
Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 356125 times)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1825 on: April 24, 2010, 01:39:10 AM »
Baton, prod, Tranq darts, all your non-lethal stuff to work with.  Suffice to say with those three a Pacifist Run is really not -that- much harder than normal.  The worst part is probably the MIB in the lift in Area 51, and you can use Cloak to bypass that entirely.

Speaking of the MIB, I know that if you hit the little black thing on their neck they don't blow up and you can loot their corpses, but does that work with non-lethal stuff? I might make an exception there if not, I want the sweet sweet Augmentation upgrades.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1826 on: April 24, 2010, 01:46:51 AM »
You can prod them down and they won't go boom.  Not sure about Baton, they are a big enough threat that I have never really gone for it, they are worth the 3 or 4 prod charges it takes to bring them down even if you fuck up the sneak.

Edit - I didn't actually know you could stop them exploding with shooting them in the back of the neck as well.  Neat.  Nearly completey useless, but neat anyway.  Cause if I could shoot them in the neck I could get them with stealth takedowns anyway.

Tai highlights yet again the stupidity of main character death game overs in games with lethal status.  Spikey all over the place Risk:Reward ratios fuck things up.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1827 on: April 24, 2010, 03:35:24 AM »
Alone in the dark Inferno - Finished in record time with 100% of the trophies. What I've heard about the game was greatly misleading. Enemies were a complete joke, the driving sections easy and the puzzles simple to solve. To be fair enemies are actually a tiny threat if you don't use the flamethrower but why wouldn't you? Devil Roots, Humanz, Ratz and Vampirez all die in virtually a second from the flamethrower taking all challange out. Of course they all do near no damage also so you'd have to suck to die against them. Overall a shame as New Nightmare had some of the biggest dicks in gaming as enemies.

The story was very movie like which is fine but dear lord the ending. "Spoilers" so if you care skip this next part.

The Good Ending is basically this.

*Love interest is possesed by Satan*
Satan: I the great Satan have finally returned at last!
Edward: So?
*Edward walks off*
*Game Ends*

What the Fuck! is this? This isn't even a cliffhanger this is a game ending before the final fricking boss fight. Its hard to grasp where they are going with such an ending because if they were trying to set up another game then surely they could have done better. Anyway character run down because its Alone in the dark so I care enough to do one.

Edward: For some reason Edward now drops F-Bombs constantly even though he never did in the old games. Overall while the ending is terrible it does make him into a better character. Edward has seen and faced so much evil by this point that even Satan himself doesn't trigger much reaction and Edward just walks off as the devil is nothing to him.

Sarah: Annoying Female Sidekick that has no real reason being in the game besides filling in the one female spot in the main cast that was thrown in most likely because someone noticed it was a complete sausage fest. Her only purpose is to get in trouble and be kidnapped as her character type usually is.

Theophile: You have to lead him while he lives and he guides you when he dies. Tells you everything the moment he gets the chance and is generally helpful which is good. Also I like the look and the voice.
Helpful Guide.

Crowly: Looks Evil, sounds evil, is evil and well thats it. He has no motives, never poses any threat and any threats he makes are weak as Edward just tells him to fuck off. Still puting a bullet into his brain is a damn good feeling because he is just a terrible human being.
Cartoonishly Evil.

Hermes: Is Plot Device that built the most retarded security system in all of existance.

Satan: Is Evil and in his mind the FUCKING UNIVERSE!

In conclusing the game was average and while it kept me entertained I'm not sure it was worth the 10 bucks I paid for it. This might actually be the final nail in the coffin for AITD because the last two games have been reboots that failed and I'm not even going to start on the movie. Resident Evil successfully rebooted and the movies were fine for what they were, Silent Hill regardless of what some people say remains decent and I found the movie to be one of the best adaptions from game to movie. AITD meanwhile keeps falling its face but it would be a shame if it died out because even at their worst they can still pull off massively powerful scenes like 59th street.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 05:32:30 AM by Rozalia »

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1828 on: April 24, 2010, 04:18:03 PM »
Picasa, and I was indeed hit the very turn I was bombed. It was how I even -learned- what the status did.

They come in groups of 3-4 right? Yeah I'd skip those fights to avoid it happening again. You'll be glad to know there is only like 3 or so enemies that use bomb in the whole game. You possible to actually go through the whole game without seeing it.

The group I died to was one of them, two Ghouls and a something. Yeah, now that I know, they're my first target. It's just... augh -what-. First major bullshit death of the game, suppose it's a SMT but still, it'd been -good- on that shit up until then!

smt game
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1829 on: April 24, 2010, 04:48:35 PM »
Valkyria Chronicles chapter 17, getting near the end. 15 was pleasantly difficult, probably the hardest maps in the game so far. 16 seemed like it would be similar, but ended up disappointingly easy. Still enjoying the game a lot; Fire Emblem comparisons are very apt (albeit Fire Emblem with a menu system that got dropped on its head a couple times as an infant). Thinking of it as an FE school of strategy game rather than FFT makes its AI more forgivable, anyhow.

I really like how it manages its large cast of generics; I feel remarkably attached to PCs who are remarkably close to statistically identical and who do not participate in cut-scenes (characters like Jane the evil florist shocktrooper and Hector the masochist engineer make me really happy). The in-battle voice acting is good in both English and Japanese, which helps (out of battle I find the English a bit hard to deal with, but most of the cast doesn't exist out of battle, so).

Systemically, though, I'm not sure I like how "developing" certain characters and unlocking new personality traits can leave them pragmatically unplayable (see: about half of the engineers who acquire terrible flaws after being used for a map or two), although I guess it does encourage you to rotate your squad around early in the game. And, to rant a bit more about the flawed menu system, it definitely shouldn't be the case that online FAQs are the least annoying way for me to glance over units I already have to see if leveling them has opened up abilities that might mitigate their awful personality disorders (the in-game alternative being to cumbersomely rotate them in in one area, then leave and enter a whole different area of headquarters to check their stats and decide if I want to use them or not).

Had an EB gift card so picked up White Knight Chronicles on a whim; I've wanted it for a while even though reviews have been somewhat mixed. So far it feels like a Fable clone, though that's not necessarily a bad thing, hopefully with a deeper combat system and more challenge. Probably won't do much with it until I'm finished with VC and its downloadable extra stuffs.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1830 on: April 24, 2010, 05:12:06 PM »
Pokemon Soul Silver - Well finally traded all my pokemon over to this game and they announce Pokemon Black! Fuck that!

Just around the Lakes of Rage area. My team is constantly fluctuating. I have six badges and around 176 "registered" pokemon. by the time I get the national pokedex that number should shoot up to around the three hundreds or so.

My current team is...

Marshtomp - 28
Grotle - 18
Quilava - 15
Grovyle - 24
Aron - 8
Taillow - 21

Whenever a pokemon gets its final evolution it leaves my team. The team is severely underleveled, but when I need to I have a surplus supply of high level pokemon to take on the toughest of challengers. =)

What? Hey, I caught them all once, why should I have to catch them again!
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1831 on: April 24, 2010, 06:21:21 PM »
Yeah, SMT game, I know. I had just been kinda impressed since usually you know when this shit is coming and your main can easily block ID so it's not a proble- woops wait psuedo-ID status that bypasses immunities byebye. -_-

Enjoyable game anyway, but still. Just finished exploring the area, think the boss is unlocked, but I wanna beat a Enemy Search random that wiped me first.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1832 on: April 24, 2010, 11:21:01 PM »
I really like how it manages its large cast of generics; I feel remarkably attached to PCs who are remarkably close to statistically identical and who do not participate in cut-scenes (characters like Jane the evil florist shocktrooper and Hector the masochist engineer make me really happy). The in-battle voice acting is good in both English and Japanese, which helps (out of battle I find the English a bit hard to deal with, but most of the cast doesn't exist out of battle, so).

This is ultimately one of the things I was most impressed with in VC--or at least one of the things that makes it so memorable for me. They did a really good job of differentiating your mooks with quirks and mannerisms. (Jane in particular is awesome, yes.)

Menu bitching is, of course, wholly warranted. Headquarters reshuffling. Man, what.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1833 on: April 24, 2010, 11:48:14 PM »
FE9- Map 11 gave me a bunch of resets. It isn't hard, persay. Just a lot of minor things can throw you off- Enemies have enough offense to threaten weak units, Jill reinforcements have to be avoided, Black Knight nonsense, Zihark can frag someone if you mistime your movement in that direction, etc. I ended up beating the map with Moredachi killed. The boss had a Laguzslayer and doubled him (He had also taken light damage), so blah. Not worth redoing the map again for cannon fodder.

Dead: Soren, Ilyana, Moredachi. I think that's it. Had other units (MARCIA) die several times, but ended up resetting each time. 
Soon to be dead for sucking and taking up a valuable support convo with Titania: Rhys

Mia is shaping up well, getting a disgusting amount of STR. This is offset by Marcia being RNG raped beyond belief and her benching. Kiernan and Nephenee look good, going to drop some Bexp into Neph and a bunch into mist so she isn't such horrible OHKO bait.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1834 on: April 25, 2010, 06:12:35 AM »

Finally done. Final time clocked: Around 52 hours ish. Some idle time here and there but still around the 48-50 hour mark otherwise. do I start? Well, if you've been around chat, you've probably seen me bitching about it >_>. On the whole, I'm not very impressed with it. There were some things that they did which ended up better or at least should be objectively better, but at the same time, there were lots of other little things that just annoyed me to no end. Some of it is subjective, some of it isn't.

1) I'll start with the worst offender first. ToV tried to be cute with puzzle dungeons. As far as I know, outside of WA3 territory (and even some of those weren't that bad), these puzzles are simply like the worst thing ever. I am of course speaking of Heracles, Zaphias and Zaude. First, you must undertand that except for Zaude, the first two are done with your primary healer gone for the entire dungeon. You have some other characters who can be secondaries, but for the most part, they obviously aren't as good. So items and what not become very important to manage. There's cooking that you can use to expand your healing but that's only after battle and there is still a limit here. It's not a perfect way around it. Next, each of these puzzles have problems with the way they are managed.

Heracles is around above averagish for dungeon length. The puzzle here requires you to destroy 5 switches. The first two aren't a problem. The last three though is just all kinds of hell. There is a ladder near one of the switches which you are supposed to take. However, the brightness in this dungeon is bad so it is very easy to miss this ladder. Not to mention the ladder itself doesn't stand out. As a result if you miss it, you could be wandering around the entire deck of the aircraft for 40 minutes and still know not what you need to do. Then once you do find the ladder, the last switch is just a pain in the neck, since it requires you to BACKTRACK out of this dungeon to activate another switch that activates the lift so you can drop a box on top of the switch. Oh and if you fuck up, you have to restart this. All this time with no designated healer and monsters respawning. Zaphias' puzzle involves 4 moon gates and this is a big dungeon. AND it requires you to move back and forth to activate the gates. Oh and since you most likely don't know that you need to activate the gates in certain order and the clues themselves are crytpic, have fun wandering around for hours unless you're FAQing. Zaude is better since you finally get Estelle back. But the water puzzles here are just annoying. You likely don't know which block to push or where you need to push them. And each time you mess up, the game spawns unavoidable monsters that you have to kill. You can't even run away from them since the monster sprite doesn't disappear, meaning you have to kill these assholes. Likely twice since you would probably fuck up once. The best part about this? These three dungeons are right after one another. RIGHT AFTER ONE ANOTHER. Glorious. You know, most games usually have one shitty dungeon that everyone bitches about, but this really takes the cake. It's almost equivalent to XS3's 4 hour mech dungeon with stupid bosses nonsense. Who thought this was a good idea? And what the hell were they thinking?

2) There are some minor changes that really annoy me. First, magic lens. What the fuck happened? When you used them to scan HP in TotA, the text didn't suddenly shrink to this. But that's what happens in ToV. I can't express just how annoyed I am at this change because really, why? Why would you do this? What purpose do you have shrinking this text other than to make people squint? Way to detract the item's value and forcing you to waste multiple lenses if you want to check HP.

3) Skills. So some good and bad here. The good is that skill learning is much more obvious now. Instead of hidden skills via C.Cores in TotA, the weapons in ToV show what skills you will learn. The bad news? Well, not necesary a bad thing. If you liked the crystal stones system in FF9, then its right up your alley. I'm personally annoyed by it, because some of the skills that would be nice to have just end up not getting used ever because you don't have the capacity for it. Like the scan all feature with one Lens on Repede. Or better yet, the skill that shows you the damn HP bar so you don't have to squint to see how much HP the enemy has left. Then there's also skill capacity points being unbalanced. Something that Rita has which allows her to reduce the lag time after casting on all spells costs like 5 points. Meanwhile, spell charge and holding the spell costs 16 points or something on advance spells. I can understand liking the change - I just don't though.

4) Artes. Speaking of skills, the game gives you a couple of elemental skills which you can use to change skills like FoF changes. The differences being that you also need to use the Arte 100 times to learn it permanently (which gives you full access to the skill instead of just the Altered arte or the original version of the arte), and that you need extra skills to link Altered artes together. I can see how they thought this was a cool concept. Hey, you can get access to utilizing FoF type artes without needing to set up FoFs which was a pretty big mess until you got Sun cores in TotA. In actual practice...not as good. And another annoyance. For starters? The fact that you need the skill to link the alter arte together with your regular combo string means you need to expend CP towards it and these skills aren't cheap. The cheapest one I think is 12 points or something. Next, until you actually learn the arte, you can't go back to the original arte if you have the elemental skills equipped. Oh and if you haven't learned it, that's at least another 4 CP it costs you to set up the altered arte. Then on top of that, some of the alter artes require you to set up two or three different elemental skills together before it changes. Yeah. You know, in TotA, FoF changes weren't the most obvious thing in the world either. But there were only 6 colours with 2 of them just being a mix of the other 4, AND if you run into those rings and repeatedly use your artes, you would eventually learn which one changes. In ToV, this doesn't happen because you need to mix and match different skills (which suddenly amps up the different combinations you need to find the hidden artes), meaning unless you discover it by change or unless you FAQ it, don't expect it to happen like ever. Oh, and another thing, you would think these elemental skills would change the arte to its elemental form, but it doesn't. That doesn't annoy me as much as the previous schpeel though.

5) Overlimits. The game changes the OL system by giving the entire team one universal gauge. As a result, it charges up faster since everyone's attacks and damage they take helps to build up the OL meter. During the OL, you can choose how many levels to expend it. 1,2,3 or 4. Obviously, using 4 gauges means that nobody else can use an OL. Using 1 gauge means everyone else on the team can also use a level or two. And OLs are upped very much. You can spam artes infinitely since the recovery lag time is removed during OL. Spells in particular becomes REALLY powerful because the casting time normally associated with Tales mages is removed. In particular, Rita has a Arte later on called Tidal Wave which covers the entire screen. So OL1, spam Tidal Wave effectively ties up everything that does not absorb water. Another thing that I can see people liking it.

It annoys me though for several reasons. The first being the huge emphasis now being placed on OLs. Your big ass damage doesn't now come from trying to lock the enemy up or from using your combos or even your basic spells. It comes effectively from Overlimits and spamming the same move over and over and over again. Expect to hear a lot of AZURE AZURE AZURE AZURE or SHINING SHINING SHINING etc, depending on what arte you decide to use. So instead of one shift where, hey OLs are kinda useless, its now, OLs are pretty much your life line. Way to go guys. I liked it better when OLs were just like a nice fringe benefit instead of being this uber dominance on the main gameplay. Next, the different levels are supposed to represent different strengths of the OL. During a L2 OL, you can get a stat bonus equivalent to any skill symbols you managed to made when setting up your skills. During a L3 OL, you don't flinch and can use Mystic Artes. During a L4 OL, you're invulnerable and gain the strengths of all other OLs. Again, sounds cool. I find it less than endearing in actual practice. You would notice I did not talk about skill symbols under skills whe I was ranting. That's because these symbols are hidden. Yeah, so while actual skills you learn are shown, knowing what you need to do to create what bonus symbol is not. Again, don't expect to find these except through sheer luck or through FAQing. I went through the entire damn game and I didn't find one symbol until the end for Rita.  So for the most part? Don't expect this to like matter ever. OL3 and OL4 sounds nice, but then you realize this means that only one other person can OL in OL3 while no one else can in OL4. Well that's not a problem as long as you're the player character right? Not really. It doesn't take long to figure out that standing in the back and spamming spells with no lag time is the best way to go. And if you use a OL4 on that, you're effectively wasting three bars that you could've wasted spamming more lagless spells. So all these options are effectively not very useful because your most optimum way of dealing with things later on is: let the AI be idiots and kill themselves while Manualing Rita and spamming her strongest spells with no lag time. You might think its different if you're using a melee character and for the most part, you would be right EXCEPT, the AI cheats anyway. See, all this talk about tying up enemies is basically absolutely irrelevant. Just like in TotA, bosses can break out of combos after a certain number of hits. Unlike in TotA, where this hit was like 50-60, it's now more like, 5. So...why you would go into OL4 and use a melee character is beyond me, since that PC can't even tie up enemies like they're supposed to do even if the bosses aren't in OL. Yeah, so any OL above L1 is effectively worthless. Oh and don't expect Mystic Artes like ever. Since you can't use it now without OL3, you can only get one person to use a Mystic Arte once per battle more or less and it takes pretty much the same amount of time as it did in TotA to charge up three bars of OL. Well, at least until you open up the casino and then get Limit Bottles for free.

6) Synthesizing. Man, this is some of the stupidest shit ToV pulls on you. You're basically not going to get very powerful if you only use storeboughts. So you have to keep on synthesizing. Unfortunately, ToV takes a lesson from RoF here and basically does some stupid shit like make you grind against low level randoms because the way they spaced the drop is effectively stupid. You could go for a long time without that bottle of Toad Oil. And while you will soon get new synths, it's the principal idea that's annoying. Think about it. You could be out for a weapon for a while and if that weapon teaches you a skill you really want, have fun backtracking. When you make a synth system, either make it like the Gust games where you can create it from several sets of materials, thereby avoiding this problem, or space your drops better or make the drops common in chests or easily accessible or something. The synth system also takes a noise dive when it comes to rare drops. Some of it requires specific weather conditions and ToV's weather system is also bullocks. You have no control over it and since you can't repeatedly use a Tent because of lolplotgimmick. So you basically are either forced to fight battles in between it which makes this process even longer than it should be or rest at an inn which sometimes doesn't tell you the condition that you need (like windy or snowing). And the worst part? Most of time, you're trying to make these things because of the skills they teach you. So it effectively shoots the skill system in the foot too. There's only a few weapons that can be excused for this bullshit because the skills they teach are really that damn good. The rest of it though, why?

7)  Backtracking and sidequests. Some of the stupid shit I mentioned for synthing really rears its ugly head when it comes to backtracking. For the most part, I don't think you can. I remember missing out a Mace+1 for the longest time because the game wouldn't let me take a boat back to the harbor. This meant that I had to make the synth effectively before the dungeon, which I had real no way of knowing that I wouldn't be able to backtrack and grind against stupid randoms :|. Sidequests face the same deal with sometimes not even the slightest hint unless you manage to get it by change. The good news though is that it looks like things like hidden artes and some titles and even some weapons don't effectively get shut off with cut off points. That's at least neutral-ish

8) The world maps sucks. It's not TotA's world maps, but its not like its that much better anyway.

EDIT: 9) Oh also forgot. Sorcerer's Ring. There's also more bullshit they put into this. Hey, if you hit the enemy, you can stun them! At least from the scene. In reality, lolno. You can either have them freeze, have them stun or have them go aggro. There's no telling what will happen. You can hit them multiple times with it, so you can keep doing it until they are finally stunned. But really, why? This just makes the entire advantage sorta pointless since the half the time, its just easier and faster to run head first into the enemy instead of using the ring and HOPING that it stuns them.

I also have some of the worst luck in this game. Like taking the entire damn game to learn a new recipe off of Sandwich. I had Estelle cooking this thing from the damn start of the game to the end. Seriously, what the hell. Game isn't garbage, but I would be outright lying if I said I wasn't pissed at some points.

The game for the most part fixed the enemies so that Free Run is no longer auto win. And the character interaction for most of it is pretty good. There's some areas where I wish they didn't go for plot direction (waaaaaaay too much MYSTARY for like the first 30 hours/Raven's stuff), but its alright otherwise. The core plot is kinda junky, but the side plot between Flynn and Yuri as cliche as it was it, is pulled off beautifully. It's probably my favourite portions of the game when the two chew each other out (helps that their designs are sharp contrasts to each other, which also scores some symbolism points). So yeah, if that wasn't any indication, Yuri and Flynn are pretty cool. Estelle's pretty cool tool. Karol and Rita are okay. Judith's just there. And Raven...uh...I have mixed feelings on him. There's some scenes with him where he's great. And then there's some other scenes where its just lolwat. Especially the plot twist at that. Oh and his humour wasn't that funny :|. So he's kinda annoying at times, but not irratatingly so. I am not touching the villains with a 10 foot pool, because for the most part, they all fail. To quote Super, this villain cast manages to reach the levels of XS3 failure. That is suitably (and depressingly) impressive.

Overall, game's around a 5.5/10 for me. I've had more fun with some of my 6s. It's better than EB to me, but worse than things like S5.

FF13: So finally getting in on this after everyone's done. Around 8 hours in and on disc 2. Some of Gref's complaints are warranted (like Lightning basically being a bitch). Snow is also an ass and lamer. That hat just makes him look like KH2 Seifer and I am expecting him to start rapping any moment. The start of the game also pulls a FF7. No definitive opinions. Will play more and see what happens. If the rest of the game holds up like the first 4 hours or so after Chapter 2, it would be great. Otherwise, see Grefter.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 07:16:48 PM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1835 on: April 25, 2010, 12:43:12 PM »
Mmm yeah, I definitely can second your complaints on ToV.  I liked it, but I like Tales games.  Yet another game in the series sort of pusing the fact that Tales games are pretty much an all or nothing thing.  They can have something in there for most gamers, but you have to be able to stomach their special brand of bullshit and that special brand of bullshit really wears thin with how damned long the games are getting.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1836 on: April 25, 2010, 03:33:33 PM »
White Knight Chronicles is really weird. Systematically it's kind of a Parasite Eve/Xenogears/Legend of Dragoon hybrid (active time, free movement, timed hits, action points, giant robots). You control one character at a time and the others work by AI, which I know some of you don't like. You can change characters freely, though.

Boss fights have been pretty neat so far. Almost all of them have been huge and with multiple target areas. Nothing challenging, but I'm only three or four hours in.

Very pretty, and with surprisingly interesting art design; the game looks ludicrously generic, but actually has its own rather neat style.

Music hasn't jumped out at me yet, but video game scores rarely do.

Menus are extraordinarily clunky, in that deluge of options tons of menus micromanagement way (which I can love, when done right). Desperately needs an autopopulate function to set up skills for your secondary characters without spending half an hour deciding which minutely different basic sword strikes you want them to have access to. It does let you save your skill set-ups, though, which is not so much a saving grace as a necessity (although one that FF13, with its only moderately less complex set-ups, lacks).

I really like that it has a wholly customizable (western RPG-style) silent avatar character, but that person is not the main character. There's a perfectly good main character (Leonardo) and your avatar befriends him (silently) in the opening scene, and as far as I can tell follows him around for the rest of the game (although he occasionally runs off on his own to do RPG-main-character stupid things, like rescuing princesses who are probably his sister, during which you control only him). So rather than a silent main, you've got a silent sidekick, which I like much better.

The character creator's pretty good. As a Sims player, I'm a sucker for a good character generator.

Haven't played online yet (the real reason there's an avatar), may or may not ever bother.

Story probably deserves a cease-and-desist from George Lucas' lawyer. We'll see how it ends up. Darth Vader/the Burger King is pretty badass, though:

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1837 on: April 25, 2010, 03:45:25 PM »
I value Tales game highly because of the multiplayer aspect and can get dudes to play with me.  We yell and complain on how goddamn stupid the plot is and have a great time. Another reason Tales of Legendia sucks!  But really, I didn't have a problem with the game even if I went solo aside of the stupid sidequest requirements.  Tiny text is probably because you're playing on a standard definition TV, a problem with every single PS3/360 game (You'll probably hate SO4 on that, let alone the other 20 problems with the game).


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1838 on: April 25, 2010, 04:38:25 PM »
Tide you like to be wordy for things that can be said concisely. "Altered Artes are near-pointless because they take too long to learn and are FAQ-bait" for example (honestly Nightingale is the only one worth talking about). Altered Artes should have been handled differently but I think you may have put more effort into that paragraph than Bamco did into the planning process for them.

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days. Beaten. Final time of about 25 hours I think.

I liked Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 for a variety of reasons related to gameplay, style, and presentation. Unfortunately I think 358/2 has the first in reduced quality and eschewed the other two completely.

The gameplay is certainly passable, with decent action elements and lots of very interesting customization options via the panel-board. The mission system wasn't varied (kill this boss, slaughter all the heartless in this location), but they felt engaging enough due to enemy differences, and if you didn't want to do them you could just skip the optional missions. I felt the game was too focused on Magic for damage outside of a few bosses, but the physical damage side of the equation is Limits and they ARE pretty good (if dangerous) so I suppose it is just a balance that made me favor magic. I liked the way they made you think about conserving magic due to the number of casts being limited per mission. There wasn't much variety in enemies but there was just enough to keep it from being frustratingly repetitive (and you could skip missions with enemy types you disliked/were too familiar with). My biggest beef with the gameplay is easily that playing an action game on the DS is physically painful for my hands, and the gameplay while decent isn't outright GOOD enough to let me get over this.

The style and presentation were pretty dang lacking, though. Since this is a big part of the KH equation I came away with a bad taste in my mouth. A quick example would be the 'voice acting' during normal scenes (as opposed to movies). They have like one or two 'laughing tracks' that they play constantly. To say this is annoying is an understatement. It also lacks the requisite variation in character interactions. Roxas does missions, Roxas sits on a roof and eats ice cream while saying very little even if the other two Are with him, and so on. The graphics are okay but they tried a little TOO hard to make it similar to the PS2 KH games and so it comes off looking much worse by compare (one still remembers the same locations looking much better from KH1/2). The music is definitely solid, no complaints there.

The plot itself has the whole "Predetermined by Cannon and nothing much interesting to add" problem. Crisis Core managed to work around this by having characters that were much more interesting, and cranking the epic up to 11 for the ending. KH 358/2 fails to pull this off. "But who will I have ice cream with" was about the worst line I've heard in a game in a long time.

Game's best moment: Crushing Saix like an insect in his boss fight. Man, I had wanted to do that for a good LONG time.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 02:52:14 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1839 on: April 25, 2010, 08:57:29 PM »
FE9- Makalov gotten, map 14 cleared. Oscar and Mia are inching closer to promotion, with Kieran, Ike, and Boyd not too far behind them. Astrid, Nephenee, Jill, Brom, Volke, and Mist are still catching up with the rest.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1840 on: April 25, 2010, 09:19:46 PM »
Heart Gold: Got most of the phone numbers, and I'm going to Mt Silver next.

Left 4 Dead 2: Played through all the campaigns.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1841 on: April 25, 2010, 09:55:11 PM »
White Knight Chronicles is really weird. Systematically it's kind of a Parasite Eve/Xenogears/Legend of Dragoon hybrid (active time, free movement, timed hits, action points, giant robots). You control one character at a time and the others work by AI, which I know some of you don't like. You can change characters freely, though.

The biggest problem with WKC gameplay is that it is REALLY REALLY SLOW.  You get to act like every five seconds or so, and can't really do anything in the mean time but watch your gauge fill up.  If it was faster, it could be compelling, but as is it's just really boring.

Boss fights have been pretty neat so far. Almost all of them have been huge and with multiple target areas. Nothing challenging, but I'm only three or four hours in.

You forgot BOSS INTROS.  Boss fights are one of the few things of that game that isn't piss boring.

Very pretty, and with surprisingly interesting art design; the game looks ludicrously generic, but actually has its own rather neat style.

You know, I hadn't thought about it much, but I think I agree.  Kind of weird in that sense.

Music hasn't jumped out at me yet, but video game scores rarely do.

I think you need to go listen to the opening move song again because it is awesome.

Menus are extraordinarily clunky, in that deluge of options tons of menus micromanagement way (which I can love, when done right). Desperately needs an autopopulate function to set up skills for your secondary characters without spending half an hour deciding which minutely different basic sword strikes you want them to have access to. It does let you save your skill set-ups, though, which is not so much a saving grace as a necessity (although one that FF13, with its only moderately less complex set-ups, lacks).

This is why I didn't mess with that stuff much, except for the avatar.  It's just not worth it in the end.  The game's easy enough that you don't really need to worry, at least.

I really like that it has a wholly customizable (western RPG-style) silent avatar character, but that person is not the main character. There's a perfectly good main character (Leonardo) and your avatar befriends him (silently) in the opening scene, and as far as I can tell follows him around for the rest of the game (although he occasionally runs off on his own to do RPG-main-character stupid things, like rescuing princesses who are probably his sister, during which you control only him). So rather than a silent main, you've got a silent sidekick, which I like much better.

Well, the main problem with this is... that it feels like the avatar was just added in at the very end of development along with the online component.  The avatar is pretty much never even noticed in any plot scenes and is just kind of there.  So it's not even really a "silent sidekick" because the plot doesn't even acknowledge the character.

Still better than a silent main, sure, but it's not really a huge improvement or anything.

Haven't played online yet (the real reason there's an avatar), may or may not ever bother.

At least try it if you have the ability.  I found the online stuff to be far more interesting than the main game, though it gets grindy after a point (which is where you should stop unless you like grindy).  I only went up to about GR5 and stopped then since it was starting to get grindy.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1842 on: April 25, 2010, 10:23:38 PM »
Playing Half-Life because I never did get to finish it before. Hopefully this computer won't arbitrarily start hating on the game and refuse to run it past the halfway mark.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1843 on: April 25, 2010, 10:45:31 PM »
Tide you like to be wordy for things that can be said concisely. "Altered Artes are near-pointless because they take too long to learn and are FAQ-bait" for example (honestly Nightingale is the only one worth talking about). Altered Artes should have been handled differently but dude chill.

If we start busting people's balls for posting long-winded rants on games, I'm pretty sure we have to perma-ban Meeple before we go after anyone else.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1844 on: April 25, 2010, 11:22:59 PM »
But not Elfboy, cause his rants are both enjoyable and informative.

Oh yeah, I play games too.

SH3: Finished uhhh, the pirate ship.  Party is Gay Incan Stripper, Indian McBoobs, Fatass lolivamp, and OblivionKnight.  The minor upgrade in gameplay from SH2-SH3 isn't say a huge one like Grandia 2->Grandia 3 and the characters are much worse.  Oh well, got to vote on Gay Incan Stripper.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1845 on: April 26, 2010, 12:45:20 AM »
Ace Attourney Investigations: complete.

Overall, definitely liked it.  Lary Buttz and Wendy Oldbag get probably their best appearance by a longshot.  (When they get out of hand, Edgeworth subtly insults them AND Franziska whips them in the face; very satisfying).  Franziska on the whole was a little disappointing--ok, so she doesn't match Edgeworth in wits when she's like...7--that makes sense.  However, when they're both adults and the dynamic is similar, I...just don't like it.  Honestly, there's a few missions where it felt like you should have just played as Franziska--it's not like PW games are new to the idea of multiple protagonists.  Judge cameo was lame.

VPDS: Booted this up again--at 8th-9th time through the Seraphic Gate, which is when all the completely ridiculous weapons show up.  Things got very easy for a while (there was one fight where no enemy attacked me).  Fights take about 15 minutes on average (as short as 10.  The Hamster fight takes 30 to chase them all down--would take less if I just ignored them).  Hoping the final time through (10th) is more competent--the enemies are showing signs of improvement towards the end of the 9th, anyhow.

Oh, fun VPDS fact: there is a strength cap of 9999.  You can't boost higher with anything--Power Bangle, Might Reinforce, the in-battle attack booster (I forget the name).  Made me rethink my setup.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1846 on: April 26, 2010, 07:24:24 PM »
I value Tales game highly because of the multiplayer aspect and can get dudes to play with me.  We yell and complain on how goddamn stupid the plot is and have a great time. Another reason Tales of Legendia sucks!  But really, I didn't have a problem with the game even if I went solo aside of the stupid sidequest requirements.  Tiny text is probably because you're playing on a standard definition TV, a problem with every single PS3/360 game (You'll probably hate SO4 on that, let alone the other 20 problems with the game).

Yeah, maybe if I had other people around me when I was playing commenting and poking fun at the stupid fun, it would've been more fun! But typically that doesn't happen. I mean, I could've streamed it, but you people don't watch it/don't have Skype to poke fun of the game with me :(

I'm noticing the trend of Tiny text yes. It doesn't help ToV though since in the two other games I have played, they do things that circumvent around it (FF13 allows you to bring up the scan info at any time which shows the HP remaining in big text, plus they have an HP bar on top of the enemy. RoF has a HP bar on top of enemy. ToV does too! ...if you're willing to spend like 5 CP towards it which could be spend on other things -_-). Also, SO4 is like one of the last things on my playlists right now since it sounds gloriously bad!

Tide you like to be wordy for things that can be said concisely. "Altered Artes are near-pointless because they take too long to learn and are FAQ-bait" for example (honestly Nightingale is the only one worth talking about). Altered Artes should have been handled differently but I think you may have put more effort into that paragraph than Bamco did into the planning process for them.

Excuse me for being long winded >_>. I wanted to spell out exactly why I found it annoying though instead of posting a one sentence, "Man, Altered Artes are dumb". It's more informative that way! And too long to learn? That's only ONE of the problems associated with it >.>.

But not Elfboy, cause his rants are both enjoyable and informative.

Grefter's rants are highly entertaining as well. But yes, NEB rants are awesome. Both deserves cookies. And pie. 
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1847 on: April 27, 2010, 02:31:08 AM »
Excuse me for being long winded >_>. I wanted to spell out exactly why I found it annoying though instead of posting a one sentence, "Man, Altered Artes are dumb". It's more informative that way! And too long to learn? That's only ONE of the problems associated with it >.>.

Altered Artes are practically sidequests in themselves. You obviously don't need them to beat the game, and your points are better spent elsewhere. Altered Artes are basically only used for us hardcore combo-enthusiasts who like to make ridiculous Judith aerial combos and are willing to spend more time practicing those than actually playing the game.

Honestly, the whole game seems geared towards this kind of player, but they make it optional for people that don't /want/ to play with the combo system that long and just want their usual Tales-y experience. As someone who loves playing with the combo system, I felt it was pretty balanced and it really focused on what makes the series great. There were so many combinations you could make and it was challenging to adapt your combos as Altered Artes were found/learned/shuffled.

And then once I got bored of playing with the combo system, I just Tidal Wave-spammed the 2nd half of the game and enjoyed the nice voice-acting. I want to go back and practice Judith's infinite combo again. ;_;


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1848 on: April 27, 2010, 02:36:05 AM »
Pokemon HG. Played a bunch of this today while I was chilling in a coffee shop waiting for Jenna to pick me up. Knocking on the E4's front door, but haven't taken them on just yet.

Party is:

Feraligatr: Brave Nature(+Atk/-Spd). Torrent(derp). Crunch/Strength/Avalanche/Waterfall. Hits like a damn train. Does his job, does it well. Not fast, but I take advantage of that with Avalanche sometimes.  

Slowbro: Calm Nature(+SDef/-Atk). Own Tempo. Surf/Zen Headbutt/Headbutt/Yawn. Tanky bugger with two fairly good STABs. Thinking about dropping Headbutt for something but dunno what.

Electivire: Lonely Nature(+Atk/-Def). Motor Drive. Thunder Punch/Fire Punch/Iron Tail/Light Screen. Yay high speed smashing. Wanted to teach him Brick Break instead of Iron Tail, but couldn't find the TM for that. Mrf.

Butterfree: Bashful Nature(Neutral). Compound Eyes. Psybeam/Bug Buzz/Sleep Powder/Flash. Look, it's a whorish Butterfree! Do they really come in any other flavor? Shitty stats, but the ability/moveset are fun. Mostly a catching poke, may swap out for something else if I wipe to the E4 and she feels like she's not pulling her weight.

Sandslash: Careful Nature(+SDef/-SAtk). Sand Veil. Crush Claw/Earthquake/CUT/ROCKSMASH. So yeah, guess who's largely been an HM mule for the largest part of the game? Still, Dig earlier and EQ now means she holds her own well enough. Also, I kinda like that nature for a Sandslash. Sure getting a boost to Atk or Spd would likely be better, but there's nothing quite as awesome as hanging on by that thread you otherwise wouldn't have been able to.

Scizor: Bold Nature(-Atk/+Def). Technician. Bullet Punch/U-turn/Wing Attack/False Swipe. Will likely dump FS for Sword Dance if that's within quick leveling range. Otherwise BP and U-Turn are both fun enough without it. Don't like the nature, but the first two Scythers I caught had Swarm instead of Technician, so when I finally got a Tech Scyther, I wasn't about to keep trying to get a better nature. Ah well.

So 'slash and 'free are clearly the LVPs of my team. I have a halfway decent Crowbat sitting in the wings(har) that I can level grind up fairly quickly if I wipe and feel the need to replace one of those two. I could also just move deleter CUT and ROCKSMASH and get something decent instead.
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<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1849 on: April 27, 2010, 04:01:31 AM »
The plot itself has the whole "Predetermined by Cannon and nothing much interesting to add" problem. Crisis Core managed to work around this by having characters that were much more interesting, and cranking the epic up to 11 for the ending. KH 358/2 fails to pull this off. "But who will I have ice cream with" was about the worst line I've heard in a game in a long time.

Do not forget that KH exist for the purpose of yaoi, and 358/2 plot serve no purpose but to promote 813 for the fandom. Only made worse when Nomura wasn't trying to hide this in the first place.
..Well no, I'll give Xion form 4 a point for being good. But that is mostly because Shimomura's music. She must have purposely designed that track to make you feel guilty about pushing the attack button in that fight. In a sense, that fight is equally as hard as the Vanitas fight for me. I want to go back and practice Judith's infinite combo again. ;_;

Don't cry, I perfectly understand how you feel. But isn't it time to move onto Raven now? You know his combo loops are at least twice as ridiculous than that of Judy.