
Author Topic: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!  (Read 3456 times)


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1. Fou-Lu: 15.25
2. Profound Darkness: 14.71
3. Heat: 13.91
4. Vayne: 12.67


5. Chelle: 12.5
6. Bat: 11.41
7. Yuri: 11.11
8. Melfice: 10.24


9. Nate: 8.82
10. Cecilia: 7.71
11. Chaos: 6.72
12. Killer: 6.06
13. Valvalis: 4.95
14. Lugia: 2.94
15. Zog: 2.43
16. Kuja 1.68



1. Songi: 14.12
2. Decus: 12.8
3. Ull: 12.64
4. Lloyd: 11.10


5. Hugo: 11
6. Neifirst: 10.67
7. Ho-Oh: 9
8. Queen Zeal: 8.31


9. Feena: 8.26
10. Albert Simon: 8
11. Evans: 7
12. Seed: 6.35
13. Rofel: 6.13
14. Vayne: 4.61
15. Auron: 4
16. Lilka: 3.92


1. Kazan: 14.87
2. Magdalen: 13.2
3. Poco: 12.81
4. Massimo: 11.72


5. Alen: 10.62
6. Peppita: 10.5
7. Rikku: 10.06
8. Ashton: 9.64


9. Neimi: 9
10. Jeane: 8.64
11. Crowley: 8.21
12t. Anna: 6
12t. Robo: 6
14. Natalia: 4.57
15. Brad: 4.16
16. Vivi: 1.53



1. Orlha: 15.29
2. Soren: 13.41
3. Karyl: 12.7
4. Wilme: 12.44


5. Beecham: 11.93
6. Lucius: 10.87
7. Sharmista: 8.21
8. Yushis: 8.1


9. Futch: 7.46
10. Raijin: 7.17
11. Spar: 6.67
12. Black Wizard: 6.44
13. Locke: 6.41
14. Skelly: 5
15. Saki: 3.86
16. Noel: 3.41


Sephiroth (FF7)
Souji Seta (Pers4)
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)
Indalecio (SO2)
TimeLord (SaGa)
Ellen Kirishima (Pers)
Genevieve (VP1)
Luca Blight (S2)
Dark Force (PSs)
Ramirez (SoA)
Endora (OB)
Zio (PS4)
Kurando Inugami (SH2)
Altima (FFT)
Zeromus (FF4)


Garan (SH2)
Hrist Valkyrie (VP2)
Pamela Ibis (MK)
Artea (Lufia 2)
Zerase (S5)
Worker 8 (FFT)
Zero (MMXCM)
Fogel (OB)
Odin (VP2)
Reno (FF7)
Fujin (FF8)
Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6)
Shadow (FF6)
Legretta (TotA)
Scias (BoF4)
Albel Nox (SO3)


Flay Gunnar (MK)
The Killer (Pers4)
Slade (SF2)
Maya (LoL2)
Tifa Lockheart (FF7)
Rauny Vinzalf (OB)
Alma Beoulve (FFT)
Pesmerga (Suikos)
Sheena Lepant (Suikos)
Venusaur (PKMN)
Gerik (FE8)
Mark Inaba (Pers1)
Seifer Almasy (FF8)
Bart Fatima (XG)
Gadwin (G1)
Lockswell (VPDS)


Gordon (Disgaea)
Diego Renault (VH1)
Reis Dular (FFT)
Melody Vilente (WA3)
Anri (SF1)
Sten (BoF2)
Aguro (Lufia 1)
Tai Ho (Suikos)
Garcia (FE8)
Joker (S3)
Tempest (Lunar:SSSC)
Hervey (S4)
Lucied (WAs)
Gares (OB)
Gogo (FF6)
Malak Galthana (FFT)
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 01:18:03 PM »

1. Souji- His spoilers are less common than Seph's.
2. Sephiroth- All around solid, even if I find his damage to be overrated.
3. Orlandu- Good high PC Godlike.
4. TimeLord- Kills extremely fast.
5. Indaleico- Post ToT is really brutal.
6. Luca- Just a solid all around boss slugger.
7. Zio- Also a solid boss slugger. Bit slower than Luca though.
8. Ellen- Think her spoiling gets her this far.
9. Ramirez- Instant Death and a hard to spoil element. Needs more speed though.
10. Endora- Extremely evasive and hits hard, also difficult to wall. Durability isn't good though.
11. Kurando- Proven he can at least hold his own with some Godlikes.
12. Zeromus- Terrible but he's at least fast.
13. Genevieve- Get more HP.
14. X- Never sure about him. Just going with my gut here.
15. Altima- So, so many problems but status beats a few PC godlikes.
16. Dark Force- Bad.


*Heavy champs*

1. Fogel- Doesn't lose physical slugfests and is hard to beat otherwise. Just a nasty all around fighter.
2. Worker 8- Both the bot and Pamela are effective spoilers. Leaning toward magic/elemental immunity mattering more in higher divisions today, which means the bot edges her out.
3. Pamela
4. Artea- Hard to slug down, but he can be statused/smashed by limit fighters.
5. Garan- Magic immunity's too valuble for him to really slide.
6. Zero- Solid high heavy.
7. Scias- See Zero. Scias takes more of a hit if water's blocked, which means he falls a space.
8. Legretta- Merely a good heavy!
9. Shadow- Physical immunity and good damage, but that defense is crap.
10. Zerase- Great magic defense and good damage, but that defense is crap.
11. Edgar- Owns PC's pretty hardcore, bosses slaughter him.
12. Albel- One really effective status and some draining. Aura Wall saves him so much in the DL.
13. Fujin- Durability is really bad, but Sai and status is effective enough.
14. Hrist- Average heavy slugger with borderline status on turn one. PC form can't really hang with this crowd.
*Drop to Light*
15. Odin- Moppy is terrible. HP, damage, speed,you name it. His elemental resistances are however more useful in Light than Reno's confusion.
16. Reno- Endgame FF7 human boss.

Good list until we hit Moppy and Reno.  


1. Flay- Status is a problem, but otherwise ouch. Watch out.
2. Killer- Too good at spoiling things. Physical defense and ID is just a lethal combo for a lot of middles, and Heat Riser makes sure he gets the time to put the ID in play.
3. Rauny- I was really impressed with her in proving grounds. Hard to stop without walling thunder.
4. Slade- Fast 2HKO. Hard to argue with that.
5. Maya- Good high Middle. Hates counter fighters with a passion, and those are too common in Middle nowadays.
6. Tifa- She has a fairly accessable limit of horrible death.
7. Gerik- Generally solid.
8. Alma- Fairly effective buffing game and has a ribbon which helps.
9. Seifer
10. Gadwin- Boss durability is something.
11. Bart- Good spoiler.
12. Venusuar- One status does not make up for some horrible elemental weaknesses. This is a good field as well.
13. Pesmerga- 2HKOs, durable, and has counters. Surprisingly solid. EDIT: Ew, average HP. That hurts.
14. Sheena- I donno, just have trouble respecting his S1 form or even remembering it, so I usually stick with his S2 form.
15. Mark- Slow 2HKO and some really bad elemental weaknesses. Tough field.

Light later.


1. Gordon
2. Diego- Average with counters and a nasty weakness to arrows.
3. Aguro- Verging 2HKO and durable. There aren't enough quality mages in light to give him trouble and he can smash trashy healers like Noel.
4. Gares- 3HKO and fast works.. okay enough. Needs more HP badly though.
5. Melody
6. Sten- I guess.
7. Garcia- See Aguro but his speed costs him a lot more fights.
8.  Malak- Weird spoiler who hates how physically aligned Light is nowadays.
9. Joker- His physical sucks. Fail!
10. Tempest
11. Lucied
12. Tai Ho
13. Hervey
14. Reis- Human Reis only for me.
15. Anri- Bad at everything.
16. Gogo
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 06:26:45 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 01:40:23 PM »

1: Souji Seta (Pers4) - Yeah, okay. Esp. since you need to be fast status + durable enough to survive a round, and with my durability respect it can be hard to manage either part of that.
2: Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) - Fast, OHKO or die, FFT equips. Spoilable but dominates where he isn't spoiled.
3: TimeLord (SaGa) - Yeah. Kill fast, be tanky, or die painfully.
4: Indalecio (SO2) - Looks about right. Champ material.
5: Ellen Kirishima (Pers) - Spoiler.
6: Sephiroth (FF7) - Disrespect the status/durability combo more than most, I think. Still capable of spoiling and some slugfesting.
7: Zio (PS4)
8: Endora (OB)
9: Kurando Inugami (SH2)
10: X (MMXCM)
11: Altima (FFT) - Oddly, think I respect her durability more than most here. Benefits from that formchange.
12: Genevieve (VP1) - Durability disrespect + speed issue = eh. Still a decent Godlike.
13: Dark Force (PSs) - The option variety combined with my general form leniency nowadays makes him better than...
14: Zeromus (FF4) - this dude, who I have zero respect for.

Rest later.

1: Fogel (OB) - Better Scias without the healing/status. Interesting trade, think Fogel comes off better which is kinda interesting but gut says his pressure is just insane unless you either tank physicals yourself or can shut him down somehow. Scias is easier to shut down, I think, so...
2: Artea (Lufia 2) - OHKO, outspeed and 2HKO for a heal-lock that Artea somehow can't IP bust you for, status someone with L2 options, or die. Not an easy fighter to beat.
3: Pamela Ibis (MK) - Spoils physicals! Has a better game outside of Shadow by a fair ways, and is annoying to kill in general. Maya was a really shitty second fight for her to draw last season.
4: Scias (BoF4) - Options! Speed! Damage! But not too durable. Ah well.
5: Garan (SH2) - W8 + Queen Zeal - HP-1 - phys durability. Still a potent combo - spoiling any flavor of PC mage/spellcaster/physical guys who rely on their skillset? Shiny.
6: Zero (MMXCM) - Solid dueler, wishes he had more variety, I think?
7: Fujin (FF8) - Decently solid PC killer, I guess.
8: Albel Nox (SO3) - ...better status game than Edgar, if not by much. Wow.
9: Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) - Status! Status! Status! ...needs more speed!
10: Worker 8 (FFT) - Tank! Tank! Tank! ...wishes he had more than that! Magic immunity allows him a few amusing wins, at least.
11: Shadow (FF6) - ...too frail, is my kneejerk? Potential otherwise, but the durability doesn't impress enough. Iunno, arguable.
12: Reno (FF7) - Low Heavy. (Equate Pyramid to Paralysis/Petrify, personally) As such, a status whore whose durability doesn't impress me, nor does his speed, and his one lethal trick is blockable to me. Soooooo


1: Flay Gunnar (MK) - Damage! Damage! Non-ID status immunity! Solid durability! Works.
2: Slade (SF2) - Damage! ID! Magic damage! Ninja mouse is a low Heavy to me as well
3: Nanako (Pers4) - Amusingly, Flay would probably lose to her. Ah well, they're more solid, while the bearer of Magatsu-Izanagi has... physical and lightning spoiling, Heat Riser, and... not too much else, the durability's not solid otherwise. Ah well!
4: Maya (LoL2) - LoL2 equips, Mystic Artes, healing, Gospel. Yeah, Maya fucks with Middle something fierce but lacks the staying power for Heavy.
5: Tifa Lockheart (FF7) - Limit sells it, though I'm not sure when I see her getting it. Regardless, trip the limit and be in for a world of complete and utter pain.
6: Rauny Vinzalf (OB) - Meanwhile Rauny's just constantly solid damage, and could probably be the 3 slot. I need to think on her more, but this at a minimum fits.
7: Seifer Almasy (FF8) - Yeah, think I take him scaled to the time he leaves. He likes this, now that I do it... but I'm still not entirely sold on him overall.
8: Gerik (FE8) - See Mark, but no elemental weakness.
9: Venusaur (PKMN) - Dislikes the weaknesses, but the status allows him to win some fights - enough to where Light doesn't work.
10: Mark Inaba (Pers1) - He's not even a -bad- Middle... just kinda one-dimensional, IIRC outside of... those painful, painful elemental weaknesses.
11: Alma Beoulve (FFT) - Yeah.


1: Gogo (FF6) - Get to Heavy.
2: Gordon (Disgaea) - Get to Middle.
3: Sten (BoF2) - Get a championship.
4: Aguro (Lufia 1) - Gutcheck from here.
5: Garcia (FE8)
6: Joker (S3)
7: Hervey (S4)
8: Reis Dular (FFT)
9: Lucied (WAs) - No real respect.
10: Gares (OB) - No real respect.
11: Tai Ho (Suikos) - No real respect.
12: Tempest (Lunar:SSSC) - No respect period.
13: Malak Galthana (FFT)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 06:43:24 PM by Taitoro »


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 02:16:24 PM »
Fuck me, this godlike is a jarring shift from the first one.


Multi-champ power:
1) Souji Seta (Pers4)

Champ power:
2) Sephiroth (FF7)

Pretty good:
3) Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)

4) Altima (FFT)
5) Indalecio (SO2)
6) TimeLord (SaGa)

7) Ramirez (SoA)
8) Luca Blight (S2)
9) Zio (PS4)
10) Zeromus (FF4)
11) Genevieve (VP1)
12) Endora (OB)
13) X (MMXCM)

Belongs in heavy:
14) Kurando Inugami (SH2)
15) Dark Force (PSs)


Belongs in godlike:
1) Pamela Ibis (MK)

Very good:
2) Artea (Lufia 2)
3) Fogel (OB)
4) Legretta (TotA)
5) Scias (BoF4)

Pretty good:
6) Shadow (FF6)
7) Garan (SH2)
8) Worker 8 (FFT)
9) Zero (MMXCM)
10) Zerase (S5)

11) Fujin (FF8)
12) Hrist Valkyrie (VP2)
13) Albel Nox (SO3)
14) Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6)

15) Odin (VP2)

Belongs in LIGHT:
16) Reno (FF7)


Very good:
1) Flay Gunnar (MK)
2) Sheena Lepant (Suikos)

Pretty good:
3) Maya (LoL2)
4) Rauny Vinzalf (OB)
5) The Killer (Pers4)
6) Alma Beoulve (FFT)
7) Gerik (FE8)
8) Bart Fatima (XG)

9) Venusaur (PKMN)
10) Seifer Almasy (FF8)
11) Tifa Lockheart (FF7)
12) Pesmerga (Suikos)

13) Gadwin (G1)
14) Lockswell (VPDS)


Belongs in Middle:
1) Gordon (Disgaea)

Very good:
2) Melody Vilente (WA3)
3) Lucied (WAs)

Pretty good:
4) Sten (BoF2)
5) Garcia (FE8)
6) Gares (OB)
7) Tempest (Lunar:SSSC)
8) Reis Dular (FFT)

9) Anri (SF1)

10) Tai Ho (Suikos)
11) Joker (S3)
12) Malak Galthana (FFT)

13) Gogo (FF6)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 08:37:07 PM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2009, 12:21:39 AM »
1.) Indalecio (SO2)
2.) TimeLord (SaGa)
3.) Sephiroth (FF7)
4.) Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)
5.) Luca Blight (S2)
6.) Dark Force (PSs)
7.) X (MMXCM)
8.) Ramirez (SoA)
9.) Endora (OB)
10.) Zeromus (FF4)
11.) Altima (FFT)
12.) Kurando Inugami (SH2)
13.) Zio (PS4)
14.) Genevieve (VP1)

1.) Artea (Lufia 2)
2.) Garan (SH2)
3.) Hrist Valkyrie (VP2)
4.) Fogel (OB)
5.) Legretta (TotA)
6.) Zero (MMXCM)
7.) Scias (BoF4)
8.) Shadow (FF6)
9.) Zerase (S5)
10.) Fujin (FF8)
11.) Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6)
12.) Worker 8 (FFT)
13.) Odin (VP2)
14.) Reno (FF7)
15.) Albel Nox (SO3)

1.) Gerik (FE8)
2.) Tifa Lockheart (FF7)
3.) Slade (SF2)
4.) Gadwin (G1)
5.) Pesmerga (Suikos)
6.) Alma Beoulve (FFT)
7.) Venusaur (PKMN)
8.) Seifer Almasy (FF8)
9.) Sheena Lepant (Suikos)
10.) Rauny Vinzalf (OB)
11.) Bart Fatima (XG)

1.) Gogo (FF6)
2.) Melody Vilente (WA3)
3.) Reis Dular (FFT)
4.) Gares (OB)
5.) Gordon (Disgaea)
6.) Diego Renault (VH1)
7.) Hervey (S4)
8.) Anri (SF1)
9.) Tempest (Lunar:SSSC)
10.) Aguro (Lufia 1)
11.) Lucied (WAs)
12.) Joker (S3)
13.) Garcia (FE8)
14.) Sten (BoF2)
15.) Tai Ho (Suikos)
16.) Malak Galthana (FFT)


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2009, 10:11:47 PM »

1: Souji Seta (Pers4) - I'll admit, PC Godlikes of this sort annoy me.  He's practically Yuna-grade, as far as his gigantic bag of tricks goes.  Very, very obnoxious.  Gets shut down by non-ID fatal status that hits, though (And is slowed by a lot of debilitating status).  Problem is simply getting in first on him, before he rapes you with HT.
2: Sephiroth (FF7) - He's very clearly patterned.  I hold this against him, and he does not enjoy it at all.  Wall is nuts, though, and helps against anyone lacking a dispel.  He's fast, but the pattern puts damage late.  Without the pattern, he fries people horribly, with either high damage or killer status (Break has both, even, and Pale Horse is...wrong.).  Furthermore, his killer status is usable from a position of melee immunity.

Pattern, as follows, is: Wall(Dispel on even cycles or if slowed)->Shadow Flare(Deen on even cycles)->Physical->Fly up->Pale Horse->Supernova->Break(HP > 25%) or Heartless Angel(HP < 25%)->Fly Down, with 1 and 2 being altered if he is hit with Slow (Forcing a dispel on self, and locking the "odd or even" to that of the previous cycle (starting "even", changing after every non-self-dispel first move of a cycle).

So what does this mean?  His status doesn't come until his fifth turn.  His damage disappears at that point, so any bosses able to weather the Shadow Flare and Physical (and are able to hit him while flying) get three free turns to whack him.  If he's below 25% HP?  3-4 more turns to beat on him without fear of damage.  he's fast, the second and third turns are about 1x PCHP apiece, but the pattern is blatant.

3: Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) - We all know he's good.  Haste, perfect-rate equipment breaking, ITE parasitic healing, awesome stats, you name it, he has it.
4:TimeLord (SaGa) - Ball lightning PC taken to an extreme.  Go first, use Overdrive, spam damage and watch the enemy die from overkill.  Fails against anyone he can't actually overkill.
5:Dark Force (PSs, voting PS4 only) - PS4 boss speed, no matter which way you take it.  He has his formchoice, though--resisting 'force' in one, a durable mage in another, and an even MORE durable fighter with speedbusting in a third.  Either way, things will hurt, as all forms are durable with reliable damage, often of both types.
6:Zeromus (FF4) - Dies to Garan and Worker 8.  Has to waste a turn in order to use Big Bang, can't even use flare until half.  He can't counter physicals.  And while his damage is decent against average, Godlike's full of people who can weather one or two (or twenty) shots...and in some cases, straight out vaporize him.  Get him below half, though, and he starts nuking with doubleturning Flares--which is much better than Big Bang.  Weird limit boss.
7:Altima (FFT) - She has speed issues, only being a bit above average in Godlike--and even then, she's just limited to being a PC-killer.  All-Ultima lets her have some slugging capability in form 2, but the real game here is Grand Cross.  Status rape from hell, and one of the nasty ones is bound to land against a PC who can't nuke her.  A HP buffer between forms helps, but she's not getting any damage out in the first form anyway.
8:Kurando Inugami (SH2) - Nice blitzing, I'll admit.  Go Jutendouji, spam Heavenquake (Solid 2HKO) off of the short recovery and effective 210% SPD.  Very strong for a PC...but in Godlike...  Also, SH blockers are a plus.
9:Zio (PS4) - PS4 boss speed, on the minus side, and he wastes a turn.  On the plus, he's still durable, and 2HKOs very reliably in both physical and magical flavors.  That still makes him fairly good, albeit a Low Godlike.


1:Garan (SH2) - Magic immunity + MP busting means that he fries anyone reliant on magic.  Anyone with good physical blitzing destroys him, though.  Surprisingly durable, though.  Deadly Poison just makes matters worse for those without poison blocking.
2:Worker 8 (FFT) - One of the best in this pool.  Magic immunity, walling several elements, defense up...the only thing he really fears is lightning-based physical damage.  Crush is an easy ITE ITD 2HKO, and physical counters aren't bad either.  Amazingly good dueller when all is said and done.  Confuse weakness is a pain, though.
3:Artea (Lufia 2) - Holy shit, he's good in general.  Fast, decentish blocker selection plus spell variety ranging from just about every necessary element (plus Holy) and plentiful full healing, nevermind the IPs.  His only real problem is that his durability is only about average--anyone with good enough damage is going to splatter him.  However, being OHKO'd isn't exactly too common in his division.
4:Legretta (TotA) - TotA boss, so she's very much a limit fighter.  However, pity anyone who can't chip around or blast through Prism Ballet.  Her damage sucks above 50% health, though (Searing Sorrow is slow enough to dodge and fire-element, so it gets no hype from me).
5:Hrist Valkyrie (VP2) - Honestly, she feels underrated as a Heavy, though part of that is just "lol Hrist in Godlike".  She's one-dimensional, but according to the cast average on the stat topic, she has the options of a high 2RKO or good VP2 petrify (which in turn, gives her even more rounds to beat on you).  Her accuracy, next-to-gamebest RDM, gamebest RST, and good status rates give her options.  And let's not get into the killer SC turn, which nearly OHKOs average.  A brutal one-two shot, to say the least.  Has a boss form in case she needs desperately to deal with status, and that isn't so bad either. (And anyone who can't chip through a third of her durability is subject to roughly 1.2x PCHP damage every round)
6:Shadow (FF6) - Physical spoiler from hell, explodes to magic, and can't play the antiphysical game when threatened with magical ID, though.  Fast and damaging...yeah.
7:Odin (VP2) - He's fairly frail on the physical end, but holy shit those resists make him a bit more durable than expected.  Spell Reinforce takes a turn, but can then boost his damage to near-OHKO levels.  Composite attacks get around most defenses, and if it can't be avoided, oh god the pain from Spiritual Lancer. 
8:Reno (FF7) - Lives or dies on whether the opponent is a PC.  If it is, Pyramid kills instantly.  If not, he can't slug worth crap.  It's one trick, but it spoils any PC unable to one-turn him.
9:Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) - STATUS.  FF6 confuse is stupid, and you have Air Anchor to futz around with as well.  Can't slug worth crap, though.
10:Albel Nox (SO3) - LIFEDRAIN, SO3 CONFUSE.  That's about all he has going for him on that end, though, aside from SO3 blocker availability (which isn't too bad).  Thankfully, both make him solid in that regard.  You need to be able to get in some good damage on him or have status options to get through that parasitic healing.  Confuse isn't an uncommon status, though...


1:Reis Dular (FFT) - DRAGON.  ITE and magic tank can make you go pretty far in Light, at least--especially in this pool.
2:Garcia (FE8) - Meh.  Didn't impress me on the playthrough, and I don't give FE (or SRW, for that note) their counters, so he's no better than a generic suikoscrub as far as I'm concerned.  On the plus side, his average damage isn't bad, as he manages a 2HKO.  Not TOO bad for this division.
3:Anri (SF1) - Freeze 4 can wreck some shit.  Too bad it's not Bolt 4--but it does 2HKO average pretty cleanly.  That durability is horrible, though
4:Sten (BoF2) - Not sure I give him MedusaSH itemcast.  As it stands...his AP blows, and his best option is Missile x2->physical.  Which, uh, seems to barely scrape a 3HKO.  Damnit, monkey, you're a disgrace to perverts everywhere.
5:Joker (S3) - Slow mage who fails to 2HKO average and relies on fire.  Worse than Sten.  Isshin blows.
6:Gordon (Disgaea) - AXE S-RANK HYPE.  ...but Dis3 is the only one where people get clear weapon choices aside from initial.  Gets some points for pseudo-ITE, though, so...uh, spoils Thomas.  4HKOs average, though, with guns only.  Off of average speed, and can't counter magic.
7:Melody Vilente (WA3) - The barrier and poison counters only go so far, really...Massively sucks, though she might cause problems for the people with no damage at all.
8:Lucied (WAs) - WA3 only.  HP, but no respectable damage.  I forgot if he had Dark Luceid.  If he does, he'll at least rip a new one in those who have good elemental defenses.
10:Gogo (FF6) - FF6 character without anything special who 5HKOs average.  Yeah, that'll end well.  And he might get outslugged by MALAK, who at least has the Sky Demon trick.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2009, 10:42:32 PM »

1. Shadow (FF6) - Yeowch. Pure bag of tricks with some nice variety and a decent enough set of stats backing him up.
2. Garan (SH2) - Magical spoiler from hell. Boss status immunities help.
3. Fujin (FF8) - Ehh. Never really rated Fujin's durability, mostly, so she kinda sucks. Still, boss immunities help her and she has some tricks.
4. Scias (BoF4) - Good physical! Shame about the sucky durability.
5. Hrist Valkyrie (VP2) - Never rated Hrist at all. Still, enough to beat the others.
6. Reno (FF7) - Very successful one-trick wonder. But... his speed always seemed pretty low to me, and his durability really sucks.
7. Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) - Status whore from hell. FF6 equips are nice, but needs a little more than status to keep him going.
8. Odin (VP2) - And I tend to hype Odin! Relies on that limit mostly, and that durability doesn't let him see it often.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 10:46:59 PM by superaielman »


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2009, 05:17:46 PM »

1 Souji
2 Sephiroth
3 TimeLord
4 Ellen
5 Indalecio

6 Luca Blight
7 Orlandu
8 Dark Force
9 Ramirez
10 X

11 Altima
12 Genevieve
13 Zio

Low Godlike:
15 Kurando Inugami (SH2)
16 Zeromus (FF4)


Spoilering bastards:
1 Fogel
2 Worker 8
3 Pamela
4 Shadow
5 Odin
6 Fujin
7 Scias

Status whores and such:
8 Hrist
9 Reno
10 Legretta
11 Edgar
12 Artea
13 Zerase
14 Albel
15 Zero


1 The Killer (P4) - More like a Heavy, I'd say. Duel setting is really kind here.
2 Tifa
3 Gerik
4 Slade
5 Bart
6 Venusaur
7 Lockswell
8 Alma
9 Sheena
10 Pesmerga
11 Seifer
12 Mark Inaba
13 Gadwin


1 Gogo
2 Gordon
3 Anri
4 Garcia
5 Reis
6 Melody
7 Hervey
8 Tempest
9 Joker
10 Tai Ho
11 Aguro
12 Lucied
13 Malak <3
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 09:01:23 PM by DjinnAndTonic »

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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2009, 06:38:59 PM »

1)Souji Seta (Pers4) - Skill set from hell.
2)Sephiroth (FF7) - Evil boss statuses + HP
3)Indalecio (SO2) - Unlimited Indy ftw!
4)Kurando Inugami (SH2) - Speeed, SH2 status blockers. Resource issues.
5) Zeromus (FF4) - Low boss respect.


1)Pamela Ibis (MK) - Physical wall, status options, parasitic healing. Having a rare sleep blocker is nice too. No Aroma Materials for her though!
2)Hrist Valkyrie (VP2) - Powerful weapon, VPII status blockers. Is Hrist <3
3)Zerase (S5) - Nukes!
4)Shadow (FF6) - Ninjary spoilers with scrolls and throws stuff. Reasonable equips for FFVI too.
5)Garan (SH2) - MP draining and stuff. One of the rare bosses I have quite a bit of respect for.
6)Scias (BoF4) - Doggie!
7)Albel Nox (SO3) - SO3 chaos is an evil, evil status - your PCs getting hit by it is not nice. So Albel being able to accurately inflict it on opponents himself with Aura Wall is also very, very evil especially since the target can actually lose to chaos since the HP/MP drain can eventually lower their HP/MP to zero (if you don't allow MP death the MP drain thing is still a serious blow to resources) On those susceptible to the status Albel can just chaos lock them by using Aura Wall every round which will basically make sure the chaos never wears off. That, the fact that Aura Wall's actual MP damage is good in the DL in itself and the fact that Vampiric Flash *also* drains HP/MP with the bonus of restoring it to Albel's makes him a nasty foe (has SO3 status blockers, durability and a good equip pool too) I'd still allow Peppita to counter him to death though!
8)Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) - I don't have the same respect for Edgar's statuses as I do Albel's and he doesn't have any healing/mp drain that I remember either >.> Still decent enough in his own right and not a boss.
9)Fujin (FF8) - PC > boss respect
10) Odin (VP2) - PC > boss respect
11) Reno (FF7) - PC > boss respect


1) The Killer (Pers4) - Boss HP in Middle, more durable than Disco Eye, Heat Riser and nasty statuses. Have dispel or be in trouble~
2) Flay Gunnar (MK) - Hits like a truck and is tanky with survivability gimmicks adding to that. Kind of slow though and doesn't like magic.
3) Tifa Lockheart (FF7) - Speed + decent damage off FF7 status blockers/Minerva. Give her time to get going and feel the pain.
4) Seifer Almasy (FF8) - Limits at full health or boss form respect. Either works. Seifer's still status bait though and indeed really has no actual equipment overall to speak off.
5) Venusaur (PKMN) - Statusy tanky thing.
6) Gadwin (G1) - Gadwin deserves better.


1)Melody Vilente (WA3) - Boss HP/barrier with POIZN.
2)Lucied (WAs) - Doggie!
3) Hervey (S4) - Meh
4) Gogo (FF6) - No.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 12:30:36 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2010, 03:28:39 AM »
1 Souji- Sure
2 Sephiroth- Yep
3 Orlandu
4 Time Lord
5 Ellen- The dual spoiling is nasty
6 Indy- Lots of respect here
7 Genevieve- Here too
8 Zio
9 Rameriz
10 Dark Force
11 Endora- At least has front loaded brutal slugging!
12 Altima
13 Zeromus
14 Luca- HP is…not good
15 Kurando- Speed! (After turn 1)
16 X- Generally a bit over his HP

1 Hrist- Solid Godlike
2- Garan- 1.5 PC HP=Low Godlike
3 Pamela- Indeed
4 Fogel- Those defenses!
5 Worker 8
6 Zero
7 Fujin. Could be underrating, as we haven’t seen her game play out much in Heavy yet!
8 Scias- Fast, good slugging, healing, equips, status!
9 Legretta- Great slugging, but somewhat wallable
10 Artea- Yeah, kind of low respect here, but I’ve always found him underwhelming to a degree. Actually, respect may have increased
11 Shadow
12 Reno
13 Albel
14 Edgar- Worse at killing overall than the above two!
15 Zerase- Damage awesome! Pdur…ouch, the PDur.

1 The Killer. Low Heavy? Yeah, that could work. Better if that ID number is accurate
2 Flay. Excellent combo of durability and obscene damage evil
3 Maya. Durability to start isn’t good, but the healing+some status+equips+eventual smash.
4 Slade. Fast, NE 2HKO with the best physical back up of all the 2HKOers in the field. Yeah, this works
5 Venusaur. Yeah, Fire damage above 60% to normal is something he hates. Anything less, and eat 120% damage on turn 1, Sleep, or just some healing until he can’t evade the limit that well. Weaknesses are bad, but some of them Pokemons can at least make them a dual edged sword.
6 Lockswell- Feels like this works. Defenses (Kind of)+Healing while getting to counter. Hateeeeees Fire resistance, but Heal+Counter is awesome. Could be lower
7 Bart- Uh…dual semi spoiling
8 Gadwin- Feels a little weird, but like Sheena/Rauny below him, he has that 2HKO. Trades some speed for a lot more durability, and light equip choices. However, the kicker…think he’s effectively NE DL wise
9 Sheena- Rauny has a lot of better stats, but Sheena has like 60% better damage. Gutting that puts him ahead
10 Rauny- Quirky, but wallable
11 Seifer- Boss form. Could be higher, but unsure on that HP.
12. Tifa- Less respect for her smashing, I think
13. Alma- Gut of the pain of losing equip changing
14. Gerik- Nicely tanky. Worse damage than Pesmerga but faster and not fire reliant
15. Pesmerga- Slow 2HKO. HP is surprisingly average, but defense stats are nice. But uh…that 2HKO is like 52%ish, and notably Fire based.
16. Mark- 3HKO off bad speed. Magical and physical though! But uh…good against physicals, but Holy/Dark/ID make him run crying. Could switch him with Pes

1. Gogo- Look, it’s a High Heavy!
2. Sten- Fast, 3HKO of either type (Thanks to Attack Buffing at least!), some elemental resistance to play with too.
3. Melody- Tankish!
4. Tempest- Fast, 3HKO ITE.
5. Gordon- Solid+ITE (Which is pretty useful even in Light). More durable than Tempest, but speed wins out! Could flip if his damage is better than I think.
6. Lucied. Gutting 3 PC HP dur. 15% damage, but against physical tanks it’s good. The moral is that tanking physicals in Light is awesome. Draining isn’t good, but maybe heals like 5% or something to me I think. So…adds to his durability.
7. Hervey- Hell if I know. 4HKO of some sort, magic…uh god if that has to be hyped, but it’s there. The important part is that he’s quite fast and tanky. Part of this is general “Better than given credit for” but 115% Speed, 112% HP, solid defenses and 25% evasion are a good combo. And hey, for all of 1 turn, he can fit another defensive stat effectively!!! (Helps a little against some physical walls at least)
8. Tai Hao. Slightly better damage than Hervey, but slower. Really, really similar for the most part otherwise.
9. Garcia. This works. He’s between the fast and the slow. If he goes first, pain to you likely. If you go first, pain to him. Could go up to 7, I think.
10. Aguro- Solid damage and HP. Speed…not so much. Hurts a lot.
11. Diego. It’s Hervey/Tai Ho…except not fast or evasive!
12. Anri- Unsure. 65% Ice magic, marginally below average speed, 2HKOed by about 26% Phys…hmm. Could go up to Hervey level.
13. Joker. Comparing to Anri…my head hurts. Notably worse damage off worse speed in trade for better Pdur. Well, against people faster than both who 2HKO Anri but not him and who have below average Mdur and so he 2HKOs, he’ll grab extra wins. But…speed is a king stat, and he’s like 15% slower.
14. Malak- Headache…but…it seems like the chance of that draining hitting him on a given turn should be low, right? What actually is the chance?
15. Reis- Yeah, lets go by what I allow DL wise here.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 09:19:17 PM by Dhyerwolf »
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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2010, 07:28:13 PM »

1. Sephiroth (FF7) - Good stuff, good stuff
2. TimeLord (SaGa) - Hi Overdrive!
3. Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) - Yep.
4. Indalecio (SO2) - Pretty bad pre-ToT, yeah.  Still, I have a fair whack of Indy durability respect, which makes it pretty hard to blast past that phase.
5. Ellen Kirishima (Pers) - Fun stuff.
6. Luca Blight (S2) - Solid enough.
7. Genevieve (VP1) - Needs durability.
8. Zio (PS4) - Needs speed.
9. Zeromus (FF4) - Is not good.
10. Altima (FFT) - Pretty scrubby overall.
11. Dark Force (PSs) - Heavy.


1. Worker 8 (FFT) - The spoiling powers.  They are fierce.
2. Artea (Lufia 2) - Fun stuff.
3. Scias (BoF4) - Needs more durability but is otherwise pretty decent.
4. Shadow (FF6) - Spoling powers.
5. Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) - Don't block confuse.
6. Fujin (FF8) - Has tricks, at least.
7. Reno (FF7) - Not really sure how I feel about Pyramid.  Without it he's just terrible.


1. Slade (SF2) - Likely a heavy.
2. Sheena Lepant (Suikos) - Lightning reliant but otherwise pretty good.
3. Tifa Lockheart (FF7) - *shrugs*
4. Seifer Almasy (FF8) - PC form can hang out here maybe?
5. Pesmerga (Suikos) - Works.
6. Gerik (FE8) - Works.
7. Gadwin (G1) - Durable.
8. Bart Fatima (XG) - Spoiling powers.
9. Alma Beoulve (FFT) - Not all that hard to kill before MBarrier goes up but Ribbon helps.
10. Lockswell (VPDS) - Low 3HKO and is completely reliant on fire.  Heal helps matters some.
11. Mark Inaba (Pers1) - 2HKO, but slow and some nasty weaknesses.  BUT BUT CRAZY DANCING *is shot*.
12. Venusaur (PKMN) - The weaknesses, they burn (hurr hurr).


1. Gordon (Disgaea) - Solid.
2. Tempest (Lunar:SSSC) - Also solid.
3. Diego Renault (VH1) - Ditto.
4. Aguro (Lufia 1) -  Again.
5. Sten (BoF2) - First five lights are actually pretty decent, what can I say?
6. Garcia (FE8) - Works.
7. Lucied (WAs) - Speed and durability need work, but a 2HKO is never bad.
8. Tai Ho (Suikos) - Suikoscrub.
9. Anri (SF1) - ShF1r mages are bad.
10. Reis Dular (FFT) - Eh, sure, let's go with human Reis.
11. Malak Galthana (FFT) - Ugh.  Would actually be decent if he could hit with his stuff reliably, but as it stands he's horrid.
12. Gogo (FF6) - No skills.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 07:45:33 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2010, 11:06:40 PM »

1. Souji Seta (Pers4)
2. Sephiroth (FF7)
3. Ramirez (SoA)
4. Zeromus (FF4)


1. Legretta (TotA)
2. Shadow (FF6)
3. Fujin (FF8)
4. Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6)
5. Reno (FF7)
6. Albel Nox (SO3)


1. Venusaur (PKMN)
2. Gerik (FE8)
3. Seifer Almasy (FF8)
4. Tifa Lockheart (FF7)
5. Alma Beoulve (FFT)


1. Lucied (WAs)
2. Garcia (FE8)
3. Melody Vilente (WA3)
4. Joker (S3)
5. Gogo (FF6)
6. Malak Galthana (FFT)
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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2010, 01:06:40 AM »



1. Pamela Ibis (MK): Annoyingly good.
2. Zero (MMXCM): Smash.
3. Scias (BoF4): Godlike wasn't an accident.
4. Legretta (TotA): Solid durability helps her game.
5. Artea (Lufia 2): Not as good as I used to think, but still good.
6. Worker 8 (FFT): About here?
7. Zerase (S5): Spoils magic but pdur is a problem.
8. Shadow (FF6): Opposite of Zerase. Dealing with physicals feels more important... but he's less damaging by quite a ways and his physical spoiling isn't as foolproof.
9. Hrist Valkyrie (VP2): Solid enough.
10. Reno (FF7): Pyramid, so here? Can't beat the status immune ever.
11. Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6): A bit better than Reno against the status immune, worse otherwise.
12. Fujin (FF8): Not sure how I feel about her stats. Grr FF8 boss.
13. Albel Nox (SO3): Confuse gets him above the scrubs.
14. Garan (SH2): Is closer to Middle than Heavy.
15. Odin (VP2): Is closer to Light than Heavy.

Other divisions possibly later.

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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2010, 03:33:50 AM »
Will finish these later, as always...


1) Indalecio - Just...has everything.  Offense, durability, everything.  Owns.  Can even heal if he needs to.
2) Sephiroth - Overall tough, but not that durable.  Offense is good, and melee immunity is nice.
3) Zeromus - Fast, damaging, durable.
4) Dark Force - Variety, but could use all that variety at once.  
5) Zio - A bit weaker than Dark Force.
6) Genevieve - Relatively durable, has good offense overall.
7) Luca - Man...he is durable, but he does not do particularly well versus physical resistance.
8) Ramirez - Fast, silver element is probably the most uncommon element, damage is good, instant death, regeneration.
9) Soji - Variety is fun
10) Ellen - Is awesome
11) X - Revival on death is enough
12) Kurando - Healing!
13) Orlandu -
14) Endora - Fast and damaging, but frail
15) Altima - Might actually be better than Endore
16) TimeLord - Not allowing absorptions sucks for him, as his damage is not that great.  Status helps, but....


1) Odin - Godlike easily.  Loads of offense, beats out Hrist because he has more magical offense.
2) Hrist - Offense!  Excellent boss.  Granted, I honestly think I may have to only allow the VP1 form in the future, as it is far more interesting.  We shall see.
3) Garan - Magic immunity, ok damage, bad physical if magic gets, ok overall.
4) Legretta - Is excellent, but takes a while to get going.  Her offense doesn't get good until half HP, and it's also elemental.  Still, excellent durability against physicals, at worst.
5) Fujin - Excellent slayer of those who do not resist the ability to reduce HP to a minimal amount, and Meteor hurts.  
6) Reno - Pyramid.  Doesn't Pyramid technically work on anything, and is unresistable?  Might need to go higher.
7) Pamela - Physical immunity, and magic damage that works wonders.  
8) Zero - Immunity to biological status is nice.  His offense is good, and his durability is good too, and Red Lotus is sexy.  Overall nice.
9) Albel - Draining, kills people via MP damage, which is much more powerful than I thought it was.
10) Scias - Healing, item-casts are sexy
11) Artea - Magic and resources
12) Edgar - CHAINSAW
13) Zerase - RUNES...probably could make it higher
14) Shadow - NINJA
15) Fogel - Speed?
16) Worker 8 - Actually has defenses


1) Seifer - Loves that last boss form.  Fast as sin.
2) Murder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Tanks physicals heavily, boss durability and status immunity otherwise, has instant death and decent enough damage, especially after Heat Riser.
3) Maya - ^_^  Little girl of cuteness!
4) Tifa - Materia is awesome.
5) Sheena - Runes are not as good as materia.
6) Pesmerga - Runes!
7) Lockswell - Mage!
8) Slade - 15% chance of killing boss means he deals with them better than a lot.
9) Flay - Decent
10) Mark - Decent!
11) Venusaur - Grass damage is really unresisted
12) Bart - Could probably go higher, will need to think it through
13) Gadwin - ...may be higher...blah, Middle
14) Rauny - I think
15) Gerik - SWORD
16) Alma - Starts Dead


1) Lucied - Boss durability and some damage...loves LuciedAll hype.
2) Melody - Is overall good for Light
3) Sten - MF6 boss form
4) Gogo - Is High Heavy.
5) Tai Ho - Great rune selection
6) Joker - Runes!
7) Hervey - Runes, though suckier than the rest!
8) Tempest - TSS form is awesome, or alternatively, Flash Wind hype on the SSSC one
9) Gordon - Have to check the Disgaea 2 temp might actually be really good.  Anyway, has status, ok damage, decent durability.
10) Anri - Strong elemental damage, good on both defenses...might make higher, actually
11) Malak - LFT FORM YESZ!?
12) Diego - Not the true Renault, but...
13) Aguro - Hits things
14) Garcia - Hits things harder
15) Reis - Bleh
16) Gares - Is horrible
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 01:09:59 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2010, 05:14:56 PM »
*Kicks* I need more votes.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2010, 07:05:11 PM »

1. Timelord (boss form)
2. Sephiroth
3. Indalecio
4. TG Cid Orlandu
5. Dark Force (really people, hes not that bad)
6. Ellen
7. Zio
8. Altima
9. Kurando
10. Zeromus
11. Luca (LOL to HP hype when he fights 18 people instead of 6)


I totally dont remember Garan at all, so no rank for him

1. Pamela Ibis
2. Scias
3. Artea
4. Worker 8
5. Fujin (actually a good heavy!)
6. Legretta
7. Edgar
8. Shadow
9. Zerase
10. Reno
11. Albel (not a heavy)


1. Slade
2. Flaya
3. Sheena Lepant
(big gap)
4. Gerik
5. Lockswell
6. Tifa
7. Gadwin
8. Pesmerga
9. Alma
10. Bart
11. Venusaur
12. Siefer (LOL)


1. Gogo (I allow him Celes, Edgar and Setzers commands. Tools is awesome)
2.  Gordon
3. Diego
4. Reis
5. Melody
6. Joker
7. Garcia
8. Tempest
9. Aguro
10. Tai Ho
11. Hervey
12. Sten
13. Lucied
14. Malak
15. Anri (remake Anri is awful)


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2010, 06:55:44 AM »

1. Souji Seta (Pers4)
2. Sephiroth (FF7)
3. Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)
4. Luca Blight (S2)
5. Dark Force (PSs)
6. Genevieve (VP1)
7. TimeLord (SaGa)- Bloody hard to place.
8. Indalecio (SO2)
9. Ramirez (SoA)
10. Zio (PS4)
11.Altima (FFT)
12. X (MMXCM)
13. Zeromus (FF4)
14. Kurando Inugami (SH2)
15. Ellen Kirishima (Pers)


1. Pamela Ibis (MK)
2. Zero (MMXCM)
3. Hrist Valkyrie (VP2)
4. Zerase (S5)
5. Legretta (TotA)
6. Worker 8 (FFT)
7. Scias (BoF4)
8. Garan (SH2)
9. Shadow (FF6)
10. Artea (Lufia 2)
11. Odin (VP2)
12. Fujin (FF8)
13. Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6)
14. Reno (FF7)
15. Albel Nox (SO3)


1. Alma Beoulve (FFT)
2. Flay Gunnar (MK)
3. Slade (SF2)
4. Seifer Almasy (FF8)
5. Maya (LoL2)
6. Sheena Lepant (Suikos)
7. The Killer (Pers4)
8. Venusaur (PKMN)
9. Gerik (FE8)
10. Bart Fatima (XG)
11. Lockswell (VPDS)
12. Gadwin (G1)
13. Tifa Lockheart (FF7)
14. Pesmerga (Suikos)


1. Gordon (Disgaea)
2. Melody Vilente (WA3)
3. Reis Dular (FFT)
4. Tempest (Lunar:SSSC)
5. Lucied (WAs)
6. Sten (BoF2)
7. Hervey (S4)
8. Tai Ho (Suikos)
9. Joker (S3)
10. Garcia (FE8)
11. Malak Galthana (FFT)
12. Gogo (FF6)
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Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2010, 12:52:55 PM »
OK: You have 16, your heavy list just has two 9's on it.

I am going to try and update this over the weekend, so get your votes in now!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 12:54:59 PM by superaielman »
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2010, 06:20:33 PM »

1. Souji Seta (Pers4) - At first, I was gonna put Sephy above him, but he just has a plethora of ways to destroy people, and there are only very few ways to destroy him.
2. Sephiroth (FF7) - More or less has nearly everything a godlike could want; speed, spoiling, status, damage, etc.
3. Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) - Ferocious. Hellish damage attached to parisitic healing, equip breaks and even MP damage.
4. TimeLord (SaGa) - Overdrive is nuts. And he's fast.
5. Indalecio (SO2)
6. Ellen Kirishima (Pers)
7. Luca Blight (S2) - Good slugger, but slugging isn't always the answer in Godlike. ;p
8. Ramirez (SoA)
9. Zio (PS4)
10. Altima (FFT) - Status rape feels like it's all she's got going for her.
11. Zeromus (FF4)
12. Dark Force (PSs) - A heavy, no doubt.


1. Scias (BoF4) - Has everything, with the exception of durability, and that doesn't bother him much anyways.
2. Worker 8 (FFT) - Spoils insanely well.
3. Legretta (TotA)
5. Garan (SH2) - See W8, but less good.
6. Shadow (FF6) - Decent spoiler, fast, though undurable.
4. Fujin (FF8)
7. Zerase (S5) - Being fast and evasive can help.
8. Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) - Slaughters PCs without immunity, but Heavy is known for its collection of bosses (even if this field has a lot of PCs ;p)
9. Reno (FF7)
10. Albel Nox (SO3)


1. The Killer (Pers4) - A heavy, no doubt.
2. Gerik (FE8) - Decently durable, relatively strong, and counters.
3. Seifer Almasy (FF8) - I have new-found respect for this guy. That limit hurts, and it doesn't take much damage at all to let him have it.
4. Tifa Lockheart (FF7)
5. Venusaur (PKMN) - Sleep, good buffing, decent damage.
6. Bart Fatima (XG)
7. Sheena Lepant (Suikos)
8. Alma Beoulve (FFT) - Even with Ribbon, her staying power is sad. MBarrier helps, but she needs a turn to pull it off. Thankfully, she's fast, so I'll give her that.
9. Gadwin (G1)
10. Pesmerga (Suikos) - Ehh... he isn't bad, but being slow doesn't help him. He's got durability, but status still gets to him, and his 2HKO feels unremarkable.


1. Gordon (Disgaea) - A middle, no doubt.
2. Lucied (WAs)
3. Reis Dular (FFT) - Dragon Reis.
4. Sten (BoF2)
5. Malak Galthana (FFT) - WotL helps him, and he's decent against mages.
6. Joker (S3) - Decent magic, stats don't blow.
7. Garcia (FE8)
8. Hervey (S4)
9. Tempest (Lunar:SSSC) - I don't even disrespect him, he just... doesn't have much going for him.
10. Tai Ho (Suikos) - Oh, Tai Ho, as much as I love you, you just aren't meant for the DL.
11. Gogo (FF6)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 11:10:08 PM by ThePiggyman »
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If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2010, 06:35:44 PM »
Seriously, does everyone rate Sephy's durability that highly? I mean, he has 120k average, which is not much at all by stat topic FF7, let alone taking into account the fact that his HP is variable and FF7 damage twinking is ridiculous.


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2010, 06:44:15 PM »
I tag him as about 1.1x PCHP, but I also have him at one of the lowest thus far of the ranks? So.


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2010, 06:45:07 PM »
'That highly'?  The only comment on Sephy's durability I've seen is Tai's, who puts him fairly low for that reason.

More generally, a vast majority of people discount KotR for all things FFVII.  Once that's settled, you find that even with maximum twinking, the party's output is somewhere between 40 and 60 thousand.  Assuming a minimal HP sephy (80k, give or take), this is juuuust enough to keep him out of the sub-PC ranges.  Since he's above average speed (saying more is highly debatable given FFVII ATB), this means tends to go first against bosses, and his damage is quite spectactular.  Most Godlike bosses fall short of OHKO against 1x PCHP, so he actually gets to hit a lot of them twice, and only physical spoilers survive two Sephy physicals.  Coupled with his spoiling options (status of too many flavors to block for the more durable PCs, Fly against certain types of fighters), he gets quite a lot of wins.

Edit: Remembering that some people take HP twinking... well.  1) at endgame levels, even a mastered HP Plus gives you an HP average around 6000... in other words, Sephy's still a OHKO machine.  this assumes no negative modifiers from other Materia.  2) you could assume MULTIPLE HP Pluses, but since the cap is +100%, it's still only 8k.  Again, assuming the modifier is capped after all negatives.  I'm not entirely sure of that myself.  3) as mentioned, negative modifiers.  Considering that two HP Pluses is a lot of wasted space in your materia slots, I honestly tend to assume you just have enough bonus to cancel out the negative modifiers and move on.  YMMV, but I suspect most people don't assume HP higher than 5-6k for the sum of these reasons.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 06:55:19 PM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2010, 06:56:51 PM »
Hm, I understand that he has a lot of tricks, good damage... But I can't find myself agreeing with:
Most Godlike bosses fall short of OHKO against 1x PCHP

Hrm. Guess it does come down to other things then, at least. (Although, just scanning the topic summary, CT at least has hyped his HP, Piggy said he's got pretty much everything needed, etc.)


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2010, 07:03:14 PM »
I could go throgh the list and confirm this is still true if you like, but overall Godlike is more about tricks and staggering durability than raw damage on the boss side (PC Godlikes like to OHKO, mind.)
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: List topic Round 1 Week 2- Moppy, RAGE, and floating pillows in Heavy!
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2010, 07:07:03 PM »
Heh, nah, it's fine. I just remember seeing a lot of matches in Godlike (mostly around the time I joined) where it came down to "Gets turn, wins."