You get a fuckton of Bonus Exp for it.
WoO - ULTIMATE BETRAYAL!!! Pretty fun times, at the final dungeon. Ju Kaku 2 decided it would be a good idea to use Power Charge + Magic Thunder to cancel it himself a lot so yeah he kinda failed.
FE9 - Up to Chapter 27. So yeah, I was all "Stefan can totally save me a turn if he kills Bertram" and I saw Bertram's 1% crit chance (on a 55% hit rate) and I was all "well if it happens, it'll be hilarious." It happened. Same thing occured with Ike the following round, but Ike didn't get critted, so no ludicrous 1/40000 odds fucking me over beyond belief. That would have been the best thing ever. Going on with the game because Stefan was finally falling back to the pack (Zihark became his equal with like 4 maps left, omg totally a better SM) and I dislike resetting anyways these days.
He's my second casualty that I care about, Soren ate it to a crit from the last SM in Chapter 21 and I was all "Soren if you're going to be killed by someone who does singledigit damage to much of my party DESPITE my giving you an Angelic Robe that's really your problem". He was okay until then, although his staff use was laughably useless, still have never gotten much out of a Sage's staves in FE9.
Lethe isn't so great any more but she's still gunning for overall game MVP.
Oh yeah, and after Soren died I pulled barely-used Oscar out of for Chapter 22, gave him 3 levels to catch him up a little and since then he's been quite possibly my best unit. So broken. Fixed mode btw, and I haven't given him any stat boosters, and he's still my lowest levelled PC if no longer by much. Oscar just owns.