huh, that actually looks like it'll work with the PSU of epic fail.
Admittedly, not very well. Newegg has a PSU calculator and supposedly the setup ALREADY overdrains it's ridiculously bad 250W PSU. But, this won't overdrain it any more, from the looks of it.
(Also, in fairness, reports for this Dell's PSU are along the lines of "Fuck, it works with things way the hell higher than it's PSU should support. One guy mentioned he'd tossed every AGP card he could find at it it and they all worked". The only problems I've actually found are that it isn't AGP 8x compliant and hence that's not working. Seems like it should work with a PCI card though, unless something happened there in the last...six or seven years or so. I hate computer obsolescence.
Also also I can reasonably unplug one of these CD drives. It doesn't work worth a damn. That should more than make up the difference. Although now I'm wondering if they don't work worth a damn because of the overdrain from the card. ...oh well, don't care.)
Wait, 5900 XF, not 5700.
*Checks again.*
NEVER MIND IT DROPS THE POWER CONSUMPTION ABOUT 20%. ahahaha, I guess it's a good PSU alright.