / Price: $6
Molotov Cocktail - Type: Physical weapon / Bonus: +6 Combat check (Discard after use) / Hands: 1 / Price: $3

Unique Items
Cursed Sphere - Type: Magical weapon / Hands: 1 / Any: Exhaust and spend either 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity before making a Combat check to gain +6 to that check. / Price: $4

Lore - +1 Lore / When you spend a Clue token to add to any Lore check, add one extra bonus die.

Personal Story
PASS - Get R'yeh gate trophy.
FAIL - Reduced to 0 sanity.

Current Action
Sanity?  What's that?  (Just throwing an updated sheet up.)

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2009, 12:44:22 AM »
I pass the luck check and gain $2 from the little freak.

<Trodeko> Anyone here?
<Yakumo> Yeah.
<Trodeko> Rolling luck
<Trodeko> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Trodeko rolls 3d6 and gets 12." [3d6=3, 5, 4]
<Trodeko> Pass

Carolyn Fern
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Focus: 2

Speed  0  1  [2]  3
Sneak  3  2  [1]  0 

Fight  1  2  [3]  4 
Will    4  3  [2]  1 

Lore  2  3  [4]  5 
Luck  5  4  [3]  2 

2 Clue Tokens

Speed skill (+1 Speed, One extra bonus die on Speed checks if I spend a Clue token)
Understudy's Script (Tome. Exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Will (-2) check. If you pass, draw 1 Spell, gain 2 Clue tokens, and discard Understudy's Script. If you fail, you lose 1 Sanity)
Sedanette (You may automatically Evade monsters of toughness 1 while in the street.)
Petrifying Solution (2H Physical Weapon. +8 to Combat checks (Discard after use) This weapon ignores the Physical Resistance and Endless special abilities.)
Illuminated Manuscript (Exhaust and spend 2 movement points to make a Lore (-1) check. If you fail, nothing happens. If you succeed, you lose 1 Sanity and may either: Draw 1 Skill but discard this card, or gain 1 Clue token and keep this card.)
Cavalry Saber (1H physical weapon, +2 to Combat checks)

Personal Story:
Pass- Spend $15 at Arkham Asylum.
Fail- Possess 6 Clue Tokens at once. (2/6)


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2009, 03:23:05 AM »
I get two yenz from talkin 'bout dem freaky fish guys, cuz dose leeves r just so sweet ($2 get)

Also just as a reminder (I know it wasn't possible to grab it yet), I need a spell~

[22:17] > Okay.
[22:18] <RandomConsonant> Okay!
[22:18] <Nitori> Kay-O
[22:18] > So, Lore-1 roll, each success is $1 yenz.
[22:19] > Lore at 4, 3 dice.
[22:19] > roll 3d6 mo' yenz for minty freshness~
[22:19] * Hatbot --> "Taishyr rolls 3d6 mo' yenz for minty freshness~ and gets 14." [3d6=5, 5, 4]
[22:19] > Two mo' yenz
[22:19] <RandomConsonant> More yens for fox
[22:20] <RandomConsonant> 'Cause those Magic Leefs are just so sweet.

Minh Thi Phan
Sanity 6/6
Stamina 4/4

Focus: 2

Speed  2  3  4  [5]
Sneak  4  3  2  [1]

Fight  1  2  [3]  4
Will    4  3  [2+1]  1

Lore  1  2  3  [4]
Luck  3  2  1  [0]

2 Clue Token

Unique Ability: Synergy - Any Phase: Minh gains a +1 bonus to all skill checks while she has an Ally, or while another investigator is in the same location as her.
Team Player - Upkeep: Minh may choose one other investigator in her location. She gains a +1 bonus to all skill checks she makes until the end of the turn.

Will: Skill (+1 Will; when spending a clue token on any Will check, add extra bonus die.)

.18 Derringer (1h phys weapon, +2 Combat, cannot be lost or stolen unless allowed. $3)
Enchanted Blade (1h mag weapon, +4 Combat. $6 )
Voice of Ra (Spell; -1 cast mod, -1 Sanity. +1 all skill checks until end of turn.)
1x Unknown Spell
King in Yellow (Tome: Exhaust/spend 2 move to make Lore -2 check. If pass, gain 4 clue tokens/lose 1 sanity/discard tome. Failure results in nothing.)

Combat Mod: 3+2+4-mod (Fight+.18+Enchanted).

Personal Story:
Pass- Read three tomes. (1/3) Reward: Gain ally of your choice (pesky wording!).
Fail- Go insane. (---)                 Penalty: Can no long hold or use Tomes.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 06:15:38 PM by Taitoro »


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2009, 07:28:58 AM »
Tai gets Shrivelling, Shale gets Mists of Releh.


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2009, 01:23:22 PM »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2009, 02:20:44 PM »
Releh, Shale.

It's okay, though, I'm willing to trade you if we meet up, I'm heading uptown anyway barring any complications.


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Re: Fishmen at the Theater: The King in Yellow comes to Arkham and Innsmouth
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2009, 05:52:49 PM »
As suddenly as the rains had begun, they just as quickly stopped, the heavy clouds giving way to bright, blue skies.  The waters drained from the streets more rapidly than one would expect as well.  This was of course good news for the run of the King in Yellow, as more people were willing to travel to the theater in these conditions...

Sunny and Clear
Environment: Weather
Sneak checks in Arkham are made at a -1 penalty.  Will checks in Arkham are made at a +1 bonus.
If the Hunter in Darkness is in play, return it to the cup. If the Hunter in Darkness enters play, return it to the cup and draw a different monster.

A gate opens at the Black Cave, destroying a Clue and spawning a Ghoul and a Cthonian.
A Clue appears at Hibb's Roadhouse, quickly gathered by Carolyn.
No monsters move.