Things that have made today awesome before 9am:
1) I ran for 20 minutes without stopping for the first time in, like, ever. And it felt -good-.
2) It's FRIDAY.
3) It's raining! Yay for fall.
4) Because it's raining, my lameness for going to Starbucks for breakfast has turned into awesomeness: I get to have hot chocolate and a pumpkin scone for breakfast while it's chilly and rainy outside.
5) Andrew had last night off, so he took the dog for a long walk this morning so I didn't have to.
6) I got to sleep in an extra 30 minutes.
7) It's pay day, and I have 5 hours of overtime.
I'm now at work, so the awesomeness is likely to sharply decline, but I'll consider that a great start and try to run with it.
EDITED AFTER WORK: Nope! Still mostly awesome day. Adding to it: I finagled myself into the "company blog manager" position, so woot for that! Less woot is still having to go through the bureaucratic gauntlet when trying to do things. Oh well. Tinkering with web stuff is fun times.