*pulls up backloggery for listage*
Nintendo DS
Atelier Annie- RPG side of the game is not... really the focus, so a hard sell to the DL (it's very sim-ish). Otherwise, rankable enough, moreso than I expected.
CTDS- Nothing new worth mentioning, moving on.
DQIVDS- Nothing new worth mentioning. It's another form for Psaro I guess, but he's already Godlike so no reason to rerank.
Dragon Quest V- rankable. The player base for this is a bit lower than I expected (10/29, the lowest playership of the 13 games listed) so a long ways off at the least. On the upshot, emulatable in SNES form for people worried about moneys/not having DSes.
FFIII- Already ranked, unless we get into generics.
Final Fantasy Tatics A2- plausibly rankable (aside from Luso, all the story characters even have unique classes!). Um... based on Futurama though, we're looking at a starting base of like 2 1/2 players, so this would involve more whipping than has ever been whipped before.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon- it's Fire Emblem but... well, Meeple really didn't like it. I've written this one off as ever getting a viable number of players as such.
KH Days- ummmmmm yeah. This manages to be more problematic than the regular KH games.
Nostalgia- rankable... just, well, you did see Pyro's reaction right? Will never have an acceptable number of players.
Gen 4- hashed over a bit in this topic. Numbers are better than I expected, but I'm not sure where you'd get more players, and it's one of those WA5 cases where nobody objects to ranking it per se but will put almost any other game above it as more intersting.
Rhapsody DS- Well, it's rankable. Good luck getting more players for the obscure early N1 RPG.
SMT Devil Survivor- Not really rankable. The way the game handles skills, it manages to be like FFVIII but even less interesting, cast-wise.
Sonic Chronicles- rankable enough. I dunno though, I don't feel like this has any growth potential.
Suikoden Tierkreis- Rankable, and probably a more interesting cast than some other Suikodens. That said... the game has a (somewhat unfair) bad rep and I'm not confident I could really sell it. Dunno what to make of it in the long term.
SRWOG Endless Frontier- You can hammer it into rankability. I'd rather rank OG2. headache.
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume- I'd like to get some more data on this in future incarnations of the topic. From the players I know, I think it could work, but hashing out how large a rank to make it will take some doing and depend a lot on how many players are there.
Wizard of Oz- Rankable. Way too early to make a good assessment of it's growth potential and at this stage pointing out how many players there are is fairly meaningless. Worth thinking about more in like a year or so.
TWEWY- aljalkmal;sdkm
Conjecture: Etrian Odyssey/2- By all counts, these are purely generic-based dungeon crawlers. If we wanted to start ranking generics, I can't imagine we'd start with EO >.>
Playstation Portable
Crisis Core FFVII- um. So pretend that Parasite Eve had Materia, and that you could give that Materia massive stat bonuses through item fusion. That's about how rankable this game is.
Dissidia- *head asplodes*
FFT: War of the Lions- Uh... well, it's got more new stuff than the DS remakes. I can't see people giving a fuck about Beowulf optional bosses though, and ranking cameo forms, even ones from games not likely to get ranked (FFXII and FFTA2) is probably never going to be kosher.
Jeanne D'Arc- I... can't see this ever getting significant player counts.
SMT: Persona- Hey, Persona 1! Um, I have no idea how many new players you coudl realistically expect from the game, but in theory it could take off and lead to a full ranking of Persona 1? I'm certainly a lot more likely to play this version. At this point, someone in the audience shoots me dead.
Star Ocean: First Departure- listed here. It's got a long ways to go, and if it did make it I'm not sure how much you'd want to rank.
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology- my impression is that the game has the main character of many classes that you get to pick once at the start of the game, then cameos. Not a winning recipe.
Wild ARMs XF- Rank!