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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1550 on: April 03, 2010, 04:47:37 PM »
well, I deliberately ignore the main plot 'cuz it's stupid. Sorry. I really really really dislike the plot, Ashe was obviously supposed to be the main yes but then Vaan got shoehorned in and the entire thing is just discombobulated and shitty. This means I mainly just do all the marks first and try esper fights and go kill shit instead of advancing plot, so I've got endgame level HP going into Draklor Labs. Yeah.

Close, only it was Basch who was suppose to be the main, not Ashe.  Vaan being shoe-horned as the main resulted in Ashe becoming the effective main character cause now Basch's role is somewhat lower, and Vaan sure as hell fails to do anything remotely significant plotwise after Basch enters the picture for most of the game, and once Ashe does appear, pretty much every plot point until Cid appears is about her (even Basch related stuff is mostly about "I must defend the princess!" IIRC), Cid being a slight divergence to "lets give Balthier a purpose in the story other than a smart talking bad ass with a good Voice Actor!"

I think Vaan's character was also always intended to be in FF12, but as a supporting character.

Still, in the end, yeah, Ashe pretty much comes off as the main, even though she was never suppose to be more than "female lead."  This is mostly cause she was always important and never had her role compromised, I guess, where as Basch was suppose to be the main...wait, people hate him, LETS REDUCE THE ROLE A LOT, then they tried to force Vaan as the main in a game that's clearly NOT about him, without either adjusting the story such that he is the main or taking the FF10 route and making him the narrator thus a character whose mostly just kind of telling someone else's story from his PoV (instead, ONDORE is the Narrator, what the fuck?)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1551 on: April 03, 2010, 05:27:34 PM »
Basch was supposed to be? ...feh. Yeah, could see people shying away from him, but would lean toward making Ashe the main as a result, not Vaan. Bleh.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1552 on: April 03, 2010, 05:47:20 PM »
I REALL need to get back into FFXII. Story was good so far, but you know I'm early into the game and had been focusing on hunts for most of my time.

SS - (and other pokemon related news) - So I started trading over all my pokemon from diamond which is going to take FOREVER! I traded over a scyther with ametal coat for some early game scizor false swipe action to help speed up the catching process.

Only thing is, was that the bitch would;t obey my commands! So I had to beat the first gym with it, which was a breeze because you are so not supposed to have a steel type this early in the game. Scizor even without listening to me took out all those silly bird brains. the gym however, was pretty bad ass at least in design.

Crazy thing, they chanaged the badges a little bit. Instead of having pokemon up to level 30 obey me, they lowered it to just 20....and that's kinda lame. Won't be able to use a lot fo the traded pokemon for a long time.

So needless to say, I don't have anything leveled really. Scizor is level 18, but that's as high as she will get. She is needed to capture a bajillion sentret/pidgeys/ratatas for trade purposes. Plus those low level shits only hit her for 1 damaged each time!

Oh! Forgot to mention, I caught Regigigas and Giratina in Diamond so I guess I have all the legendaries I can get in that game. I can't give up on Diamond just yet though, because there are still some pokemon I can only seem to get via the GTS. Hopefully someone will give me a celebi!
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1553 on: April 03, 2010, 07:37:53 PM »
Basch was supposed to be? ...feh. Yeah, could see people shying away from him, but would lean toward making Ashe the main as a result, not Vaan. Bleh.

I personally would have wanted Basch to remain the main on grounds of "hey look, a middle aged jRPG main!" for once, and there were unique approaches they could do with him due to that.  I do agree, however, that if Basch was removed from being the main, they SHOULD have just elevated Ashe to being the main, as a good part of the story is already about her, just some rewriting of the early game is needed, and she would have been a genuine main.  Going down the route of Vaan was just dumb, as FF12 shows.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1554 on: April 03, 2010, 09:35:43 PM »
If you don't have either a silent/self-insert or a 14-21 year old male as your main you are doing it wrong and nobody will buy your game, duh.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1555 on: April 03, 2010, 10:20:20 PM »
NEB: I'd argue with you except argh average RPG players. -_-

DQMJ: Speaking of silent 14 year old males. Finished Tutorial Island, working on Desert Island/Fuck You We Have Defense Island.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1556 on: April 03, 2010, 11:23:19 PM »
Starcraft 2 beta: Okay so I've been playing this enough now to rant.

First off, the long wait. Blizzard has been delaying SC2's launch (what a shock) mainly for the implementation of version 2, which I have to say... is completely justified. The new matchmaking system is miles better than what we used to have for

Essentially, when you first start multiplayer, you play a series of placement matches that determine which league you fall into. I'm not sure on the specifics of who it decides to match you up with, but it's presumably random. After this, you're placed into one of four leagues (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze) and a division. Each league has hundreds of divisions, and each division contains a pool of 100 players. All normal matches are ranked on this ladder and you move up and down in ranking (and in league, if you manage to do that well or fail that badly) and your games henceforth are always found with someone of as near a skill level as possible.

Games actually denote on the loading screen who's favored (which is a feature I have mixed feelings about), at least in terms of ladder rank. The amount you move on the ladder is determined by how good your opponent is relative to you, so beating someone who's considerably favored above you will get you that much higher and vice versa. Note that you still will get matches with players outside of your division (and also presumably out of your league if you're on one of the extreme ends of the division).

What this all boils down to is that it greatly neuters the issue of skill level disparity. SC1's greatest obstacle to a lot of people who would have otherwise been interested in playing is a massive skill gap to be remotely competitive with the 'average' player. This is in no small part due to the game's age, but's game setup offered absolutely no idea on how good your opponent/teammates were other than a nebulous win-loss record. In addition, that whole issue of joining lobbies and watching a dozen people join and quit in the process is now in the past. Finding a game is literally one click and wait. You can even state map preferences so that you can avoid matches on maps that you dislike, if possible.

As for the gameplay itself, it really comes off like a modernized version of SC1, doing away with some quirks that some people may miss, but most will prefer. For example, the nightmares of unit pathfinding are no more - the AI for movement and unit grouping now is almost impeccably good to the point where you don't really need to micromanage your armies anymore. Little touches like being able to rally workers directly to the mineral resources so that they start auto-mining instead of having to individually assign them to harvest keeps some APM pressure off of players who can focus their attention on the actual strategy of the game. Things like rally points don't suck anymore (units actually engage enemy units en route rather than getting shot down like idiots), and you can (FINALLY) group more than just 12 units when highlighting them! It's even easy to effectively micromanage a large group of mixed units with different abilities because you can tab through each unit type in a group to access something, like setting a bunch of tanks into siege mode and then tabbing over to stim your marines. I have little issue with the interface, although new hotkeys require adjusting to and it does take a bit to recognize the new art, buildings, etc.

As a result of all of this, I feel like the game rewards overall economy and macro considerably higher than individual unit micro and tricks that SC1 lended itself to. Attack-move tactics, while not 100% optimal, still pretty much do the job most of the time, although you still need to control things like casters and abilities in general to get the most out of units. You can also get away with playing a lot more defensively, although it's still not ultimately a winning strategy (can't defend your way to victory, after all), although it's also much much easier to do things like "drop army into opponent's main" due to a number of new options made available to all the races.

The game also runs amazingly easy and is not remotely spec-heavy. I know friends who manage to run the thing on laptops (albeit on the lowest settings), and my four-year old PC can run the game on maximum settings with absolutely no issue.

The races themselves are, although the same in spirit, pretty changed in execution from what they originally were in SC1. This is probably a bit out of scope for most people reading this but I'll get into a bit of it anyway to give an idea of what's different:

Terran - arguably the easiest race to play now in a complete reversal to their SC1 counterparts. Bionic builds are solid and have a place in almost every matchup (TvP and TvZ in particular, while TvT still lends itself more to mech/air play), despite Marines not getting a single base boost. This is because groups of marines aren't retards that go off and get themselves uselessly killed anymore due to the new improved grouping and pathfinding. The Marauder, another Barracks unit that replaced the Firebat, is also solid and is almost universally used in any infantry group. Meanwhile, tanks still exist, they have the most versatile air options of all the races (an anti-air flyer that can transform into a ground attacker, a medic transport, cloakable air-to-ground harassers, etc.), and they're still probably the most efficient race in resource:unit potential overall. Their unique macro mechanic, MULEs, are basically super-SCVs you just fire and forget from your Orbital Command.

Zerg - is probably now the most complicated race to play. People either love or hate Roaches, the new T1.5 unit that bridges between lings and hydras. They have a lot of units that require good micro (roach burrow, baneling targeting, infestors) and still emphasize flanking armies like nothing else since all the familiar zerg traits are still there, like ling speed. Rather than hatchery spam left and right, Zerg now utilizes Queens built from hatcheries that can accelerate larvae production, which is their unique macro mechanic. Overlords no longer detect (lol), as it's now a Lair upgrade that requires morphing them into Overseers. Creep mechanics were greatly expanded on - all Zerg units run much faster on creep (significantly so for some units) and spreading them is no longer a matter of just building hatcheries and colonies, but Queens can actually produce Creep Tumors (which are self-propagating, and can make more of themselves) and Overlords can generate creep as well. This also comes with Nydus being T2 rather than T3, which can lead to hilarious cheese potential.

Protoss - Cheese, cheese, cheese. Protoss got a serious change in the form of Warp Gates, which are a Gateway upgrade that's accessible once you research the tech at the Cybernetics Core. Warp Gates work like this: instead of queuing and building a unit normally, the Protoss player can instantly warp in the desired unit into ANY location on the map that's currently in range of a Pylon power grid (with a 5 second warp-in time), effectively eliminating build wait time. Instead, the Warp Gate then has to go through a cooldown that's equal to the build time of the unit that got warped in. Essentially, it frontloads unit production by giving them instantly but making you wait to make more. It's the ability to have them appear literally anywhere next to a Pylon that's full of BS potential (to make it better, their transport can temporarily generate a Pylon power grid, which means you can fly one over into an enemy base and warp in an army that's only capped by how many Warp Gates you have built). Or proxy pylon, or any number of various things. Their macro mechanic is Chrono Boost, which is a caster ability off of the Nexus that speeds up unit production/research/whatever's being worked on, on any building of their choice. The most basic use of this is to simply pump out more Probes ASAP, but it of course also speeds up army production or getting critical techs you want done immediately.

In summation: I highly recommend anyone who even vaguely enjoyed SC1's gameplay to pick this up when it comes out (it is a Blizzard product and you should do that by default anyway, but this bears saying). The skill ceiling has been lowered considerably and the multiplayer is now vastly more accessible regardless of how good you are at RTS games. All the normal issues that plague beginners (forgetting to build/idle workers, pathfinding, unit grouping, AI in general, etc.) have been readily addressed, while there's still plenty of depth and the overall metagame still flows like the original Starcraft. It's also faster paced to get going, which is a good thing since most SC1 matches tended to last 5 minutes minimum just to get to the point where you could actually mount any offense other than a rush. Blizzard has gone out of their way to make sure even people who think they suck at RTS to have a fair shot at each other, and consistently playing against people on your own level makes the game immensely more fun.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1557 on: April 03, 2010, 11:57:58 PM »
So is it still your standard god-awful micro-managefest, or is there actual strategic-level combat going on  now? Cause what I really want is not to have my infantry ambush a tank column and have armor swing around and destroy them in a flank attack, but to have to keep telling that fucking reaver that yes, I want it to continue making ammunition for it's only gun.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 12:03:20 AM by Rob the Stampede »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1558 on: April 04, 2010, 12:41:59 AM »
Hatbot Heart Gold: In today's episode, Hatbot does fuck all and I learn about type advantages the hard way!

So, Victory Road. Because hahaha like the routes leading there have anything interesting for me to talk about.
Victory Road consists of randoms slaughtering my entire team outside of Nidoqueen and Glen Seel. Learning this pretty quickly, I reset, put Glen Seel to the top of my list and start making my way through, running from Golbat/Donphan since they get attacks in. A few Gravelers/Onixs later and Glen Seel evolves into Dewglen! Whee~!
I run around grabbing items before...
Rival fight! Sneasel falls in one hit from Double Kick from Shalequeen. Not even a full Double Kick, just one damn hit. Speshulz. The rest of the fight consists of Nidoqueen tearing shit up (What's that, Kadabra? One Strength is enough? Ouch.) and Dewgong gaining a little more experience from his Typhlosion.
Now, on to the Elite Four! I rest up, restock and march forward confidently... and get owned. Fuck you, Psychic types. Having Shalequeen as my best is now majorly backfiring as I struggle to hit with Thunder against the Xatus, fail to kill anything in one hit and end up relying on Wobbuffet to take out his Exeggutor. Lost the first fight, am redoing now. Blaaargh.

Current Team:
 - Lv 48 Nidoqueen (Shale)
 - Lv 15 Psyduck (Nitori~)
 - Lv 27 Wobbuffet (Reay)
 - Lv 27 Gligar (Terajin)
 - Lv 22 Swinub (Alida)
 - Lv 35 Dewgong (Glen Veil)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1559 on: April 04, 2010, 02:15:42 AM »
Mass Effect - Beaten, got Light Side or whatever ending.  7/10 or 8/10.  When the game wasn't being bullshit it was amazing, but there was so much bullshit.  So much bullshit.

Anywho, great game.  I was beginning to have my doubts after Noveria, but it turns out that that planet just sucks ass.  Also the game is kinda glitchy on my PC but whatever.  Sooo, yeah, solid stand-alone game, but also a good launching point for a series (or trilogy or whatever). 

Plot was okay, and I thought Saren was pulled off well.  My only complaint is that there's no motivation whatsoever for the Reapers--sure, the exposition bot tells Shepard "Why do you care?  You just need to stop them, not understand them!", which is a fair enough motivation for your party, but it really feels like the writers had no idea what the motivation could be.  This... is not acceptable.  I'm assuming that, if not explained by ME2, ME3 will clear things up.

Oh, yeah. I thought Shepard was supposed to die?  Which is the whole reason you get to make a new appearance for Shep2 in ME2?  It certainly looked like it up until she did the whole "I got better" thing.  I'm assuming that this is affected either by having more Paragon or Renegade points, or whether or not you tell the Alliance to save the council?

In any case, I think I'm going to have to replay it just so when I DO play ME2 I can see how the vastly different (Council alive or dead, Shepard alive or dead, whether or not humanity gets a council rep, whether it's Udina or Anderson as humanity's council representative, etc) endings affect the setup of the next game.

Other things... For 3 fucking games I've been dumping a lot of points into Persuade or its analogues, and this is the first one where doing that affected the game in a meaningful way.  Hooray!

I think that thanks to being able to tell quite obviously which conversation paths are which path kind of puts a damper on the whole roleplaying aspect, and was certainly worse at it than KotOR 2 (before that game fell apart, of course).  However, as a game, it's miles ahead.  Nice combination of FPS and RPG, and it seems all the points I could bitch about (stupid inventory, godforsaken bullshit-ass designed-by-people-who-had-never-fucking-played-HL2-or-some-shit Mako, repetitive exploration) get fixed up in ME2.

Oh, yeah.  Do I have to create a whole new career in order to have a separate ME2 transfer file, or will I have separate transfer files from running the same career more than once?  Can I even DO that?  The FAQs seem to imply that but the FAQs are also stupid.

Finally, PC gamers:  I'm assuming that if I can run ME at lowest settings, I can probably run ME2 at lowest settings?  I'd rather hate to have to play that on an X-Box without the transfer data.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 02:17:39 AM by Makkotah »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1560 on: April 04, 2010, 02:33:41 AM »

I'm not really sure how they could explain the Reapers motives without it being wild mass guessing that somehow turns out to be right or having a massive information dump. And of course the Reapers aren't going to bother explaining themselves to us puny organics.

As for your spoiler text, Paragon or Renegade points do not affect the ending in any way, all the other stuff does though Shepard survives no matter what you do, but you can get a cool little side conversation if you let the council die where you admit to Udina that you let 'em burn on purpose to be even more of a racist dickbag
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1561 on: April 04, 2010, 02:50:45 AM »

I'm not really sure how they could explain the Reapers motives without it being wild mass guessing that somehow turns out to be right or having a massive information dump. And of course the Reapers aren't going to bother explaining themselves to us puny organics.

As for your spoiler text, Paragon or Renegade points do not affect the ending in any way, all the other stuff does though Shepard survives no matter what you do, but you can get a cool little side conversation if you let the council die where you admit to Udina that you let 'em burn on purpose to be even more of a racist dickbag

There's a huge difference between the characters not knowing and the writers not knowing the motivations of the antagonists.  The former fits into your argument, but this felt waaay more like the latter.

And it's not as if Bioware's above huge information dumps.  There's been one at the end of just about every game of their's I've played--the hologram that explains what the Star Forge was and who the builders were, the Prothean hologram at the end of ME that explained what the Conduit was, fucking Kreia but I'll chalk that up to the end of the game being way too rushed.  Hell even some speculation as to the purpose of the mass extinctions would have been nice.  Instead we get the writers blatantly saying "We will not address this!"

It's a minor point against the game but still irritating nonetheless.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1562 on: April 04, 2010, 05:03:06 AM »
Sapphire: Cleared out the Underwater Cave, Cave of Origin and the last gym. Caught Kyogre. All it took was 1 Ultra Ball! He was at about 20% and paralyzed too. Dunno what all the fuss is aboot!


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1563 on: April 04, 2010, 05:22:09 AM »
after gen 2 they actually raised the catch rating on Legendaries above "retarded".  That said, Kyogre's just alright in-game, despite the objectively obscene Hydro Pumps (or Surfs for that matter)

Now, Emerald?  Rayquaza?  Game does not know how to deal with it~
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1564 on: April 04, 2010, 06:33:33 AM »
Kyogre murders the E4 Dead pretty well though.  Teach him Thunder over Body Slam, give him Surf cause its better than Hydro Pump (Kyogre does not need more damage, so Reliability and 3x the PP is an especially big win here), all he needs to do is Calm Mind a bunch of times, and sweeping E4 happens! One thing he needs to be careful of is Sheer Cold from Glacia, due to level factors and what not, but after that, he's pretty much sweeping!

Ruby Groudon's not nearly as good at this for a number of reasons I won't get into.  This isn't to say he's bad, just...doesn't have the "Solo E4" aspect Kyogre has.

Emerald Rayquaza...uh, yeah, not really a fair comparison!  Being level 70 with typical uber stats tends to have that effect in game.  Catching him without the Master Ball is not an easy thing to do though.

Kyogre/Groudon, mind, have a catch rate only SLIGHTLY above most Legendaries, so they're still hard to catch, Rayquaza's a typical legendary in that regard, and being level 70 makes him kick your ass several times over (it doesn't help that he has Rest, IIRC, and Outrage confuses him so he could accidentally KILL HIMSELF).  Really, its just Palkia and Dialga in Gen 4 who are nice, having a pretty standard catch rate instead of an abysmally low one.


Pokemon SS: Claire is an evil, evil little bitch.  Adding Gyarados to your team when I lack Electric damage was cruel, let alone as your openner! Did not see that coming.  The Kingdra, as always, is brutal.  I pretty much expected this level of competence, though, considering she was leagues ahead of the other GSC Gyms in the original *AND* her gym had competent trainers, instead of typical road kill to get you use to fighting that type of opponent.

I also caught Lugia, Raikou and Entei! Lugia was surprisingly easy (though fuck you Whirl Islands *shakes fist*), Raikou I caught on my first ball thrown at him, after lots of False Swipes and putting him to Sleep, Entei...was less than co-operative; took me about 6 Quick Balls til he finally got caught.  Well, at least I don't have to worry about Chasers any more...until Latios...yay...

Also subbed in Lapras for a while, cause I took Surf off Gyarados since he's already running Strength and I need a Waterfall user and he makes an ideal choice for it.  I also needed a Whirlpool user, so...yeah, not gonna waste a slot on Gyarados for a 3rd (shitty) HM, let alone fill his entire skillset out with HMs, so I just decided to use Lapras as a Surf/Whirlpool Slave; the fact that, once leveled up a bit, its actually competent as a fighter didn't hurt.  Heck, it did most of the damage in my Lugia fight due to Confuse Ray and Ice Shard, combined with Lugia having Wild Pokemon AI, making him actually hurt a Hydro Pump at Lapras despite Water Absorb <_<

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
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[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1565 on: April 04, 2010, 07:11:50 AM »
Since it happens in the opening of Mass Effect 2 it isn't much of a secret that Sheppard dies, it is like in the first 10 minutes or so.  Everything after that though, is yeah probably spoiler worthy.

Really not sure on how it will run, I don't know the spec differences between the two is, but they use the same engine and ME2 hasn't been overly upgraded graphics wise.  I find it hard to think about doing another run of ME1 after playing 2 though, it really smashes the shit out of the first out of the water gameplay wise.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1566 on: April 04, 2010, 07:15:32 AM »
Most Legendaries have a capture rate of 3, which is pretty bad.  There's a few easier ones though.  Luckily Heavy Balls exist in HGSS.

HG:  Also at the Elite 4.  Which didn't start well due to my highest level pokes being level 39.  Also Psychic opener is a bad matchup for my team.  So I went and leveled a bit and did some other things.  Wanted a Leaf Stone to evolve my Weepinbell*, so I went back to the Pokeathlon.  Got all the rooms opened up there and now have 8 crowns.  Then went back to Elite 4 and beat everything until I got to Dark chick's last poke.  Fuck Nasty Plot Houndoom.  Fuck it hard.

*I forgot how horrible Weepinbell's moveset is.  Doesn't learn any good attacks until level 47.  And they only added that (Leaf Blade) in Platinum+.  Seriously, look at this:  Razor Leaf at level 39?  TM selection is poor also.  Way to make Unown's moveset look good.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1567 on: April 04, 2010, 08:19:05 AM »
Really not sure on how it will run, I don't know the spec differences between the two is, but they use the same engine and ME2 hasn't been overly upgraded graphics wise.  I find it hard to think about doing another run of ME1 after playing 2 though, it really smashes the shit out of the first out of the water gameplay wise.

Which is exactly the reason I'm going to probably do a ME1 Renegade playthrough and possibly a ME neutral playthrough before moving on. 

Spoilers or not, I'm sizing this down.  Anti-Niu~

Okay, so if Shepard dies, then what the hell is with the Shepard surviving in each ending?  I expected it to be something interesting that ME1 did with its ending (killing the protagonist?  Sure, ASoIaF did that, but I can't name an RPG that's done it), not some lame ass off-screen killing.  Ah well.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1568 on: April 04, 2010, 09:01:23 AM »
Sapphire: Beaten. Kyogre (mostly) solo puny game. Manectric came out for a bit of Galcia, but otherwise it was Kyogre's game. I wasn't even intending to win, just wanted to test it to see what to expect. Oh well.

Kyogre is Kyogre. Went from 46 to 49 all told through the E4-Steven fights. Didn't even get him Thunder yet to use.

Swampert (45) - Water/Ground is really fun, especially with the dual STAB options. Mud Shot was damn good for most of the game, making a dedicated Ground pokemon sort of pointless. Surf, etc also good.

Manectric (45) - My MVP for normal game (sans Kyogre). So many water pokemon flying around, fast Electric type makes short work of so much of it. Despite being 44, OHKO'd two of the four Galcia pokemon I sent him against with Thunderbolt.

Skarmory (44) - Steel is good times. Not much else to say. Great tank, saved my ass in Norman's gym. Fly is just a bonus.

Gardevoir (43) - Awesome. Psychics are always fun, especially ones as powerful as this. Fell off a bit once I hit Victory Road since it's pretty frail, but still good.

Ludicolo (43) - Surprised me that it was still in the team in the end, but the Mexican duck has game. Water/Grass is good typing, but with Swampert and now Kyogre he felt redundant but still a better Grass option than Shroomish/Breloom.

Honorable mentions (IE, stuff I used but didn't make the final cut):
Absol - Cool, though a bit frail. Built one up for the psychic gym and it ground it into the dirt mostly.
Ninjask - Usable for most of the game, but... felt useless after a while. Eventually it was just around for Cut. Speed is nice though.
Shroomish - Absorb and turtle got me through a bunch of early game, but it fell off thanks to Lombre/Ludicolo filling the Grass niche.
Lairon - Also helped me with Norman, and a servicable Rock Smash mule.
Camerupt - Love this thing, but never got to really use it in any serious situation, which docks it points.

Award for Best New Design (so far): Sharpedo. Seriously. Shark torpedo. What else could you want?

8/10 overall? Pokemon is still as addictive as ever and still fun. Probably will do the aftergame as well. Didn't do too badly on the Pokedex front. 160 seen, 110 caught at endgame.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1569 on: April 04, 2010, 09:21:31 AM »
PW3 spoilers!
PW3-3 is complete! Fairly easy case overall, although I got stuck on a few points.

1. Godot is practically invisible in this case. <3

2. Victor is pure love. He is like a variant on Wendy Oldbag except a little more well-intentioned (weirdly).

3. Tigre is awesome. Viola is also really effective at being creepy.

4. I think that the framing is pretty clever and not too weird as to not be believable like in some of the other games in the series.

I overall find the case really hilarious and it seems to go back to the fun antics that were present in some of my very favorite cases. It reminds me of a worse version of 1-3, not that that says too much about its quality. It's definitely in the top half of cases in the series. It's definitely better than: 1-1, 1-2, 1-5, 2-1, 3-1, 3-2. I'm still debating whether I like it or 2-2 more; 2-2 has a much more intriguing mystery(you clue into 3-3's pretty early) but Victor is better than Lotta by a lot and both defendants sort of suck and are damselly. 2-2 I think was also more challenging, which I'm not sure how much I weigh past a certain point since both challenged me in some ways.

Now for 3-4~ The case loved by all~
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1570 on: April 04, 2010, 12:47:09 PM »
Pokemon HG - E4 prove to be scrubs as usual with only Lance himself proving any challange. His poke's movesets seem to have changed though because he completely trashed Sandslash (Something that didn't happen in the original). Anyway I am now in Kanto.

Lt. Surge - Joke fight. Sandslash rendered all his offence useless and OHKOed all of his pokes with Earthquake.

Sabrina - Scizor OHKOed them all before they got a turn except for Alakazam who died right after anyway.

Grass women - Lol Grass types.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1571 on: April 04, 2010, 01:08:26 PM »
Hatbot Heart Gold: And, again, I have (almost!) the exact opposite luck to Cap'n K. Almost!

'Almost' because Will is a bitch to my team too. When a Nidoqueen and Dewgong are my best and his Exeggutor is evil, Will is most definitely not fun. Thunder takes out a Xatu, Jynx gets a Psychic in before 2 Strengths kill, and Slowbro... didn't die to Thunder, so met up with Wobbuffet instead. Took me a few tries to realise Thunder would -never- OHKO it. Exeggutor eventually took Destiny Bond to the face, and Shalequeen was revived in time to thunder the other Xatu.

After that? Koga fell to a few Earth Powers from Shalequeen, Bruno went with a few Earth Powers/Surfs/Counters from 'ffet. Karen... So, Umbreon and Houndoom both met Double Kick. The Houndoom got a Flamethrower in, but that was about it. Vileplume was hit with Destiny Bond, Murkrow with Thunder, and the Gengar was paralysed by the first Thunder, was chipped down, had a Full Restore and was paralysed by Thunder again in the same turn. Hahaha.

Now, I didn't expect to make it to Lance. I was resetting every time I lost to Will because I wanted to beat him, at the very least. Now I'm on Lance and refusing to lose - especially since I realised I had no Hold Items throughout the entirety of those four fights. So, Magnet on Shalequeen to ensure Gyarados is OHKOed by Thunder, and the second Dragonite is a bitch. Dewglen is given a Quick Claw so I can hope to holy hell that Blizzard hits - in one of these attempts, I managed to get Quick Claw -> Blizzard -> Frozen Dragonite! ...I then switched to Shalequeen, it thawed out, used Blizzard and froze me. >_>
Aerodactyl eats Thunder and... 'Zard. Uhm. Surf, maybe? That'll work. Another team update to come soon with levels from post-League. ;)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1572 on: April 04, 2010, 02:21:14 PM »
It isn't off screen, it is right up front, it is kind of the opening motivation for going after the villains until they can expand on the plot a bit to give really solid motivations.  It is pretty effective way of establishing player motivation to say the least.

No point playing through ME as Neutral, it is pretty straight one or the other.  Torment is preeeetty much the only thing with morality where neutral is its own unique thing in PC RPGs.  Arcanum kind of works, but Tech vs Magic scale is far more pertinent to the plot there than good or evil for all that there is a clear "Good" and "Evil" path.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1573 on: April 04, 2010, 02:27:48 PM »
Team Update. Because 'Zard fell to a few Thunders. ^.^

Lv 52 Nidoqueen (Shale) w/Magnet (for Thunder h4x)
Lv 36 Dewgong (Glen Veil) w/Quick Claw (for Blizzarding Dragonites)
Lv 29 Wobbuffet (Reay) w/Quick Claw (for Destiny Bond)
Lv 15 Psyduck (Nitori~) w/Choice Scarf (because why not)
Lv 28 Gligar (Terajin) w/Muscle Band (because pure physical)
Lv 23 Swinub (Alida) w/Brightpowder (for evasion lols + Endure)

Off to Olivine. :)

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1574 on: April 04, 2010, 05:51:13 PM »

I'm not really sure how they could explain the Reapers motives without it being wild mass guessing that somehow turns out to be right or having a massive information dump. And of course the Reapers aren't going to bother explaining themselves to us puny organics.

As for your spoiler text, Paragon or Renegade points do not affect the ending in any way, all the other stuff does though Shepard survives no matter what you do, but you can get a cool little side conversation if you let the council die where you admit to Udina that you let 'em burn on purpose to be even more of a racist dickbag

There's a huge difference between the characters not knowing and the writers not knowing the motivations of the antagonists.  The former fits into your argument, but this felt waaay more like the latter.

And it's not as if Bioware's above huge information dumps.  There's been one at the end of just about every game of their's I've played--the hologram that explains what the Star Forge was and who the builders were, the Prothean hologram at the end of ME that explained what the Conduit was, fucking Kreia but I'll chalk that up to the end of the game being way too rushed.  Hell even some speculation as to the purpose of the mass extinctions would have been nice.  Instead we get the writers blatantly saying "We will not address this!"

It's a minor point against the game but still irritating nonetheless.

They actually get to the Reaper's motives in the second game, by the way.