So today I got to watch as a new teacher was broken in. Last month, we got this fresh-out-of-teaching-school lady at my Middle School and she teaches English. Well, unfortunately for her, her superior is none other than the same horrible old bastard who has been treating me like dirt since the second day I've been at his school.
Anyway, she's been mostly just observing classes so far, but today she came up to me, all excited, saying 'Okay, today I am the main teacher! Let's do this right!'. It was pretty cute, she was obviously looking forward to having the opportunity to change Horrible Bastard's boring-as-hell class routine.
Anyway, so we go upstairs to the first-years' classroom and everything seems to be going well, and then Horrible Bastard shows up to observe and her whole composure changes. And I'm thinking "Wow, I guess she didn't know he was going to show up either."
The class goes fairly normally for a while, which was good, if boring... and a little slower than usual. And then she starts explaining something and turns to write something on the board and a few of the kids talk to eachother in fairly hushed tones (including some kids in front, who I -know- were talking about the assignment). Anyway, she turns back around to finish what she's teaching and about two words into her lecture, Horrible Bastard bellows 'STOP', drowning her out. And he calls out the kids in front, saying that class can't go on if people are going to talk when she's teaching. And then he starts lecturing all the kids about respecting their teachers, which in this very Japanese situation is akin to slapping her across the face and telling her that she can't control her class, she might as well be selling them heroine and putting guns in their hands because they're all going to end up delinquents if she can't get her act together.
After that, the rhythm of the class was just gone. She managed to get through some of the lesson, but Horrible Bastard kept jumping in or sighing loudly with exasperation. She kept looking at the clock, hoping it would be over, and it was really painful to watch.
This is the same Bastard that refused every single one of my game and activity ideas for classes and then complained to the principal that I wasn't contributing enough to classes. He's also the one that normally barks out my name and the word 'Come' when it's time for class, except on days where the schedule has been changed... then he sneaks out without a word and yells at me if I'm late. He also basically undermined any authority I had with one of the classes by discussing his apparent problems with me ... with the students. What the hell, dude? That's just not cool.
As much as I empathized with the poor new teacher today, I have to admit that it was nice to know he doesn't just do this shit to me. He's just an ass to everyone.