Chiepoo, the mightiest Kobold in the entire Suikodenverse. Chiepoo, the greatest mind to ever grace the world. Chiepoo, hero of all who are downtrodden and despondent. Once more taking to the battlefield, it is time for the hero of Koboldheim to prove that nothing can stop the might of the great Chiepoo. Punishing paw attacks, though not his greatest ability at all, will be all he needs to crush the puny old man attempting to fight him this week. Gwyn had better hope he's wearing his adult diapers, because he's about to *explitive deleted* when he face off against Chiepoo. A few quick strikes from the fast cat fighter will be more than enough to knock down Gwyn. Gwyn's magic? Not a problem - the great Chiepoo is extremely resilient to magic of all sorts, and considering how impotent both Gwyn and his magic are, there's no likely chance he'll put a dent into the master Kobold. The great hero Chiepoo shall make his presence known, shall make his mark on this world of mortals, a defining moment of justice and faith that even the gods themselves will take notice of.