Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23  (Read 4075 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« on: December 12, 2009, 07:36:51 PM »

"Again... someone has neared the end. Let us see just what you can accomplish..."

Team Monkey vs. Floor 7
Team Djinn & Consonant vs. Floor 3
Team Gatewalker vs. Floor 1

Team Monkey's Matches

Floor 8a: Finale

"Hahahaha! Welcome to the realm where I may finally fight you fairly... let us see what you can do here.

Battle #36: Crono, Ayla, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Magus and Robo

Marle: Wow! We're all together!
Lucca: Let's show them what we can do together!
Robo: Yes, let us go.

Battle #37: Lavos, Queen Zeal and Dalton

Zeal: Dalton! Deal with these fools!
Dalton: Yes, your majesty...

Battle #38: Yosuke, Kanji, Yukiko, Chie, Naoto and Teddie

Yukiko: There!
Chie: Aha!
Kanji: Crush 'em!
Yosuke: Partner!
Teddie: Bearsona!
Naoto: Yes.

Battle #39: Shadow Mitsuo, P4 Killer and Kunino-Sagiri

Mistuo: Yes... yes, come to me.
Killer: You damn kids!
Kunino-Sagiri: GIANT HALO

Boss Battle #8: Shadow Yosuke, Shadow Kanji, Shadow Chie, Shadow Naoto and Shadow Yukiko

Shadows: I am a Shadow... the True Self.

Team Consonant's Matches

Floor 4a: Counter-Punch

"Let's try something completely different...!"

*For this floor, any damage done to the enemies provokes one counter of the enemy's choice. Multitarget attacks cause all members hit to counter. These attacks are only targetted at the person who attacked the enemy, regardless of the original targetting mechanic.

Battle #16: FFT Squire x5 (w/ Nagrarock)

Squire: "The boss doesn't want you getting any farther."

Battle #17: Yosuke and Kanji

Yosuke: Let's do it, partner!
Kanji: Shut up and die!

Battle #18: Chie and Yukiko

Chie: Aha! Is now our chance?
Yukiko: There!

Battle #19: Nel, Fayt and Cliff

Nel: Let's go.
Fayt: All right!

Boss Battle #4: Genevieve

Genevieve: Worthless fools, wasting my powers... I shall show you true magic!

Team Djinn's Matches

4c: Status Critical

"Hmm... I think things have been too boring lately. Let's see what happens when you have a critical failure."

*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.

Battle #16: Jude and Raquel

Jude: I fight, along with my ARM!

Battle #17: Kyogre and Lugia

Kyogre: It's pronounced 'Kai ogre,' not 'Kyoh gray.' I know, I know.
Lugia: I think I can talk... can't I?

Battle #18: Ness and Poo

Ness: Rockin'!
Poo: Starstorm!

Battle #19: Alena, Brey (Borya), Cristo (Kiryl) and Ragnar

Alena: Let's wipe the floor with them!
Brey: As you say, my lady.

Boss Battle #4: Caellech, Lloyd and Linus

Caellech: You fools... I will wipe the floor with you.
Lloyd: Heh heh, brother, let's go!
Linus: Yes!

Team Gatewalker's Matches

Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES!!

Battle #6: Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)

Milon: I have returned from death to crush you!
Kainazzo: Oh, that fool? The one who refused to give his kingdom to me...?

Battle #7: Booster and Mack


Battle #8: Scarmiglione (FF4 DS)

Scarmiglione: Ha ha ha... I have come back from death yet again...

Battle #9: Kary and Kraken

Kary: I, the Fiend of Fire shall stop you!

Boss Battle #2: Augus and Nimufu

Augus: Yes! Fight to the death for my god...


Team Monkey | Jessica, Mew (Firefly), Rosa, Lucian & Shiho
[Floor 8a: A Finale]
*Lucian has been granted the sword Gram
*Shiho has been granted a Tome of Shadow Servant
Team Monkey vs. Crono, Ayla, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Magus and Robo
Team Monkey vs. Lavos, Queen Zeal and Dalton
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Yosuke, Kanji, Yukiko, Chie, Naoto and Teddie
Team Monkey vs. Shadow Mitsuo, P4 Killer and Kunino-Sagiri
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Shadow Yosuke, Shadow Kanji, Shadow Naoto, Shadow Chie and Shadow Yukiko

Team Consonant | Celes, Alys, Lucian & Shiho, Ayla (Life)
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
[Espers: Siren, Kirin, Shoat, Carbuncle (Mastered), Phantom, Seraphim]
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies. These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Consonant vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog))
Team Consonant vs. Kanji and Yosuke
Team Consonant vs. Chie and Yukiko
Team Consonant vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff
Team Consonant vs. Genevieve

Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform | HP Plus]
4c: Status Critical
*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.
Team Djinn vs. Jude and Raquel
Team Djinn vs. Kyogre and Lugia (FRLG forms)
Team Djinn vs. Ness and Poo
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus)
Team Djinn vs. Alena, Borya (Brey), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara)

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(w/MT)
[Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES! ]
Team Gatewalker vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Gatewalker vs. Booster and Mack
Team Gatewalker vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Gatewalker vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Gatewalker vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2)

Multitarget - One person on the team's actions all become Multitargetted. However, the damage of regular attacks, the healing of all spells that restore HP or MP, the status rates of status spells or attacks and the effect of buffs or debuffs (rounded down to the nearest half point in the case of Pokemon) is reduced to 50% of the original base chance. (For example, Deadly Fingertips has a max 50% chance of hitting all targets.) This applies even if there is only one opponent left.

Life - One character's healing effects now also allows for revival, but reduces the final effect of any healing by 50%. (This means full healing is always 50%) The healing also only revives characters with 1 HP.

Violent Burst Law - Characters with game-specific gauges begin each floor with them at 100%. They charge at 50% of their normal rates.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 04:37:40 PM by Nephrite »

Random Consonant

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 07:56:52 PM »
Team Consonant | Celes, Alys, Lucian & Shiho, Ayla (Life)
[Espers: Siren, Kirin, Shoat, Carbuncle (Mastered), Phantom, Seraphim]
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies. These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Consonant vs. FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog)) - yawn
Team Consonant vs. Kanji and Yosuke - Again, Yosuke might be able to pull something with Tentarafoo if he's faster than Alys but the odds of that being debilitating are just too low.  Alys shoud get a turn to apply Moonshad, and then it's wait for Celes to stone 'em.
Team Consonant vs. Chie and Yukiko - Chie isn't all that fast, so Alys gets Moonshad off and puts the girls to sleep.  Pretty much the same as the previous fight.
Team Consonant vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff - Put 'em to sleep, do whatever.
Team Consonant vs. Genevieve - Indiscriminate counters will splatter people but I've got enough offense here to carry the day.

Edited as it seems that I had the improper order >_>

Monkey likely fails, as Naoto gets a turn and reams his team with MT ID.  Kneejerking a pass for Gate due to Fogel, abstain on Djinn.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 05:25:43 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 08:42:14 PM »
Uh, technically no P4 for Monkey which makes voting his team...  interesting, though Magic Burst might render the point moot.  Since it's relevant this is where I note again that the stat topic understates how awesome Magic Burst is by tossing a lvl. 65 Guv into the averages with lvl. 40 everyone else; Jess should have a 1.4-1.55 PCHP or so Magic Burst no matter what level you pick.  I suspect Magic Burst kills enough of the CT fight to make it manageable (ignoring fire resist, only Magus and Marle survive; with it, Lucca and maaybe Robo do too, but then Mew is going to pile on some more MT damage, and Lucian can ensure Lucca doesn't live to Hypno Wave.  Leave one person alive, let Jessica regen all her MP, then smash next fight.  Normally I use form-chaining Lavos, but this is case where Lavos actually wants to start in his second form...  not sure I allow that.  But even still, I think he has to Time Warp before Grand Stoning, which should give Mew time to set up defenses and let Jessica kill Dalton / force Zeal to her second form with Magic Burst (letting Zeal1 get a turn to use Hallation is Very Bad with Dalton having MT).  Lucian can wipe out Zeal 2 well enough, probably.

The last fight is probably hilarious - Shadow Chie is weak to Fire, right?  After Magic Burst, Jess gets a free turn then, arguably with some MP regen attached to use Accelerate or Twin Dragon Lash.  Cute but will definitely let others analyze that one.

I suspect that the SO3 fight is the make-or-break one for Consonant, if they get going and ruin Alys / Celes's MP that's trouble.

Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform | HP Plus]
4c: Status Critical
*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.
Team Djinn vs. Jude and Raquel - Haha no.
Team Djinn vs. Kyogre and Lugia (FRLG forms) - Generously, let's say they can OHKO Cloud physically with a crit.  Raquel SMASHES one, Tear sleeps the other?
Team Djinn vs. Ness and Poo - Aika kinda defangs them.
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus) - Non-moving FE bosses have Last Strike to me, and further Cloud can probably provoke them into giving him a Limit and free turn via their critical counters (if they aren't OHKOs, which is admittedly a problem).  Alternatively Cloud defends and then Cover hax.  Hmmm, not sure Raquel can OHKO here which is Bad, and the team lacks buffing...  on the other hand I doubt they can OHKO Raquel back, and their counters might trigger Red Zone.  Intrude isn't as helpful here as you'd think.  Eh, with Tear reviving, they'll pull through.
Team Djinn vs. Alena, Borya (Brey), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara) - Aika Delta Shields, Cloud explodes to Alena.  The mages kinda suck against Delta Shield but DQ crits are really good, so they beat down...  can they kill Aika?  Her Pdurability is really bad, and Aika can't be healed under her own Delta Shield.  Tear revives Cloud, Nara finishes killing Aika, Raquel hits Alena and...  okay, a Raquel critical probably does kill Alena.  Then she intrudes two times and starts killing moar.  Yeah Raquel saves the day here.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 09:56:07 PM »
Actually, weak to Wind.  None of the Shadows are weak to Fire.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2009, 10:03:37 PM »
Zeal doesn't have a legit form chain (for one, it's Zeal1 -> Mammon Machine -> Zeal2, and for two, buffs/debuffs do not carry over - each one cleanses both), so Zeal2's all she has. This being said, any MT damage used -will- cause a HP/MP nuke, which is something Monkey's team needs to be careful on. (She can do both without it, as well, which is equally worrisome. At least, she can in the DS version).

Also, the big mega magic spells and the timeshift are on two different parts, again, according to the DS version - I'll need to check and see which two.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2009, 10:33:07 PM »
Well, there's no healing or menu screens in-between IIRC, so it's a legit form-chain to me just skipping the Mammon Machine.  As for Zeal 2, I don't think the hand counters go off if an MT spell wipes her out at the same time?  Fight's just over, I think.  So if you force Zeal2, then Magic Burst just kills her I think (but it does matter for screwing up weaker MT, yes, getting your MP-0ed is Bad.)  As for Lavos, all I can say is that in the SNES version Lavos usually used one of his big MT attacks of doom on "turn 2" not turn 1, even if it was theoretically possible with good AI to do it turn 1, so *shrug*.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 01:11:55 AM »
Man, I'm not sure on any of these excpet Gate. (He passes for sure, if only because all the statuses Milon and Kary can throw out here can be cured by this party.)

Consonant... SO3 speed respect means I see them destroying Alys's MP and likely Celes's too before they can be slept, but I'm not sure he loses anyway. His last 2 fights are just not that dangerous, especially against a party with 2 revivers. I'll await an analysis that assumes Alys doesn't get to do anything useful.

Djinn... depends if he has swirlmerang, I think, that makes or breaks him vs. the pokemon. How late was that picked up?

Me... hell. I need to be able to have jessica go before mew for magic burst + EQ sweepage. Otherwise Naoto gets a turn (faster than Lucian + Shiho without accelerate, with accel Lucian can carve her up but Shiho can't finish because Naoto's immune to the one attack spell she got as a bonus. -_-) Naoto throws out the MT dark-elemental ID and that's a wrap.

If Jess is naturally faster I'm good for that fight, if I let Mew wait till after Jess's turn I'm good, if there's some speed finagling I can do with setups I'm good. Hm.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2009, 01:17:04 AM »
You pick up the Swirlmerang for beating Vyze and co, which is solidly midgame. It is very borderline floor 4/5.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2009, 02:20:55 AM »
Assuming full twinkability for all both Yosuke and Chie are definitely faster than Naoto to boot. Monkey has to deal with Tentarafoo/Masuka (is Magic Burst ITE?) shenanigans, the threat of Chie connecting with MT offence or Skull Cracker depending on if/how many Yosuke confused and of course Naoto. If Magic Burst is fire elemental then both Yosuke and Naoto resist it and of course Yukiko flat out mocks it. Assuming Teddie has Straga he probably survives too and if people are confused but somehow managed to survive Naoto's death he gets moar buffs going. Kanji casts Marataru assuming things go this far ... yeah we don't want to let the P4 crowd get started >.>
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 02:32:45 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2009, 02:54:40 AM »
super: That's an edition split thing.  You can get the Swirlmirang much, much, earlier in SoA Dreamcast if you activated the online content (which my college roommate did) - like Floor 3, the Bazaar in Nasr. 


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2009, 03:04:29 AM »
Fuck online content hype in any form for the dungeon.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2009, 02:15:38 PM »
Battle #17: Yosuke and Kanji
Battle #18: Chie and Yukiko
Battle #19: Nel, Fayt and Cliff

Team Consonant vs. Chie and Yukiko
Team Consonant vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff
Team Consonant vs. Kanji and Yosuke

Wondering which of these is the right order. Doubt it changes things, but checking first. ;o


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2009, 04:01:35 PM »
Zeal doesn't have a legit form chain (for one, it's Zeal1 -> Mammon Machine -> Zeal2, and for two, buffs/debuffs do not carry over - each one cleanses both), so Zeal2's all she has. This being said, any MT damage used -will- cause a HP/MP nuke, which is something Monkey's team needs to be careful on. (She can do both without it, as well, which is equally worrisome. At least, she can in the DS version).

Also, the big mega magic spells and the timeshift are on two different parts, again, according to the DS version - I'll need to check and see which two.

Also notable that at least in the SNES battle, Hallation and MP Buster are both OPB.

Battle #17: Yosuke and Kanji
Battle #18: Chie and Yukiko
Battle #19: Nel, Fayt and Cliff

Team Consonant vs. Chie and Yukiko
Team Consonant vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff
Team Consonant vs. Kanji and Yosuke

Wondering which of these is the right order. Doubt it changes things, but checking first. ;o

When in doubt, take the long version, I say, not the short.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2009, 04:37:57 PM »
Yep, that was correct. Sorry about that!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2009, 04:39:43 PM »
Hallation is definitely not OPB in the DS version. Take that how you will. MP Buster might be.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2009, 05:43:53 PM »
Team Monkey | Jessica, Mew (Firefly), Rosa, Lucian & Shiho
[Floor 8a: A Finale]
*Lucian has been granted the sword Gram
*Shiho has been granted a Tome of Shadow Servant
Team Monkey vs. Crono, Ayla, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Magus and Robo - Everyone except Lucca wants a Ruby Armor.  Failing that allowance, a Ruby Vest.  This allows everyone to survive a Magic Burst if Jessica tries it.  Also, after running a quick calculation of Gen 4 Pokemon stats for Speed SDs...  If you see 1 SD as anywhere less than 22.8% speed, then Magus and Ayla outrace Mew, and probably kill the rest of the team outright (Luminaire + Dark Matter + Dino Tail Shenanigans).  If they get past here, however...
Team Monkey vs. Lavos, Queen Zeal and Dalton
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Yosuke, Kanji, Yukiko, Chie, Naoto and Teddie - Fire resist on the important characters + Endure all the characters means that Naoto gets off her shot of MT ID.  Only Rosa has an argument to immune it, but I don't think she can handle the rest of this fight alone.

If Jessica goes for Magic Barrier instead, this just means that the P4 characters get to start up their buffing game too...  And that never ends well, what with two full healers/revivers, everyone having OPB Endure, and a lot of people having rather wicked MT (Matarukaja+Mind Charge+Megidolan kills pretty fast?).  Hell, this enemy team has way too many options to respond with here.

But then, I do have to wonder if Yosuke's Dekaja would catch Jessica's Magic Barrier.

Team Monkey vs. Shadow Mitsuo, P4 Killer and Kunino-Sagiri
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Shadow Yosuke, Shadow Kanji, Shadow Naoto, Shadow Chie and Shadow Yukiko

I screwed up a lot in my calculations last floor, and I learned a lot about VP that I didn't know previously.  It was a fun team to watch, at any rate.

Team Consonant | Celes, Alys, Lucian & Shiho, Ayla (Life)
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
[Espers: Siren, Kirin, Shoat, Carbuncle (Mastered), Phantom, Seraphim]
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies. These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Consonant vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog))
Team Consonant vs. Kanji and Yosuke
Team Consonant vs. Chie and Yukiko
Team Consonant vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff
Team Consonant vs. Genevieve - I am thinking that Moonshad saves the day, just as advertised, however.  Genevieve is a worry, but there's also two characters with revival, right?

Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform | HP Plus]
4c: Status Critical
*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.
Team Djinn vs. Jude and Raquel
Team Djinn vs. Kyogre and Lugia (FRLG forms)
Team Djinn vs. Ness and Poo
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus)
Team Djinn vs. Alena, Borya (Brey), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara) - Snow's explanations work for me.

Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(w/MT)
[Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES! ]
Team Gatewalker vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Gatewalker vs. Booster and Mack
Team Gatewalker vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Gatewalker vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Gatewalker vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2) - No idea, and I can't think anymore.  Maybe later.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2009, 09:07:15 PM »
Assuming full twinkability for all both Yosuke and Chie are definitely faster than Naoto to boot. Monkey has to deal with Tentarafoo/Masuka (is Magic Burst ITE?) shenanigans, the threat of Chie connecting with MT offence or Skull Cracker depending on if/how many Yosuke confused and of course Naoto. If Magic Burst is fire elemental then both Yosuke and Naoto resist it and of course Yukiko flat out mocks it.

Magic in DQ8 doesn't miss ever because there is no magic evade stat to hit, so there's no way to know if it's ITE or not.  It is fire elemental though.

But then, I do have to wonder if Yosuke's Dekaja would catch Jessica's Magic Barrier.

Dekaja doesn't hit the elemental Wall buffs in Persona 4, so no.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2009, 12:48:33 AM »
Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform | HP Plus]
4c: Status Critical
*Full Heal
Team Djinn vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus) - Non-moving FE bosses have Last Strike to me, and further Cloud can probably provoke them into giving him a Limit and free turn via their critical counters (if they aren't OHKOs, which is admittedly a problem).  Alternatively Cloud defends and then Cover hax.  Hmmm, not sure Raquel can OHKO here which is Bad, and the team lacks buffing...  on the other hand I doubt they can OHKO Raquel back, and their counters might trigger Red Zone.  Intrude isn't as helpful here as you'd think.  Eh, with Tear reviving, they'll pull through.

Noting that Aeris still has Seal Evil for MT Stop, which should handle the FEers for as long as I need once she gets a turn. Also gives me time to revive Cloud if necessary.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2009, 04:53:07 AM »
Team Monkey | Jessica, Mew (Firefly), Rosa, Lucian & Shiho
[Floor 8a: A Finale]
*Lucian has been granted the sword Gram
*Shiho has been granted a Tome of Shadow Servant
Team Monkey vs. Crono, Ayla, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Magus and Robo - Magic Burst happens. Mew soaks up their damage. Lucian and the others clean up the rest of the dangerous ones. They probably leave sluggish Lucca alive to heal up or something. I don't want to consider the possible shenanigans of CT triple techs here.
Team Monkey vs. Lavos, Queen Zeal and Dalton - Might Reinforced Gram Lucian takes out the immediate threats. I think I'd allow Zeal the formchain, but the team has enough healing that it probably doesn't matter.
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Yosuke, Kanji, Yukiko, Chie, Naoto and Teddie - I dunno. Magic Burst is awesome but Naoto is broken good here.
Team Monkey vs. Shadow Mitsuo, P4 Killer and Kunino-Sagiri - And THIS is pretty deadly too. If only for Shadow Mitsuo's formchange keeping these guys from getting one-shotted by anything.
*Full Heal
Team Monkey vs. Shadow Yosuke, Shadow Kanji, Shadow Naoto, Shadow Chie and Shadow Yukiko - Well, if they make it this far, Monkey wins. I'm -really- not sure if he makes it this far, though.

Team Consonant | Celes, Alys, Lucian & Shiho, Ayla (Life)
[Floor 3b: Multiples]
[Espers: Siren, Kirin, Shoat, Carbuncle (Mastered), Phantom, Seraphim]
[4a: Punch-Counter-Punch]
*Any attack provokes one counter from the enemies for this floor. They may choose any attack, but any MT attack can only be used against the person who attacked them. MT attacks used on the enemy provoke a counter from all enemies. These counters go off unless the enemy is killed with an attack.
Team Consonant vs, FFT Squire 5x (Nagrarock (25% Frog)) - Shoat gives Celes Break, right? That would handle these guys.
Team Consonant vs. Kanji and Yosuke - Break. Gets around Endure in my opinion. They didn't -die-, after all, they're just statues so the battle ends.
Team Consonant vs. Chie and Yukiko - Too dodgy for reliable Break. Also, Yukiko can probably cure Break, so they'd have to take her out first. And she's the more dodgy one. MR Lucian + Wait Reaction is enough to take out Yukiko, and Alys can ID Chie or Heal off Chie's damage before the next match. Hmm... I'm wondering if Wait Reaction -> Lucian chain would still get past her evade if Yukiko's getting a counter in (due to the floor) after WR? If it fucks things up, the team has to rely on Alys' ID, which opens Yukiko's healing game. Ugh... difficult. I'm going to assume that counters take place in a separate mechanic from VP combo system, so we'll let WR lead into Lucian damage to get rid of Yukiko.
Team Consonant vs. Nel, Fayt and Cliff - They take out Alys's MP before the ID hits, but this leaves them open to Break. Unless... SO3 has stone blockers?
Team Consonant vs. Genevieve - Everyone buffs Lucian and he OHKOs Genevieve. No counters to worry about.

Team Djinn | Cloud, Raquel, Aika. Tear, Aeris  (Violent Burst Law)
[Materia: Mastered: Cover, Revive, Transform | HP Plus]
4c: Status Critical
*For this floor, all moves that have any capacity to critical hit will do so.
Team Djinn vs. Jude and Raquel - Jude critical doesn't kill Cloud. Cloud blows his Limit here. Next.
Team Djinn vs. Kyogre and Lugia (FRLG forms) - Even if you didn't see Swirlmarang as last floor, it's pretty easy to get by this point. If you're mean and make it F5, then Aika Delta Shields to prevent any special-typed abilities or nasty status. Conversely, Cloud makes one of them eat Transform-y uselessness. And as backup, Tear has her Mystic Arte by this floor, which can take one of them out. Or she can spam Nightmare using Overlimit's speedy casting times and increased effectiveness. Aeris... heals. At WORST, the Pokemon take out Cloud with their best physical stuff before Raquel makes them unhappy.
Team Djinn vs. Ness and Poo - Delta Shield shuts them down. If Cloud's alive, Transform gets them. If not, then Aeris busts out Seal Evil for MT Stop and eventually Raquel + Tear take them out. Ness's SMAAAAASH physical might be able to kill Aika, but by that point, Aeris will be ready for Stop. If he kills Aeris, then Tear goes all Nightmare-spam. If you don't see -that- as working, then Raquel should still have at least one more shot of Intrude and that+Always Critical will take out at least one of them and the rest of my team mops up.
*Full Heal - LIMITS AGAIN!
Team Djinn vs. Caellech, Lloyd (FE7) and Linus (FE7) (Cog of Destiny forms for Lloyd and Linus) - Assuming you -don't- allow Swirlmarang, Aika doesn't have much to do first-turn, I guess she can Lambda Burst, but I don't think that's helping much. If you see them all as going before my team, then they take out Cloud before he moves and -might-, if you respect their damage enough, put some critical hurt on another party member. If they take out Tear, then I'm out of revival, but they eat Aeris' recharged Seal Evil and that's the match. If they take out Aeris, then Tear sleeps them all (blowing Overlimit to get the necessary speed/effectiveness if she needs it) and revives Cloud. Aika can now start working on healing, and once Raquel gets a turn, she can take out at least one of them and the battle is managable even if they wake up.
Team Djinn vs. Alena, Borya (Brey), Maya (Mara) and Meena (Nara) - Assuming the worst, that I came into this with Cloud and Tear dead, then Alena takes out Aika to prevent Delta shield. The mages have to focus on Raquel and hope that the 3 of them can take her out before she gets a turn, figuring in that Aeris gets a turn within their group to cast Cure2 or 3. Raquel still has all four shots of Intrude left and Always Critical, which should have no trouble with these frail-types. Assuming Cloud is alive, he'll soak up Alena's first hit and Aika will get a Delta Shield off, making this way too easy. And if he survives Alena's critical, he'll even get an insta-turn Limit for extra fun shenanigans.
Team Gatewalker | Fogel, Aeonless Yuna, Eileen, Tia, Ditto (Quick Powder)(w/MT)
[Floor 2a: THESE! ARE! BOSSES! ]
Team Gatewalker vs. Milon, Baigan and Kainazzo (FF4 SNES)
Team Gatewalker vs. Booster and Mack
Team Gatewalker vs. Scarmiglione-Z (FF4 DS)
*Full Heal
Team Gatewalker vs. Kary and Kraken
Team Gatewalker vs. Augus and Nimufu (BoF2) - Ditto MT Transforms the whole team into Fogel. Win.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2009, 05:40:42 AM »
Team Monkey vs. Crono, Ayla, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Magus and Robo - Magic Burst happens. Mew soaks up their damage. Lucian and the others clean up the rest of the dangerous ones. They probably leave sluggish Lucca alive to heal up or something. I don't want to consider the possible shenanigans of CT triple techs here.

Several problems:
1.  Ruby Armors/Vests exist.  They REALLY de-fang Magic Burst.  Magus also doesn't care about losing the status immunities from his best unique armor, since his default accessory (the Amulet, which is typically allowed) covers that just fine.
2.  Dark Matter is Dark/Shadow elemental.  Why is this important?  Mew takes double damage from Dark.
3.  The MT Blitz basically starts as soon as Jessica's done.
4.  Leave Lucca alive?  She reams the enemy team with Hypno Wave, and then physicals to cause Chaos.
5.  Leave Marle alive?  Someone's getting Hasted.  The team probably can't deal with that.
6.  If they don't kill Frog straight-off, they also have to deal with Frog Squash after Lucian and Shiho take their turns.
7.  Crono, Marle, and Robo are up?  Hello Lifeline.
8.  Mew goes for EQ?  Probably winds up killing the rest of Team Monkey.  By the way, what moves DOES Mew have for this floor?

Other things that spell doom for the team:

Ayla + Robo -> Boogie (MT Stop)
Crono + Robo -> Super Volt (That's a lot of Lightning damage!)
Any dual combination of the following 3: Robo, Frog, Marle -> MT Full HP recovery
Marle + Lucca (White Rock on her, she has the least useful of the default accessories here) + Ayla -> PoyozoDance (Damage and a good chance of causing Chaos to the entire enemy team)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2009, 05:58:47 AM »
Hot damn, that CT fight is brutal. Monkey fails, but good run.

Consonant and Djinn pass.

Abstain on Gate. Ditto with MT sealstone makes no sense.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2009, 06:13:48 AM »
Piggyman: I have my own interpretation of what MT on Ditto does in last week's topic...  but yeah, definitely not Djinn's interp.

super: Well "screw online content" = no Swirlmerang ever for people on the DC version, which is still different than the GameCube's "Floor 5 legal" version.  It's a mess, don't see any way around that but "vote the form you played."

Magic Fanatic, Chrono Trigger: Yeah the more I think about it the less I like the idea of Ruby Armors being legal for everyone.  The stat topic doesn't use that, at least, and it's certainly not how you equip up in-game.  So yeah Magic Burst just kills everyone and Mew picks up the pieces with MT.

Team Djinn: I just re-read Violent Burst Law.  I thought it was start at 50% full, charge at 50% the rate?  Guess it got changed again.  Okay, fully charged makes this a lot easier since yeah that means Tear can now messily unleash overkill.

Team Gate: How does Team Gate cure paralysis?  Didn't think Yuna has Esuna yet / Tia can cure status, but if I'm wrong then that'd make the floor easy since Kary / Kraken's the only tricky fight.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2009, 06:33:27 AM »
Several problems:
1.  Ruby Armors/Vests exist.  They REALLY de-fang Magic Burst.  Magus also doesn't care about losing the status immunities from his best unique armor, since his default accessory (the Amulet, which is typically allowed) covers that just fine.

What's the damage reduction on a Ruby Armor/Vest? I'm guessing it's like 50%, which still yields high 2HKO damage from Magic Burst... and the cast's Mdef will be lowered from using weaker armor, so I imagine it's still pretty awesome damage, and can probably take out Marle or Lucca at least.

2.  Dark Matter is Dark/Shadow elemental.  Why is this important?  Mew takes double damage from Dark.

Which version of Mew is this? RBY Mew doesn't know what Dark is. But I suppose FRLG Mew might have cause to worry.

3.  The MT Blitz basically starts as soon as Jessica's done.

Didn't think most of the CT cast was above average speed... Lucian should get a turn in there to mop up some CTers.

4.  Leave Lucca alive?  She reams the enemy team with Hypno Wave, and then physicals to cause Chaos.
5.  Leave Marle alive?  Someone's getting Hasted.  The team probably can't deal with that.
6.  If they don't kill Frog straight-off, they also have to deal with Frog Squash after Lucian and Shiho take their turns.

Can't they silence Lucca or something? My kneejerk is that Hypno Wave isn't accurate enough to get the whole team. Alternately, leave Robo alive.

7.  Crono, Marle, and Robo are up?  Hello Lifeline.
That IS deadly. Luckily, Marle probably dies to Magic Burst.

Other things that spell doom for the team:

Ayla + Robo -> Boogie (MT Stop)
Crono + Robo -> Super Volt (That's a lot of Lightning damage!)
Any dual combination of the following 3: Robo, Frog, Marle -> MT Full HP recovery

I wanna say Robo's too slow to take advantage of this... And Boogie's Stop wasn't that accurate?

Marle + Lucca (White Rock on her, she has the least useful of the default accessories here) + Ayla -> PoyozoDance (Damage and a good chance of causing Chaos to the entire enemy team)

Don't think I'd allow the Rock-based Triple Techs... though this setting would be the ideal place for it to be allowed... Hmm... At any rate, Jessica takes out Marle so it's moot.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2009, 07:23:08 AM »
Ruby Vest doesn't hurt MDef for the males at a minimum (I think only females use MDef-boosting armors). However, Ruby Vest'd Robo still likely gets OHKOed by Magic Burst because his mdur is that damned awesome, and that's a pretty big hit (hay guize no boogie) - not to mention that the physical defense goes down the drain and that's a pretty big issue in CT due to how its defense works.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 23
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2009, 07:37:25 AM »
Several problems:
1.  Ruby Armors/Vests exist.  They REALLY de-fang Magic Burst.  Magus also doesn't care about losing the status immunities from his best unique armor, since his default accessory (the Amulet, which is typically allowed) covers that just fine.

What's the damage reduction on a Ruby Armor/Vest? I'm guessing it's like 50%, which still yields high 2HKO damage from Magic Burst... and the cast's Mdef will be lowered from using weaker armor, so I imagine it's still pretty awesome damage, and can probably take out Marle or Lucca at least.

Magic Burst is set damage (Just an ITD MPx2 Fire-elemental attack), right?  All that really matters is that the Ruby Vest has 50% Fire reduction - if it actually checks MDEF, then it has issues actually killing the mage-like characters.  This is about the time that Dragon Soul shows up as well, right?

2.  Dark Matter is Dark/Shadow elemental.  Why is this important?  Mew takes double damage from Dark.

Which version of Mew is this? RBY Mew doesn't know what Dark is. But I suppose FRLG Mew might have cause to worry.
I'd assume at least FRLG, since that's the most recent update to RBY and actually has the TM selection that makes Mew not useless.

3.  The MT Blitz basically starts as soon as Jessica's done.

Didn't think most of the CT cast was above average speed... Lucian should get a turn in there to mop up some CTers.

Crono, Magus, and Ayla are above average speed.  If any of them live through Magic Burst (and MAYBE EQ if you see them as slower than Mew), then they destroy Team Monkey and a lot of his options.

4.  Leave Lucca alive?  She reams the enemy team with Hypno Wave, and then physicals to cause Chaos.
5.  Leave Marle alive?  Someone's getting Hasted.  The team probably can't deal with that.
6.  If they don't kill Frog straight-off, they also have to deal with Frog Squash after Lucian and Shiho take their turns.

Can't they silence Lucca or something? My kneejerk is that Hypno Wave isn't accurate enough to get the whole team. Alternately, leave Robo alive.

The whole cast is immune to non-ID status.  That said, that usually means they're going all out on being careful of who they kill, and eat Robo's Shock attack.

7.  Crono, Marle, and Robo are up?  Hello Lifeline.
That IS deadly. Luckily, Marle probably dies to Magic Burst.

If you see at least Ruby Vests as legal enough, then it'll have to be Lucian that kills her, because anything Magical that Mew throws at Marle gets tanked anyway.

Other things that spell doom for the team:

Ayla + Robo -> Boogie (MT Stop)
Crono + Robo -> Super Volt (That's a lot of Lightning damage!)
Any dual combination of the following 3: Robo, Frog, Marle -> MT Full HP recovery

I wanna say Robo's too slow to take advantage of this... And Boogie's Stop wasn't that accurate?

Robo can probably delay his first turn a bit, and gets it right about the time that Crono gets his second turn, for at least Super Volt.  Jessica's probably still waiting for the MP to do something truely damaging, and can't threaten the CT team past that first Magic Burst for a while.

Marle + Lucca (White Rock on her, she has the least useful of the default accessories here) + Ayla -> PoyozoDance (Damage and a good chance of causing Chaos to the entire enemy team)

Don't think I'd allow the Rock-based Triple Techs... though this setting would be the ideal place for it to be allowed... Hmm... At any rate, Jessica takes out Marle so it's moot.

See above.  Should also be noted that while Marle's reduction is only the amount of the Ruby Vest, Lucca's reduction hovers around 80% total, and Ayla has a 20% innate resistance to Fire, as well.

Magic Fanatic, Chrono Trigger: Yeah the more I think about it the less I like the idea of Ruby Armors being legal for everyone.  The stat topic doesn't use that, at least, and it's certainly not how you equip up in-game.  So yeah Magic Burst just kills everyone and Mew picks up the pieces with MT.

As far as I figure, Ruby Armor is the most powerful armor that's at least remotely storebought.  When a player is equipping-up in-game, I'd assume they'd go straight for the stuff like Prism Dress, Prism Helm, Moon Armor, Noval Armor, what have you.