Author Topic: Henchmen Anonymafia - GAME OVER - SCUM WIN  (Read 37954 times)

Tron Bonne

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #50 on: December 10, 2009, 08:48:45 PM »
Wow, you need some shades or something, if action is that blinding to you. Pointing fingers at everyone? Since when is three people everyone? Red's dead on with what he says. We see enemies, we take 'em out! Ain't Red's fault Green's an idiot, but the idea is still solid.

You do bring up something int'resting, though. I had to check my own shades to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. Looks like that Oddjob guy voted for Smithers in Post 36 but it ain't in the vote count! What gives?

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #51 on: December 10, 2009, 08:56:09 PM »
Have my glasses fogged up? I ask, because I seem to be seeing a completely different scene to others. In order since I left to reassemble my portable shrine to Mr. Burns:

#27 Ard: at what, six hours into the game? If not cage-rattling then it's (more) completely meaningless verbal diarrhoea. Take your pick, I don't like it either way.
#39 and then #44 Tony: lies and slander. Completely off the mark. Would defend myself if not for the Axem leader already catching it pretty fully at #48.
#40 Gilgamesh: if stupidity was a sign of guilt, then the prisons would be overflowing. The Prinnies were showing signs of stupidity ("They made a much-needed call to Gumshoe and Oddjob" is the top example), not culpability, so your inconsistency is perceived only.
#43 Oddjob: registered dumb in both respects, it seems, given again I see far worse offenders for your claimed criterion. Again, just plain wrong.

For the record, I'm already actively having trouble with the writing styles of Ard (tl;dr setting in already) and Oddjob (practically non-existent - needing to be prodded to justify a vote at all is a sure sign of doing it wrong). Guildenstern I'm actually managing to parse well enough so far.

Tony reminds me of an angry puppy. The aggression is cute and all, but cleaning up the froth is less fun. The fallacious case on my good self aside, I'm reading an aggressive variant of the non-committal reporter style, which sets off major warning bells in so many ways - more so than the bad case, even - and has rocketed him up to the number one spot in my absence. No doubt I'm walking into an OMGUS trap here, but:

##VOTE: Tony

Ard still rubs me the wrong way for the sheer weight of fluff beyond the call of duty, particularly early on, but I must concede that the content's improved notably in the last few posts, even if I find myself disagreeing with much of it. The words:content ratio is at this point more skewed by Guilenstern and the weasels at the very least, and I'd like them to interact with other people.

Not sure I get the cases on the Axem collective, as my first accusation of them would instead be moving from one tunnel to another (albeit Ard's vote for them came before the relevant jump).

In any case, Tony's the big front-runner for me as things stand. Early active lurking from others is next worst but currently of secondary concern.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #52 on: December 10, 2009, 09:12:25 PM »
Unless Odd Job has something to say (or menacingly gesture) about it, his missed vote looks to me like it has to be a simple blip in the heavens.


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #53 on: December 10, 2009, 10:53:36 PM »
Missed vote?  There was no missed vote.  Nothing to see here folks, nothing but a vote count.

Day 1

Gumshoe (0): Tony, Smithers
Tony (2): Whim, Axem Rangers, Smithers
Guildenstern (1): Ard, Weasels
Oddjob (0): Weasels, Gumshoe
Whim (1): Prinnies
Weasels (2): Axem Rangers, Guildenstern, Whim, Ard
Axem Rangers (3): Weasels, Gilgamesh, Ard, Gumshoe
Ard (0): Smithers, Axem Rangers
Smithers (2): Tony, Oddjob,

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.  There are 43 hours left in Day 1.


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2009, 11:15:56 PM »

Axem, pal, I was just commentin' on your little self-contradiction, not your voting on the whole there. Sorry, I guess my testimony should've been a bit clearer... The voting was mentioned earlier on, but that suspicion doesn't seem as solid now.

Do we even have a clear suspect? I'm not liking Tony either, but it's solely based on his objectionable way of talking - his actual post content seems justified, even if it is somewhat too narrow-minded at this stage.

Guilstendern, on the other hand... What little he has said seems to be leading nowhere, and the pressure seems to have just fallen away. On that note, still looking towards others who've not said much of anything - Whim stands out, with Oddjob and Gilmagesh close behind.
Ard and Liz... as Smithers mentioned, a lot of useless information in their testimonies, but they're contributin' a decent amount as well.

With all that said, I think it's fairly obvious who the most suspicious is here, pal.
##Unvote: Axem Rangers
##Vote: Guildenstern

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #55 on: December 10, 2009, 11:38:03 PM »
Act I.  Scene III.

We've been summoned.

By the king?

Aye, by good King Claudius, who certainly didn't recently murder his brother.  He wants us to spy for him.  Make sure that nobody is here trying to usurp his throne or pin any ridiculous murder charges on him due to henching for his nephew.

Intelligence reports?  But there isn't any here.

....hey, wait a second!

Also for Smithers / others worried about fluff ratio: I'll try and keep the flavor confined to the top of my posts, the serious stuff afterward.  Fluff circular arguments are bad, yes, but flavor should be harmless - just pretend I'm not posting the flavor at all if you're concerned.

No, seriously, none of this makes any sense.  I share Smithers' concern that his senses are failing him.  Smithers and Whim have made decent points, and been attacked for it.  The Prinnies....  are not really around much, but seemed a bit overexcited when they were.  Gilgamesh and Oddjob are barely here.  Ard can be a bit hard to follow but he hasn't said anything completely silly yet, which puts him above a lot.  The Axem Rangers apparently misposted slightly, and further seem to agree with the point that the anti-Smithers case is weak.

Despite Gumshoe's recent vote against me, the detective's comments seem reasonable enough.  And he's showed up to the investigation now, leaving the lurking crown to Gilgamesh & the Prinnies.  That leaves as notable targets of suspicion...

*Weasel Squad - Smithers point about our interactions being largely with each other is well-taken, and applies to him just as much.  I don't know what to make of the Weasels' incoherent babble but it's not doing them any favors, and I'd be plenty happy to keep my vote where it is.

*Tony - Tony's case on Smithers is also completely baffling to me.  I must be slow today but can you go over it again?  Just a general gut feeling about too many accusations?  Fingers need to be pointed, as I'm seeing plenty of lynchable targets right now.  Obviously Mr. Oddjob and some others agree with you, though, so maybe I'm the one missing something.

Yeah, keeping the vote on the Weasels for now.  We're as constant as the northern star, etc.  Hope that Tony can back his case up, though.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2009, 01:59:15 AM »
Hrmm. Can't say I agree too much with smithers on Tony being all reporter-like; that award totally goes to Guildenstern for his last post, not to mention his clutching onto Weasels for reasons I cannot rightly discern. Coming to agree with this-

Quote from: Weasels
At least Ard be talkin about other people. Guildenstoin just be name dropping people without really saying anything so far. He's trying to lay all low like while hidin' behind his fancy talk. Dats where I be corrugatin' my vote.

To Tony himself: Pretty sure why you voted for Smithers has nothing to do with why I was suspicious of him, too! Was annoyed at him ranting about fluff, not wild suspicions of everyone or the like. Gonna leave my vote here, that's not a satisfactory reply.

The Axems, well- first, my vote ain't supposed to be there! ##Unvote Secondly, I ain't worried about their so-called fingering of me, might be off the mark but his logic's no better, no worse than any typical dayonestuffs. Think Ard's off the mark there- can easily see why he'd look at him and smithers over me there (since it's those two that could be perceived to be in error, not I!)
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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2009, 02:18:31 AM »

Liz: Oh my! We are having significant difficulties communicating, aren't we Mr. Smithers? Ard will try to keep his input as brief as possible just for you, our cleanly cleaning friend! I'll address two of your recent statements. First:

#27 Ard: at what, six hours into the game? If not cage-rattling then it's (more) completely meaningless verbal diarrhoea. Take your pick, I don't like it either way.

ARD. Ard ard ard ard ard.

Liz: "Cage-rattling?" In a clear sign that this failure to communicate goes both ways, Ard is really very unsure what you mean by this. Is "cage-rattling" behavior which is too aggressive, or merely frantic and unfocused? We request a clarification. Our intent was certainly not the former--the post merely pointed out, in response to the Axems' post, that we had not noticed how close the Weasels were to lynching when we cast our vote for them but were nonetheless satisfied to leave our vote there to observe the effect. In any event, we consider six hours not a significant amount of time into the game, and suggest that perhaps your standards for how people should act at what time are a little too strict, Mr. Smithers.

Ard still rubs me the wrong way for the sheer weight of fluff beyond the call of duty, particularly early on, but I must concede that the content's improved notably in the last few posts, even if I find myself disagreeing with much of it.

"Ard?" Arrrrrd. Ard ard ard.

Liz: "Particularly early on?" Isn't that the most appropriate time for this "fluff" of which you speak? It's in the nature of participants in situations such as ours to prance and gambol and frolic in the naivete of the early hours, before they have realized the seriousness of their situation. We feel you take issue with this behavior more than is warranted given that it characterizes everyone's early posts. If you yourself acknowledge that such behavior has now abated, why don't we just drop the whole issue? Ard and I consider it a moot point and hope that, if you continue to disagree with what we say, you find fault with those arguments rather than the manner of their presentation.

Ard is still parsing through the recent responses and will address others in turn.

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2009, 02:54:02 AM »
Ard ard ard ard. ARDard. Arrrrrd ard.

Liz: Ard wishes to address the Axems now. Axems, aspects of your behavior are still not easily analyzed by our truth-detecting equipment. You abandon your vote for Ard as quickly as it is challenged. While we can hardly complain about this outcome, the reasons behind it are still not clear to us. Was accident? How is this possible? The fact that you castigate one of your own number for making this vote suggests so, but it's disturbing to see someone among us behaving in such an erratic and poorly coordinated manner.

Ard. Ardardard. Ard ard.

Liz: Ard also wishes to present a clarification for you, since you claim confusion as to why others were "getting all riled up over multiple suspicions." It's acceptable for a person to pursue multiple avenues of research, yes, but only within reason--the incident which provoked Ard's suspicion was when you called out several names within the space of one short paragraph. This is not a sound approach; it was as though you were throwing darts at a board in hopes of achieving success by luck (which is not a fruitful means of developing lines of research--Ard and I know this for sure because it was the basis of experiment #482).



Ard is examining the other participants right now and wishes to express his alarm at how easily the prinnies have gone silent and escaped everyone's collective notice. This is suspicious behavior and would warrant a vote if Ard had another to spare.

Nathan Greaves

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #59 on: December 11, 2009, 05:04:58 AM »
Oh man, that buffet is good stuff.

Oh yeah, we were doing something here! Right! Haven't left formation yet, Red! Don't worry about me!

You abandon your vote for Ard as quickly as it is challenged. While we can hardly complain about this outcome, the reasons behind it are still not clear to us. Was accident? How is this possible? The fact that you castigate one of your own number for making this vote suggests so, but it's disturbing to see someone among us behaving in such an erratic and poorly coordinated manner.

Well, Red said Green was being an idiot, so Green must have been being an idiot. My job isn't to think, since it hurts a lot and Red yells at me when I do it, but I think Green thought that Gilgamesh guy was attacking us for the same reasons the Weasels were. Probably because he came in so late. Serves him right! Slowpoke missed all the good food!

I agree with Red on this one. If an attack doesn't work, you should stop using it! I remember this one time I attacked a rock that was between me and the mess hall on the Blade, and my axe broke! I kept hitting the rock but it didn't do anything! Then Red hit me and told me to walk around it. Red's a pretty smart guy. That's why he's our leader!

Oh yeah. Basically, I think Red saw an attack that didn't work, so he stopped using it because it would be stupid to keep going.

tl;dr: I made a interpretation mistake, people were right to call me on it, I withdrew my vote since it was for faulty reasons.

Liz: Ard also wishes to present a clarification for you, since you claim confusion as to why others were "getting all riled up over multiple suspicions." It's acceptable for a person to pursue multiple avenues of research, yes, but only within reason--the incident which provoked Ard's suspicion was when you called out several names within the space of one short paragraph. This is not a sound approach; it was as though you were throwing darts at a board in hopes of achieving success by luck (which is not a fruitful means of developing lines of research--Ard and I know this for sure because it was the basis of experiment #482).

Wow, this one's easy! I got this one!

See, two things were wrong with your attack formation. One, you thought we were actually attacking the Weasels. Even though they attacked us and were trying to imitate us, they didn't do anything else wrong. Two, those other three guys Green was attacking for the same reason. I don't know what's wrong with that. Maybe Red knows! I'll go ask him!

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #60 on: December 11, 2009, 05:11:37 AM »
Right! What lughead here is sayin' is pretty accurate. Green's attack on those other guys, while stupid, was for the same general reason. I agree that spreading your forces thin and trying to take on too many enemies at once with different strategies is a bad move, but if I can Vigor Up and hit a whole bunch of enemies all at once with the same move, you bet I'm gonna do it! Under Green's dumb reasoning, you and Smithers were guilty of the same thing, so it was the right thing to do to get you both at once!

As for Gilgamesh, Green probably thought he was getting ignored by a scum buddy or something. A bit jumpy, maybe, but like I said, we're not here to fool around!


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #61 on: December 11, 2009, 05:49:24 AM »
Oddjob: registered dumb in both respects, it seems, given again I see far worse offenders for your claimed criterion. Again, just plain wrong.
*Oddjob cocks his head to the side, in part agreement, but also wondering who Smithers sees as 'far worse'. For Oddjob, there is quite a number of 'offenders' which makes it hard to pick any one, but is interested in finding out Smithers' order in that respect. That said, Smithers has been hunting around and stopped doing his original weak flip-flopping, so ##Unvote: Smithers (Oddjob would still like an answer though).*

*Oddjob holds up a piece of paper with the following discussion upon it:*

*Oddjob wonders why Tony sticks to a weak case on Smithers which has since shown itself to be otherwise, when he also presents cases on others. As Oddjob thinks Smithers has picked up his game, he disagrees with Tony; "vote stays where it is. Nothing has remotely convinced me otherwise" sounds like obstinant, malreasoned scummy attitude, despite Smithers' scumhunting.*

*Oddjob cracks his fingers, and gets back to working for Mr. Goldfinger.*


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #62 on: December 11, 2009, 05:51:22 AM »
*Oddjob, the forgetful fellow he is (too many punches to the head? Maybe the side-effects of wearing a lethal weapon all day long on your head.. maybe the hat is made of lead? Can't be good for the brain) forgot to leave behind a small card, upon it the writing: ##Vote: Tony*


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #63 on: December 11, 2009, 08:30:54 AM »
Votecounts as it stands:

Day 1

Gumshoe (0): Tony, Smithers
Tony (3): Whim, Axem Rangers, Smithers, Oddjob
Guildenstern (2): Ard, Weasels, Gumshoe
Oddjob (0): Weasels, Gumshoe
Whim (1): Prinnies
Weasels (2): Axem Rangers, Guildenstern, Whim, Ard
Axem Rangers (1): Weasels, Gilgamesh, Ard, Gumshoe
Ard (0): Smithers, Axem Rangers
Smithers (1): Tony, Oddjob,

Not Voting: Gilgamesh

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.  33 Hours left in Day 1.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #64 on: December 11, 2009, 01:59:51 PM », I fail at voting.

##Vote: Tony as previously discussed. Not seeing anything worth commenting on or outside expectations since last correspondence.
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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #65 on: December 11, 2009, 02:49:17 PM »
As for Gilgamesh, Green probably thought he was getting ignored by a scum buddy or something. A bit jumpy, maybe, but like I said, we're not here to fool around!

Ard. Ard ard ard ard. ARD. Ard ard ard ard ard.

Liz: Ard had speculated privately that this might have been your motivation, but did not wish to say anything and risk putting words in your mouth. This is the most understandable explanation, if one beset by faulty reasoning (our research has shown that dwelling on conspiracy theories day one is unproductive 96.3924% of the time; when one knows the alignment of no one but one's self, it's simply not viable to speculate on possible connections between others). Though Ard disapproves of the logic used, we are willing to conclude that this was an honest mistake made by a novice henchperson in a stressful situation. The vote shall be revoked until such a time as more suspicious behavior is observed.

##Unvote: Axem Rangers


Ard ard ard ardardard. ARD ard. Ard ard ard.

Liz: Now it's time to move on to another suspect. While Tony has garnered a lot of attention, Ard is more suspicious of those who have not. Tony's adherence to the tenets of the sceintific method have been satisfactory given the paucity of information available to us and we wonder if perhaps it's only his brusque manner that alarms people. Several other henchpeople present have done much less to provoke discussion than has Mr. Tony; they lurk on the edges of discussion and poke at others only when it becomes convenient before disappearing again, like some variety of pesky, interdimensional mosquito. We will now outline our suspicions in this regard via a convenient bullet-list:

-Prinny Squad. These wingless avians have said little of note (indeed, they've spoken so rarely that I myself forgot they were here and recently attributed one of their comments to the Axems by mistake!) Why, their last public statement criticized people for voting for the weasels while providing no other suggestions for suspects. Hardly a productive attitude. The only detail that stays Ard's hand is the sheer duration of their quiescence--are they even still here and paying attention to our situation? It would be useless to vote for them if they were not.

-Gilgamesh. Something about this multiarmed madman just doesn't fit (not that we at ArdLiz Research enterprises have anything against madmen, mind you; indeed, it's our official position that insanity is quite liberating!) He's very much a fringe presence who blusters a little without saying anything of consequence and mostly keeps a low profile. This behavior is not comforting.

-Dick Gumshoe. Ard and I have taken a close look at this detective's reports and found that most of his data is actually derived from material originated by others, as though Mr. Gumshoe were watching for safe cases while avoiding making one of his own. His suspicions of the Axems, Tony, and Guildenstern echo those of others alarmingly closely. Where Ard and I come from, there is a word for people like this. We call them...Edisons. In order to shake up a discussion that increasingly centers around one person, Ard will cast a vote for this detective and make a call for others to weigh in on the matter.

##Vote: Dick Gumshoe

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #66 on: December 11, 2009, 06:59:47 PM »
Dood. We get called off to deal with some weird angel girl, and we come back to all this? That's a lot to reply to, dood. Hope you don't mind if we break this whole day down into quick notes, dood.

Ard, dood: - Has a problem with their weird gadgets, and votes, then unvotes, for Guildenstern. Then they begin talking about those coin-flips, dood, and give out a call to Oddjob and Gumshoe, which we still say was important, dood. Like they said: How can you have a proper investigation without an investigator? Or everyone being around, dood?

- Then they press the weasels, dood.

- In their next post, all they really say is that they didn't notice how close they had the weasels to the fire, dood, and that they're not gonna change their vote.

- Then they respond to the Axem Rangers being all weird, dood, but we'll get into that later.

- Their next post is a lot to read, dood, but the basics are that they're cool with Oddjob's accusation of Smithers, they unvote the weasels and back up their original vote and their now unvoting by saying it's common, saying the weasels aren't actually being suspicious, they vote the Axem Rangers for being all weird, telling Gumshoe that lots of talking is good, and then leaving by saying that Tony seems to be alright and that Smithers should speak up, dood.

- Then, they come back to have a quick conversation with Smithers, dood, and begins addressing the Axem Rangers, finishing that second post with a poke at Prinny inactivity. (It's not our fault the Prince wanted to explore Item World, dood!)

- Their last post has them dismissing the Axem Rangers, and then poking around at us, Gilgamesh, and a fatal poke at Gumshoe, dood.

Axem Rangers: - These guys are hard to follow, dood. They don't actually say much of anything, and when they do, it's spread out among the five of them.

- First, it takes them four posts just to make a jokevote, dood! Then, when that Green Axem comes in, he starts some weird OMGUS thing going, and begins getting on the case of Ard and Smithers because they didn't mention both people gunning for the Axems? Dood, that's weak. Even for you. Also, dood, why did you vote Ard over Smithers? You never explained that, dood!

- Then, when they unvote Ard, that Red Axem Ranger says it was obvious they were using different attack formations. If it was so obvious, why'd you go with it, dood? And green never mentioned which one to vote for. At least, not openly, dood.

- Then that Red Axem got upset at Tony for being suspicious of multiple people and for accusing Smithers of being suspicious of several people (which, if Tony thought Smithers was suspicious of us, then Tony wouldn't be wrong in saying 'several,' dood). Red Ranger then goes on to berate Tony some more for his attacks on Smithers, dood.

- Black then comes in, supporting this "Hunt and kill!" mentality the Rangers seem to be talking about, and then needlessly repeats that Oddjob's vote is missing, dood. Personally, we don't see the point in having that said more than once, unless you think the guy who locked us up in here is the one killing us, dood.

- Then Yellow comes back from the buffet and says that they were pointing lots of fingers because they suspected everyone of the same thing. But that still doesn't answer our question, dood!

Gumshoe. A dood among doods: - Comes in late with a jokevote on Oddjob.

- Berates Tony and tells him to straighten up, and then goes off on the Axem Rangers for being weird, dood!

- Comes back in for a final dismissal of the Axem Rangers and then points fingers at Tony, Whim, Gilgamesh, Oddjob, Ard and Guildenstern before putting a vote down on Guildenstern for not applying keeping up the pressure, dood.

Gilgamesh: - Joke vote, and then briefly mentions some stuff about Tony and Smithers before voting for Tony. (Though it doesn't actually count, since he didn't unvote the Axem Rangers, dood)

- Unvotes Axem Rangers then votes for Tony, giving a brief outlook from his perspective, dood. Dismisses the Axem Ranger blunder, and points a quick finger at Guildenstern before bringing his sword out and pointing it at Tony, dood.

- If you're so sure it's Tony, why not come in and talk more, dood? You have three (technically four) posts! And if you agree with what the weasels said, then why aren't you voting for Guildenstern too, dood? Seems kinda fishy to us-- and not the tasty kind, either, dood!

More to follow, dood! (Didn't want to make the latest contribution a tl;dr)

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #67 on: December 11, 2009, 07:55:26 PM »
Breaking character for a moment because hahahahahaha holy Toledo that Prinny post is baaaaaaad. I'm not taking my vote off Tony because he hasn't said anything since I cast it but they seriously need an axe to the face for that.

LizArd: I can see where you're coming from on Gumshoe, but he was the first to make a case against me (Whim was the only one to express suspicion of me before him and it was for a different reason), so I can't really agree with your case that's he done nothing but ride the coattails of others.


- They show up after a whole bunch of lurking and pressure the journalist and say nothing actually useful!
- They appear to be going alphabetically down the list of players in their reporting, implying that they intend to cover everyone, which is a scummy endeavour on Day 1 because there's not enough information to make it worth commenting on everyone and thus it just becomes a bunch of useless filler trying to look helpful. Not that the reporter style needs help in that regard, but!
- They miss my saying that the choice of Ard over Smithers was a coin flip in Post 48. There was ostensibly no difference between the two at the time under the (now shown to be bad) reason for the vote.
- They accuse me of "needlessly repeating" that Oddjob's vote was missing, despite no one pointing it out prior. Gumshoe actually though Oddjob had not voted, which is why I pointed out that he had and it hadn't been counted.
- They pick at me for flavor reasons. Most notable are "If it was so obvious, why'd you go with it, dood?" (flavor of Red berating Green) and "And green never mentioned which one to vote for. At least, not openly, dood." (flavor where the Axems talk privately amongst themselves).

So basically it's a bunch of reporting and trying to paint me as bad (Smithy does that for me already kthx) without any actual reasons why I'm scum.

I really hope you bring something substantial to the table in your next post, whenever that comes.

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #68 on: December 11, 2009, 08:08:01 PM »
Ano, Gumshoe-san... first you say Whim talks too much, now I say too little?

I'm not sure where I stand on the Weasel Buntai anymore. They... initially raised my hackles and now they haven't done much to lower my suspicion, but not raise it either. Ano, I think I'm comfortable enough with them in the face of others that...

##UNVOTE: Weasel Buntai

Eto... right now, the Prinnies are posting a large article about the day's proceedings... ano, that feels a little useless. They also called me out on voting the Weasels earlier and... aren't doing much of anything yet.

##VOTE: Prinny Buntai

Your last post looks like it's just throwing suspicion on everyone listed, with the promise of 'more to come'. That more had best be rather good, because it's throwing you up a lot right now.

Can the Axem Rangers post with only one account please? Their self-contradicting ways are confusing, and even though they post a lot there's only so little I can actually find useful or hold them accountable for. Making sloppy mistakes like calling people to vote on Gilgamesh while he made a jokevote doesn't sit well with me.

Oddjob's also doing comparitively little. The sparsity of his messages are both comforting and alarming--the former only because reading walls of text isn't fun. I'd set him at equal height as Gumshoe as far as suspicion goes... because Gumshoe doesn't make a lot of sense to me! His entire attacks seem focused on "post content", appraising the quantity of game-relevant information instead of the quality of the information.

Prinnies>Gumshoe>>Axem Rangers=Weasel Buntai=Oddjob>>>Tony=Guildenstern>everyone else as far as my suspicions go right now.

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #69 on: December 11, 2009, 09:16:31 PM »
Guildenstern: - Long posts filled with fluff, dood, but that's alright, since it's just how he is.

- Has his "die of destiny" proclaim the weasels guilty, and never moves that vote, dood.

- Justifies vote for weasels, then calls for Gumshoe and Oddjob to speak up. Finishes by taking a quick jab at the Axem Rangers.

- His last post has him apologize for the flavor, then take a quick look at everyone to assess the situation, dood. He then points out Tony and the Weasels for where his real suspicions lie (Tony for his case on Smithers, the Weasels for Smithers' case against them), and keeps his vote on the weasels, dood.

Oddjob. Has a spiffy hat, dood!: - Comes in late with a vote on Smithers, saying that he hasn't been saying much with his posts, dood. He also looks suspiciously at the weasels.

- He then disappears for a while, and comes back in, satisfied with Smithers' latest contributions, dood. He also asks for Smithers' list of suspects, in order, for what Oddjob has chosen for his reasons for hunting, dood. He continues by voting for Tony for following the case on Smithers, dood.

Tony: - Starts off with a joke(?)vote against Gumshoe, then later states he doesn't trust Ard, dood.

- Starts going off on Smithers for flip-flopping, dood, then pokes Oddjob to speak and Whim to stop speaking in moon runes.

- Has one more post where he continues attacking Smithers, and also points out what the Axem Rangers had done up until that point, and gets on Whim's case for speaking in her moon runes, dood. Then, he goes on to say the weasels are right, and that Guildenstern hadn't said much of anything until just recently, and keeps his vote on Smithers, dood.

Smithers: - Starts with a joke vote on Gumshoe, then moves on to a suspicion of the weasels, only to immediately drop the case. The only mention they have of the weasels in their next post, dood, is that the weasels are 'cage-rattling.' (We'd also like to see what, exactly, you mean by cage-rattling, dood)

- Comes in later with a lot to say, but it's mostly just ranting, dood. Not cool. He also complains about Ard being tl;dr territory, but not Guildenstern, dood? Something seems a little off there, dood. Also hasn't mentioned the weasels once in that post, dood.

- Switches his vote from Ard to Tony, but continues to say that Ard seems guilty because of fluff, and only votes Tony because he seems aggressive but non-committal, which is what Tony does, dood.

- Comes out of nowhere simply to say comment on Oddjob's missed vote, and to say nothing else for the rest of the day so far, dood.

Weasel Squad: - Another one that's kinda hard to follow, dood.

- Jokevotes Oddjob to start, dood,  then switches it to a joke(?)vote on the Axem Rangers.

- They then keep their vote on the Axem Rangers and call for discussion. Although, I think that they only kept their vote on the Axem Rangers because they were suspicious of the five accounts and had nothing else, dood. Seems reasonable enough to me, dood, when there was nothing else to go on.

- They then defend themselves, and move on from the Axem Rangers to Guildenstern because he hasn't been saying a lot, dood. Although they do say something weird at the end of that post, dood.
At least Ard be talkin about other people. Guildenstoin just be name dropping people without really saying anything so far.
That feels a little contradictory, dood. You feel suspicious of Guildenstern for mentioning multiple people, but Ard is alright because he talks about multiple, dood?

- Keeps vote on Guildenstern, and asks Tony for clarification, dood. Then starts questioning Oddjob.

Whim: - Joke votes Tony, then switches to the weasels for their pressuring the Axem Rangers, dood.

- Asks a few questions, keeping the vote on the weasels, dood, then disappear for the day.

And now that we have everything laid out in front of us...

Theories, dood!:
- Gilgamesh needs to talk more, dood. As does Tony, the weasels, Oddjob, and Smithers.

- Out of them, though, Smithers seems the worst, dood. Not mentioning the weasels more than once, briefly, after putting a FoS on them seems weird to us, dood, just like how he complains about Ard's posts having too much fluff, but mostly leaves Guildenstern alone about it. (Despite most of Guildenstern's posts being at least half fluff/flavor, dood)


##Vote: Smithers

Too much going on with that one to ignore, dood.

Dropping flavor to respond to being ninja'd.

Axem Rangers: I wasn't aware that that stuff was flavor, and I thought that Gumshoe was just being Gumshoe when he talked about Oddjob's missing vote. That does change my case on you, and it's been adjusted accordingly. I'm making this list for easy access to what's been said, so there isn't a huge need to go through the whole day and wade through the fluff. Should hopefully make things quicker. As for the coming back only recently? Look at the beginning of my last post.

Eto... right now, the Prinnies are posting a large article about the day's proceedings... ano, that feels a little useless. They also called me out on voting the Weasels earlier and... aren't doing much of anything yet.
What are you going on about? I mentioned it once, and stated my reasons for it. I haven't had a chance to do anything since then. If you're unsure of something I said, then please specify which part, so it can be made clear.

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #70 on: December 12, 2009, 12:05:48 AM »
'Talk more', says the Prinny, but if I have to talk like him and post a step-by-step opinion piece on everyone in the game, I'll pass. I don't even want to read it all, it really is as reportery as it gets. I did read the bit on me; like I said, I didn't have more to say on Tony since my last post, and unfortunately I only have the one vote, so voting for Guildenstern as well is impossible even if I wanted to right now (and if I had two votes, I'd put my second on the Prinnies right now.)

@Ard: Gumshoe lead the case on Axem, even if he messed up his voting whatsits. Why are you voting for him, again? I can't really discuss this because you're just outright wrong, as far as I can tell.
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Princess Leia

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #71 on: December 12, 2009, 12:14:46 AM »
Sorry, dood. We meant to say "Why aren't you voting for Guildenstern, dood?" From where we're sitting, it looks like you suspect Guildenstern over Tony, dood.


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #72 on: December 12, 2009, 12:40:44 AM »
Day 1

Gumshoe (1): Tony, Smithers, Ard
Tony (4): Whim, Axem Rangers, Smithers, Oddjob, Gilgamesh
Guildenstern (2): Ard, Weasels, Gumshoe
Oddjob (0): Weasels, Gumshoe
Whim (0): Prinnies
Weasels (1): Axem Rangers, Guildenstern, Whim, Ard
Axem Rangers (0): Weasels, Gilgamesh, Ard, Gumshoe
Ard (0): Smithers, Axem Rangers
Smithers (2): Tony, Oddjob, Prinnies
Prinnies (1): Whim

Not Voting: No One

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to Lynch.  17 Hours remain in Day 1.

Zerg Rush

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #73 on: December 12, 2009, 12:41:47 AM »
He was up there, but my suspicion that Tony is lying about his reason for voting Smithers made me stick with him, since he said this-

Quote from: Tony
You basically said yourself why I am voting for Smithers. (Which I stupidly erased from the post, but whatever. Directly above what I quoted.)
As far as I can tell, our reasons weren't quite the same- I'd been annoyed at Smithers for going after people for being fluffy, he'd been annoyed at him for flinging suspicion around willy-nilly- and ignored the Axems doing similar things.
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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #74 on: December 12, 2009, 12:46:49 AM »
Ugh. Well, I'm briefly around, but walking in on an essay immediately kills my interest, so this just has to wait until I have more time to actually read that mess. It's harmful for town for simply existing, so I'm not at all happy.