Having had time to ponder at work, refining my overall conclusions.
Overall, I believe the current voter pool is somewhere between 60 and 65 votes total. 29 of you responded to this topic. We essentially represent half of the DL, which from the standpoint of this topic is awesome.
With that in mind, I think I feel safe saying that a solid ranking case is pretty much anything above 20 people here; while we are probably the more dedicated half of the DL and the most likely to play games for the purposes of ranking and the like, history has shown that such groupings are often still not unrepresentative of the DL as a whole. In other words, if 20 of the people here have played a game, the odds that fewer than 10 people who did not respond played the same game are quite bad. So with 20, there's a definite chance that over half the DL has played a game, which is the general threshhold for rankability.
You can probably see where this is going, but moving on to how this affects our winners.
The will to get Mana Khemia 2 ranked seems pretty good, and I have few doubts the game will get in in the future. However, given that ranking time is less than two months from now, and the overall logistics of getting copies spread around, I think it's safe to say that acquiring another 8 players in that time frame is probably very optimistic. Still, considering that Mana Khemia 2 was released in late Summer 2009, even 12/29 is still remarkable, and had I planned out my list here better I may well have left off Mana Khemia 2 for that reason.
Meanwhilst, Wild ARMs XF? I did not expect that the game would ALREADY have 20 people who have played it. I knew that the numbers were a bit distorted due to the game being a common one to play partway into then trail off, but still, that's an amazing thing. Anyway, basically I think I'd be willing to support this game right now, meaning that the logistical issues of getting copies out are reduced; not nearly as many people need them and I'd have thought. Naturally, making some efforts to get a few more copies out to shore up the ranking case, and encouraging people with partial playthroughs to finish, are very good things, and will hopefully be worked on in time for the next ranking session.
Given XF's state of near-or-maybe-even-complete readiness, my original conclusion of focusing on MK2 is still valid, but for a completely different reason. While the handful of people that need a shot at XF and, hopefully, can be given one will otherwise be occupied, there's still no shortage of people that can get a jump start on Mana Khemia 2 and get that game ready for the next ranking session, which is very encouraging considering that at the outset of this topic I was openingly contemplating ranking freeze. It's nice to think that, no, we can really stay ahead of the need for that and keep the DL flowing nicely.