I just checked Yojimbo's stats from a FAQ, which makes him as fast as Ifrit... with slightly more HP than Ifrit, less Def, and 122 EVA.
... wait, what.
3067 68 46 84 62 62 30 17 22 20
3064 0 61 73 48 69 30 17 122 38
Anyway, his Zanmato attack is dependant on a number of factors (motivation, zanmato compatibility, summoner compatibility) that can fluctuate, so I'm definitely not inclined to give him a turn1 Zanmato for "I win!" off first turn.
ESPECIALLY considering that in best case scenario (Motivation at best, Zanmato Compat of 1-3, Full Overdrive, Summoner Compat at 240+) his odds of using Zanmato is 58%. That drops to 55% without Overdrive, and at starting Summoner Compat that is around ~150, so 38% chance to use it sans Overdrive. Also, you need to pay a sum of Gil equal to or greater than 536,870,912 Gil. For 4,194,304 Gil, with maximum Compats, you get 38% chance at best of him using Zanmato.
All things considered I'd say 30% is a normal number to take, since maxing summoner compat isn't fast (you start with around 150 iirc, and you get +4 at best from him using Zanmato, and get -1 for him using Daigoro, -20 if he dies/is paid 0 Gil, -10 if he is dismissed immediately after summoning, etc.) and that is not turn1. It's not even turn2 to me.
source of this information:
here. It's a big read, though.