
Author Topic: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 12 Movement/Upkeep  (Read 21617 times)


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 1 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #100 on: December 14, 2009, 04:38:17 PM »
Gloria Goldberg (Gatewalker):

Sanity 6 (3)
Stamina 4 (3)

Cash: $0
Clues: 6

Focus: 2

Speed  1  2  [3]  4  (+1)
Sneak  3  2  [1]  Z 

Fight  Z  1  [2]  3  (+1)
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore   1  2  3 [4] 
Luck   5  4  3  [2]  (+1)

Cavalry Saber - 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat Checks
Lantern - +1 Luck
Sword of Glory - 2H magical weapon, +6 Combat checks
The King in Yellow - Spend two movement to read, Lore-2 check, discard and lose 1 San for 4 clue tokens.

Dread Curse of Azathoth - 2H Spell, -2 Casting Mod, 2 San cost, cast and exhaust for +9 combat check
Find Gate - -1 Casting Mod, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to locate the person playing you return to Akham from another world.

Speed - Skill. +1 Speed. When spending a clue token on a speed check, add 2 bonus dice.

Current Trophies:
Dimensional Shambler - 1 toughness
Proto Shoggoth - 3 toughness
Cultist - 1 toughness
Maniac - 1 toughness
Gate Trophy - Abyss

Personal Story:
Passed - Have five Clue Tokens. (5/5) (Gain +1 Fight)


Gloria dashes past the opening made by Harvey and dives into the graveyard gate after splattering a couple of speedbumps.

EDIT: Might grab the KiY from Snow and give it a read before gate jumping. Want to see what he thinks of that first, of course.

<Stragarvey> Cleared a path for you, pal.
> awesome
> I have no cash, otherwise I would pass you some
* Smashy reads topic. I'm likely jumping into Y'thingy if I pass Voice of Ra next turn. Take that info as you will <_<
> I'm heading over to the graveyard since the path is clear
> Gonna proceed to whack the wimps there
> no horror checks needed
> and the terror level isn't high enough to make the maniac nasty
> so here we go
> 3 fight + 1 PS +6 Sword + 1 monster mod = 10 dice
> roll 10d6 for cultist splatter
* Hatbot --> "Gatewalker rolls 10d6 for cultist splatter and gets 41." [10d6=3, 6, 5, 6, 3, 1, 6, 6, 3, 2]
> splat
> roll 10d6 for maniac splatter
* Hatbot --> "Gatewalker rolls 10d6 for maniac splatter and gets 41." [10d6=6, 1, 6, 6, 3, 3, 2, 6, 5, 3]
> more splat
> the Sword of Gloria strikes again
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 01:31:05 AM by Gatewalker »
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #101 on: December 14, 2009, 04:55:06 PM »
I'll leave it out that I'm completely fine with people taking the Motorcycle/King In Yellow Tome from me. The Motorcycle, people just seem to need, while I think I'd made poor use of tomes anyway due to epic Lore and low Sanity issues.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #102 on: December 14, 2009, 06:12:30 PM »
If that's the case, and Smashy doesn't feel the need to be rescued from his watery fate right now, I'll take the Motorcycle this turn and, assuming I don't get disintegrated, Bless someone on my next turn.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #103 on: December 14, 2009, 06:26:21 PM »
Haha, I don't have the move to read it unless I grab the bike. Think it may be better to have Strags go bless people right now though. I do still have the clue tokens to seal even without it, afterall.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #104 on: December 14, 2009, 06:34:07 PM »
Wendy Adams

Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 3/4
Focus: 3

Streetwise - Automatically pass evade checks made against monsters in street areas

Blessed Is The Child - Cannot be arrested or cursed while in possession of an Elder Sign

Minor - Cannot obtain a bank loan

Speed - 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak - 6 5 4 [3]

Fight - zero 1 2 [3]
Will - 3 2 1 [zero]

Lore - 1 [2] 3 4
Luck - 5 [4] 3 2

2 Clue Tokens
Cultes de Goules (Exhaust and spend 2 movement to make a Lore -2 check.  On a success, lose

2 sanity, draw 1 Spell, gain 1 Clue Token, and discard book.  Otherwise nothing happens. 

Elder Sign (Discard and pay 1 Stamina and Sanity to automatically close and seal a gate.  In addition, remove 1 Doom Token from the Ancient One's Doom Track, $5)
Wither (1H Spell, +0 check, 0 Sanity cost.  Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to one combat check)
Expert Occultist (Exhaust to reroll a spell check)
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, total toughness: 1)
1 Gate Trophy (Dreamlands)

Personal Story:
Pass - Three elder signs are on the board (2/3)
Fail - Wendy no longer has an Elder Sign (Wendy still has one)

Gogogo Next Zone for real this time.  No slider changes.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #105 on: December 15, 2009, 01:10:16 AM »
Hank Samson

Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 6/6

Focus: 2

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1 [0]

Lore: [0] 1 2 3
Luck: [4] 3 2 1


1 clue token
Shotgun (common item, $6, physical weapon, +4 to combat checks and any 6s rolled count as 2 successes each, 2H)
Fight (skill, +1 Fight; roll 1 extra bonus die whenever spending a clue token to improve a fight check)
Deputy's Revolver (special card, physical weapon, +3 to combat checks, cannot be lost or stolen, 1H)
Patrol Wagon (move to any location in Arkham instead of using normal movement; roll 1 die after combat or returning from another world and discard on a 1)

Personal Story

Pass: Spend 5 clue tokens at the train station (result: acquire Pa Samson, ally card granting +1 Will and +1 Lore)
Fail: Fail a Horror check (result: -1 to maximum Sanity)


Shoggoth (3 toughness)


Hank converts the elder thing, the proto-shoggoth, and the Dreamlands gate into deputyhood. I am the law in this town!

If anyone needs the patrol wagon particularly more than I do (Hank's speed isn't bad), feel free to take it (unless it can't be handed off).

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #106 on: December 15, 2009, 01:48:32 AM »
Sanity: 1/4
Stamina: 6/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1

Fight: 2 [3] 4 5
Will!!: 4 [3] 2 1 (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 5
1 Clue Token
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Holy Water (+6 Combat check. Discard after use, 2H. $4)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Wither x2 (Spell. +0 Casting Mod, 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat, 1H)
Mists of Releh (Spell. 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to pass an Evade check. The casting modifier is equal to the monster's Awareness)
Heal (Spell. +1 Casting Mod, 1 Sanity Cost. You may cast and exhaust. You or another investigator in your area gains Stamina equal to the successes you rolled on your Spell check. This Stamina cannot be split between multiple investigators)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
6 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth, Cultist, Deep One Hybrid x2. 9 Toughness total.)
1 Gate Trophy (Abyss)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (1/2)
Fail: 5 Clue Tokens (1/5)


I hand my motorcycle to Harvey, slide my Fight/Will to 3/3, move to the Esoteric Order of Happy Happy and go nearly insane handling two Deep Manbabies (insert axl rose joke here). Success is achieved, however, and I'm jumpin' into le gate. Also, Kobot is pure evil.

[23:40] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Okay, so 3 dice. -1 Horror Mod, 4 Will.
[23:40] * Nitori ties a ribbon on Kobot
[23:40] <Kobot> Try 3#1d6.
[23:40] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> roll 3#1d6
[23:40] <Kobot> Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee rolled 3#1d6 --> [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=4 ]{4}, [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[23:40] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Dick. =|
[23:40] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> One Sanity down, I'd better survive the next one.
[23:40] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Okay, combat tiems.
[23:41] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> 3 Fight, +2 from Hand Axe, +3 from Knife. +0 Combat mod from the Manbaby, so eight dice.
[23:41] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> I need one success.
[23:41] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> roll 8#1d6
[23:41] <Kobot> Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee rolled 8#1d6 --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=5 ]{5}, [ 1d6=3 ]{3}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=4 ]{4}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}
[23:41] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> ...
[23:41] <xorntoro-effthisplanet> You got one.
[23:41] <RandomConsonant> <_<
[23:42] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Man, Kobot is downright vitriolic.
[23:42] <Kobot> Ko.
[23:42] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Okay, second Deep Manbaby.
[23:42] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Time to go insane if Kobot's kindness is any indication.
[23:42] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> roll 3#1d6
[23:42] <Kobot> Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee rolled 3#1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=6 ]{6}
[23:42] <xorntoro-effthisplanet> >_>
[23:42] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> ... <_<
[23:42] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Okay!
[23:42] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> I'm not crazy yet!
[23:42] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Time for the second combat roll to plaster the Deep Manbaby One.
[23:43] <xorntoro-effthisplanet> Yes you are, you're just not dragged into the loony bin yet.
[23:43] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> roll 8#1d6
[23:43] <Kobot> Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee rolled 8#1d6 --> [ 1d6=3 ]{3}, [ 1d6=2 ]{2}, [ 1d6=6 ]{6}, [ 1d6=3 ]{3}, [ 1d6=4 ]{4}, [ 1d6=3 ]{3}, [ 1d6=4 ]{4}, [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[23:43] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Less sad, at least.
[23:43] <xorntoro-effthisplanet> >_>
[23:43] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Now, I jump into the Gate(walker) and am likely to go crazy.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 01:50:54 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #107 on: December 15, 2009, 05:26:15 AM »
Arkham Encounters

Smashy/Luke Robinson
You come across a deserted boat. Make a Luck (+0) check. If you succeed, you may travel to any aquatic location and have an encounter there. If you fail, the boat was abandoned for a reason. You sink beneath the waves to Y'ha-nthlei. Move there and immediately have an encounter.

Other World Encounters

Gatewalker/Gloria Goldberg
Pass a Luck(-1) check or the book is a prison.  If you fail, roll a die.  On a failure, a monster appears from the book.  On a success, you are drawn into the book for a time.  Stay here next turn.

Random Consonant/Wendy Adams
A horrible visage captures your gaze.  Pass a Will(+0) check to look away or lose 1 Stamina and stay here next turn.

Jo'ou Ranbu/Darrell Simmons
A vast stirring rumbles through the plateau.  Pass a Sneak(+0) check or roll a die and lose that much Stamina.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #108 on: December 15, 2009, 05:31:13 AM »
Sanity: 1/4
Stamina: 1/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [0]

Fight: 2 [3] 4 5
Will!!: 4 [3] 2 1 (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 5
1 Clue Token
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Holy Water (+6 Combat check. Discard after use, 2H. $4)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Wither x2 (Spell. +0 Casting Mod, 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat, 1H)
Mists of Releh (Spell. 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to pass an Evade check. The casting modifier is equal to the monster's Awareness)
Heal (Spell. +1 Casting Mod, 1 Sanity Cost. You may cast and exhaust. You or another investigator in your area gains Stamina equal to the successes you rolled on your Spell check. This Stamina cannot be split between multiple investigators)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
6 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth, Cultist, Deep One Hybrid x2. 9 Toughness total.)
1 Gate Trophy (Abyss)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (1/2)
Fail: 5 Clue Tokens (1/5)


Go get yourself fucked, Hatbot. =|

[03:30] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Okay.
[03:31] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Time to roll that die to lose Stamina.
[03:31] <Smashy> 2d6 to not be taken for a ride to Y'ha-nthei
[03:31] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 2d6 to not be taken for a ride to Y'ha-nthei and gets 7." [2d6=6, 1]
[03:31] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> (I have 0 Sneak.)
[03:31] * RandomXorn is now known as RandomConsonant
[03:31] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> roll d6 to check if I'll die
[03:31] * Hatbot --> "Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee rolls d6 to check if I'll die and gets 5." [d6=5]
[03:31] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> ...
[03:31] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Fuck you too, Hatbot.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #109 on: December 15, 2009, 05:31:28 AM »
See Snow.

[00:29] <RandomConsonant> At any rate, time to avert mine eyes
[00:29] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 clue token the first
[00:29] <Smashy> Sir
[00:29] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 clue token the first and gets 1." [1d6=1]
[00:29] <Smashy> Screw the rules I have a gate box
[00:29] <Yakumo> Though Snow is hanging on by a thread.
[00:29] <RandomConsonant> roll 1d6 clue token the second
[00:29] <Yakumo> Right, that.
[00:29] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 clue token the second and gets 3." [1d6=3]


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #110 on: December 15, 2009, 05:37:24 AM »
Smashy passed his roll as you can see in Snow's post, and chose to go to the Unvisited Isle.  His new encounter:

A monster appears!  If you do not defeat it, you are Cursed.  It is Barnabas Marsh.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #111 on: December 15, 2009, 05:41:32 AM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 4/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 [2] 3
Sneak   4 3 [2] 1   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 [3] 4
Luck       4 3 [2] 1

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


4 Clue Token(s)
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
1 Gate Trophy (Another Dimension)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story

Pass: Gain 3 Gate trophies - Gain ally of choice (1/3)
Fail: 4 Elder Signs on the board - Cannot gain any more allies (0/4)


The only thing sleeping with the fishes today is a doom token.

[00:33:48] * Smashy looks him up, cracks knuckles
[00:33:55] <Smashy> 1d6 Horror
[00:33:57] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 1d6 Horror and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[00:34:32] <Smashy> He is not scary.  Now am I getting +4 or +5 off the Powder?
[00:34:51] <RandomConsonant> +5, I think
[00:34:55] <MishaArsellecLune> +5, I believe?  It's +9 normally?
[00:35:11] <MishaArsellecLune> Resistance rounds up, so.
[00:35:29] * Smashy mrfs
[00:35:48] <Smashy> 4 fight, -3 combat mod, +5 from the Powder, 2 successes
[00:35:59] <Soppy-KoIsAClosedRoomMurder> Wait... didn't you pass your check, Snow?
[00:36:05] <RandomConsonant> He couldn't
[00:36:06] <Yakumo> He didn't GET a check.
[00:36:07] <RandomConsonant> No Sneak
[00:36:07] <Smashy> Snow couldn't pass it
[00:36:14] <Yakumo> 0 in the stat.
[00:36:18] <Soppy-KoIsAClosedRoomMurder> Oh. Got it.
[00:36:32] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 6d6 FOR THE REASON I SNUCK BY THE DARK YOUNG and gets 21." [6d6=5, 2, 2, 6, 5, 1]


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #112 on: December 15, 2009, 04:55:11 PM »
Yak: I get 2 choices for encounter in other worlds, remember?
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #113 on: December 15, 2009, 08:36:42 PM »
Right, forgot that when putting things together past midnight. <_<

An old professor from Earth teaches you a thing or two.  Pass a Luck(-1)[2] check to gain 1 Skill.

If you don't know that terminology the number in brackets is the number of successes you need to pass.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #114 on: December 15, 2009, 10:08:06 PM »
Gloria fails at learning things in other worlds, but that's okay since at least there aren't any book monsters around here.

> anyone around
> ?
<RandomConsonant> Sure
> alright
> going with the second encounter since there's no downside!
> roll 2d6 luck for skill gainage?
* Hatbot --> "Gatewalker rolls 2d6 luck for skill gainage? and gets 9." [2d6=6, 3]
> Fail
> oh well
<Smashy> nerp
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #115 on: December 16, 2009, 02:28:55 AM »
Picnickers Panic!
A careless picnicker unleashes 2 monsters on the Downtown streets.

A gate appears at the Unvisited Isle, sending Luke to the City of the Great Race and spawning a Warlock and a Proto-Shoggoth.
A Zombie and a Ghost appear in the Downtown Streets.
A clue appears at the Science Building.
Plus monsters move, the High Priest moves to the Merchant District Streets.

Ryan Dean had a visit from the Strangler last night.  Only three allies remain in the ally deck.
Harvey's draw from the Dust Deck:


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #116 on: December 16, 2009, 03:34:12 AM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 4/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 [2] 3
Sneak   4 3 [2] 1   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 [3] 4
Luck       4 3 [2] 1

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


5 Clue Token(s)
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
1 Gate Trophy (Another Dimension)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story

Pass: Gain 3 Gate trophies - Gain ally of choice (1/3)
Fail: 4 Elder Signs on the board - Cannot gain any more allies (0/4)



Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #117 on: December 16, 2009, 03:49:49 AM »
Sanity: 1/4
Stamina: 2/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [0]

Fight: 2 [3] 4 5
Will!!: 4 [3] 2 1 (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 5
1 Clue Token
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Holy Water (+6 Combat check. Discard after use, 2H. $4)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Wither x2 (Spell. +0 Casting Mod, 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat, 1H)
Mists of Releh (Spell. 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to pass an Evade check. The casting modifier is equal to the monster's Awareness)
Heal (Spell. +1 Casting Mod, 1 Sanity Cost. You may cast and exhaust. You or another investigator in your area gains Stamina equal to the successes you rolled on your Spell check. This Stamina cannot be split between multiple investigators)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
6 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth, Cultist, Deep One Hybrid x2. 9 Toughness total.)
1 Gate Trophy (Abyss)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (1/2)
Fail: 5 Clue Tokens (1/5)


Looking at Mr. Bearstone gives me a bit more stamina at least before I get murdered by the Flambeau.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 09:43:48 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #118 on: December 16, 2009, 04:58:49 AM »
Hank Samson

Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 6/6

Focus: 2

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1 [0]

Lore: [0] 1 2 3
Luck: [4] 3 2 1


1 clue token
Shotgun (common item, $6, physical weapon, +4 to combat checks and any 6s rolled count as 2 successes each, 2H)
Fight (skill, +1 Fight; roll 1 extra bonus die whenever spending a clue token to improve a fight check)
Deputy's Revolver (special card, physical weapon, +3 to combat checks, cannot be lost or stolen, 1H)

Personal Story

Pass: Spend 5 clue tokens at the train station (result: acquire Pa Samson, ally card granting +1 Will and +1 Lore)
Fail: Fail a Horror check (result: -1 to maximum Sanity)


Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Proto-Shoggoth (3 toughness)


Hank drives across town to do some truly godly monster-slaying...and immediately loses the patrol wagon before falling into the Unvisited Isle gate.

<Mari> So, anyone around to witness boomstick action?
<Vaikappa> Hi there
<MishaArsellecLune> Witness.
* Nitori puts armor on Misha
* MishaArsellecLune is now a tank?
<Mari> Okay! Fight is at 5, skill gives me +1, boomstick gives me +4.
<Mari> Warlock first since I may need clues against shoggoth junior.
<Mari> -3 mod, 7 dice.
<Smashy> So -3 combat mod, and you need to get 4 successes
<Mari> ...4?
<Mari> Did I miss a mythos detail?
<Nitori> QU boosts Warlocks
<Mari> Oh, fuck him.
<Smashy> Warlocks are pumped by the sectoid
<Mari> Hrm,
<Nitori> You also don't get those clue tokens
<Mari> His damage is boosted too, or is that still fail?
<Smashy> +2 toughness, endless, can't get the clues unless you ignore endless
<Smashy> Hence me being twenty different kinds of screwed against him
<Mari> Well, Warlock damage sucks, I can afford to whiff a couple times.
<Mari> roll 7d6 Hatbot, please!
* Hatbot --> "Mari rolls 7d6 Hatbot, please! and gets 35."12 [7d6=5, 4, 6, 6, 2, 6, 6]
<Mari> ...Wow.
<Mari> Horrifically overkilled.
<Nitori> ~
<Mari> Proto shoggoth now, no mod but halves shotgun dice.
<Mari> roll 8d6
* Hatbot --> "Mari rolls 8d6 and gets 36."12 [8d6=5, 6, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6]
<Mari> Dead.
<Mari> Jesus, those rolls were generous.
<MishaArsellecLune> Wow.
<Mari> I know.
<Mari> Oh, patrol wagon rolls.
<Mari> 1d6 for warlock fight
* Hatbot --> "Mari rolls 1d6 for warlock fight and gets 1."12 [1d6=1]
<Mari> ...
<Mari> Well fuck.
<Smashy> Well then!
<Mari> Oh well.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 1 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #119 on: December 16, 2009, 05:23:47 AM »
Gloria Goldberg (Gatewalker):

Sanity 6 (3)
Stamina 4 (3)

Cash: $0
Clues: 6

Focus: 2

Speed  1  2  [3]  4  (+1)
Sneak  3  2  [1]  Z 

Fight  Z  1  [2]  3  (+1)
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore   1  2  3 [4] 
Luck   5  4  3  [2]  (+1)

Cavalry Saber - 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat Checks
Lantern - +1 Luck
Sword of Glory - 2H magical weapon, +6 Combat checks
The King in Yellow - Spend two movement to read, Lore-2 check, discard and lose 1 San for 4 clue tokens.

Dread Curse of Azathoth - 2H Spell, -2 Casting Mod, 2 San cost, cast and exhaust for +9 combat check
Find Gate - -1 Casting Mod, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to locate the person playing you return to Akham from another world.

Speed - Skill. +1 Speed. When spending a clue token on a speed check, add 2 bonus dice.

Current Trophies:
Dimensional Shambler - 1 toughness
Proto Shoggoth - 3 toughness
Cultist - 1 toughness
Maniac - 1 toughness
Gate Trophy - Abyss

Personal Story:
Passed - Have five Clue Tokens. (5/5) (Gain +1 Fight)


Gloria attempts to find a gate! She can't seem to manage it though. ;_;

I've got the KiY and can maybe get another seal out of that, so...gonna hold on to my clue tokens and wait this out. Unless Strags can somehow manage to bless me like he intended to, then I do succeed at Find Gate!

> alrighty then
> roll 3d6 for Find Self
* Hatbot --> "Adail rolls 3d6 for Find Self and gets 8." [3d6=4, 3, 1]
> ...
> do I try a clue?
<Mari> D'oh.
> I can afford to spend 1
> as I still have 6, so I can seal still
<Mari> I'd say sure.
<Mari> You're not going to get four more at this point, so anything above five should be used to speed things up if possible.
<Nitori> Actually you have KiY right
<Nitori> That's uh four more
> well, I have the KiY so actually I can get 4 more
<Mari> Huh.
<Nitori> Thankfully Smashy killed the exact monster out of like 80 he could have drawn
<Nitori> So you have a bit of time
> if anyone can afford to sit in an Other World for an extra round, it's me
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #120 on: December 16, 2009, 05:42:47 AM »
Wendy Adams

Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 2/4
Focus: 3

Streetwise - Automatically pass evade checks made against monsters in street areas

Blessed Is The Child - Cannot be arrested or cursed while in possession of an Elder Sign

Minor - Cannot obtain a bank loan

Speed - 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak - 6 5 4 [3]

Fight - zero 1 2 [3]
Will - 3 2 1 [zero]

Lore - 1 [2] 3 4
Luck - 5 [4] 3 2

Cultes de Goules (Exhaust and spend 2 movement to make a Lore -2 check.  On a success, lose 2 sanity, draw 1 Spell, gain 1 Clue Token, and discard book.  Otherwise nothing happens.  $3)
Elder Sign (Discard and pay 1 Stamina and Sanity to automatically close and seal a gate.  In addition, remove 1 Doom Token from the Ancient One's Doom Track, $5)
Wither (1H Spell, +0 check, 0 Sanity cost.  Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to one combat check)
Expert Occultist (Exhaust to reroll a spell check)
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, total toughness: 1)
1 Gate Trophy (Dreamlands)

Personal Story:
Pass - Three elder signs are on the board (2/3)
Fail - Wendy no longer has an Elder Sign (Wendy still has one)



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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #121 on: December 16, 2009, 03:15:51 PM »
Harvey Walters, the Professor

- Stats -

Sanity 1/7
Stamina 2/4

Strong Mind: Reduce all Sanity damage taken by 1, to a minimum of 0.

- Skills (Focus: 2) -

Speed  0 1 2 [3]
Sneak  5 4 3 [2]

Fight  zero [1] 2 3
Will   3 [2] 1 zero

Lore  3 [4] 5 6
Luck  4 [3] 2 1

- Inventory -

2 Clue Tokens
2 Toughness Monster Trophies (Formless Spawn)

Silver Twilight Lodge Membership
Ally, Sir William Brinton (+1 Max Stamina, discard to restore Stamina to maximum)
Skill, Expert Occultist (exhaust to re-roll a Spell check)

Motorcycle (exhaust to gain 2 movement points)

- Personal Story -

Pass: Possess 1 Clue Token, 1 Unique Item, 1 Monster Trophy, and 1 Gate Trophy.
Fail: Be Lost in Time and Space.

Harvey hops on his bike and leaves the Undead in the dust on his way to South Church. During the Encounter phase he will offer up the Monster Trophies of one Shoggoth and two Zombies in order to Bless Gloria Goldberg. I've updated my sheet as per that.

> Smasherson. Witness me rolling?
<Smashy> Sure
<Smashy> Kinda obvious what's about to happen but still *shrug*
> What do yo mean?
> You, even.
<Smashy> Well
<Smashy> Depends on if your clues like you
> True enough.
> ANYHOW, Zombie sneakery. 2 Sneak + 1 zombmod.
> 3d6 to loathe/evade the undead
* Hatbot --> "Stragaway rolls 3d6 to loathe/evade the undead and gets 11."12 [3d6=4, 1, 6]
> One down.
> Need to use Clues to get by the Ghost.
> I've got 3.
> d6
<Smashy> p.s. I just realized
* Hatbot --> "Stragaway rolls d6 and gets 6."12 [d6=6]
> ... boom.
> They can stay. I'll leave.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 8 Encounters
« Reply #122 on: December 16, 2009, 09:26:14 PM »
Other World Encounters[/u]

Gatewalker/Gloria Goldberg
Pass a Luck(-1) check to discover a cache of ancient papers containing valuable information about the Mythos.  Gain 1 Clue token for every success you rolled on your Luck check.


The huge book opens noiselessly at your approach.  If you choose, you may read it, in which case you must pass a Fight(-1)[2] check to defeat its guardian.  If you do, draw 3 Spells and keep 2 of them.  If you fail, lose 3 Stamina.

Random Consonant/Wendy Adams
Backing up against the cliff, you must either face the horrible creature in front of you or leap into the choppy waters below.

If you face the monster, draw a monster from the cup.  If it has less than 3 Toughness, return it to the cup and draw again until you either draw a monster with at least 3 toughness or you have drawn 5 times, in which case you fight whatever monster you've drawn, regardless of its toughness.

If you jump, roll a die.  On a success, you return to Arkham.  On a failure, you are devoured.

Jo'ou Ranbu/Darrell Simmons
Your peril clears your mind.  Pass a Will(+0) check to restore your Sanity to its maximum value.

Smashy/Luke Robinson
You stare into the face of madness.  Roll 1 die for each point of Sanity you have.  Lose 1 Sanity for each die that does not roll a success.  If you do not go insane, gain 1 Clue token for each die that rolled a success.

El Cideon/Hank Samson
The odd plant has you in its clutches.  Pass a Fight(-1) check to break free.  If you fail, lose 1 Stamina and 1 Sanity as it partially digests you.

Random wanted a monster, he gets a Dhole.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 09:36:54 PM by Yakumo »

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 9 Encounters
« Reply #123 on: December 16, 2009, 09:40:31 PM »
Fuck you Hatbot.

[16:37] <RandomConsonant> Okay, time to avoid the Dhole
[16:37] <Taishyr> ...ow.
[16:37] <RandomConsonant> Man, I should have pushed towards Sneak this turn.
[16:37] <RandomConsonant> If I botch this check I get LiTaS
[16:37] <RandomConsonant> roll 2d6 to avoid burrowing thing
[16:37] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 2d6 to avoid burrowing thing and gets 6." [2d6=2, 4]
[16:38] <RandomConsonant> Whelp.
[16:38] <Taishyr> ...;_;
[16:38] <MishaArsellecLune> gj
[16:38] <RandomConsonant> Discarding Cultes Des Goules, see you all in a couple turns

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 9 Encounters
« Reply #124 on: December 16, 2009, 09:42:56 PM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 4/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 [2] 3
Sneak   4 3 [2] 1   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 [3] 4
Luck       4 3 [2] 1

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


8 Clue Token(s)
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
1 Gate Trophy (Another Dimension)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story

Pass: Gain 3 Gate trophies - Gain ally of choice (1/3)
Fail: 4 Elder Signs on the board - Cannot gain any more allies (0/4)


Evidently, good question.

[16:28:09] <Smashy> 4d6 to question how I can stare into anything when I sleepwalk all over the fricken place
[16:28:10] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 4d6 to question how I can stare into anything when I sleepwalk all over the fricken place and gets 17." [4d6=5, 5, 6, 1]
[16:28:25] <MishaArsellecLune>
[16:28:47] <Smashy> Luke Robinson: Gaining lots of clues via logic

(Also, my other account went all loopy and my old e-mail is gone so whatever)