
Author Topic: Henchmen Anonymafia - GAME OVER - SCUM WIN  (Read 42567 times)

Princess Leia

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #100 on: December 12, 2009, 05:21:53 PM »
Yeah, yeah, we get it, dood. No more lists, lists are bad, etc; dood. We'll start recapping before we post, and try to delete the recaps before we post from now on, ok dood? Now maybe you want us to shine your shoes, or perhaps fetch you drinks, dood?


As much as Smithers is offensive to all the senses, dood, there's no point trying to pursue him any longer. Just because we're saying that we're waiting for you to post doesn't mean we're accusing you of inactivity, dood. Chill out. Like, seriously. Chill.

Given the circumstances, dood, unless someone can make a very convincing case otherwise, the weasels disappearing when they were taken off the pressure cooker doesn't sit well with us, dood...

##Vote: Weasel Squad


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #101 on: December 12, 2009, 05:27:59 PM »
Fark sorry
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #102 on: December 12, 2009, 05:31:05 PM »
Tom's a Henchman?  Gasp, Shock, and AWE!!!

Find out all this and more in the ever exciting last 15 minutes of Day 1!


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #103 on: December 12, 2009, 05:32:15 PM »
It rubs me the wrong way that you didn't just admit you were changing your vote to save your skin. That would have been the towny thing to do. Not make up something about Weasels not sitting well with you, just because it's the prevailing opinion.

##Unvote; ##Vote: Prinny

Deception is scummy.

/cbf roleplaying anymore

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #104 on: December 12, 2009, 05:36:29 PM »
ARD! Ard. Ard ard ard.

Liz: Ard is here and should remain attentive until the deadline. There seems little more to say, however; the weasels have had a distressingly long absence and, unlike Tony, they have not returned, and they also had less substantial content before they disappeared. We are more comfortable with their lynch than with Tony's and agree with this change in direction of votes. There seems little reason to move our vote from the prinnies at this late juncture, so I'll just note we don't intend to do so unless it's clearly needed elsewhere (I.E., someone less deserving of a lynch than the weasels or prinnies somehow takes the lead again, which seems very unlikely given we only have fifteen minutes).

Princess Leia

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #105 on: December 12, 2009, 05:37:48 PM »
Mrf. I... man, I've been so clumsy today. Bah. I originally typed "Given the circumstances, dood, we like living. And unless someone can make a very convincing case otherwise, the weasels disappearing when they were taken off the pressure cooker doesn't sit well with us, dood..." That was... really bad, wow.


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #106 on: December 12, 2009, 05:40:03 PM »

This day's turnin' out to be a real mess, pal. Tony's showed up again and, while that ain't clearing what suspicions there were, that puts him lower than certain other suspects in this case.
Honestly, pal, I don't like either of these squads much. It'll be interesting to see if the Weasels show up by the end of the day, but I think I'm happy to see the Weasels cruise to a lynch.

As for my vote on Oddjob, for those who asked, he seemed the most suspicious to me. I was pretty confident I'd be around now, so I knew I could change it if needed, but I'm always gonna go for the most suspicious right 'til the last minute.
Jammin' Ninja in a Hat! - Listen up, pal. I'm liking the look of you less and less. Don't go throwin' your vote around aimlessly in a pressure situation. If it weren't useless there, I'd be leaving my vote on you and callin' for a lynch.
As it is, I'm gonna have to choose.
##Unvote, ##Vote: Weasel Squad
Definitely much worse. Bad (but seemingly Town) contribution is better than nothin' at all, pal.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #107 on: December 12, 2009, 05:40:55 PM »
Axem: while I said I'd chance the instant-Tony-combustion happening, I also made it clear that I prefer/red stringing the Prinnies up.

I was about to state how bad the last minute swing to the weasels felt, but Oddjob continues to confuse (=/= look scummy) by bringing it back to the Prinnies. Also yes, the time travel went unanswered, so I don't know what's going on there.

Still happiest with a Prinny lynch, even with Tony back to deal with. Not that I've had a chance to actually read the longer posts in-depth yet.

Repeat ninjas. Just want this out before deadline.


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #108 on: December 12, 2009, 05:46:44 PM »
Alright!  Time up, stop yer pos...  wait, what?

Day 1

Gumshoe (0): Tony, Smithers, Ard
Tony (2): Whim, Axem Rangers, Smithers, Oddjob, Gilgamesh
Guildenstern (1): Ard, Weasels, Gumshoe
Oddjob (0): Weasels, Gumshoe, Gumshoe
Whim (0): Prinnies
Weasels (4): Axem Rangers, Guildenstern, Whim, Ard, Tony, Oddjob, Prinnies, Gumshoe
Axem Rangers (0): Weasels, Gilgamesh, Ard, Gumshoe
Ard (0): Smithers, Axem Rangers
Smithers (0): Tony, Oddjob, Prinnies
Prinnies (4): Whim, Ard, Smithers, Oddjob

Not Voting: No One

We have a tie, folks.  Sudden Death is GO!

This game is too small for two squads, and Day 1 will not end until one of them has more votes, be it by a vote, or an unvote.

Bill Hellsnake

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #109 on: December 12, 2009, 05:58:34 PM »
Well, I generally support either lynch but am in stronger support of the Prinny lynch, so I'm fairly confident that I'm not breaking this deadlock.

Princess Leia

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #110 on: December 12, 2009, 05:59:54 PM »
Does this make it claim time, dood?

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #111 on: December 12, 2009, 06:02:29 PM »
Dick, Earl of Gumshoe
Definitely much worse. Bad (but seemingly Town) contribution is better than nothin' at all, pal.

What he said.

I doubt I'll be breaking the deadlock anytime soon.  I won't be sorry about a Prinny lynch but still prefer the Weasels, so no vote change here short of shocking roleclaim developments.

Tony's post seemed sensible enough as well, not that the point is relevant now.

Maya Kumashiro

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #112 on: December 12, 2009, 06:04:33 PM »
Does this make it claim time, dood?

Considering that the Weasels can lynch you whenever they show up by changing their vote, that would be wise, yes.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #113 on: December 12, 2009, 06:06:44 PM »
Breaking character a moment, I'd actually resigned to just bow out before I took one last look at the topic and noticed something... no Whim. Has she even had a post since she OMGUS'd us? Where's the shock at her being absent? It feels to me that Guildenstern has been covering for her absence by trumpeting other peoples' time away, almost to the exclusion of me. If I were to be here tomorrow, those two are where I'd be looking.

I'm vanilla town. Unless the Prinnies can claim something better.

Princess Leia

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #114 on: December 12, 2009, 06:07:37 PM »
Well, as much as some of you would like to kill us off for good, dood, the Prince wouldn't like that much. So if you kill us, then once per day, after everyone's posted, we get to let out our inner poet in the form of haiku, dood. Aside from that, we're just regular town, though, dood.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #115 on: December 12, 2009, 06:10:05 PM »
Hm. I take it back. I see one Whim post where she switches to the Prinnies, but it also constitutes the most helpful she's been all Day and thats it. Granted, probably moreso than I, but it feels like both her and Guildenstern have been saying as little as possible to stay above suspicion.

Li Syaoran

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #116 on: December 12, 2009, 06:14:00 PM »
To heck with it. Just staring at each other won't help much, better to take decisive action. I'll take my lumps tomorrow.

##Unvote: Guildenstern
##Vote: Prinnies


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #117 on: December 12, 2009, 06:16:47 PM »
And that's the lynch, stop posting!  Not that you were before this...


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia
« Reply #118 on: December 12, 2009, 06:27:28 PM »
Rosencrantz: Well, we seem to be at an impasse, so, the first thing to do is to kill all the teachers!

Mob: Hear, hear!

Tony: What?  You gotta be kidding me.  Haven't you read any books?  It's Lawyers, not teachers!

Oddjob shrugs his shoulders at this, then gestures at the rest, asking the silent question of what the alchemist would do.

Tony: Well, any moron can see that there's too damn many of us!  Those Axem things have cut down their numbers, but there's still too many of those squad freaks.

Mod: He's right!  The squads must die!

And so it was that the two squads faced off, the weasels against the prinnies.  It started with some taunts from the weasels, then a cry of "There can only be one, dood!" as the lead prinny charged.  And promptly fell over a pebble.  The resulting attempts to try and rescue their dignity just went downhill from there, with only a few of the ones helping being remotely useful, most of the rest making faces or dancing, and a random explosion happening somewhere as one of them somehow accidentally got thrown.

It was, all in all, far more effective than a real attack would have been against the toons they faced.  But the weasel leader managed to keep his boys from laughing, and just chucked the prinnes against a wall when they weren't looking.

PRINNY SQUAD  {TOWN GHOSTWRITER} has been detonated.

Night has come upon the henchs.  Send in your actions, and pray for the dawn.

Day 1

Gumshoe (0): Tony, Smithers, Ard
Tony (2): Whim, Axem Rangers, Smithers, Oddjob, Gilgamesh
Guildenstern (0): Ard, Weasels, Gumshoe
Oddjob (0): Weasels, Gumshoe, Gumshoe
Whim (0): Prinnies
Weasels (4): Axem Rangers, Guildenstern, Whim, Ard, Tony, Oddjob, Prinnies, Gumshoe
Axem Rangers (0): Weasels, Gilgamesh, Ard, Gumshoe
Ard (0): Smithers, Axem Rangers
Smithers (0): Tony, Oddjob, Prinnies
Prinnies (5): Whim, Ard, Smithers, Oddjob, Weasels

Not Voting: No One
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 11:33:57 PM by Excal »


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia - Night 1
« Reply #119 on: December 13, 2009, 11:40:25 PM »
Everyone went to their rooms uneasily, hoping they would all still be there when the morning returned.  Sadly, that was not to be.  During the night, an unearthly shrieking sound came from the Filgaian's room.  When everyone arrived, all that remained where holes in reality, and the melted remnants of a machine, the ruined casing bearing holes that showed a maliciously inserted monkey wrench.  Of Liz and Ard, there was no sign save for an utterly ruined medical kit.

Ard and Liz, {TOWN DOCTOR} have been Time Dialated.

With heavy hearts, town reconvened to select yet another target.

Day 2 starts, with 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch.  There are 72 hours remaining in Day 2.

Tohsaka Rin

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia - Night 1
« Reply #120 on: December 14, 2009, 02:32:12 AM »
Whoa, it's Night 1 and Day 2 at the same time!

I've decided Antonimario isn't worth attacking right now - his defense was satisfactory, and Day 1 scout attacks aren't usually continuing anyway. Don't have enough power behind 'em.

##Vote: Smithers

You retreating from Tony, who hadn't raised a hand in defense, and refocusing on the penguins, who we now see weren't guilty of anything, is easily the scummiest thing I can see!

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #121 on: December 14, 2009, 04:15:46 AM »

I feel like the argument against Smithers that was just put forth by Axem Red is, while something I can't combat, its ramifications (that the vote was a weak vote that really wanted to be directed elsewhere) are ones that I know aren't true but I am not an objective judge on the situation, of course.

The train on the Prinny Squad was outright bizarre as I stated yesterday, I have no idea what the Weasels did that made them better than the Prinnies at all. Oh no not a recap! I didn't realize recapping events was synonymous with scumminess.

But right now the main crux of my ranting is aimed at two people: Whim and Gumshoe.

Whim hasn't really done anything more than the things I briefly harped on yesterday, but I find her less scummy in hindsight. She started the train on Prinnies from the Weasels, which seems limited in its ability to bait others (except it did so what do I know). Maybe she saw the potential for a large train to form on Prinnies or whatever but right now she gets the benefit of the doubt.

Now for Gumshoe:

I see Gumshoe as someone who teeters between being a non-factor and making really bizarre arguments. He says he would keep his vote on the Prinnies or myself but was fine with voting for Oddjob. I think this is pretty strange because it's very dice-rolley, as well as his defense of Prinnies in one post and a very cursory next post saying that the Prinnies are bad and that he'd vote for them. He doesn't comment on me except to say that I am abrasive and then he says he had suspicions of me that weren't cleared.

He talks a lot and votes for a lot of people, but it never seems like he goes anywhere with what he says and at times he contradicts what he says. At this point it seems like he's voted for almost everyone (and sent an indictment toward me and the Prinnies.). I believe he has said a lot of stuff but it seems like the crux of his arguments against everyone have been extremely non-fleshed-out in general; using weasel words like "your suspicions aren't cleared" (what are those?), calling out people for not talking, all kinds of generic but useless stuff.

##VOTE: Gumshoe

Gilgamesh still sparsely talks but I will wait for him to appear again before making too much judgment about that.


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #122 on: December 14, 2009, 04:39:04 AM »
Day 2

Smithers (1): Axem Rangers
Gumshoe (1): Tony

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.  67 hours left in Day 2.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 04:41:41 AM by Excal »


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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #123 on: December 14, 2009, 06:23:29 AM »
Re Smithers/Time Travel: You're right. I didn't get a chance to post about this before the end of day 1, but I stuffed up. I was posting from work and admittedly not paying as much attention as I should have been, and obviously got confused. My mistake. (That's also the reason I didn't post a whole lot early on; l was at work, real life etc).

I'm going to have to agree with Tony about Gumshoe, but there's something that Tony missed.
Right at the end of day 1, Gumshoe made this post:
Gumshoe is horribly vague with the reasons for his votes, and inconsistent with reasoning.

As for my vote on Oddjob, for those who asked, he seemed the most suspicious to me.
No reasons listed.

I'm always gonna go for the most suspicious right 'til the last minute.
So we're supposed to trust in Gumshoe, until he changes his vote at the last minute - great consistency there.

Listen up, pal. I'm liking the look of you less and less. Don't go throwin' your vote around aimlessly in a pressure situation.
(What on Earth was wrong with my vote for Prinny? I listed my reason for voting Prinny. But Gumshoe: no reasons given again, apparently I'm just horribly suspicious, and we should implicitly trust Gumeshoe on this, since he's so great at arresting murderers and all).

If it weren't useless there, I'd be leaving my vote on you and callin' for a lynch.
If I'm so suspicious, why wouldn't you vote for me & call a lynch? Then again, maybe you should actually refer to some reasons.

As it is, I'm gonna have to choose.
##Unvote, ##Vote: Weasel Squad
Definitely much worse. Bad (but seemingly Town) contribution is better than nothin' at all, pal.
I find it interesting that he spends so long talking about Tony, then at the last minute votes Weasels (as he said he would, vote for the AFK who can't fight back etc.), and then doesn't stick around for the next 20 minutes to see Weasels post.
That last point is circumstantial at best, but it's an interesting consideration.

##Vote: Gumshoe for inconsistency, vagueness, baseless accusations and a complete failure to give any sort of reasoning other than "I'm suspicious of you! Believe it!"

Hmph. So yes I agree with Tony, but I prefer to provide quotes and links and examples, so there you have it.

Chad Hutchins

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Re: Henchmen Anonymafia - Day 2
« Reply #124 on: December 14, 2009, 06:46:29 AM »
The main reason I didn't provide links was because I did the fancy posty thing where you look at all a person's posts after I read the topic and went "Holy crap, how did I not notice Gumshoe before? Oh yeah, I was trying not to die/was swamped with work." and quoting is hard from that format.

For the Oddjobs and others, since I realize my post makes less sense without them:

Do we even have a clear suspect? I'm not liking Tony either, but it's solely based on his objectionable way of talking - his actual post content seems justified, even if it is somewhat too narrow-minded at this stage.

Guilstendern, on the other hand... What little he has said seems to be leading nowhere, and the pressure seems to have just fallen away. On that note, still looking towards others who've not said much of anything - Whim stands out, with Oddjob and Gilmagesh close behind.
Ard and Liz... as Smithers mentioned, a lot of useless information in their testimonies, but they're contributin' a decent amount as well.

With all that said, I think it's fairly obvious who the most suspicious is here, pal.


Both the Prinnies and Oddjob have done this here - although, at least the Prinnies actually present some reason for waiting, you know? Oddjob's just kinda standing around for the sake of standing around, and I don't like it one bit, pal.

'though, if I'd been voting for Tony or the Prinnies before, it wouldn't be worth changing vote. The three of them all look pretty guilty to me, and they need to seriously start picking up the pace if they're gonna get anywhere soon, pal!

and then the vote for the Weasels which Oddjob referred to.

Ugh. Well, I'm briefly around, but walking in on an essay immediately kills my interest, so this just has to wait until I have more time to actually read that mess. It's harmful for town for simply existing, so I'm not at all happy.

I think this is a super weaksauce argument and you seem to be needlessly bitter to the Prinny for a wall of text that really wasn't even that long. If I hadn't been so dead(as in emo) at the end of Day 1 I would have kicked you so hard in the balls for this. I'm not sure if I think this is scummy or just a great gap in our (Mafia) values.