Author Topic: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 12 Movement/Upkeep  (Read 21618 times)


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 9 Encounters
« Reply #125 on: December 16, 2009, 10:35:50 PM »
Hank Samson

Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/6

Focus: 2

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1

  • 1 2 3

Luck: [4] 3 2 1


1 clue token
Shotgun (common item, $6, physical weapon, +4 to combat checks and any 6s rolled count as 2 successes each, 2H)
Fight (skill, +1 Fight; roll 1 extra bonus die whenever spending a clue token to improve a fight check)
Deputy's Revolver (special card, physical weapon, +3 to combat checks, cannot be lost or stolen, 1H)

Personal Story

Pass: Spend 5 clue tokens at the train station (result: acquire Pa Samson, ally card granting +1 Will and +1 Lore)
Fail: Fail a Horror check (result: -1 to maximum Sanity)


Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Proto-Shoggoth (3 toughness)


Hatbot's a jerk. HANK HATE PLANT.

<Mari_HOTBLOODED> Oh hey, encounters.
<Mari_HOTBLOODED> I have a fight check to make. witness?
* Mari_HOTBLOODED is now known as Cid_Samson
<RandomConsonant> CLOCKS
<Cid_Samson> Clocks indeed.
<Cid_Samson> Anyway, fight check -1, so five dice.
<RandomConsonant> May you fare better than I
<Stragaway> CLOOOOCKS
<Cid_Samson> roll 5d6 PLANT
* Hatbot --> "Cid_Samson rolls 5d6 PLANT and gets 12."12 [5d6=3, 4, 2, 2, 1]
<Stragaway> ... oof.
<Cid_Samson> Fuck you, Hatbot.
<RandomConsonant> The yellow-colored blue!  I can see it!
<Cid_Samson> I knew I'd pay for those rolls I made last night.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 1 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #126 on: December 16, 2009, 10:42:16 PM »
Gloria Goldberg (Gatewalker):

Sanity 6 (3)
Stamina 4 (3)

Cash: $0
Clues: 7

Focus: 2

Speed  1  2  [3]  4  (+1)
Sneak  3  2  [1]  Z 

Fight  Z  1  [2]  3  (+1)
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore   1  2  3 [4] 
Luck   5  4  3  [2]  (+1)

Cavalry Saber - 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat Checks
Lantern - +1 Luck
Sword of Glory - 2H magical weapon, +6 Combat checks
The King in Yellow - Spend two movement to read, Lore-2 check, discard and lose 1 San for 4 clue tokens.

Dread Curse of Azathoth - 2H Spell, -2 Casting Mod, 2 San cost, cast and exhaust for +9 combat check
Find Gate - -1 Casting Mod, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to locate the person playing you return to Akham from another world.

Speed - Skill. +1 Speed. When spending a clue token on a speed check, add 2 bonus dice.

Current Trophies:
Dimensional Shambler - 1 toughness
Proto Shoggoth - 3 toughness
Cultist - 1 toughness
Maniac - 1 toughness
Gate Trophy - Abyss

Personal Story:
Passed - Have five Clue Tokens. (5/5) (Gain +1 Fight)


Gloria find some papers and gets a clue. Too bad she couldn't find more.

> and luck -1, eh.
> roll 2d6 for clue gatherage
* Hatbot --> "Gatewalker rolls 2d6 for clue gatherage and gets 8." [2d6=6, 2]
> well, one at least
<Stragaway> And no help from the Blessing. Sorry, RC. >_>
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 9 Encounters
« Reply #127 on: December 17, 2009, 12:09:22 AM »
Ill Wind Grips Arkham!
The first player must pass a Luck(-1) check or be Cursed.(Harvey would have been the first player at this time so ignore this)

A gate attempts to open on top of the one at the Graveyard, causing a monster surge.  An Uprising token is added to the Deep Ones Rising track.
A Dhole appears at the Graveyard.  A Ghost appears at the Unvisited Isle.  A Star Spawn appears at the Esoteric Order of Dagon.
Two Elder Things and a Proto-Shoggoth also appear but go to the outskirts, exceeding the limit and causing the Terror Level to rise.
A Clue is whisked into the Unvisited Isle gate.
Slash monsters move on black, the Gug moves to the Southside Streets.

Duke runs away from town with his tail between his legs due to the terror level increase.  John Legrasse had an unfortunate meeting with the Southside Strangler.  ONLY ONE ALLY REMAINS.
Quachil Uttaus visits Harvey, and his remains scatter on the wind.

Ursula Downs has arrived in Arkham.

Ursula's starting equipment: $1, 4 Clue Tokens, Food, .38 Revolver, Holy Water, Powder of Ibn-Ghazi, and Will.  Choose your starting position in your movement phase post, Ursula chooses where she starts.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 12:11:27 AM by Yakumo »

Smashy v2

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Movement/Upkeep
« Reply #128 on: December 17, 2009, 12:47:14 AM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 4/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 [2] 3
Sneak   4 3 [2] 1   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 [3] 4
Luck       4 3 [2] 1

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


9 Clue Token(s)
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
1 Gate Trophy (Another Dimension)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story

Pass: Gain 3 Gate trophies - Gain ally of choice (1/3)
Fail: 4 Elder Signs on the board - Cannot gain any more allies (2/4)



(Note: Evidently, being arrested cost me half my money so yeah)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 03:43:06 AM by Smasheh »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Movement/Upkeep
« Reply #129 on: December 17, 2009, 01:37:13 AM »
Sanity: 1/4
Stamina: 3/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [0]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will!!: 4 3 2 [1] (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 5
1 Clue Token
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Holy Water (+6 Combat check. Discard after use, 2H. $4)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Wither x2 (Spell. +0 Casting Mod, 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat, 1H)
Mists of Releh (Spell. 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to pass an Evade check. The casting modifier is equal to the monster's Awareness)
Heal (Spell. +1 Casting Mod, 1 Sanity Cost. You may cast and exhaust. You or another investigator in your area gains Stamina equal to the successes you rolled on your Spell check. This Stamina cannot be split between multiple investigators)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
6 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth, Cultist, Deep One Hybrid x2. 9 Toughness total.)
1 Gate Trophy (Abyss)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (1/2)
Fail: 5 Clue Tokens (1/5)


More eyeing Mr. Bearstone for stamina healing. Also shifting my Fight/Will twice to the right for Gatewalker closing.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 01:59:20 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Movement/Upkeep
« Reply #130 on: December 17, 2009, 02:13:29 AM »
Lore is already at max. Chilling until it's gate sealing time.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Movement/Upkeep
« Reply #131 on: December 17, 2009, 05:10:54 AM »
Ursula Downs, the Exlporer

- Stats -

Sanity 4/5
Stamina 1/5

Quick-Witted: Ursula may have an encounter after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.

- Skills (Focus: 2) -

Speed  2 3 4 [5]
Sneak  3 2 1 [zero]

Fight  1 2 3 [4]
Will   4 3 2 [1] (+1)

Lore  [zero] 1 2 3
Luck  [5] 4 3 2

- Inventory -

4 Clue Tokens

Skill, Will (+1 to Will checks, 2 dice when spending a Clue token on a Will check)
3 Toughness Monster Trophies (Witch, High Priest)

Food (disard to prevent 1 Stamina damage)
.38 Revolver (weapon, 1 hand, +3 to combat checks)

Holy Water (magical weapon, 2 hands, discard to gain +6 to combat checks for this combat)
Powder of Ibn-Ghazi (magical weapon, 2 hands, discard and take 1 Sanity damage to gain +9 to combat checks for this combat)

- Personal Story -

Pass: Possess 3 Clue Tokens and 3 Monster Trophies. DONE!
Fail: Ursula goes insane, or the Terror Level reaches 3.

Ursula shows up and kills the Witch and the Priest in the Merchant District. Ow, though. Oh, and by doing so she meets the requirements of her PS. What are my Unique items, Yakko?

<Smashy> 2-hit combo
<RandomConsonant> Oh what is this
<Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Hatbot: loves you.
> I am.... loooooooosing.
<RandomConsonant> WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO *gets hit by airplane*
> Once more. Clues afterwards if necessary.
> 4d6
* Hatbot --> "Stragursula rolls 4d6 and gets 11."12 [4d6=1, 4, 5, 1]
> .... clue.
> d6
* Hatbot --> "Stragursula rolls d6 and gets 1."12 [d6=1]
<Smashy> Wait
> d6
<Smashy> It's dead
* Hatbot --> "Stragursula rolls d6 and gets 3."12 [d6=3]
<Smashy> Strago
<RandomConsonant> ...
> Oh, right.
<Smashy> It died
<Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> ... <_<
<Smashy> on the 5
> Sorry, thought it was 2 Toughness, that's the Priest.
<Nitori> Really Strago
<Nitori> REALLY
> Horror check for the High Priest, 2d6 +1 for its mod.
> 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Stragursula rolls 3d6 and gets 10."12 [3d6=4, 4, 2]
> Whatever, 1 Sanity damage.
> 5d6 to kill it
* Hatbot --> "Stragursula rolls 5d6 to kill it and gets 19."12 [5d6=6, 2, 2, 3, 6]
> Woot!
<Smashy> ITS DEAD


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Movement/Upkeep
« Reply #132 on: December 17, 2009, 05:40:20 AM »
Unless a Witch or a High Priest somehow started counting as two separate trophies you haven't passed anything yet, buster.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Movement/Upkeep
« Reply #133 on: December 17, 2009, 08:51:06 AM »
Hank Samson

Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/6

Focus: 2

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1



    * 1 2 3

Luck: [4] 3 2 1


1 clue token
Shotgun (common item, $6, physical weapon, +4 to combat checks and any 6s rolled count as 2 successes each, 2H)
Fight (skill, +1 Fight; roll 1 extra bonus die whenever spending a clue token to improve a fight check)
Deputy's Revolver (special card, physical weapon, +3 to combat checks, cannot be lost or stolen, 1H)

Personal Story

Pass: Spend 5 clue tokens at the train station (result: acquire Pa Samson, ally card granting +1 Will and +1 Lore)
Fail: Fail a Horror check (result: -1 to maximum Sanity)


Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Proto-Shoggoth (3 toughness)


No changes, Hank awaits encounter.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Movement/Upkeep
« Reply #134 on: December 17, 2009, 11:07:44 AM »
Other World Encounters

Smashy/Luke Robinson
Glancing behind you, you see that the beasts are still chasing you.  Pass a Speed(-1) check or be Lost in Time and Space.

El Cideon/Hank Samson
You may choose to try and infiltrate one of the angled structures.  If so, make a Sneak(-1) check.  If you pass, draw 2 Unique Items and keep 1 of them.  If you fail, you are Lost in Time and Space.

Gate, make note in your post what you intend to do about the Dust Decks.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 1 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #135 on: December 17, 2009, 05:03:54 PM »
Gloria Goldberg (Gatewalker):

Sanity 6 (3)
Stamina 4 (3)

Cash: $0
Clues: 2

Focus: 2

Speed  1  2  [3]  4  (+1)
Sneak  3  2  [1]  Z 

Fight  Z  1  [2]  3  (+1)
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore   1  2  3 [4] 
Luck   5  4  3  [2]  (+1)

Cavalry Saber - 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat Checks
Lantern - +1 Luck
Sword of Glory - 2H magical weapon, +6 Combat checks
The King in Yellow - Spend two movement to read, Lore-2 check, discard and lose 1 San for 4 clue tokens.

Dread Curse of Azathoth - 2H Spell, -2 Casting Mod, 2 San cost, cast and exhaust for +9 combat check
Find Gate - -1 Casting Mod, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to locate the person playing you return to Akham from another world.

Speed - Skill. +1 Speed. When spending a clue token on a speed check, add 2 bonus dice.

Current Trophies:
Dimensional Shambler - 1 toughness
Proto Shoggoth - 3 toughness
Cultist - 1 toughness
Maniac - 1 toughness
Gate Trophy - Abyss
Gate Trophy - Great Hall

Personal Story:
Passed - Have five Clue Tokens. (5/5) (Gain +1 Fight)


Keeping the dust deck for now. Nothing it can do to me for awhile will matter with that Dhole sitting on me.

Gloria uses her modest lore and the fact that she's blessed to close that gate. Then seals it up with some cluage.

> ANyway, time for gate closure
> great hall is a -1 check, giving me 3 dice. At least I'm blessed
> wait, do I need to roll to keep the blessing this turn? Or starting next turn?
<Smashy> First or second turn with the blessing?
<Smashy> turn->upkeep
> this is my first upkeep with it
<Smashy> Ok, don't think you roll for it then
> blessed last turn, didn't take effect until encounters
> roll 3d6 come on hatbot
* Hatbot --> "Gatewalker rolls 3d6 come on hatbot and gets 8." [3d6=3, 1, 4]
> A 4!
> Blessing to the rescue
> and five clues down to seal that bitch.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #136 on: December 17, 2009, 06:04:10 PM »
Hank sez, "Just say NO to getting lost in time and space, kids!

Smashy v2

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #137 on: December 18, 2009, 01:04:47 AM »
Luke upgrades to sleeprunning.

[08:56:40] <Smashy> Hrm
[08:57:01] <Smashy> CAN I GET A MINT
[08:57:02] <Smashy> ?
[09:26:47] <Stragursula> ...?
[09:32:17] * Smashy tackles
[09:32:43] <Smashy> Speed -1 to avoid being LiTaS, will probably throw a lot of clues :P
[09:32:56] <Smashy> 1d6 for a minty fresh escape
[09:32:58] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 1d6 for a minty fresh escape and gets 5." [1d6=5]
[09:35:23] <Stragursula> Nice.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #138 on: December 18, 2009, 01:20:35 AM »
Sanity: 1/4
Stamina: 3/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [0]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will!!: 4 3 2 [1] (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 5
1 Clue Token
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Holy Water (+6 Combat check. Discard after use, 2H. $4)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Wither x2 (Spell. +0 Casting Mod, 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to Combat checks until the end of this combat, 1H)
Mists of Releh (Spell. 0 Sanity Cost. Cast and exhaust to pass an Evade check. The casting modifier is equal to the monster's Awareness)
Heal (Spell. +1 Casting Mod, 1 Sanity Cost. You may cast and exhaust. You or another investigator in your area gains Stamina equal to the successes you rolled on your Spell check. This Stamina cannot be split between multiple investigators)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Retainer (Special. Gain $2, then roll a die. Discard this card on a 1. Darrell can no longer lose the Retainer if I'm reading the PS right.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
6 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth, Cultist, Deep One Hybrid x2. 9 Toughness total.)
2 Gate Trophies (Abyss, Plateau of Leng)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (2/2)


I manage to close the gate with my magical fighting camera and pass the Personal Story, gaining a Retainer again that probably won't be of any real use. What the hell.

[23:17] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> okay.
[23:17] * Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee gnaws. Witnesses?
[23:17] <RandomConsonant> Maybe
[23:17] <Nitori> Hi Ko
[23:18] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Hi Kotori
[23:19] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Okay, I have Five fight. The mod on the Flambeau is... -1.
[23:19] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> So, four dice.
[23:19] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> roll 4d6 for hilarity
[23:19] * Hatbot --> "Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee rolls 4d6 for hilarity and gets 13." [4d6=1, 2, 4, 6]
[23:19] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> !
[23:19] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Gatewal- I mean, gate closed.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #139 on: December 18, 2009, 02:30:14 AM »
Horror at Groundbreaking!
An ancient stone is disturbed by the construction, releasing 2 monsters into the Miskatonic U. streets.

A gate opens at the Historical Society, releasing an Elder Thing and a Warlock.
The two monsters released by the Mythos go straight to the Outskirts.
A clue appears at the Silver Twilight Lodge.
Moon monsters move on white, the Zombie downtown shambles to easttown instead.

Richard Upton Pickman has left this mortal coil.  No allies remain, the rumor will be failed on the next Mythos phase if you don't pass it before then.
Gloria's draw from the Dust Deck:

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #140 on: December 18, 2009, 03:40:37 AM »
Wendy Adams

Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 1/4
Focus: 3

Streetwise - Automatically pass evade checks made against monsters in street areas

Blessed Is The Child - Cannot be arrested or cursed while in possession of an Elder Sign

Minor - Cannot obtain a bank loan

Speed - [2] 3 4 5
Sneak - [6] 5 4 3

Fight - zero 1 2 [3]
Will - 3 2 1 [zero]

Lore - 1 [2] 3 4
Luck - 5 [4] 3 2

Elder Sign (Discard and pay 1 Stamina and Sanity to automatically close and seal a gate.  In addition, remove 1 Doom Token from the Ancient One's Doom Track, $5)
Wither (1H Spell, +0 check, 0 Sanity cost.  Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to one combat check)
Expert Occultist (Exhaust to reroll a spell check)
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, total toughness: 1)
1 Gate Trophy (Dreamlands)

Personal Story:
Passed.  Discard to remove all monsters in the Outskirts.

Wendy shifts Speed/Sneak to 2/6 pops out at the Historical Society, somehow having acquired $10 from a PS success while Lost in Time and Space.  She avoids both monsters guarding the gate to Yuggoth and prays that she doesn't run into an encounter with a stamina hit.

[22:33] <RandomConsonant> So... unless someone really fervently objects, I'm going to try my luck with Yuggoth
[22:33] * Smashy falls over. Oh fug it. At least you can pump Sneak to the max
[22:33] <RandomConsonant> Shifting Speed/Sneak to 2/6 so I can sneak by the monsters guarding the gate.
[22:34] <RandomConsonant> Well, it's not like we have much in the way of options.
[22:34] <RandomConsonant> The alternative takes too damn long.
[22:34] <RandomConsonant> Anyways, evading the Star Spawn, -2 Awareness so four dice.
[22:35] <RandomConsonant> roll 4d6 nin nin nin~
[22:35] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 4d6 nin nin nin~ and gets 19." [4d6=6, 6, 6, 1]
[22:35] <RandomConsonant> Star Spawn evaded, wincing at good rolls being used up.
[22:35] <RandomConsonant> Evading Warlock, same deal.
[22:35] <RandomConsonant> roll 4d6 whoosh~
[22:35] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 4d6 whoosh~ and gets 14." [4d6=6, 1, 6, 1]
[22:35] <Soppy-MeepleIsAWA1PlotBoss> Radscorpions
[22:36] <RandomConsonant> All ones and sixes, I see.
[22:36] <Hikari> 666, such a waste.
[22:36] * Smashy shrugs. That works. I'll hop out of R'lyeh and seal that, then

Smashy v2

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #141 on: December 18, 2009, 03:49:33 AM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 3/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 [2] 3
Sneak   4 3 [2] 1   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 3 [4]
Luck       4 3 2 [1]

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


9 Clue Token(s)
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
1 Gate Trophy (Another Dimension)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story



Read RC's post. Also, Voice of Ra was successful, giving +1 to the incoming roll.

[22:11:43] <Smashy> Also, bumping Lore to 4, 3 dice for Ra
[22:11:46] <Smashy> 3d6
[22:11:47] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 3d6 and gets 12." [3d6=5, 1, 6]


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #142 on: December 18, 2009, 04:00:21 AM »
Hank Samson

Sanity: 4/5
Stamina: 5/6

Focus: 2

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1

  • 1 2 3

Luck: [4] 3 2 1


0 clue tokens
Shotgun (common item, $6, physical weapon, +4 to combat checks and any 6s rolled count as 2 successes each, 2H)
Fight (skill, +1 Fight; roll 1 extra bonus die whenever spending a clue token to improve a fight check)
Deputy's Revolver (special card, physical weapon, +3 to combat checks, cannot be lost or stolen, 1H)

Personal Story

Pass: Spend 5 clue tokens at the train station (result: acquire Pa Samson, ally card granting +1 Will and +1 Lore)
Fail: Fail a Horror check (result: -1 to maximum Sanity)


Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Proto-Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Ghost (1 toughness)


Hank fights the supernatural with the power of his MIND.

<Hikari> Anyway, may as well get ghost-killing done this turn whether I wind up closing the gate or not.
<RandomConsonant> Clearly next game I'm in I should draw Silas.
<RandomConsonant> CLEARLY.
<Hikari> RC = witness.
<RandomConsonant> Yes.
<Nagare> Also, guize.
<Nagare> Anything I should be doing now? >_>
<Hikari> It's -3 and denies me my weapon bonus. Ghosts suck. At least I only need 1 success.
<RandomConsonant> Doing something about the Star Spawn?
<Hikari> That depends, can you get away from the star spawn or whatever?
<Hikari> Also:
<Hikari> roll 3d6 for punchign incorporeal being into ectoplasm
* Hatbot --> "Hikari rolls 3d6 for punchign incorporeal being into ectoplasm and gets 7."12 [3d6=2, 4, 1]
<RandomConsonant> Derp.
<Hikari> Derp indeed. clue it?
<Hikari> I have 1!!!!
<Hikari> But it counts for 2.
<RandomConsonant> Might as well.
<Hikari> roll 2d6 don't make me hit a horror check or I fail my PS!
* Hatbot --> "Hikari rolls 2d6 don't make me hit a horror check or I fail my PS! and gets 9."12 [2d6=6, 3]
<Hikari> There we go.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #143 on: December 18, 2009, 04:10:41 AM »
Sanity: 0/4
Stamina: 3/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [0]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will!!: 4 3 2 [1] (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 7
1 Clue Token
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Heal (Spell. +1 Casting Mod, 1 Sanity Cost. You may cast and exhaust. You or another investigator in your area gains Stamina equal to the successes you rolled on your Spell check. This Stamina cannot be split between multiple investigators)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Retainer (Special. Gain $2, then roll a die. Discard this card on a 1. Darrell can no longer lose the Retainer if I'm reading the PS right.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
6 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth, Cultist, Deep One Hybrid x2. 9 Toughness total.)
2 Gate Trophies (Abyss, Plateau of Leng)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (2/2)


Oh mother of fuck. Failing the Sanity check by proxy to the Star Spawn and getting sent to the Asylum. Discarded the Withers, the Holy Water and Mists of Releh. I only have one clue token, so that doesn't get eaten.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2009, 06:20:29 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #144 on: December 18, 2009, 05:22:43 AM »
You only lose money if you're arrested.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #145 on: December 18, 2009, 01:59:29 PM »
I have no idea at all what to do to be helpful right now, and I'm going to be at work until late tonight. I will bequeath control of Ursula to the group for this turn's Movement and Encounters.

Ursula Downs, the Exlporer

- Stats -

Sanity 4/5
Stamina 1/5

Quick-Witted: Ursula may have an encounter after using a location ability that would normally be taken instead.

- Skills (Focus: 2) -

Speed  2 3 4 [5]
Sneak  3 2 1 [zero]

Fight  1 2 3 [4]
Will   4 3 2 [1] (+1)

Lore  [zero] 1 2 3
Luck  [5] 4 3 2

- Inventory -

4 Clue Tokens

Skill, Will (+1 to Will checks, 2 dice when spending a Clue token on a Will check)
3 Toughness Monster Trophies (Witch, High Priest)

Food (disard to prevent 1 Stamina damage)
.38 Revolver (weapon, 1 hand, +3 to combat checks)

Holy Water (magical weapon, 2 hands, discard to gain +6 to combat checks for this combat)
Powder of Ibn-Ghazi (magical weapon, 2 hands, discard and take 1 Sanity damage to gain +9 to combat checks for this combat)

- Personal Story -

Pass: Possess 3 Clue Tokens and 3 Monster Trophies.
Fail: Ursula goes insane, or the Terror Level reaches 3.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 1 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #146 on: December 18, 2009, 07:31:37 PM »
Gloria Goldberg (Gatewalker):

Sanity 6 (3)
Stamina 4 (3)

Cash: $0
Clues: 2

Focus: 2

Speed  [1]  2  3  4  (+1)
Sneak  [3]  2  1  Z 

Fight  Z  1  [2]  3  (+1)
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore   1  2  3 [4] 
Luck   5  4  3  [2]  (+1)

Cavalry Saber - 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat Checks
Lantern - +1 Luck
Sword of Glory - 2H magical weapon, +6 Combat checks
The King in Yellow - Spend two movement to read, Lore-2 check, discard and lose 1 San for 4 clue tokens.

Dread Curse of Azathoth - 2H Spell, -2 Casting Mod, 2 San cost, cast and exhaust for +9 combat check
Find Gate - -1 Casting Mod, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to locate the person playing you return to Akham from another world.

Speed - Skill. +1 Speed. When spending a clue token on a speed check, add 2 bonus dice.

Current Trophies:
Dimensional Shambler - 1 toughness
Proto Shoggoth - 3 toughness
Cultist - 1 toughness
Maniac - 1 toughness
Gate Trophy - Abyss
Gate Trophy - Great Hall

Personal Story:
Passed - Have five Clue Tokens. (5/5) (Gain +1 Fight)


Hatbot steals my Blessing, Speed/Sneak two to the left, nin~ nin~ past the Dhole and chill in the Merchant District streets for the time being.

> roll 1d6 for blessing keep
* Hatbot --> "Gate-writer rolls 1d6 for blessing keep and gets 1." [1d6=1]
> ...
> Hatebot's gotta hate
<RandomConsonant> ...
<Smashy> ...
<Smashy> Hatbot does not like us keeping our stuff
> Well
> that will make this more difficult
> Speed/Sneak to 1/3(so speed is 2 thanks to skill)
> 2 dice to sneak past Dhole
* xrnzmbtoro-breaktiemnow has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
> roll 2d6 for nin nin action
* Hatbot --> "Gate-writer rolls 2d6 for nin nin action and gets 11." [2d6=6, 5]
> nin nin~
<RandomConsonant> <_<
<Smashy> You sneaked past that thing much better than someone with a max Sneak of 6 did
> Hatbot just stole my blessing. Not fucking me on the sneak is fair payment for that, I think.
<RandomConsonant> <_<
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #147 on: December 18, 2009, 07:38:01 PM »
Moving Ursula to the Silver Twilight Lodge to pick up a clue token.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 10 Encounters
« Reply #148 on: December 19, 2009, 05:21:27 AM »
Arkham Encounters

Strago/Ursula Downs
Make a Sneak (-2) check. If you pass, you slip into the temple area of the Lodge and find 2 items of interest. Roll a die for each item. On a success, draw a Unique Item, otherwise draw a Common Item.

Other World Encounters

Random Consonant/Wendy Adams
The unending blackness terrifies you.  Pass a Will(-1) check or lose 1 Sanity and 1 Stamina from fear and exhaustion.

Smashy v2

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 11 Encounters
« Reply #149 on: December 19, 2009, 05:29:20 AM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 3/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 [2] 3
Sneak   4 3 [2] 1   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 3 [4]
Luck       4 3 2 [1]

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


4 Clue Token(s)
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
2 Gate Trophies (Another Dimension, R'lyeh)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story



Luke goes all homo-genius on the R'lyeh gate.  And then seals it.

[00:22:29] <Smashy> I think I have the only roll?  Strago has no dice for that roll and I don't think we want to spend those clues when they're enough to seal
[00:22:53] <Smashy> BUT ANYWAYS
[00:23:21] <Smashy> I'm going to mix it up and use my Lore, since to be honest it doesn't matter
[00:23:53] <Smashy> 4 Lore, +1 Ra, -3 R'lyeh
[00:23:58] <Smashy> 2d6 for MINDGAMES
[00:24:00] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 2d6 for MINDGAMES and gets 6." [2d6=5, 1]
[00:24:04] <Cid_Samson> Ew, R'lyeh.
[00:24:08] <Cid_Samson> ...DEAD R'lyeh.
[00:24:17] <Smashy> That's me I'm the failed PS
[00:24:22] <Smashy> (That doesn't matter)