
Author Topic: Politics '11: Keeping up with the Xornses  (Read 60958 times)


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #125 on: March 22, 2010, 11:57:08 PM »
They claim it was to get Republicans on board.  Personally, I'm with Zenny; everyone was in bed with the insurance companies anyway.

Oh well.  The 'universal' aspect sucks for me personally (whether I have to buy insurance or not, I don't plan on going to the doctor any more than I already do), whether it'll do jack for society as a whole I dunno.  But it's done, hopefully the rest of the bill had at least a couple teeth left.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #126 on: March 23, 2010, 12:18:25 PM »
It has no teeth if you have no way of fixing the broken health insurance system.  The problem was never that not everyone had health insurance, the problem was that excessive portions of the population couldn't even damned well afford it.  That NEEDS to be addressed or this just isn't going to work.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #127 on: March 23, 2010, 07:52:59 PM »
I wanted to read it and try to figure out what it actually said, but the PDF is 1990 pages long and written in pidgin Politician.

At any rate, its major points relate to Medicare, regulation and mandate.

Re: Medicare -- insert joke about geriatric individuals running the country, etc. -- it fixes a couple loopholes that had let average users get reamed by average use. The prescription drug coverage is the one that has been popping up in the news most (probably because it has a soundbyte-able nickname in "donut hole"), but the amount of support the federal government is pledging to the states in matching is interesting as well.

Re: regulation, this one is huge. Pre-existing condition exemptions, gone! Considering the number of exclusionary conditions (including mild asthma and the like), this is not a small issue. It has been VERY hard to get the privilege to pay out the nose for private insurance up until this point, and this is the major problem: if you aren't employed, you likely won't be insured.

Re: mandates, well:
Yeah, hear hear. We're going to make sure everybody has health making it illegal not to have health insurance! Man, if only we'd known this was so easy years ago -- next we can outlaw poverty.

To be honest, the actual "affordable" points of the Affordable Healthcare for Americans Act seem to be really vague. They set a limit on the amount of money you make before they'll stop helping you, but they don't really seem to be suggesting how or how much they will help you if you're within that threshhold. They offer a few payment options, including cost-sharing which is a unique idea for individuals, and a number of tax credits, but most of that is aimed at families of four making less than $50,000 a year. I hear that's the national average, but by no means does that include every person who has had trouble securing health insurance.

There's also a lot to be said about the tack-on of the student loan program, because that is also huge, but... yeah. Healthcare's enough to talk about here and the student loan stuff doesn't directly affect me yet (though limiting the repayment term to 20 years instead of 25 is awesome).

In short, the bill seems to cover a lot of simple loopholes for people who shouldn't've been excluded from healthcare in the first place: kids up to 26; pre-existing conditions that are often congenital and non-terminal; the self-employed; seniors with limited income. It does not, however, address anyone else. In fact, it seems a whole lot more like federal fundraising (jesus keerist, did you see how many different people and companies they're charging "fees" to?) and a whole lot less like federal healthcare reform.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #128 on: March 25, 2010, 02:56:45 AM »
The other shoe drops.

"Top Vatican officials — including the future Pope Benedict XVI — did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church, according to church files newly unearthed as part of a lawsuit. "

This will, I believe, be a big deal.  Perhaps not unexpected, but it'd be tough to overstate its impact, I predict.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #129 on: March 25, 2010, 08:46:35 AM »
“In spite of these difficulties,” Archbishop Weakland wrote, “we are still hoping we can avoid undue publicity that would be negative toward the church.”

It is amazing how far people's faith will stretch.  I suppose if you can believe in God enough to become an Archbishop then you can believe that you can avoid undue publicity (What?  How the fuck is ANY publicity about this undue just as an aside?) by sheltering and enabling a serial pedarist.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #130 on: March 25, 2010, 09:04:29 AM »
to be fair, Ratzinger never enabled him, that we know of, because he only got involved after the fact.  None of that excuses the church's failures in general, of course.  And serious failures they are indeed.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #131 on: March 25, 2010, 02:47:13 PM »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #132 on: March 25, 2010, 04:17:47 PM »
Oh, Catholicism.  Making it harder and harder to take religious people seriously since... well, always.


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #133 on: March 25, 2010, 06:25:35 PM »
Oh, Catholicism.  Making it harder and harder to take religious people seriously since... well, always.

It's okay, I'm sure the guy repented for his sins by sitting in a booth for a couple hours.  He's good to go now!


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #134 on: March 30, 2010, 02:44:47 AM »

So, a few weeks after healthcare reform passes it looks like Obama's popularity numbers are back where they were before the whole thing started (still down 4% from his all-time high, back before he actually became president or did anything). Not all good news for Democrats, though, since a generic ballot question (Generic Democrat vs. Generic Republican vs. Generic Independent) has started coming back in favor of generic Republican.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #135 on: March 30, 2010, 05:34:55 AM »
Looking at that data...Obama's all-time high in office (Jan 2009) is 69%, and his current approval rating is 51% (which, granted, is up from his all-time low in mid March of 46%, but certainly not a mere 4% away from his all-time high).

Not especially concerning for his career, to be fair--it also shows the approval ratings of past presidents in March of their second year, and you have Bill Clinton at 51% and Ronald Regan at 46%.


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #136 on: March 30, 2010, 07:41:39 AM »
to hell with you and your relentless logic

yeah i fucked up and misread the blurb
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #137 on: March 30, 2010, 07:35:51 PM »
think it came up in chat, but at one point eighteen years ago, apparently this Sinead O'Connor ripped up a picture of the then-Pope? Yeah, she's speaking out again.


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #138 on: March 31, 2010, 05:15:13 AM »
I just love how at the bottom of the page it reads,

Recent Outlook coverage on Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church includes "Is Pope Benedict a closet liberal?"

Unintentional, I'm sure, but also hilarious.

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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #139 on: March 31, 2010, 04:25:50 PM »

Obama proposes a plan that would allow drilling for oil off the eastern seaboard at the cost of blocking the development in Alaska. Should be interesting to see what Republicans do with this. It's almost like this was specifically held back until after Healthcare to test the Republicans. If they come out against, it should be amusing to see how they twist things as... it's a pretty good deal for the Republicans (Except for maybe Alaska) and they'd look pretty silly turning it down in the face of "Drill, Baby Drill".


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #140 on: March 31, 2010, 04:43:36 PM »

So, a few weeks after healthcare reform passes it looks like Obama's popularity numbers are back where they were before the whole thing started (still down 4% from his all-time high, back before he actually became president or did anything). Not all good news for Democrats, though, since a generic ballot question (Generic Democrat vs. Generic Republican vs. Generic Independent) has started coming back in favor of generic Republican.

That's the most depressing thing I've ever heard. Modern Generic Republicans are literally the worst thing.


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #141 on: March 31, 2010, 11:24:49 PM »

So, a few weeks after healthcare reform passes it looks like Obama's popularity numbers are back where they were before the whole thing started (still down 4% from his all-time high, back before he actually became president or did anything). Not all good news for Democrats, though, since a generic ballot question (Generic Democrat vs. Generic Republican vs. Generic Independent) has started coming back in favor of generic Republican.

That's the most depressing thing I've ever heard. Modern Generic Republicans are literally the worst thing.

No, this is literally the worst thing.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #142 on: March 31, 2010, 11:31:39 PM »
There has got to be something horribly illegal about the shit those people do. This is just.... ugh.

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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #143 on: April 01, 2010, 12:20:18 AM »
When humanity stands strong and people reach out for each other...
There’s no need for gods.

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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #144 on: April 01, 2010, 12:46:22 AM »

The final line sells it for me. Rather have -Sarah Palin- in over Barack Obama? Uh okay dude. Um. Okay. There's probably some good conservative politicians out there, I don't know, I don't much like the ones I've seen. Sarah Palin support? Um okay.


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #145 on: April 01, 2010, 12:47:57 AM »
There has got to be something horribly illegal about the shit those people do. This is just.... ugh.

Well, their case is coming before the supreme court for a reason.  That decision will weigh first amendment speech rights against the right of privacy to determine if the Phelpses can be held liable for intentional infliction of emotional distress.  Legal scholars are not optimistic about the marine's family's chances, but I think they have a decent shot at winning (and I certainly hope they do, on narrow grounds).  Some of their messages specifically addressed the marine's family, so I think that the court may rule that they are not protected by the first amendment because they are 'fighting words.'  The marine's family never directly saw those signs, but I don't think that changes much because they certainly could have seen them at the time.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #146 on: April 01, 2010, 03:29:14 AM »

The final line sells it for me. Rather have -Sarah Palin- in over Barack Obama? Uh okay dude. Um. Okay. There's probably some good conservative politicians out there, I don't know, I don't much like the ones I've seen. Sarah Palin support? Um okay.

Yeah, that whole article honestly pours a bit too much praise on anti-intellectualism.

Look at Canada, which has a functional right wing.  And it's true--the right wing is not composed of Political Science University professors.  The right wing is composed of successful businessmen, economists, and stuff like that.

Being anti-academia in your politicians I can understand--academia does have a political agenda.  Given a choice between funding for cancer research, and a tax break, academics will generally choose to fund research.  On the other hand...being anti-smart in your dumb; I don't see the benefit.

In the case of Sarah Palin specifically, it's not even that she's stupid.  It's more that she has a history of improper political dealings; using state funds to bring her kids to New York.  Using $150k in RNC funds on her wardrobe alone.  Taking govenor housing money even though she was still living in the same house.  And then there's some strange moves, like walking away from office early.


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #147 on: April 01, 2010, 03:51:43 AM »

And on that note, seems the RNC is dangerously in the red as far as fundraising goes. I don't know if the recent excesses in the headlines are partially to blame, but if they keep overspending like this it's going to come back and bite them on the ass (not the mention the whole "party of fiscal responsibility' thing) sooner or later.

How are the Democrats doing, you ask? Well...

They're pretty strongly in the black. I'm kind of impressed with the democrat fundraising machine this election cycle, you'd think the Republicans would have the advantage since the stereotypical rich guy (white, old, pro-business, etc) is in their court.
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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #148 on: April 01, 2010, 04:35:26 AM »
For all his failures, Howard Dean did a lot for the way the Dems brought in campaign contributions during/after his presidential bid in '04. Using it as a base, they really did a good job of streamlining and modernizing the process. It's paid serious dividends in the long run.


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Re: Politics '10: Keeping up with the Xornses.
« Reply #149 on: April 01, 2010, 07:20:04 AM »

So, a few weeks after healthcare reform passes it looks like Obama's popularity numbers are back where they were before the whole thing started (still down 4% from his all-time high, back before he actually became president or did anything). Not all good news for Democrats, though, since a generic ballot question (Generic Democrat vs. Generic Republican vs. Generic Independent) has started coming back in favor of generic Republican.

That's the most depressing thing I've ever heard. Modern Generic Republicans are literally the worst thing.

No, this is literally the worst thing.

You know what?  I never thought I'd say this without sarcasm, but... Bill O'Reilly to the rescue...?