
Author Topic: Season 57 nom pools  (Read 6534 times)


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2009, 06:55:58 AM »
Godlike: Persephone (WA5) Elvis (WA5) Luis Virgil (XS1) Chaz Ashley (PSIV) Endora (OB) Dark Force (PSs)

1. Get a match already, missile-tits.
2. You too.
3. Cool, needs to win more.
4. Downgrade?
5. Longest absence in godlike, or close to it?
6. Hell, may as well just grab the biggest absences in the division.

Heavy: Anastasia Valeria (WA2) Masaji Kato (SH2) Rose (LoD) Zerase (S5) Belcoot (S5) Mesdoram Elmdor (FFT)

1. Stop failing.
2. You too.
3. While we're at it, more downgraded godlikes.
4. 1-1. Ew.
5. 0-1. Ew.
6. Thirty seasons? Wow.

Middle: Taro (Disgaea 2) Kurtis (Disgaea) Roan (G2) Kazan (LoL2) Ken Amada (P3) Odin (PS1)

1. No matches.
2. Long absent rival.
3. Merely long absent.
4. Ditto.
5. No matches.
6. Legendary warrior hype?!

Light: Mystina (VP1) Zegai (S5) Yukimaru (Disgaea 2) Taloon (DW4) Chidori Yoshino (P3) Melody Vilente (WA3)

1. Personality.
2. Whatever, it's Light.
3. Did alright last time, doesn't actually suck for the division.
4. Comedy value.
5. Hilariously bad.
6. Champ already, dammit.

EDIT: 123-128.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 07:03:09 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2009, 06:23:59 PM »
Godlike: Persephone (WA5) Elvis (WA5) Luis Virgil (XS1) Chaz Ashley (PSIV) Endora (OB) Dark Force (PSs)

1. Get a match already, missile-tits.
2. You too.
3. Cool, needs to win more.
4. Downgrade?
5. Longest absence in godlike, or close to it?
6. Hell, may as well just grab the biggest absences in the division.

Heavy: Anastasia Valeria (WA2) Masaji Kato (SH2) Rose (LoD) Zerase (S5) Belcoot (S5) Mesdoram Elmdor (FFT)

1. Stop failing.
2. You too.
3. While we're at it, more downgraded godlikes.
4. 1-1. Ew.
5. 0-1. Ew.
6. Thirty seasons? Wow.

Middle: Taro (Disgaea 2) Kurtis (Disgaea) Roan (G2) Kazan (LoL2) Ken Amada (P3) Odin (PS1)

1. No matches.
2. Long absent rival.
3. Merely long absent.
4. Ditto.
5. No matches.
6. Legendary warrior hype?!

Light: Mystina (VP1) Zegai (S5) Yukimaru (Disgaea 2) Taloon (DW4) Chidori Yoshino (P3) Melody Vilente (WA3)

1. Personality.
2. Whatever, it's Light.
3. Did alright last time, doesn't actually suck for the division.
4. Comedy value.
5. Hilariously bad.
6. Champ already, dammit.

EDIT: 123-128.

Works for me, even with the WA5 I can't vote on.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2009, 06:58:23 PM »
Godlike: Lavos(CT), Purim(SoM), Endora(OB), Heat(DDS), Lambda Zellweger(WA4), Ultimecia(FF8)
Heavy: Belcoot(S5), Garnet til Alexandros(FF9), Kyra Tierny(PS4), Sharon(LoL2), Ness(EB), Sgt. Joe(S3)
Middle: Ramza Beoulve(FFT), Mitsuru Kirijo(Pers3), Flay Gunnar(MK), Peppita Rosetti(SO3), Cecile(S3), Flare(S4)
Light: Radius(CC), Ward Zabac(FF8), Marcus(FE7), Joker(S3), Gogo(FF6), Keele Ziebel(ToE)

Godlike: 1) CTDS played. 2) Fanboy. 3-4) Ciato. 5) Elfboy. 6) Kurse those SEEDs!
Heavy: 1) BELCOOOOOOOOOT! 2-3) Dungeon team. 4) It's SHARON. 5) It's NESS. 6) Elfboy.
Middle: 1) Dungeon team (?). 2) Prepare to be executed. 3) Elfboy. 4) CT. 5) Le knight in shining armor, here to save her prince. 6) Ex-cuuuuuuuse me, Princess! Also Suikotactics hype.
Light: 1-3) We are not overcompensating! 4) Is gay for Ace. 5) Is a Senator. 6) Light.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 07:10:00 PM by Taitoro »


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2009, 04:48:16 AM »
Godlike: Zog(BoF1), Cloud of Darkness(FF3), Naesala(FE9), X-Death(FF5), Lambda Zellweger(WA4), Zeromus(FF4)
Heavy: Sabin Rene Figaro(FF6), Arnaud G. Vasquez(WA4), Amon(Lufias), Cliff Fittir(SO3), Artea(Lufia2), Isaac(GS)
Middle: Flay Gunnar(MK), Ragnar(DW4), Hero(Lufia1), Bowser Koopa(SMRPG), Chester Barklight(ToP), Lucca Ashtear(CT)
Light: Locke Cole(FF6), Marcus(FE7), Rufus Shinra(FF7), Sten(BoF2), Nara(DW4), Mallow(SMRPG)


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2009, 06:23:50 PM »
Godlike: Magus (Janus Zeal)(CT), Guv(DQ8), Naesala(FE9), Souji Seta(Pers4), Seymour(FFX), Zeromus(FF4)
Heavy: Ayla(CT), Solo(DW4), Knight(FF1), Dart(LoD), Amon(Lufias), Nicole Mimi Tithel (Nikki)(MK)
Middle: Jaffar(FE7), Tifa Lockheart(FF7), Hero(Lufia1), Bowser Koopa(SMRPG), Arche Klein(ToP), Raine Sage(ToS)
Light: Sylvina(S1), Arietta(TotA), Oulan(S2), Kiros Seagil(FF8), Lowen(FE7), Sten(BoF2)

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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #30 on: December 25, 2009, 12:46:30 AM »
Godlike: Rika (PS4), Luis Virgil (XS), Emelious (G3), Profound Darkness (PSIV), Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs), Lambda Zellweger (WA4).

1. Yesiu.jpg
2. Sure.
3. Female-only playthrough scaling. Hell yeahs.
4. Om nom nom.
5. It has been a long time, Lenneth.
6. Crying as a stat.

Heavy: Tana (FE8), Eileen (S1), Angelo (DQ8), Maya Schroedinger (WA3), Edna Capone (SH3), Rune Walsh (PS4).

1. Sure!
2. Sei's convinced me.
3. Ciato fanservice and token Heavy healer nod.
4. Mocking Janus for being a virgin since 2002.
5. Why not. It's a Nitoriweenmas season.
6. Rune for Godlike hype? Elfboy's on to something.

Middle: Tengaar (Suikos), Florina (FE), Fiora (FE), Sceptile (PKMN), Caina (WA2), Warlock (S4).

1. Talk to the hand, bitch.
2. Yay Peg. Knights!
3. Yay Peg. Knights! mk. 2.
4. God, get in and win matches already. ;_;
5. Yeah. Plus, Sora's mother/father formchain hype or something. Regardless, a strong Middle.
6. I sorta need an Earth Rune quota. That and Warlock is too odd for me to not nom him.

Light: Shabon (S3), Mystina (VP), Priscilla (FE), Meg (Suikos), Sten (BoF2), Mallow (SMRPG).

1. This time, I wanted a pool with Lights that aren't completely worthless DL-wise. Shabon's as good as it gets for a Light dueller.
2. However, I still need to make space for Mystina.
3. Totally wants in Ciato's pants if we're to consider Elfboy = Lucius.
4. Hey look she owns Ryudo.
5. Too many losses for a solid, fast 3HKOer. Those make waves in Light.
6. Also needs to -actually win-.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #31 on: December 25, 2009, 02:09:18 AM »

Elvis (WA5) - NI ELVIS
Chaz Ashley (PS4) - Champ
Eriko "Ellen" Kirishima (SMT:Persona) - Kohaku smile eh
Dark Force (PSs) - Elfboy
Cloud of Darkness (FF3DS) - Such a simple thing... (O-Form Particle Beam x12)
Virgil (XSs) - Pretty in pink is lame, I propose Badass in Blue


Edna Capone (SH3) - Capone
Sync (TotA) - <Tide> YESZ
Ike (FE9) - AETHERifightformyfriendsyoullgetnosympathyfrommeAETHER
Jeff (EB) - Nitori teaches us that rockets to vital areas of the body are superior
Odin (VP2) - Making Snow ragequit like it was no thing
Takaya (P3) - Making Snow ragequit like it was some thing


Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) - Don't leave the job unfinished.
Sheena Lepant (Suikos) - Not enough boring Suikoden
Myau (PS1) - Only flying cats are allowed to live
Bow (BoF2) - Uno is incredibly important
Venusaur (PKMN) - Plant things make the world a better place
Carol (WA5) - You love her VA


Saleh (FE8) - Everyone's favorite top tier unit
Mint (ToP) - Reminds me of John Rambo
Chidori (P3) - Loligoth style in white eh
Milia (S1) - Suikoden 1 power!
Mao (SH3) - Cat
Vincent DeBoule (S2) - Snow should be nobility
<Ko-NitoriisSulpher> roll 1d100 to grade Nitori?
<Hatbot> ACTION --> "Ko-NitoriisSulpher rolls 1d100 to grade Nitori? and gets 100." [1d100=100]


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #32 on: December 26, 2009, 12:01:54 AM »
Godlike: Emelious (G3), Killer (SH3), Claude (SO2), Timelord (SaGa), Rika (PS4), Lenneth (VPs)
Heavy: Articuno (PKMN), Maya (WA3), Knight (FF1), Belcoot (S5), Vyse (SoA), Hrist (VP2)
Middle: Neimi (FE8), Peppita (SO3), Ayne (LoL2), Flea (CT), Lise (SD3), Janice (CC)
Light: Peco (BoF3), Zoah (CC), Lunn (LEBC), Nara (DQ4), Luke (TotA), Mist (FE9)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #33 on: December 26, 2009, 03:22:41 AM »
Claude (SO2)
Jessica (DQ8)
Rosa (FF4)
Cloud of Darkness (FF3)
Zeromus (FF4)
Exdeath (FF5)

Sync (TotA)
The Prince (S5)
Ike (FE9)
Popoi (SoM)
Justin (G1)
Odin (VP2)

Lise (SD3)
Karin (SH2)
Tifa (FF7)
Dalton (CT)
L'Arachel (FE8)
Jill (FE9)

Mullen (G1)
Evil Gaia (G1)
Zahhak (S5)
Riddel (CC)
Mist (FE9)
Selphie (FF8)


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #34 on: December 26, 2009, 01:27:51 PM »
Rolf Landale (PS2) - Awesome
Chaz Ashley (PS4) - Awesome
Claude Kenni (SO2) - Awesome
Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs) - Awesome
Persephone (WA5) - New
Riou (S2) - Arbitrary

Ryu (BoF1) - Upgrade
Songi (LoL) - Upgrade
Lenus (LoD) - Upgrade
Kane (SF1) - Arbitrary
Evans (BoF2) - Arbitrary
Jowy Atreides (S2) - Arbitrary

Alma Beoulve (FFT) - Awesome
Cray (BoF4) - Arbitrary
Sheena Fujibayashi (ToS) - Arbitrary
Clive (Ss) - Arbitrary
Jaffar (FE7) - Arbitrary
Gaff Gafgarion (FFT) - Arbitrary

Nanami (S2) - Awesome
Amy Sage (PS2) - Awesome
Hugh Thompson (PS2) - Awesome
Zieg Feld (LoD) - Arbitrary
Guido (G1) - Arbitrary
Gadget Z (S3) - Arbitrary


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #35 on: December 26, 2009, 03:22:12 PM »
Noms close tonight. Get your pools in now.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #36 on: December 26, 2009, 03:44:28 PM »

Sir Leopold(Dragon Quest 8)
Dark Force(Phantasy Star Series)
Kefka(Final Fantasy 6)
Seymour(Final Fantasy X)
Malik(Wild Arms 3)
Lenneth Valkyrie(Valkyrie Profile)


Sofia(Dragon Warrior 4: Chapters of the Chosen)
Scias(Breath of Fire 4)
Barbarossa(Valkyrie Profile)
Artea(Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals)
Zerase(Suikoden 5)
Lassic(Phantasy Star Series)


Bowser Koopa(Super Mario RPG)
Ken Amada(Persona 3)
Vesper(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Blaziken(Pokemon Ru/Sa/Em)
Tengaar(Suikoden Series)
Crowley(Suikoden 1)


Karyl Sheeden(Tales of Destiny)
Nara(Dragon Warrior 4: Chapters of the Chosen)
Meg(Suikoden 1/2)
Wilder(Suikoden 3)
Serra(Fire Emblem 7)
Spar(Breath of Fire 2)
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #37 on: December 26, 2009, 04:05:28 PM »
Unoriginal, can you clarify whether you are nomming FF9 Marcus or FE7 Marcus.

Bardiche, Genis was in this season.


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #38 on: December 26, 2009, 04:10:24 PM »
Can I switch Genis Sage for Amy Sage (PS2) then?


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #39 on: December 26, 2009, 07:26:22 PM »
Claude Kenni (SO2), Necrosaro (DQ4), Luca Blight (S2), TimeLord (Saga), Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs), Souji Seta (P4)
Marsillo (SO2), Galcian (SoA), Ernst (S5), Alena (DQ4), Red (Saga), Wugui (SH1)
Grobyc (CC), Cid Highwind (FF7), Guy (Lufia 2), Guy Cecil (TotA), Guy (FE7), Peppita (SO3)
Nara (DQ4), Yushis (OB), Melville (S3), Orlha (CC), Gordon (Disgaea), Tia (Lufia 2)
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #40 on: December 26, 2009, 07:29:19 PM »
Can I switch Genis Sage for Amy Sage (PS2) then?

"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #41 on: December 26, 2009, 08:45:02 PM »




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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #42 on: December 26, 2009, 09:26:11 PM »
Godlike: Rika (PS4), Luis Virgil (XS), Emelious (G3), Profound Darkness (PSIV), Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs), Lambda Zellweger (WA4).

1. Yesiu.jpg
2. Sure.
3. Female-only playthrough scaling. Hell yeahs.
4. Om nom nom.
5. It has been a long time, Lenneth.
6. Crying as a stat.

Heavy: Tana (FE8), Eileen (S1), Angelo (DQ8), Maya Schroedinger (WA3), Edna Capone (SH3), Rune Walsh (PS4).

1. Sure!
2. Sei's convinced me.
3. Ciato fanservice and token Heavy healer nod.
4. Mocking Janus for being a virgin since 2002.
5. Why not. It's a Nitoriweenmas season.
6. Rune for Godlike hype? Elfboy's on to something.

Middle: Tengaar (Suikos), Florina (FE), Fiora (FE), Sceptile (PKMN), Caina (WA2), Warlock (S4).

1. Talk to the hand, bitch.
2. Yay Peg. Knights!
3. Yay Peg. Knights! mk. 2.
4. God, get in and win matches already. ;_;
5. Yeah. Plus, Sora's mother/father formchain hype or something. Regardless, a strong Middle.
6. I sorta need an Earth Rune quota. That and Warlock is too odd for me to not nom him.

Light: Shabon (S3), Mystina (VP), Priscilla (FE), Meg (Suikos), Sten (BoF2), Mallow (SMRPG).

1. This time, I wanted a pool with Lights that aren't completely worthless DL-wise. Shabon's as good as it gets for a Light dueller.
2. However, I still need to make space for Mystina.
3. Totally wants in Ciato's pants if we're to consider Elfboy = Lucius.
4. Hey look she owns Ryudo.
5. Too many losses for a solid, fast 3HKOer. Those make waves in Light.
6. Also needs to -actually win-.



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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #43 on: December 26, 2009, 10:38:19 PM »
Claude Kenni (SO2), Necrosaro (DQ4), Luca Blight (S2), TimeLord (Saga), Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs), Souji Seta (P4)
Marsillo (SO2), Galcian (SoA), Ernst (S5), Alena (DQ4), Red (Saga), Wugui (SH1)
Grobyc (CC), Cid Highwind (FF7), Guy (Lufia 2), Guy Cecil (TotA), Guy (FE7), Peppita (SO3)
Nara (DQ4), Yushis (OB), Melville (S3), Orlha (CC), Gordon (Disgaea), Tia (Lufia 2)



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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #44 on: December 26, 2009, 11:17:59 PM »
Godlike: Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau)(XG), Lenneth Valkyrie(VPs), Elvis(WA5), Lambda Zellweger(WA4), Seymour(FFX), Tibarn(FE9)

1. Is awesome
2. It shall be engraved upon your soul
4. Has already predicted that future
5. No salvation for the damned
6. Falcon punch counters

Heavy: Wugui(SH1), Lady Harken(WA), Georg Prime(Suikos), Clive Winslett(WA3), Kornell(G3), Squall Leonheart(FF8)

2. Maximum Risk explosions
3. Shiny critical explosions
4. Probably won't win in Heavy...but still cool
5. Kornell buster explosions
6. Explodes

Middle: Ramza Beoulve(FFT), Jude Maverick(WA4), Bowser Koopa(SMRPG), Roxis Rosencrantz(MK), Akihiko Sanada(Pers3), Eliwood(FE7)

2. Absolute blade...Car slicer!
3. Bwahahaha!
4. Is a jerkface
6. Uber-wood for godlike

Light: Palmer(FF7), Algus Sadalfas(FFT), Zahhak(S5), Cinna(FF9), Marcus(FE7), Shiho(VP1)

1. Is Palmer
2. Trashtalking people gives me more self esteem!
3. Military genius
4. Godlike damage AND durability
5. Uses his FE6 form an- ...waaaaaait
6. May beat everybody above. That's just epic
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #45 on: December 26, 2009, 11:33:13 PM »
Persephone, Elvis, Xorn, Belial, Heat, Celes
Worker 8, Edea, Solo, Shadow, Rune, Lassic
Ramza, Bowser, Colm, Neimi, Carol, Taro
Blastoise, Lucius, Tia, Brey, Luke fon Fabre, Meg


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #46 on: December 27, 2009, 12:18:42 AM »

The Prince(S5)


Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #47 on: December 27, 2009, 02:35:35 AM »
Godlike:Heat(DDS), Nel Zelpher(SO3), Rika(PS4), Luther(SO3), Virgil(XSs), Celes Chere(FF6)
1:Heat wins through the power of tentacle rape
2:Because Super didn't use her in the endgame party
3:Dungeon Team
4:Commemorating Super's playthrough!
5:Awesome, due
6:Dungeon team

Heavy:Jeremy Non(WA4), Lucian(VP1), Zalbag Beoulve(FFT), Lassic(PSs), Rofel Wodring(FFT), Hrist(VP2)
1:If you didn't expect this, you don't know me at all
2:Dungeon team
3:Ruins for everyone!
5:Very due, go spoil some PCs.
6:best part of VP2?  Possibly.

Middle:Taro(Dis2), Gafgarion(FFT), Jin Shirato(P3), Ken Amada(P3), Leehalt Alceste(WA3), Tony(WA4)
1:No matches.
2:Random, really.
3:No matches
4:No matches
5:Rule of Vengeance
6:He needs war!  Is also awesome.

Light:Shiho(VP1), Tia(Lufia 2), Chidori Yoshino(P3), Asch(TotA), Alfred Schroedinger(WA3), Roger S. Huxley(SO3)
1:Dungeon Team
2:Dungeon Team
5:Felt like nomming a different sort of puny this season
6:According to Super, he's a Puny.  Means I need to start nomming him.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 02:42:17 AM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #48 on: December 27, 2009, 02:44:33 AM »
Godlike: Vergil, Isolde, Chris, Persephone, Seymour, Claude

1. Out a while, doesn't suck.
2. Is hot and cold.
3. Is also hot and cold.
4. Also hot and cold.
5. Prettyboy but hell no am I saying that for him.
6. Another prettyboy, this time with swords.

Heavy: Lilka, Vyse, Cress, Maya, Lloyd Irving, Rutee

1. Umbrellas. V is for victory.
2. Also Vyse.
4. And someone to smash the generic hero's face in with a gatling gun.
5. Another generic hero, this time with 100% more coffee mindfucks.
6. Generic heroine with a bad brother.

Middle: Noa, Ramza, Sigurd, Ken Amada, Jude, Flea

1. It has been long enough. IT'S ^_^ TIME!
2. Deserves a shot.
3. Ciato service.
4. New. Gets older women in P3 PSP (why why why why why)
5. Needs to see what his AB hype can do.
6. Flea has been out that long? Zuh.

Cribbing Snow.
Light: Shabon (S3), Mystina (VP), Priscilla (FE), Meg (Suikos), Sten (BoF2), Mallow (SMRPG).

1. This time, I wanted a pool with Lights that aren't completely worthless DL-wise. Shabon's as good as it gets for a Light dueller.
2. However, I still need to make space for Mystina.
3. Totally wants in Ciato's pants if we're to consider Elfboy = Lucius.
4. Hey look she owns Ryudo.
5. Too many losses for a solid, fast 3HKOer. Those make waves in Light.
6. Also needs to -actually win-.


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Re: Season 57 nom pools
« Reply #49 on: December 27, 2009, 02:56:31 AM »
Nom pools are closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted a pool.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...