
Author Topic: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 12 Movement/Upkeep  (Read 21620 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 6 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #75 on: December 12, 2009, 12:49:12 AM »
Darrell Simmons

Sanity: 2/4
Stamina: 6/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [0]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will!!: 4 3 2 [1] (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 4
1 Clue Token
Motorcycle (Exhaust to get 2 extra movement points. $4)
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Holy Water (+6 Combat check. Discard after use, 2H. $4)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
3 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth. 6 Toughness total.)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (0/2)
Fail: 5 Clue Tokens (1/5)


Popping off the Woods Abyss gate and shifting my Fight to 5 for gate closure.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 6 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #76 on: December 12, 2009, 01:24:51 AM »
Arkham Encounters

Random Consonant/Wendy Adams
A gate and a monster appear!  You have been sucked into R'lyeh and delayed.

Smashy/Luke Robinson
A local fisherman has left his boat just for a second. Pass a Sneak (-1) check to sneak aboard and pilot yourself to the aquatic location of your choice and have an encounter there.

Other World Encounters

Gatewalker/Gloria Goldberg
The caverns split.  Make a Luck(+1) check and consult the chart below:
0-1: Move to the Black Cave.
2: Move to The Dreamlands.
3+: You enter a dark temple.  Pass a Luck(-1) check to draw a Unique item.


Starving, you consider eating some of the glowing mushrooms.  If you decide to do so, make a Luck(-1) check.  If you fail, roll a die and lose that much Stamina.  If you succeed, roll a die and gain that much Stamina.

Random Consonant/Wendy Adams
There is nothing here but barren wastes.  No encounter.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 6 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #77 on: December 12, 2009, 03:12:39 AM »
Hank Samson

Sanity: 1/5
Stamina: 6/6

Focus: 2

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1 [0]

Lore: [0] 1 2 3
Luck: [4] 3 2 1


1 clue token
Shotgun (common item, $6, physical weapon, +4 to combat checks and any 6s rolled count as 2 successes each, 2H)
Research Materials (common item, $1, discard instead of spending 1 clue token)
Fight (skill, +1 Fight; roll 1 extra bonus die whenever spending a clue token to improve a fight check)

Personal Story

Pass: Spend 5 clue tokens at the train station (result: acquire Pa Samson, ally card granting +1 Will and +1 Lore)
Fail: Fail a Horror check (result: -1 to maximum Sanity)


Elder Thing (2 toughness)
Proto-Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Gate (Dreamlands)


Hank punches out the Dreamlands, spending 5 clue tokens to seal it.

<Cidward> So yeah, someone is around to witness gate-sealing, I guess?
<MishaArsellecLune> Witness.
<Cidward> Huzzah.
* Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee gnaws on the Ciddy Mulberry.
<Cidward> fight is at 5, the skill gives me +1, as does the gate mod. 7 total.
<MishaArsellecLune> <Cid> Everyone, watch this!
<Cidward> ???
<MishaArsellecLune> That's a puny gate.
* Cidward ignores Tal.
<Cidward> It is.
<MishaArsellecLune> Was a continuation of Snow's comment.
<Cidward> roll 7d6 it's not enough to bash in heads you have to bash in gates
* Hatbot --> "Cidward rolls 7d6 it's not enough to bash in heads you have to bash in gates and gets 28."12 [7d6=3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 3]
<Cidward> Sealed, yay.
<MishaArsellecLune> #!bash

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 6 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #78 on: December 12, 2009, 03:14:36 AM »
Darrell Simmons

Sanity: 2/4
Stamina: 6/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [0]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will!!: 4 3 2 [1] (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 4
1 Clue Token
Motorcycle (Exhaust to get 2 extra movement points. $4)
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Holy Water (+6 Combat check. Discard after use, 2H. $4)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
3 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth. 6 Toughness total.)
1 Gate Trophy (Abyss)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (1/2)
Fail: 5 Clue Tokens (1/5)


Somehow, Darrell closes his gate with a cute lil' camera. If I accidentaly pass my PS, I'll fall over laughing.

[01:13] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> You guys want to witness my hilarious failure to close le gate~?
[01:13] <Cidward> Sure.
[01:13] <RandomConsonant> Absolutely.
[01:13] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Okay!
[01:13] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> So, I have five Fight.
[01:14] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> -2 mod, three dice.
[01:14] * Nitori ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[01:14] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> I expect Yakkety Sax shenanigans.
[01:14] * Captain_Murasa is now known as Nitori
[01:14] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> roll 3d6 for punching the gate through time with a camera?
[01:14] * Hatbot --> "Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee rolls 3d6 for punching the gate through time with a camera? and gets 15." [3d6=4, 5, 6]
[01:14] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> ... >_>
[01:14] <RandomConsonant> Okay.
[01:14] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Welp, that's a closed gate alright.
[01:14] <Cidward> A most unusual camera.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 6 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #79 on: December 12, 2009, 04:49:33 AM »
Luke is not sneaky enough

[23:43:46] <Smashy> Beep
[23:44:05] * Yakumo drops an anvil on Smashy.
[23:45:05] <Smashy> d6 for SLEEPCRIME
[23:45:06] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls d6 for SLEEPCRIME and gets 4." [d6=4]
[23:45:15] <Smashy> Boat steal fail


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 6 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #80 on: December 12, 2009, 05:02:30 AM »
I don't think I need to do anything now, but consider this post an official Harvey Walters statement:

I'll be asleep or at work for the next 36 hours. If there's anything in that time frame y'all need me to do, you have my permission to take that action with a bias towards me completing Harvey's Personal Story. Woot.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 6 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #81 on: December 12, 2009, 07:14:19 AM »
Taking the mushrooms encounter and passing on the shrooms.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 6 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #82 on: December 12, 2009, 08:51:21 AM »

Cosmic Upheaval!
Investigators that are currently in Other Worlds must immediately pass a Luck (-1) check or be lost in time and space.

A gate opens at the Esoteric Order of Dagon, and two Deep One Hybrids come shambling out.
A clue appears at Devil Reef.
Square monsters move, the Lloigor's thrashing turns Hank into a gibbering wreck.  He comes to at the Asylum.
Diamond monsters move on white, the Shoggoth runs to the Easttown streets.
Circle monsters move, the Witch moves to the Miskatonic U. streets and the Mi-Go flies down to the Uptown streets.

Tom "Mountain" Murphy is the latest victim of the Strangler.
Harvey's draw from the Dust Deck:

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #83 on: December 12, 2009, 05:22:39 PM »
[12:18] <RandomConsonant> fffffffffffffffff
[12:18] <RandomConsonant> Okay, witness for hopefully not getting LiTaS?
[12:19] <Nitori> ~
[12:19] <RandomConsonant> Luck is at 4, so 3 dice
[12:19] <RandomConsonant> 3d6 for not getting lost
[12:19] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 3d6 for not getting lost and gets 11." [3d6=4, 3, 4]
[12:19] <RandomConsonant> ffffffffff
[12:20] <RandomConsonant> 1d6 clue token the first
[12:20] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 clue token the first and gets 2." [1d6=2]
[12:20] <RandomConsonant> 1d6 clue token the second
[12:20] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 1d6 clue token the second and gets 6." [1d6=6]

Wendy Adams

Sanity: 4/4
Stamina: 3/4
Focus: 3

Streetwise - Automatically pass evade checks made against monsters in street areas

Blessed Is The Child - Cannot be arrested or cursed while in possession of an Elder Sign

Minor - Cannot obtain a bank loan

Speed - 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak - 6 5 4 [3]

Fight - zero 1 2 [3]
Will - 3 2 1 [zero]

Lore - 1 [2] 3 4
Luck - 5 [4] 3 2

2 Clue Tokens
Cultes de Goules (Exhaust and spend 2 movement to make a Lore -2 check.  On a success, lose 2 sanity, draw 1 Spell, gain 1 Clue Token, and discard book.  Otherwise nothing happens.  $3)
Elder Sign (Discard and pay 1 Stamina and Sanity to automatically close and seal a gate.  In addition, remove 1 Doom Token from the Ancient One's Doom Track, $5)
Wither (1H Spell, +0 check, 0 Sanity cost.  Cast and exhaust to gain +3 to one combat check)
Expert Occultist (Exhaust to reroll a spell check)
1 Monster Trophy (Cultist, total toughness: 1)
1 Gate Trophy (Dreamlands)

Personal Story:
Pass - Three elder signs are on the board (1/3)
Fail - Wendy no longer has an Elder Sign (Wendy still has one)

Gogogo Next Zone.  No slider changes.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 1 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #84 on: December 12, 2009, 07:05:29 PM »
Gloria Goldberg (Gatewalker):

Sanity 6 (4)
Stamina 4 (4)

Cash: $0
Clues: 6

Focus: 2

Speed  1  2  [3]  4  (+1)
Sneak  3  2  [1]  Z 

Fight  Z  1  [2]  3  (+1)
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore   1  2  3 [4] 
Luck   5  4  3  [2]  (+1)

Cavalry Saber - 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat Checks
Elder Sign - Discard and pay 1 San/Stam to seal a gate. Also, remove one Doom Token from the Doom Track.
Lantern - +1 Luck
Sword of Glory - 2H magical weapon, +6 Combat checks

Dread Curse of Azathoth - 2H Spell, -2 Casting Mod, 2 San cost, cast and exhaust for +9 combat check
Find Gate - -1 Casting Mod, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to locate the person playing you return to Akham from another world.

Speed - Skill. +1 Speed. When spending a clue token on a speed check, add 2 bonus dice.

Current Trophies:
Dimensional Shambler - 1 toughness
Proto Shoggoth - 3 toughness

Personal Story:
Passed - Have five Clue Tokens. (5/5) (Gain +1 Fight)


Gloria has enough clues to not be lost in time and space. (2 spent, bleh). Then she casts Find Gate and figures out that her player is in California how to get the hell out of the Abyss.

> the check is Luck -1?
<RandomConsonant> Yep
> roll 2d6 for not lost plz
* Hatbot --> "Gate-weekend rolls 2d6 for not lost plz and gets 4." [2d6=3, 1]
<El-Cideon> >.<
> roll 1d6 clue 1
* Hatbot --> "Gate-weekend rolls 1d6 clue 1 and gets 1." [1d6=1]
> roll 1d6 clue 2
* Hatbot --> "Gate-weekend rolls 1d6 clue 2 and gets 6." [1d6=6]
<RandomConsonant> Yeesh.
<El-Cideon> How many clues does that leave you with?
<RandomConsonant> 6?
> 6, yeah
> casting Find Self
<Taishyr> >_>
<El-Cideon> As long as it's enough to seal when you get out.
<RandomConsonant> Elder Sign
> roll 3d6
* Hatbot --> "Gate-weekend rolls 3d6 and gets 10." [3d6=2, 6, 2]
> There I am!
<Taishyr> Yay!
<RandomConsonant> Huzzah~
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #85 on: December 13, 2009, 04:40:49 PM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 6/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 2 [3]
Sneak   4 3 2 [1]   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 [3] 4
Luck       4 3 [2] 1

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


1 Clue Token
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
1 Gate Trophy (Another Dimension)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Powder of Ibn-Ghazi (Unique: Magical weapon, +9 to Combat Checks, lose 1 Sanity and discard after use, 2 hands)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story

Pass: Gain 3 Gate trophies - Gain ally of choice (1/3)
Fail: 4 Elder Signs on the board - Cannot gain any more allies (0/4)


Luke does not collect 200 Monopoly dollars.

[11:28:18] <Smashy> Research Materials are available to buy, right?
[11:29:35] <Smashy> If so, I will head to the First National Grocery
[11:31:01] <Yakumo> Yeah, there's one left.
[11:31:28] * Smashy mrfs. I suppose I shall grab it, then
[11:31:49] <Smashy> So I have a marial law check thingy to make
[11:32:17] <Smashy> (Assuming I make that now, right?)
[11:32:40] <Yakumo> At the end of your movement, yes.
[11:34:02] <Smashy> Ok no slider movement and heading to First National Grocery
[11:34:08] <Smashy> 1 Sneak, +1 Sneak skill, +1 mod
[11:34:59] <Smashy> 3d6 to not go to jail (and 200 dollars etc)
[11:34:59] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 3d6 to not go to jail (and 200 dollars etc) and gets 12." [3d6=4, 4, 4]
[11:35:03] <Smashy> ... :|
[11:35:27] <Yakumo> <_<


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #86 on: December 13, 2009, 05:46:52 PM »
I won't be on IRC until later tonight. Will someone have me fight the Mi-Go and Heal myself if the latter seems prudent?

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #87 on: December 13, 2009, 06:10:51 PM »
Sure thing.

[12:55] <RandomConsonant> Mrf.
[13:00] <Yakumo> Strago sez: I won't be on IRC until later tonight. Will someone have me fight the Mi-Go and Heal myself if the latter seems prudent?
[13:02] <RandomConsonant> Yeah, might as well do that.
[13:02] <RandomConsonant> Rolling for healings.
[13:02] <RandomConsonant> 5d6
[13:02] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 5d6 and gets 18." [5d6=4, 1, 4, 3, 6]
[13:02] <RandomConsonant> Meh.
[13:03] <RandomConsonant> Facing Mi-go, can't pass Horror, taking one sanity damage. Harvey is now at 1/7 San, 2/4 Stm
[13:03] <RandomConsonant> Casting Wither the first
[13:03] <RandomConsonant> 4d6
[13:03] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 4d6 and gets 15." [4d6=4, 4, 5, 2]
[13:03] <RandomConsonant> Punching out the Mi-go, 6 dice total.
[13:03] <RandomConsonant> 6d6
[13:03] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 6d6 and gets 22." [6d6=6, 5, 3, 6, 1, 1]
[13:04] <RandomConsonant> Pulverized, 1 Unique Get


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #88 on: December 13, 2009, 06:20:19 PM »
The Mi-Go leaves The King in Yellow.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #89 on: December 14, 2009, 04:13:18 AM »
Darrell Simmons

Sanity: 2/4
Stamina: 6/6

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 3 2 1 [0]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will!!: 4 3 2 [1] (+1)

Lore: 0 [1] 2 3
Luck: 4 [3] 2 1


$ 4
1 Clue Token
Motorcycle (Exhaust to get 2 extra movement points. Exhausted. $4)
Healing Stone (Heal 1 Stamina or 1 Sanity on Upkeep. $8)
Holy Water (+6 Combat check. Discard after use, 2H. $4)
Axe (+2 Combat check. +3 instead if your other hand is empty. $3)
Will (Skill. +1 Will. When you spend a Clue token to add to any Will check, add one extra bonus die.)
Enchanted Knife (Magical weapon. +3 Combat Check, 1H. $5)
4 Monster Trophies (Deep One, Maniac, Proto-Shoggoth, Cultist. 7 Toughness total.)
1 Gate Trophy (Abyss)

Personal Story

Pass: 2 Gate Trophies (1/2)
Fail: 5 Clue Tokens (1/5)


Head to the streets where the Cultist is by using my bike and bashing his head in, this is the life.

[02:13] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> I'm exhausting the motorcycle and bumping into the Cultist near the Asylum.
[02:14] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> +1 Mod, I have five dice from Fight+3+2 from weaponry. 11 dice total.
[02:14] <xorntoro-tohoddysey> kay
[02:14] <Elise> Wow.
[02:14] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> No Sanity check because Cultists are just that damned good.
[02:14] <Elise> This should be bloody.
[02:14] * RandomConsonant grabs some popcorn
[02:14] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> roll 11d6 for Happy Happyist epic battle
[02:14] * Hatbot --> "Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee rolls 11d6 for Happy Happyist epic battle and gets 31." [11d6=2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1]
[02:15] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> That was a lot less bloddy than you'd think.
[02:15] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> Two successes off a loser with one toughness, though.
[02:15] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> At least Hatbot spent a lot of hate there.
[02:15] <Hello-StrawmanthedralWaddleDee> So yeah, pass. >_>
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #90 on: December 14, 2009, 04:17:10 AM »
Hank Samson

Sanity: 5/5
Stamina: 6/6

Focus: 2

Speed: 2 3 4 [5]
Sneak: 4 3 2 [1]

Fight: 2 3 4 [5]
Will: 3 2 1 [0]

Lore: [0] 1 2 3
Luck: [4] 3 2 1


1 clue token
Shotgun (common item, $6, physical weapon, +4 to combat checks and any 6s rolled count as 2 successes each, 2H)
Fight (skill, +1 Fight; roll 1 extra bonus die whenever spending a clue token to improve a fight check)

Personal Story

Pass: Spend 5 clue tokens at the train station (result: acquire Pa Samson, ally card granting +1 Will and +1 Lore)
Fail: Fail a Horror check (result: -1 to maximum Sanity)


Elder Thing (2 toughness)
Proto-Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Shoggoth (3 toughness)
Gate (Dreamlands)


Hank gives up research materials as a result of going insane; spending $2 at the asylum to get my sanity completely restored during encounter phase.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #91 on: December 14, 2009, 05:32:45 AM »
Arkham Encounters

Smashy/Luke Robinson
A black hood is thrown over your head, and you are taken to the docks, where you are placed on a small rowboat. After some time, your bonds are removed, and you are pushed roughly out of the boat and onto the ground. "Have fun!" the guards say, laughing. Pulling off your hood, you find yourself far out to sea on top of a reef. Move to Devil Reef and have an encounter.

-At Devil Reef-
You hide in a hollow of the rock to eavesdrop on the horrible croaking conversation of the innsmouth folk and their strange allies. Pass a Sneak (-2) check to gain 2 Clue tokens.

Other World Encounters

Random Consonant/Wendy Adams
You become tangled in the damp seaweed.  Pass a Luck(-1) check to pull free before something finds you while you're helpless.  If you fail, roll a die and lose that much Stamina.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #92 on: December 14, 2009, 05:36:27 AM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 6/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 2 [3]
Sneak   4 3 2 [1]   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 [3] 4
Luck       4 3 [2] 1

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


3 Clue Token
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
1 Gate Trophy (Another Dimension)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Powder of Ibn-Ghazi (Unique: Magical weapon, +9 to Combat Checks, lose 1 Sanity and discard after use, 2 hands)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story

Pass: Gain 3 Gate trophies - Gain ally of choice (1/3)
Fail: 4 Elder Signs on the board - Cannot gain any more allies (0/4)


Luke gains 2 clue tokens from landing at Devil Reef, but cannot make the check so no extra clues.

Random Consonant

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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #93 on: December 14, 2009, 05:37:19 AM »
Wendy is too awesome for seaweed.

[00:34] <RandomConsonant> Okay, seaweed check!
[00:34] <RandomConsonant> Luck -1, so three dice
[00:35] <RandomConsonant> 3d6 for getting untangled
[00:35] <Hatbot> 0x01ACTION --> "RandomConsonant rolls 3d6 for getting untangled and gets 10." [3d6=6, 3, 1]
[00:35] <RandomConsonant> Wendy sez no


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 1 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #94 on: December 14, 2009, 05:39:03 AM »
Gloria Goldberg (Gatewalker):

Sanity 6 (3)
Stamina 4 (3)

Cash: $0
Clues: 6

Focus: 2

Speed  1  2  [3]  4  (+1)
Sneak  3  2  [1]  Z 

Fight  Z  1  [2]  3  (+1)
Will    5  4  [3]  2 

Lore   1  2  3 [4] 
Luck   5  4  3  [2]  (+1)

Cavalry Saber - 1H Physical Weapon, +2 Combat Checks
Lantern - +1 Luck
Sword of Glory - 2H magical weapon, +6 Combat checks

Dread Curse of Azathoth - 2H Spell, -2 Casting Mod, 2 San cost, cast and exhaust for +9 combat check
Find Gate - -1 Casting Mod, 1 San cost, cast and exhaust to locate the person playing you return to Akham from another world.

Speed - Skill. +1 Speed. When spending a clue token on a speed check, add 2 bonus dice.

Current Trophies:
Dimensional Shambler - 1 toughness
Proto Shoggoth - 3 toughness
Gate Trophy - Abyss

Personal Story:
Passed - Have five Clue Tokens. (5/5) (Gain +1 Fight)


Gloria gives the Abyss the Elder Sign. No more madness, the sealing this time~

(Spending 1 San/Stam and discarding the Sign to auto-seal. Also reduces the Doom Counter by 1!)

<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #95 on: December 14, 2009, 06:08:15 AM »

Sheldon Gang Turns to Police for Help!
The Sheldon Gang disturbs a burial mound, releasing 2 monsters into the Uptown Streets.

A gate appears at the Graveyard, and a Cultist and a Maniac appear.
A Clue appears at the Unvisited Isle.
The mythos spawns a Gug and a Servitor of the Outer Gods in the Uptown Streets.
Diamond monsters move on black, the Shoggoth meets up with Darrell in the Downtown Streets.
Circle monsters move on white, the Witch moves to the Merchant District Streets.
Square monsters moved but nobody was close enough to the Lloigor to be affected.

Thomas F. Malone is the latest Strangler victim.
Harvey's draw from the Dust Deck:


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #96 on: December 14, 2009, 06:31:42 AM »
Luke Robinson, the Dreamer


Sanity: 5/7
Stamina: 3/3
Focus: 1

Speed   O 1 [2] 3
Sneak   4 3 [2] 1   (+1)

Fight       1 2 3 [4]
Will       6 5 4 [3]

Lore       1 2 [3] 4
Luck       4 3 [2] 1

Experienced Dreamer - Any Phase: Luke gains 1 Clue token each time he enters an Other World area or is Lost in Time and Space.

Heirloom - Any Phase: Luke's Gate Box cannot be lost or stolen unless he allows it.


3 Clue Token
1 Toughness worth of Monster Trophies (Cultist)
1 Gate Trophy (Another Dimension)
Stealth (Skill: Exhaust to reroll an Evade check)
Sneak (Skill: +1 Sneak, roll an extra die when using clues for a Sneak check)
Gate Box (Unique: When you return to Arkham from an Other World, you can return to any location with an open gate, not just those leading to the Other World you were in)
Powder of Ibn-Ghazi (Unique: Magical weapon, +9 to Combat Checks, lose 1 Sanity and discard after use, 2 hands)
Voice of Ra (Spell: -1 Modifier, 1 Sanity Cost, Upkeep: Cast and exhaust to gain +1 to all skill checks for the rest of this turn)
Wither (Spell: No modifier, no sanity cost, cast and exhaust to gain +3 to combat checks until the end of combat, 1 hand)

Personal Story

Pass: Gain 3 Gate trophies - Gain ally of choice (1/3)
Fail: 4 Elder Signs on the board - Cannot gain any more allies (0/4)


Luke gj's his Voice of Ra roll, decides to stay at Devil Reef for now

[01:23:17] <Smashy> On the other hand, I'm going to roll for Voice of Ra right now.  3 Lore, -1 casting mod
[01:23:25] <Smashy> 2d6
[01:23:27] * Hatbot --> "Smashy rolls 2d6 and gets 4." [2d6=1, 3]


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #97 on: December 14, 2009, 03:33:28 PM »
Harvey destroys his Silver Key in a mad dash to the Downtown Streets, where with a look of grim determination he shoves a shoulder-bag full of belongings at Darrell Simmons ($2, Heal, Mists of Releh, Wither x2, and the King in Yellow) and hurls himself upon the Shoggoth. And then proceeds to slaughter it, oddly enough.

> Okay, yeah, Harvey suicide Shoggoth mission.
<Taishyr> Lemme check, but okay.
<Taishyr> You're right. Six or more seals.
<Taishyr> You're going to have three when Wendy gets through.
> And Gloria has enough Clues to seal hers, if I can get her past the Shog and into it.
* Taishyr nods. Right.
> Let's do this. I Silver Key to get past the Servitor of Outer Gods, the Gug, and the Witch. The Silver Key disintegrates.
> I'm at Fight 1/Will 2. Horror check at -1!
> None of this is fun or easy!
> d6 to man up.
* Hatbot --> "Stragarvey rolls d6 to man up. and gets 5."12 [d6=5]
<Taishyr> Right. And will check made.
> That's... yeah, I might be able to do this, now.
<Taishyr> Nightmarish 1.
<Taishyr> But yeah.
> Ah, I meant to say: before engaging the Shoggoth, in case I end up in the Hospital or Asylum, I'm giving the bulk of my stuff to Darrell.
<Taishyr> Irrelevant, you're Harvey.
> Strong Mind = Nightmarish does nothing, yup.
<Taishyr> Okay. Can you trade before fighting?
> You trade and fight during movement, so I believe so.
<Taishyr> Kay.
> So Darrell gets $2, Heal, Mists of Releh, Wither x2, and the King in Yellow.
> I keep the Holy Water, because: Shoggoth time.
> 1 Fight, -1 from spiderface, +6 Holy Water.
> I have 5 clues in reserve.
> 6d6 to save the day
* Hatbot --> "Stragarvey rolls 6d6 to save the day and gets 19."12 [6d6=3, 3, 5, 1, 3, 4]
> Argh okay clue time.
> d6
* Hatbot --> "Stragarvey rolls d6 and gets 6."12 [d6=6]
> Need one more.
> d6
* Hatbot --> "Stragarvey rolls d6 and gets 5."12 [d6=5]
> ... wow.
<Taishyr> ...woo!
<Taishyr> Take it.
> Shoggoth is super dead!

Harvey Walters, the Professor

- Stats -

Sanity 1/7
Stamina 2/4

Strong Mind: Reduce all Sanity damage taken by 1, to a minimum of 0.

- Skills (Focus: 2) -

Speed  0 1 2 [3]
Sneak  5 4 3 [2]

Fight  zero [1] 2 3
Will   3 [2] 1 zero

Lore  3 [4] 5 6
Luck  4 [3] 2 1

- Inventory -

3 Clue Tokens
7 Toughness Monster Trophies (Formless Spawn, Zombie x2, Shoggoth)

Silver Twilight Lodge Membership
Ally, Sir William Brinton (+1 Max Stamina, discard to restore Stamina to maximum)
Skill, Expert Occultist (exhaust to re-roll a Spell check)

- Personal Story -

Pass: Possess 1 Clue Token, 1 Unique Item, 1 Monster Trophy, and 1 Gate Trophy.
Fail: Be Lost in Time and Space.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #98 on: December 14, 2009, 03:37:59 PM »
So, yeah, the giving all my stuff was meant to be preventative of catastrophe in the event of my biting Shoggoth dust, but since I beat it I'm happy to take any back if other people don't want it. My current plan is to now make my way to the Church and use my monster trophies to Bless somebody else, since I could be devoured very soon. It'll take me two turns to get there, unless somebody lends me the motorcycle. But then again I could die this next Mythos, so maybe giving me the bike is a crappy idea. I dunno.


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Re: Alien abductions in Arkham? Turn 7 Upkeep/Movement
« Reply #99 on: December 14, 2009, 03:55:40 PM »
... or I could grab a few bucks from people and go help Luke get the eff off of Devil Reef. Same deal: takes me two turns without the Motorcycle, one turn with.