Author Topic: Mother 3  (Read 2671 times)

Magic Fanatic

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Mother 3
« on: December 06, 2009, 03:43:54 PM »
My formatting will be the base stats followed by finalized stats after equipment.  All characters are level 65, since I decided to go after a few extra Black Beanlings earlier with Enemy Bufferizer (which is a powerful combo; Black Beanlings are easy to beat and offer 16K EXP normally and 32K with the Bufferizer).

If you're decent enough with the combo system, you can actually get about 2.5 times the normal amount of damage with a character with a full 16 hits.

HP:  Of course.
PP:  MP, TP, JP, take your pick.
Offense:  Physical damage.
Defense:  Defense against physicals.
IQ:  Governs both Magical Damage and Magical Defense
Speed:  General idea of turn order.  Granted, this might be as wild as Earthbound's, as I've had cases of Lucas going before Duster.  Grain of salt here, people.

Status found in the game:
Burn:  Deals ~4% MHP damage per turn.  Lasts two turns.  Kumatora's Fire causes this.
Solidify:  Stun.  Lasts two-three turns.  Kumatora's Freeze and Duster's Wall Staples can cause this.
Feeling Strange:  Confusion.  Characters might attack the enemies, or attack each other, or use PSI on themselves or enemies.  Infinite in-battle duration, persists after battle for a few steps.
Knocked Down:  Enemy can make no action at all.  Lasts 3-5 turns, usually about 4.  PK Ground causes this.
Flea:  Chance of inability to use Specials.  Infinite duration, persists after battle.
Memory Loss:  Renders a character completely unable to use PSI or Special Abilities.  Goes away in a few turns (2-4, I'd guess?).
Nausea:  Can't eat food items.  Persists after battle.
Poison: ~5% MHP damage per turn.  Persists after battle.
Paralysis:  Character can fail to use a physical.  Lasts 5 turns.
Sleep:  ...Sleep.  Turnskip, PC loses turn he/she wakes up (if my memory is correct).  50% chance to wake up if hit with a physical, or wakes up on their own after 2-5 turns, usually 4.

For stat buffing/reducing, it seems to go in tiers.  The tiers are as follows:
Up3:  Total stat up by 36%
Up2:  Total stat up by 28%
Up1:  Total stat up by 20%
Normal:  No changes to stats
Down1:  Total stat down by 20%
Down2:  Total stat down by 28%
Down3:  Total stat down by 36%

Alternate options:

Fire/Freeze/Thunder Pendant - Saturn Valley. - +15 Defense, 50% Fire/Freeze/Thunder Resist (dependant on pendant)
Aloha Cloak - Chapter 7 Cerulean Beach - +8 Defense, 80% Fire Resist, 30% Burn Resist
Warm Sweater - Chapter 7 Mole Cricket - +8 Defense, 80% Ice Resist, 30% Solidify Resist
Rubber Cape - Chapter 5 Thunder Tower - +8 Defense, 80% Lightning Resist, Paralysis Immunity
DCMC Shirt - Club Titiboo - Defense +10, Speed +1

Kumatora and Boney:
Boing Ribbon - Saturn Valley - +14 Defense, prevents forgetfulness

Lucas, Duster, Boney:
DCMC Hat - Club Titiboo - Defense +7, Speed +2

DCMC Ring - Club Titiboo - Defense +7, Speed +5

Defenses tested against:
~77 DEF
~69 IQ


HP:  369 (379)
PP:  227 (327)
Offense:  135 (225)
Defense:  62 (135)
IQ:  72 (77)
Speed: 57 (62)

Special - Reflects Lightning.
Six shots of Auto-Life (from the Magypsie Mementos explicitly given to him in-game.  Plot claim.  Legality very debatable)

Weapon:  Mystical Stick - Offense +90, HP +10, PP +10, IQ +5, Speed +5
     Other weapon option:  Real Bat - Offense +100, PP +50
Body:  Awesome Cloak - Defense +23, PP +30, 40% Fire/Ice/Lightning Resist, 40% Burn/Solidify Resist.
     Other body option:  Good Kid's Shirt - Defense +17, IQ +10.  However, this is not at all a valid option until I figure out what IQ does exactly.
Head:  Awesome Crown - Defense +20, PP +30, 50% Forgetfulness Resistance
     Other head option:  Red Cap - Defense +30
Other:  Awesome Ring - Defense +30, PP +30
     Other other option:  Gemini Bracelet - Defense +12, Offense +10

Physical:  275 (687 on full combo)

PK Love Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Omega:  160/250/480/840 Non-typed damage.  10/20/35/50 PP.
PK Flash:  Direct numbers say a 60% chance of Crying (Blind), a 15% chance of Paralysis, a 10% chance of feeling strange (Confusion), a 10% chance of ID, and 5% chance of doing nothing. 12 PP.

Lifeup Alpha/Beta/Gamma:  66/133/Full HP healing.  5/9/16 PP.
Lifeup Omega:  ~250 HP healing, MT.  28 PP.
Refresh:  10% Max HP healing at the beginning of a character's turn for five turns.  20 PP
Healing Alpha/Beta: Cures one/all statuses on a character except incapacitation.  4/8 PP
Healing Gamma:  Healing Beta, and cures incapacitation with max HP. 18 PP.
Healing Omega:  Healing Gamma MT.  30 PP.

Shield Alpha/Omega:  Reduces physical damage by 50% for 3 hits.  ST/MT.  6/18 PP.
Counter Alpha/Omega:  Reduces physical damage by 50% for 3 hits.  The attacker takes the same amount of damage that the shielded character takes (50% of his/her own physical).  ST/MT.  12/28 PP.
PSI Shield Alpha/Omega:  Reduces spell damage by 50% for 3 hits.  ST/MT.  8/20 PP.
PSI Counter Alpha/Omega:  Reduces spell damage by 50% for 3 hits.  The attacker takes the same amount of damage that the shielded character takes (50% of his/her own spell).  ST/MT.  18/34 PP.
Offense Up Alpha/Omega:  Raises character's Offense by one tier, max third.  ST/MT.  6/18 PP.
Tier 1 up Physical:  305 (762) - Any other extra buffing just safeguards this number (adds 0 to his Offense), since the first casting raises it by 30 to the game's max, 255
Defense Up Alpha/Omega:  Raises character's Defense by one tier, max third.  ST/MT.  6/18 PP.


HP:  312 (322)
PP:  258 (298)
Offense:  104 (159)
Defense:  58 (131)
IQ:  81 (88)
Speed:  62 (70)

Weapon:  Mystical Gloves - Offense +55, HP +10, PP +10, IQ +7, Speed +5
     Other weapon option:  Angel Gloves - Offense +67
Body:  Goddess Bustier - Defense +20, PP +20, 20% Fire/Ice Resist, 20% Burn/Solidify Resist.
Head:  Angel Ribbon - Defense +27, Speed +3
     Other head option:  Goddess Ribbon - Defense +32, Legality questionable.
Other:  Virgo Bracelet - Defense +26, PP +10

Physical:  180 (450)

PK Starstorm:  700 Non-Typed Damage.  MT.  48 MP.
PK Fire Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Omega:  85/145/225/305 Fire-Elemental Damage.  10% Burn Rate (4% MHP Damage per turn). MT.  6/12/20/40 PP.
PK Freeze Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Omega: 140/230/350/485 Ice-Elemental Damage.  10% Chance of Solidification.  ST.  5/10/18/28 PP
PK Thunder Alpha/Beta:  One/Two shots of 130 Thunder-elemental damage.  55% Accuracy.  Random Target. 7/15 PP.
PK Thunder Gamma/Omega:  Three/Four shots of 210 Thunder-elemental damage.  70% Accuracy.  Ignores Shields/Reflection.  15% chance of Paralysis per hit.  Random Target.  21/32 PP.
PK Ground:  Five hits of 7.5% MHP damage.  Misses flying enemies.  Ignores Shields/Reflection.  8% chance per hit of Knocking Down the enemy.  Random Target for each hit.  43 PP.

Lifeup Alpha/Beta:  66/133 HP healing.  5/9 PP.
Healing Alpha/Beta: Cures one/all statuses on a character except incapacitation.  4/8 PP
Magnet Alpha/Omega:  Steals 2-8 (usually 5 or 6) PP from an enemy.  ST/MT.  0/0 PP

Hypnosis Alpha/Omega:  Sleep to one/all targets at ~100% chance.  6/18 PP
Paralysis Alpha/Omega:  Paralysis to one/all targets at ~100% chance.  8/24 PP
Brainshock Alpha/Omega:  Confusion to one/all targets at ~100% chance.  7/22 PP
Offense Down Alpha/Omega:  Lowers one enemy/all enemy's physical power by one tier.  7/20 PP
Defense Down Alpha/Omega:  Lowers one enemy/all enemy's physical defense by one tier.  7/20 PP

Even though Kumatora's status might fail...  If it does, unless the enemy is immune, I've never seen it.


HP:  411 (411)
PP:  0 (0)
Offense:  125 (207)
Defense:  66 (162)
IQ:  54 (54)
Speed:  70 (70)

Weapon:  Ultimate Shoes - Offense +82
     Other weapon option:  Mystical Shoes - Offense +40, HP +10, IQ +5, Speed +7
     Good Shoes - Offense +70, Speed +5
     Rubber Shoes - Offense +25, 10% Thunder Resist

Body:  Heavy Charm - Defense +26.
Head:  Horus Bandana - Defense +35, 100% Sleep Resist.
Other:  Scorpio Bracelet - Defense +35

Physical:  240 (600)

All of Duster's Tools are ST.

Wall Staples: 2-4 turn stun.  ~75% Accuracy.  Opponent does not forfeit the turn they break out.
Siren Beetle: Turns enemy around.  While in this state, enemies have halved defense and some kind of speed penalty.  If Duster goes before the enemy, then their first turn is skipped.  They then waste their next turn turning around.  Can be stacked with Wall Staples.  ~85% Accuracy.
Hypno-Pendulum:  Sleep.  Last for ~3 turns, target does not sacrifice the turn it wakes up.  50% chance to be cancelled by physical damage.  85% accuracy.
Smoke Bomb:  Adds Crying (Infinite duration, significant physical accuracy drop).  85% Accuracy.
Scary Mask:  Reduces target's Offense by up to 3 tiers.  65% Accuracy.
Tickle Stick:  Reduces target's Defense by up to 3 tiers.  65% Accuracy.


HP:  298 (298)
PP:  0 (0)
Offense:  116 (181)
Defense:  60 (140)
IQ:  57 (57)
Speed:  80 (80)

Weapon:  Canine Weapon - Offense +15.
Body:  Red Collar - Defense +50, Offense +50, 25% Fire/Ice/Lightning Resist.
Head:  Red Cap - Defense +30
     Other head option:  Goddess Ribbon - Defense +32, Legality questionable.
Other:  Nothing.  He can't equip anything here.

Physical:  200  (500)

Sniff:  Reveals enemy weaknesses.


Duster 411 (116%)
Lucas 379 (108%)
Kumatora 322 (91%)
Boney 298 (85%)
Average: 352.5

Lucas (225)
Duster (207)
Boney (181)
Kumatora (159)
Average: 193

Duster (162)
Boney (140)
Lucas (135)
Kumatora (131)
Average: 142

Kumatora (88)
Lucas (77)
Boney (57)
Duster (54)
Average: 69

Boney (80) (+1.49 SD)
Duster (70) (-.04 SD)
Kumatora (70) (-.04 SD)
Lucas (62) (-1.33 SD)
Average: 70.5
Standard Deviation: 6.38


840 Magical (Lucas PK Love)
700 Magical (Kumatora PK Starstorm)
240 Physical (Duster Physical)
200 Physical (Boney Physical)

Average:  495
Kill Point:  1237.5

Full Combo allowance damage:

840 Magical (Lucas PK Love)
(762 Physical - Lucas Physical after Offense Up)
700 Magical (Kumatora PK Starstorm)
600 Physical (Duster Physical)
500 Physical (Boney Physical)

Average:  660
Kill Point:  1650

Now...  The temps!


Level 22
HP:  199
Offense:  56 (72)
Defense:  37 (50)
IQ:  18 (18)
Speed:  19 (23)

Fresh Lumber: +16 Offense, -4 Speed
Flea Charm: +5 Defense
Ordinary Hat: +3 Defense
Aquarius Bracelet: +5 Defense

All tests done on the Titany enemy.

Physical:  ~80 damage (~200 for a full 16-hit combo)

Swing: MT Physical (no combo window)
Power Smash:  Physical at 5x power (~400).  Seems to have ~40% accuracy.  There's quite a bit of variance, since it's basically physical first, then multiplying that damage by 5 (on a non-integer scale).
Strengthen Up:  +20% (14) Offense.  Can only be used for one level above Flint's base.
    -> Physical:  ~100 damage.
    -> Power Swing:  ~500 damage.
Toughen Up:  +20% (10) Defense.  Can only be used for one level above Flint's base.

If Flint wants to give up 14 points in Offense, he can get 4 points in Speed.  If he just gives up 10, he gets 1 points in Speed for weapon options.

Also to note is that Flint CAN get a Better Stick which is 4 points better in Offense without the speed hit, but it only shows up in Thomas's Bazaar randomly, so some people might not see it.

Another equip option is the Manly Bandana.  If Flint cares to give up 2 Defense, he can gain 2 Offense.

While this may seem like a high level, it's not completely unreasonable.  There's an enemy called "Soot Dumpling" near Lighter's House after it stops raining that has insane defenses (each hit only does 1 or 2 HP damage, nothing in the game can deal less than 1 damage with any damage move), but it only has 36 HP and gives 1000 EXP once it's dead.  This is Flint after beating 10 of those things (the song is pretty easy to combo to if you know what you're doing).  If 22 is too high for you, though...

Level 14
HP:  150
Offense:  56
Defense:  42
IQ:  13
Speed:  12

Now for Salsa's first appearance!


Level 15
HP:  106
Offense:  23
Defense:  13 (32)
IQ:  12
Speed:  31

No Weapon
Mosquito Charm: +7 Defense
Chick Bandana: +5 Defense
Pisces Bracelet: +7 Defense

All tests did on the Pigmask enemy.

Physical: 10 (~25)

Apologize:  Writes over the enemy's action with "X is hesitant" for 2-3 turns (including the turn used, if Salsa is faster).  ~2% Accuracy (enemies had a value of 20 in the resistance going on the same scale as the above)
Make Laugh:  Writes over the enemy's action with "X is cheering" for 2-3 turns (including the turn used, if Salsa is faster).  Seems to be about 50% accuracy for enemies that have a value of 70 in the resistance (where 0 means immune, and I THINK 100 is average).
Note:  Apologize and Make Laugh CAN stack with each other, and one starts when the other ends.
Monkey Mimic:  If Salsa is hit with physical damage, Salsa then performs that exact amount of damage on the enemy that hit him.

Dance:  Nightmare of interpretation.  Has a chance of raising a random ally's (including self) offense and defense by 20%, raising an ally's (including self) speed by 150%, lowering an enemy's (randomly targeted) offense, defense, or speed by 20%, making them turn around, or making them dance.  Note that same effects don't stack, so if an enemy already has their attack lowered by 20%, it won't be lowered again.
Making them dance stacks with Apologize and Make Laugh.  Turning them around halves their defense for the time they're hit while turned around.
Ally speed up:  ~10%
Enemy speed down:  ~6%
Ally Offense Up:  ~30%
Enemy Offense Down:  ~6%
Ally Defense Up:  ~28%
Enemy Defense Down:  ~12%
Turn around: ~4%
Lured into dancing:  ~4%

Then again, compare it to, say, Kumatora...

Kumatora - Level 15
HP:  110
PP:  81 (86)
Offense:  25 (34)
Defense:  19 (29)
IQ:  25
Speed:  21

Gloves:  +9 Offense
Magic Pendent:  +3 Defense, +5 PP
Scarlet Ribbon:  +2 Defense
Aquarius Bracelet:  +5 Defense

Physical:  30 (~75)
PK Fire alpha:  87
PK Freeze alpha:  170
PK Thunder alpha:  110

Lifeup alpha:  ~60 HP Recovery
Healing alpha:  One status recovered from (not incapacitated)

Offense down:  Same as above.


Kumatora (110)
Average (108)
Salsa (106)

Kumatora (34)
Average (28.5)
Salsa (23)

Salsa (32)
Average (30.5)
Kumatora (29)

Kumatora (25)
Average (18.5)
Salsa (12)

Salsa (31)
Average (26)
Kumatora (21)

Damage (Allowing full combos)
Kumatora (PK Freeze alpha - 170)
Average (98)
Salsa (Physical - 25)

Damage (Only first hit)
Kumatora (PK Freeze alpha - 170)
Average (90)
Salsa (Physical - 10)

Salsa...  Is an interesting random factor in a duel, but he's...  Really bad.  I mean, his only damage is his physical, which gets PUNIED compared to even Kumatora's physical.  His skillset is FAR too random.  All he really has is Monkey Mimic, and that's if he isn't OHKO'd.  He's better than Jogurt at least, but not by much...  PUNY for him, at least he's a fun one.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 07:08:07 PM by Magic Fanatic »


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Re: Mother 3
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 07:04:49 PM »
Monkey Mimic doesn't only affect physicals, I believe it works with any kind of damage. It can even reflect each of PK Thunder's multiple hits IIRC.

The 6 Auto Lifes on Lucas seem to me to be pretty obviously intended to be used for the final boss, so I wouldn't give them to him, but it's subjective.
~Sig is gone because I can't be bothered updating~