I had a very unfortunate occurrence happen to me last night. At about like, 11 PM, I had a seizure in my bed, and had to be brought to the hospital, where I stayed over night. The next morning, I had a huge headache and felt overwhelmingly tired. I ended up sleeping at the hospital 'til about 5 PM, at which point, I finally went home.
To any who aren't aware, I actually had epilepsy for a couple years of my life, and have had a number of seizures in the past... but the last seizure I had was over 3 years ago. I was sure my epilepsy was cured, but it's decided to come back on me. Gonna have to start taking meds again, and I'm gonna have to monitor my use of the computer. I probably won't be on too, too much less than I usually am, but I felt like sharing.