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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1275 on: March 16, 2010, 06:02:11 AM »
More LFT: Through Zirekile falls. Had a reset on Dorter 2, and another on a random battle where I got hit with Don't Move, confusion, charm, berserk and triple-digit damage (combined, from two sources) in the first round. Fuck you too, Piscodemons!

Current party is Ramza as a Geomancer, male Thief with Basic Skill, female Archer with Battle Skill, female Summoner with time or white magic as my whims decide, and male Oracle with Black Magic. Breaks being ~100% really change things up in a few fights, and, in accordance with the law of unintended(?) consequences, have led me to be a bit higher-level than I usually am at this point, because I keep backtracking to towns to replace the armor and helms that get broken, and fight random battles along the way.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1276 on: March 16, 2010, 06:29:53 AM »

Beat the game (in terms of defeated the final boss).  Umm...I think that might well be the most epic final boss in any Mario game ever.  Well...mario platformer, anyhow.

Funny thing is, it was reasonably hard, so I wanted to criticize it in some way, like calling it contrived and predictable, but it's...not.  Which is not to say random, mind you.  I mean, it's predictable in the same sense that a streaming attack in Touhou is predictable, but in this case the attack going off shakes things up so much that exactly where it hits can completely change future strategy.  The time I finally won was one of those "oh OH, I didn't even think about trying to go that route" moments.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1277 on: March 16, 2010, 09:13:32 PM »
FESD - At Chapter 24x. Game's not -easy- late or anything, but things are still going reasonably smoothly.

XS2 - Beat Ormus Stronghold. Orgulla is a biitch. Took me 27 minutes when nothing else in the game has taken me more than 11 (and that 11 belongs to a couple randoms rather than bosses <.<), was afraid I would die but didn't, it's cool. Just mostly notice that she puts way too much pressure to effortlessly build up to a combo the way I could against Level 4 and Albedo, and survives one combo anyway unlike them. Makes sense, the Disc 1 bosses are balanced for people still finding their way in the game. Mech fights... meh, not a fan so far. They do get better at least, and there haven't been many.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1278 on: March 16, 2010, 09:57:12 PM »
Edgeworth Investigations - Dear lord, those final cameos...  Granted, one was practically contractual, and the other was the most efficient way to cause Edgeworth pain.  So, yeah, kinda hard to avoid.  Final suspect...  yeah, should have laid down and died a lot sooner than he did.  Though, yeah, I can see why it went on for as long as it did, since they sure took a roundabout way to finally lock him down.

Generally pretty good game, though the logic system didn't feel like it was used to its full potential, and the game had an odd tendency to hand hold in places.  Also feels better writing wise than anything else in the series aside from Trials and Tribulations (that's 3 for those who don't care for titles).

SRWJ - Still doing a bit of puttering here.  Just finished the Peace Negotiations route, and got the stealing the Nadesco episode.  Find it kinda nifty the way they used the FMP units to augment the Aesti's, especially the way the SEED grunts went "Is that Bonta-kun?  UAAAAAAGH!" which is more stylish than when it is said about Gundams, winged or otherwise.

Nothing else really going on right now, except realised that I still haven't finished Demon path (got kinda discouraged after realizing I had somehow managed to beat two maps and not save, and also noted that, well...  I don't actually care about Demon path.  It's been kinda lame so far, and Penn is a poor substitute for Danette.  Hell, all of the PCs I've been getting have been less interesting than their main game counterparts, and the combo attack mechanics are also effectively gone, which while it isn't all that important, is annoying because I kinda liked them).


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1279 on: March 17, 2010, 01:31:59 AM »
Finished FFXIII.  Won't go into a ton of details so as not to spoil anything.  Should be a safe read for all!

Music:  Meh, almost nothing really stands out here.  Granted my speakers have been having issues which hurt the bass a bit, but didn't seem to offend the songs so much as explosions.  Lacks the memorable songs that pretty much every FF have had.  (Even 8.)  3/10

Plot:  Okay so... if you just read all the chapter reviews, the plot is pretty straightforward and solid.  The problem is, they don't explain the plot well with the actual words.  The ending also... doesn't make a ton of sense.  (Not the end end, but right before the final boss end.)  Still Vanille/Fang plot and Sazh plot were good...  I just wish someone with a brain had written the dialogue because it could have been a pretty awesome concept.  5/10

Characters:  Sazh is awesome.  Vanille/Fang end up being pretty damn cool outside of voice acting that I learned to live with.  Lightning/Snow aren't too offensive.  I know Gref would disagree with that, but I dunno... Lightning seemed to be pretty damn human.  She got angry instead of being rational, she changed her mind often, but usually with at least some reason.  (Although a couple times it was annoying.)  Neither were great characters... but they weren't awful.  And then Hope.  Hope was the character who didn't need to be in the game.  After his initial issues he became the Rikku of the group.  GO TEAM WE CAN DO IT.  Still, I'll give them a pretty solid. 8/10  (Once again, real writers to fix the Lightning/Hope dialogue would have helped a ton. I *should* have really enjoyed this cast.)

Battle:  Started slow.  Most games give you an intro area, but this one was a bit long.  Not pre chapter 11 like people have been saying, but still... yeah.  Also, 2 character battle got old too fast.  It was fun once I got to 3, but that was only for like 60% of the game.  40% is a long time to be using a not full party.  So 3/10 for 40% and 8/10 for 60% is... 6/10

Bad guys:  The 3 main human bad guys were all pretty cool, but... they all seriously lacked screen time.  The big bad boss dude had screen time, but lacked the cool factor.  Also, this game threw way too many fucking "giant robot/giant monster" bosses at you.  I mean, games will have random bosses, but this was ridiculous.  Of the 6973409 bosses in the game, maybe 3 or 4 would be rankable.  Too much time for random bosses + not enough plot for the badasses = 3/10 for bad guys.

Side Quests:  Missions is... not as cool as the Monster Arena.  The Chocobo game is also kind of lame compared to some of the others.  Also, the rewards from these quests are 94.3% garbage, which is never good for side quests.  I will probably beat the missions eventually, which says something good, but mainly because I'm hoping it unlocks more Sazh/Chocobo plot.  5/10

Weapons/Accessories: I like how they do weapons in this game.  There is no GOD weapon for each character.  You actually have to... you know... make sacrifices/choices.  The downside is that it's ridiculously hard to tell which weapons will be good late game without Gamefaqs/Guide.  The accessories is pretty generic.  It was kind of nice not having to store 8 kinds of armor for each character, but the lack of variety in accessories is a bit dull.  The hidden bonuses is a cool idea, but doesn't play much of a factor.  (Except for autostagger, which is all kinds of random win.) 6/10 for this area.

So... despite these somewhat low scores, my overall rating is going to be a 7/10 I think.  I was critical of each aspect, but to be honest, it's the first RPG since Disgaea 3 to hold my interest for any time period.  That says something even if no particular area of the game amazed me outside of the pretty graphics.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1280 on: March 17, 2010, 02:07:09 AM »
FF3DS - Hein, you loser. I know you had an overkill Blizzara on Geomancer Arc, but that doesn't excuse the failure elsewhere. Also, Geo is freaking hax.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1281 on: March 17, 2010, 02:15:08 AM »
Hope was the character who didn't need to be in the game.

Hope gets the most attention out of all the characters by a long margin so if I didn't know otherwise it would be very easy to say he was FF13's main. Which is fine as I found him quite a good character who unfairly too many people hate, especially the script writers.

Of the 6973409 bosses in the game, maybe 3 or 4 would be rankable.

There is a grand total of 3 rankable bosses, well 2 if you disallow mechs. Out of the three I am most looking forward to <Spoiler> being ranked as winning through guarding is pretty unusual.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 02:21:54 AM by Rozalia »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1282 on: March 17, 2010, 03:45:40 AM »
FF13: Non-linear section gotten too.  Game decides to start pull the consistent ass kickings here and make you actually care what enemies you run into instead of the general "Fight everything" Mindset I had before.  Good show, FF13.

Mega Man 10: Protoman Mode, 6 Robot Masters down! 

Protoman takes way too much damage, I said fuck it and started using E Tanks, as well as Beat to get through a few areas.  ON the upside, the Protoshield is absurd; it can block just about any projectile, and reflects a bunch too.  Strikeman was actually pretty tame since I didn't have to worry about the bouncing ball most of the time; just block with Protoshield, dodge his bounce, shoot at him.  Nitroman was also easier once I stopped being stupid about his fight.

Just Solar Man and Blade Man left.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1283 on: March 17, 2010, 04:09:12 AM »
Yeah, Protoman is a bitch to use. We started the game with him and got worked. We are at end level area 2 right now with the blue bomber.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1284 on: March 17, 2010, 06:24:28 AM »
MBAC: Grinding combos (courtesy of Lurker's link in chat). I'm getting W Len's long ass bread and butter down well enough that I can now do some on-the-spot improvisation. Also worked out a hefty punisher combo for her - reaching 4900 damage! Entire chain works out to be:

j2c, jc, 2b (2hits), Swan Lake (623a), 5c (2hits), Ex Snow Flurete (236c), 2[c], Swan Lake, 5C (2hit), j.bc, dj.bc, Airthrow.

Could probably reach 5k with it if you used Snow Ballet at the end (and cancel that into Ex. Snow Ballet but it costs additional metre and would deal like 100 extra damage, so no to that). Airthrow is more consistent though. Next up: Effectively learning some mix ups with her as well as her mind traps.

SFA3: Xer got me set up with this. Fun stuff. But none of you are playing it online :(. Get is so I can play more of you! (Also, Xer kicks my ass :|)
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1285 on: March 17, 2010, 06:37:45 AM »
LFT: Stopped before Golgorand. Goug rooftops gave me a reset thanks in large part to a Thief with Power Break - taking 6 PA off my only ranged attacker doesn't make for a very fun battle. Steamrolled on the second attempt, though. Now I'm trying to decide who to make into a Mediator, and playing around with Mustadio as a Mime, since he comes with the job unlocked.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1286 on: March 17, 2010, 11:22:50 AM »
FF13 - I just got up to Chapter 11 and this game can continue to get fucked.  Here is a cool tip.  When you are going to give the characters airships they can actually just land them sometime.

Edit - It isn't that Lightning's responses aren't human, it is that they are stupid and bitchy.  You can have an incredibly human character that makes me want to take a knife to someone's throat and hate fuck them to death with it.  I want to do this because some people are dick heads that aren't fun to watch or do anything with at all.  These are the people that go from 0 to bitch in half a second.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 11:33:06 AM by Grefter »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1287 on: March 17, 2010, 02:54:55 PM »
FFXII: I am attempting to ignore any hints of plot this game throws out. Gallavanting through Salikawood when I should be halfway across the map IIRC.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1288 on: March 17, 2010, 05:44:40 PM »
Hope was the character who didn't need to be in the game.

Hope gets the most attention out of all the characters by a long margin so if I didn't know otherwise it would be very easy to say he was FF13's main. Which is fine as I found him quite a good character who unfairly too many people hate, especially the script writers.

Of the 6973409 bosses in the game, maybe 3 or 4 would be rankable.

There is a grand total of 3 rankable bosses, well 2 if you disallow mechs. Out of the three I am most looking forward to <Spoiler> being ranked as winning through guarding is pretty unusual.

Eh... in the second half of the game Hope just becomes a cheerleader.  I'm trying to think of a need for him, but Fang/Vanille are obvious, Sazh has his son, and Lightning/Snow have Serah.  Hope just... is there saying GO TEAM!  In the first half of the game his entire plot is just a side plot, it has absolutely nothing to do with the actual game itself.  You could remove every scene with him and Lightning/Snow and other than a bit of development for those two, nothing would really change.

And yeah as rankable for bosses I was thinking Giant Blue Arm, Giant Dude Form 2, and Giant Picassox2 with the possibility of Giant Grenade Man (depending on the mech issue.) 


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1289 on: March 17, 2010, 07:39:37 PM »
NOTE: Some mild spoilers to FF13 related stuff below.  No major plot revelations, but it does give away some very vague details, read at your own discretion!

Eh,  Hope serves SOME purpose in the first half of the game, mostly just helping bring out certain aspects of Lightning that would never have been portrayed before.  Like the fact that it does portray how she does soften up a bit over the course.  Remember she is all "Look, you're useless and slowing me down, just stop following me" at first and in a later scene, she's got that Big-sister-like hug going for him when she finds out he's alright.

This would have worked better if I didn't feel that FF13 character development feels rushed and forced in general.  I don't really mind the characters, but the characters develop a little too fast and abruptly, which hurts the cast.  In the above scenario with Lightning, the shift from "Go away" to "Are you alright!?" was only in a manner of a few scenes, which just isn't enough to make that believable, unless you're really selling a major time jump, which FF13 very clearly doesn't, as everything is happening in a sequential order (well...once you get to Pulse, its implied that there's something of a Time skip, but I'd wager its no more than a week or so.  The game suggests the team has been doing at least SOME traveling between Chap 10 and Chap 11, as they seem to have grown at least a little use to the idea of being on Pulse, but are also getting tired of wandering.)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1290 on: March 17, 2010, 07:43:08 PM »
Warming up to Infinite Undiscovery's battle system. As I previously said, it was like Suikoden III, except it is different in a couple of better respects. Learning skills can happen during and/or after battle similar to SaGa learning. It's not randomized. Interface is a bit better, blockading, flanking and intercepting or raidlocking are good elements to the battle system. Despite the equipment and level your characters have, you can STILL get raped depending on if you pay attention to who you're attacking, who may flank you for increased damage, etc. I'm not too fond of my teammates wanting some good ass loot from battle to increase their equipment with (because you can recruit a great amount of troops whose stats differ in later parts of the game - later recruit = better stats), but I'm realizing that the majority of loot they're currently wanting is unnecessary in items I want for Rush.

Storyline is thickening. God Emperor is, and looks, fucking badass. Plus he's hot and eye candy is an added element to enjoying the game. I'm not on Disc 2 yet. I'm taking my time. Plus I need to re-walk some environments for digging, preparing for this war that David is supporting against the God Emperor (for now, he's too awesome to want to actually fight . . . right?) because of the Gae Bolg being quarantined basically to Celepaleis. Wondering what relation/skill Rush has from the such and such because he is badass and Rush's mom has t--SPOILER--he same skill as a certain lady. Not too much of a spoiler. Anyway. Um. Yeah. Music is frickin' awesome by the way. Battle themes changing during battle is a good thing too. It gets rid of the redundancy. And am actually liking this game. So far it's average, but my mom has been watching me play and is commenting on plot stuff, so maybe that's why? I was looking at forums and people were saying that the game is so difficult and that they hate it because they always die. Man, you see what happens when games add a minutia of strategy to it. . . .  I've died a handful of times, specifically when I was in partnership with only ONE other teammate, but that teammate rocked so hard I shouldn't have. Yeah.

Character animation still fucking sucks. Some of the voice acting sucks, but overall, very good tones and sounds applied to specific characters.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1291 on: March 17, 2010, 08:25:20 PM »
You could remove every scene with him and Lightning/Snow and other than a bit of development for those two, nothing would really change.

Funny considering if not for him Lightning would have suicided herself. Its hardly a side plot when he has major interactions with Lightning, Snow, Vanille and his father. Hell besides the Sazh and Vanille sections all the plot up to that point is based on him, it isn't a side plot in the slightest. Well you could say the L'Cie thing is the main plot and thus Hope's "Arc" shall we say is a side plot but really, the main plot is barely there at that point.

Hope just... is there saying GO TEAM!

He falls into the background for a while admittedly but honestly all the main characters are in the background at some point or another, some more then most. Sazh, Fang and Vanille are just there for most of the game).
His scenes after his arc are some scenes with snow and vanille, mostly to show how he has put his hatred behind him and thus offer some conclusion to his arc.
I can't deny he acts like a cheerleader in chapter 12 but he IS mocked for it so I'm sure a lot of people won't mind it.

the shift from "Go away" to "Are you alright!?" was only in a manner of a few scenes

Odin cleared things up for her. I'm pretty sure the deal with them is you see sense or you die so its safe to assume Lightning had an epiphany of some kind. You could say thats a handwave to explain certain characters (Fang is proberly the biggest offender) changing their minds just like that but I think thats why the summons are there. They could have added several more cutscenes to make it more legit but people from what I've seen don't like storytelling being done in 20 min cutscenes. Not that I agree with them because these are the same people who hate the datalog because it should have been all there in the cutscene, you know the very thing they hate.

And yeah as rankable for bosses I was thinking Giant Blue Arm, Giant Dude Form 2, and Giant Picassox2 with the possibility of Giant Grenade Man (depending on the mech issue.)
Giant Blue Arm - Okay
Giant Grenade Man - Okay
Giant Dude Form 2 = Final boss form two? That might be out as it is clearly a plot fusion, third forms a headache and the first form isn't even him.
Giant Picassox2 = Main villain who loves to transform into giant mechs? First form might be better.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1292 on: March 17, 2010, 09:07:24 PM »
The Odin thing is a pretty half assed way is the thing.  The game tries to say "Hey, Eidolons come to help us make a decision", but honestly, that's a bullshit plot device.  Its sudden revelation crap like this which is not good character work, and it feels forced and rushed.

Hope's character is a coming of age story, contrast to Lightning whose more just "we learn more about her, and she comes to understand the truth of shit better, and adjusts accordingly."  Lightning is a bit more static than Hope, as a result, needs a little less direct focus.  Also, Hope tends to be a whiny little bitch at times, so he seems like he's being more important than he is.  Everything Hope does in the game is either a plot device ("Hey, we're like Fal'Cie pets!" triggering Lightning realizing what she had to do.  This does not make Hope important cause it was a throw away line that accidentally triggered this in Lightning, its a pure plot device, and it could have been replaced by Lightning realizing it through some other means), or its something related to a side plot.  Its all about his coming of age, and coming to grips with himself, his father, etc.  None of this is totally relevant to the story itself.  He's mostly just there to help Snow and Lightning develop more.

Your saying "Without Hope, Lightning would have suicided!" (which I honestly don't even remember this scene) is just further evidence of our point, not contradicting it at all; you're saying that Hope served as a plot device for Lightning to realize something, congrats!  Why not show how Hope ties into the main plot overall, not just one event, rather than saying "Its all based on him!" cause its clearly not; don't go hurling blanket statements like that.
Its cases like this that people will overstate many character's purposes.  For example, cause I've argued it a lot, people will say "Locke is important in FF6 cause without him, Terra would have died in Narshe!"  Statement is true, but what does that do to make him the Main Character?  There may be a legit argument for Locke, but its certainly not "Terra would have died."  All that proves is that Locke was important FOR THAT MOMENT cause of that particular Plot Device.  I fail to see how Hope is any different.

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1293 on: March 17, 2010, 09:11:16 PM »
I dunno if Lightning woulda suicided... she may have just stayed a bitch.  But like I've said before.  This game is more about Sazh/Vanille/Fang than Lightning/Snow.

Spoilers below for anyone not at Chapter 11ish.

Vanille is the one who decides to renegade on her focus.  Fang is the one with the power to make Cocoon go boom.  Sazh's son is the one who started the whole thing with Serah and them (because of Vanille and Fang of course.)  Lightning and Snow are along for the ride because of Serah.  Hope is along for the ride with those two because of his mom, but... what does he accomplish?  Okay, he helps Lightning become less of a bitch, but even that doesn't come without Odin and even Light being less of a bitch isn't a huge issue of the game.

I dunno.  In every FF, the game clearly revolves around Cloud/Tifa, Squall/Rinoa, Zidane/Garnet, Tidus/Yuna, Noclue/noclue.  In this one there isn't a clear cut main 2, but Vanille/Fang or Vanille/Sazh seems to be the best argument.  The others have their goals... then decide not to achieve their goals, and then decide that Vanille is right.

Maybe my boss names were too obscure.
I was considering Giant Dude Form 2 as his end of Chapter 11 form.  It's a real fight whereas his third form seems kind of like "kill me so you can fight Orphan, but I will throw the obligatory AOE spells out that you can heal through easily."
Picasso was Orphan.  I cay say this now since I added spoiler warning!  Orphan's final form is... weird yeah, but the first form at least is pretty doable.  Low HP + Poison is brutal, some normal damage in there, IIRC debuffing and buff removal.  HP/Stagger makes it tough to guage, but the HP is definitely there.  They also discuss Orphan the entire game so it's not like a Necron fight.

Final form Orphan could be similar to Berle?  Invulnerability until staggered.  Staggering is just weird in the DL in general.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1294 on: March 17, 2010, 09:12:42 PM »

Your saying "Without Hope, Lightning would have suicided!" (which I honestly don't even remember this scene) is just further evidence of our point, not contradicting it at all; you're saying that Hope served as a plot device for Lightning to realize something, congrats!  Why not show how Hope ties into the main plot overall, not just one event, rather than saying "Its all based on him!" cause its clearly not; don't go hurling blanket statements like that.
Its cases like this that people will overstate many character's purposes.  For example, cause I've argued it a lot, people will say "Locke is important in FF6 cause without him, Terra would have died in Narshe!"  Statement is true, but what does that do to make him the Main Character?  There may be a legit argument for Locke, but its certainly not "Terra would have died."  All that proves is that Locke was important FOR THAT MOMENT cause of that particular Plot Device.  I fail to see how Hope is any different.

Setzer is the main character cuz without him they never could have gotten to Vector!!!


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1295 on: March 17, 2010, 09:30:38 PM »
I see a misconception.....

Daisley is not Fal'cie=Orphan. Fal'cie=Orphan's first form really also isn't a plot fusion.
You can say Daisley "composed" Fal'cie=Orphan, though.
Also, discussing who is really the core of all this is futile as well. The only thing that might be able to provide an answer is the Ultimania Omega that may or may not came out.
But personally, I think Minerva is the core of all this.

BTW, I recommand Daisley's form three. His Thanatos's Scorn+Ultima double cast is pretty much an overkill to most characters who are not from real time battle system who can heal through it during the tarnsition of the attack animation.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1296 on: March 17, 2010, 09:38:32 PM »
Boss move spoilers etc

Was that a low HP double cast or something?  He used both on me... but not close enough together to only be healing during the animations.  That seemed like his least tanky form of the 3 because of the ridiculous experience that the final dungeon gives you.  His damage is impressive in that form against a non healer, but mediocre 2HKO damage is nothing new in Godlike unless there was a true doublecast that I never ran against.

Orphan Poison/LowHP combo seemed a lot more deadly, especially since it seemed like a low HP move was auto triggered at 50% health.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1297 on: March 17, 2010, 10:56:12 PM »
Pokemon Ecks Dee:  Finished the Cipher Base.  Wow, got a ton of Shadow Pokemon here, I must be near the end!  *looks at list of all shadow pokemon*  37 more...  *dies*

Blast Works:  I'ts Touhou x Katamari Damacy.  Obviously avoiding streaming bullet fire from bosses is much harder when you've grown to their size.

PWI:  dicking around at level 92.  Got Sage Fist Mastery, woo.  Go go 90% bonus damage.

Heart Gold:  I actually never played Gold/Silver/Crystal, so this is a new experience for me.  I mean, outside of being like every other Pokemon game made in the last 14 years.  Graphics are worse than Platinum's, and I can't decide if I like the bottom-screen interface or not.  Falkner was fail with Pidgey and Pidgeotto, despite having Roost.  Bugsy on the other hand, holy fuck.  LEVEL 17 SCYTHER WITH U-TURN.  Granted, he only has Metapod and Kakuna to back that up, but still Scyther with U-turn is just insane at this point in the game.

Love the Pokewalker by the way.  It's small enough to keep in my pocket while working, and plenty of Watts accrue during the course of a day.  Kind of scary how much data is stored on such a small device.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1298 on: March 17, 2010, 11:05:58 PM »
<Spoilers regarding what was discussed, also a mountain of text>

Hope's character is a coming of age story
I guess it could be put that way but I'm not so sure its that clear cut. He has a good enough reason for his revenge, sure he is a bit childish about it but snow hardly helped himself (Not his fault mind).
Also, Hope tends to be a whiny little bitch at times, so he seems like he's being more important than he is.
I hear this a lot regarding Hope. I mean the kids lost his mother and has suddenly become what he hates so he whines. What a little bitch for showing emotion instead of being a stoic hardcase right? His whining actually stops for quite a while though instead being replaced with revenge, though he does come of a bit of a whiner at that point. If thats the period of time you're talking about then fine valid point, if you're talking about early game then I'd argue he should be given some leeway for that.
Your saying "Without Hope, Lightning would have suicided!" (which I honestly don't even remember this scene) is just further evidence of our point, not contradicting it at all; you're saying that Hope served as a plot device for Lightning to realize something, congrats!
Lightning plan was basically attack Eden by herself which is a akin to suicide. Hope doesn't just cause her to give up on the idea later on but he's the reason they aren't shot up stright up because he knew a secret entrance. I guess you could say thats two plot devices but seriously I don't find his actions to be so simply put. Him and Lightning work of themselfs well in that section and are both on equal footings in importance. Hope makes Lightning realize some things but she in turn does the same thing for him, even if it all heads down a path she didn't exactly want.

Why not show how Hope ties into the main plot overall, not just one event, rather than saying "Its all based on him!" cause its clearly not; don't go hurling blanket statements like that.
I just stated that if I didn't know any about the game you could very well believe he was the main character with the sheer amount of screentime he gets in those sections. Anyway how have I shown he only has one event? Lets see he has the going with lightning scene, he makes her snap out of her bitch mode, makes her swear off her suicide ploy, struggles with the anger regarding snow, has a heart to heart with snow, meets his father and has a heart to heart with him.  These scenes are all back to back (I think there might be a sazh scene in there somewhere but thats not important here). Are you telling me he is the secondary character for all of that? Out of all those periods of time he is a secondary character for half of one of them.
I fail to see how Hope is any different.
I have played like a 1/4 of FF6 so I can't exactly argue this. My arguement would be something about how Hope is more important in his section then Locke ever is but I haven't played much of FF6 so yeah not going there.
I was considering Giant Dude Form 2 as his end of Chapter 11 form. It's a real fight whereas his third form seems kind of like "kill me so you can fight Orphan, but I will throw the obligatory AOE spells out that you can heal through easily."
Might be wrong but I don't think his first form can be staggered unless he's charging his big move. That would make him far more durable then his second form.
Picasso was Orphan. I cay say this now since I added spoiler warning! Orphan's final form is... weird yeah, but the first form at least is pretty doable. Low HP + Poison is brutal, some normal damage in there, IIRC debuffing and buff removal. HP/Stagger makes it tough to guage, but the HP is definitely there. They also discuss Orphan the entire game so it's not like a Necron fight.
To me thats a fusion right there. He is wearing two other beings as armor/Skin/flesh not to mention he never even speaks as Orphan is the thing in the middle.
Final form Orphan could be similar to Berle? Invulnerability until staggered. Staggering is just weird in the DL in general.
Invulnerability for 3-4 turns before its open to attack and then is OHKOed easily. I really don't see much of a way to rank him.
You can say Daisley "composed" Fal'cie=Orphan, though.
You could take it in that direction but honestly I really aren't sure. I'll have to replay the fight sometime soon to recall it clearly but isn't Orphan Silent the whole time with the two people fused into him doing the talking.
But personally, I think Minerva is the core of all this.
Could you enlighten me here. Is Mineverva that owl? Besides that I don't see who it could be.
Boss move spoilers etc
All the people listed for ranking besides grenade man have doom, just saying as most people won't see it. I'm more intersted in Blue arm man. Doom + Guard autowins against Pcs and Guard in general is quite good if the enemy is below average speed. The speed plus high 2HKO damage is also quite respectable if you don't see guard as uber (I do personally).

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1299 on: March 17, 2010, 11:08:16 PM »
FF3DS - *Blood Sword get.*

[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....