Danced at a blues/jazz tavern last night. Never, ever drunk beer. Didn't even pay to get in (apparently all my other friends did). I let them know this after each one gave me a drink on their tab. Anyways, back to the beer - that's all they were drinking. So. I got a Yuengling. Bleeeeegh. Beer. I should have done some vodka shots or something.
Going to Grindhouse Killer Burgers off of Edgewood in Atlanta Monday. NOM NOM. Eat that, notmiki!
Edit edit* When I was driving home from the tavern, I saw 6 wrecks in lessthanamile, one where I had to stop and debate on getting out because I saw 6 bikers lying on the ground who I presumed dead. Called 911 anyway, but there were so many people running around on the interstate, I figured I wouldn't help anyway. Also. Avoided Freaknik, what.