Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 362566 times)

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3600 on: September 05, 2010, 01:32:41 AM »
I actually started playing as Kim for a couple levels. She seems to have a much shorter reach than Stills.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3601 on: September 05, 2010, 07:13:07 PM »
Lost Odyssey- Since I'm nearing the end of the game, I'll tend to save the plot type stuff for my inevitable giant final recap of the game. What is worth noting is the bosses I've fought since last time ( location at least since I don't remember all their names!)

Eastern Temple boss- Starts out easy. Gets double casting around low life and always uses one cast to cast Shadow (which 2HKOs the mages and of course is decent damage against everyone else!) This would be really bad....but he always uses the other cast for something useless! Could end up being nasty, but Double Item makes it the most managable boss so far.

Kakanas Tank- Owwwwww. This starts out painfully, and I figure given the absurb MT damage, maybe I should do some random sidequesting and see if it at least gains me something to make this doable!

Persona- If only Sarah had denied this was her! That said, it's unique darkness attack was brutal. Painful MT damage+Status that includes the chance of stone! This was pretty adept at knocking out characters, and pretty sure I ended up with at least 3 dead at one point! It's gimmick of switching magical or physical absorbing didn't hurt too much since generally you need at least a few people on healing, meaning only a few can really attack anyways.

Kakanas Tank attempt 2- Did a good number of the dreams and item hunts! Which led to...random Fire absorption! And turns out it's insane MT attack was Fire elemental. Ming now can't be hurt, although it manages to wipe out all 4 other party members! Also, unlike most LO bosses, since the big boss is constantly drawing power from it's support and can't generate the support, killing the two other tanks makes it a lot worse!
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3602 on: September 06, 2010, 05:10:14 AM »
Running a Nuzlocke challenge on Pokemon Ruby alongside a couple of friends. Writing up diary entries for it, so might as well post them here. Will give them their own topic if people enjoy reading them.

Chapter 1: A NEW START

Hey there! The name's Yoshi, and I'm the newest resident of Littleroot Town. My dad's the new Gym Leader over in Petalburg, so we've been forced to move. Only 5 minutes here, though, and I'm already making friends - a girl called May lives next door and the professor here was.. being attacked? Wow, good to see he's competent with Pokemon. That said, he gave me my new friend and my first Pokemon - RedTube the Mudkip (name courtesy of Jog). Me and RedTube are gonna go on an adventure together and become Pokemon champions!

I set off towards a nearby town, fighting Zigzagoon and Wurmple as I go, until I reach a Pokemon Centre. In the route to the north, I find May again, who proceeds to challenge me to a fight! RedTube was weakened here and was tragically killed, spelling the end of my adventur--

No, wait. That can't be right.

After progressing to this point again, I beat May's Treecko with relative ease and set back home with RedTube. I'm given a Pokedex by the professor here and told to go exploring, and off I set. However, with my first batch of PokeBalls in hand, I can add my first ally to my team - a female Wurmple, which I affectionately name Dr. House (named by Dragonite).

Well, I thought it was affectionate.

On towards the next route, I'm repeatedly attacked by trainers. I was always told trainers would attack other trainers, but this is ridiculous! This land is way too violent for me, and I refuse to subject too many of these Pokemon to this brutal torture. One per area, that's it.
...And for this area, it's another damn female Wurmple. This one's called Peach! (Also named by Dragonite!)

Petalburg City, and I go to visit my father. He's talking to a small kid who introduces himself as Wally. The kid's hopeless and I'm forced into helping him catch some random piece of crap Pokemon in the nearby route - thing is, the kid only goes and gets lucky and gets a damn Ralts! Meanwhile, I'm stuck here with two Wurmples. Ridiculous.
Finally, I can get out of this place and move on. I fight a few more trainers, although none of them are anything special, and manage to not find a Pokemon in this area, leaving me stuck with less allies than I should have. Dammit.

The area I've entered recently is a large forest, which I'm told is called the Petalburg Woods. I'm immediately challenged by another trainer before I can even enter the grass, and this guy's apparently a nice sign of my future - an army of goddamn Wurmple. Soon after, however, I find a new Pokemon - a Shroomish, which I end up having to heal against but eventually catch! Mario the Shroomish has joined my team! (Named by Shoj)
Not much further into the woods and I'm suddenly grabbed by some researcher and then attacked by some moron in a red hoodie. After beating away the moron, I was given a Great Ball, but I seriously need healing. Time to retreat back to a Poke Center back in Petalburg before returning here...
Back in the woods, I return to where I was and continue through the trees, killing Shroomish as I go - barely kept Peach alive at this point, which was a relief and a half! (Seriously, poison killed a Shroomish the turn it would have killed Peach. Shroomish just happened to go first.) In the next fight, Peach is fully healed and comes out against a Nincada, which she poisons, is healed and then... gets hit with a critical! Peach has fallen, and my team has suffered its first casualty. ;_; Mario comes in to avenge Peach (lol?) and the Nincada falls with ease, allowing Mario to learn Stun Spore!

Finally, I'm out of those woods. The nearby shop has some items behind it, which I decide to take, and I catch a Zigzagoon while I'm there, which is nicknamed Tails. (Named by Shoj.) The next fight leads to another level for Dr. House and an evolution into Silcoon! I'm getting a Beautifly! ...Dammit. >_>

I finally reach the next city and heal up my remaining Pokemon before heading back to finish off the trainers I missed earlier. I think I'll rest for today now, and explore this new city tomorrow.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3603 on: September 06, 2010, 07:46:34 AM »
BlazBlue- Continuum Shift: Up to Challenge 10 for Hazama. Completed up through at least Challenge 3 for everyone else. Fuck Jin in the goddamn eye for his bullshit. High jump cancel into a fucking 2C my ass. Worse than Noel's. *grumble* *grumble*

My online career continues to pretty mediocre. Doing a little bit better with input precision, which, in turn, is helping me stay relaxed and in control for matches, which, frankly, is freakin' hard when you have Ragna/Makoto/Tsubaki blockstrining your goddamn face. Still dropping combos with relative frequency and still pretty bad at reacting to anti-air 5C/2C connects. Also cannot tech throws to save my life, but this is slightly counteracted by hotkeying R1 to A+B+C for easier barrier blocking and rapid cancels. Still want to huck my controller at the wall everytime I eat a 3K combo for failing a HOUTENJIN! input I really needed to succeed at.

Also, I very much appreciate the player named Ragna5B for destroying me without mercy in every match. Helpful in coming to understand Ragna blockstrings.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3604 on: September 06, 2010, 08:01:08 AM »
Mega Man X8 - Beat this again on Hard Mode. At first I struggled like hell with this since I was rusty, but by the end I was more or less breezing - no continues needed for the Sigma stages for instance.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii - Have this. I've beaten the first two worlds. It's not really grabbing me like the first one did, but like hell I can justify why that might be when it comes to Mario games. Though honestly, the big reason is that right now I'd rather be playing...

God Hand - This game is awesome. The sense of style needs no explanation, it is good times. But it's also a hell of a lot of fun. Feels like a clear improvement over Devil May Cry for the simple reason that mooks are way, way more fun to fight - this was pretty much exactly what I was looking for! And unlike many games of this type, things only get more intense as you fight more at once, forcing different strategies. Boss fights are solid too, of course, and quite varied so far. God Hand meter and roulette are both implemented very well and work nicely as bailouts. Move customisation goes a little further than is necessary (do we really need over 100 techniques?) but fundamentally it's still well implemented given that design decision, because of the wonderful little preview screen that shows you exactly how long each move takes, how much damage it deals, and what special properties they have. Really, my only complaint of significance with the game is that the buttonmashing used for the various pummel-type moves is kinda annoying, to the point where I sometimes avoid using them even when doing so is the gameplay choice. This goes double against female enemies for reasons that should be obvious. I'd be happier if they were all like Suplex (i.e. one press), since I like their place in the game a lot (nice reward for keeping up pressure and quite satisfying)! The game also gets props for its scoring system which actually makes sense unlike DMC's... I'm clearly being rewarded for doing damage efficiently while avoiding it in return, instead of some bizarre style criteria. And tying this to sliding scale difficulty is pretty great, since it ensures the game's challenge is always tight. I guess it's kind of artificial to have challenge adjust to the player, but hey, even at Level 1, the challenge is competent, and there's always Hard Mode for the other extreme. Anyway, this is easily one of the best games I've played this year, up there with Metroid Fusion and Ace Attorney Investigations.

Anyway, midway through Chapter 5.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3605 on: September 06, 2010, 07:10:30 PM »
Mmkay Dhyer it's time for you to break the game.

Use the Shield spells that absorb damage. They are ludicrous. As in "Absorb several times PCHP" ludicrous.

Valkyria Chronicles:

Plot is worse, main characters are much worse, side-characters are still charming, and gameplay is... better, I say.

 Class balance and the nature of having multiple smaller maps makes Scouts less valuable (more like a jack-of-all-trades than a super mobile camp-capturer). Engineers are good at killing things they can walk up to due to the pistols strong power/low range, and long-range healing is a neat gimmick in theory. Shocktroopers are what you send in to have a firefight and are actually generally better than Scouts now at rushing to an enemy camp and taking it. Lancers are still what you sneak around to take out an enemy Tank. I imagine they will be more useful later as more tanks show up. There is also a new class, Armored Tech. They don't take damage from the front, have batshit insane defense vs. small arms, they have a melee weapon that acts a weak grenade over an area, and they carry a grenade. I put Avan in this and upgraded him to the Fencer class, which replaced the Wrench with a BFS that OHKOs everything I have seen except for another Ace Fencer that was crouched. They also get even nuttier defense. So yeah. Happy smashing ensued, even if these guys have the worst movement range.

Generally a fun game, and I recommend it to folks who enjoyed VC1.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2010, 07:58:00 PM by Pyro »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3606 on: September 06, 2010, 10:37:25 PM »
Metroid: The Other M

Played, beaten.  Trying to get all the items now.  Really solid gameplay.  If you ever wanted Metroid Fusion to be Metroid Prime, and for Metroid Prime to actually be God of War, then this game is for you.  The plot is terrible, though, and the voice acting makes watching the cutscenes really trite.  Also, it makes you watch the credits after only beating 90% of the game, because I guess Metroid Zero Mission did that so they thought they could get away with it.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3607 on: September 06, 2010, 11:28:55 PM »
Darksiders Abridged:

Episode 4: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Big Freaking Sword to Enemy's Face

Watcher: When we last left our ultra violent, hero that hates demons and angels alike, he had just beaten the crap out of THE GRIEVER.
War: Oh no, not another one of yo-...wait, why are YOU narrating?
Watcher: Because the Council realized you'll kill anyone else who tries to narrate, so they put me who you CAN'T kill to do this.
War: That has to be against one of our contracts in SOME way.
Watcher: Whatever, can we continue on with our own story please?
War: Fine, fine.

*back in the actual story*
War: So, I just got this sweet gun with unlimited ammo, I need to test it on something.  Damn it, where are those wimpy demons when I need to kill something?
Watcher: Well, you could kill those Crows over there if you really want to sho-...
*Watcher notices as all the Crows are laying on the ground in corpses, with green souls all flying to War*
War: You say something?
Watcher: ...never mind, shall we just get the heart to Samael?

*at Samael*
Samael: Ah, ANOTHER HEART! And it seems you and the Black Hammer are best friends now!
Watcher: How do you know that? You live in this little prison!
Samael: I have my ways *hides a demonic TV showing the latest news*
War: Here's the damn heart, now tell me where the next CHOSEN is.
Samael: Ah! Good! And I heard you had a run in with Uriel.
War: What if I did?
Samael: Did you have a boss fight with her?
War: Maybe.
Watcher: WE did.  Just for storyline purposes, we sort of glanced over that part cause it was uneventful and she didn't die.
War: Damn it! I wanna be cryptic for once.
Watcher: Hey! Cryptic is MY job! Your job is to just be violent and kill things.
War: Fine fine.  Anyway, she's convinced I killed her leader, Abaddon, when it was clearly the DESTROYER that did that.
Samael: Actually, it wasn't the Destroyer.  It was some really strong demon named Straga whose probably one of the chosen, and you'll probably fight him again.
War: Wait, what? I could have sworn it was the Destroyer! The intro suggested as such!
Samael: Yeah, well, the intro also did a poor job of making any remote level of sense.
War: ...touche.
Samael: Anyway, those Angelic pricks all had strong devotion to their leader and will stop at nothing to get back at who killed him (which remember, they think is you).  Especially Uriel.  She totally had the hots for him, afterall.
War: Angels are capable of Adolescent crushes?
Samael: Yes, yes they are.  Most beings are, in fact!
Watcher: ...wait, do you mean to say that you actually had a thing for Tiamat?
Samael: HEY! How did you...I mean...uh...about that next chosen!  The Stygian Worm held in the arena by Demons is...
War: Wait, he's a high level demon and he's being...imprisoned by other demons?
Samael: SHUT UP! The specifics don't matter! What matters is you run to the Ashlands, kick its ass, get its heart, and bring it back to me.
War: Kick something's ass? I'm game!
Samael: Oh yeah, have you heard of the CHRONOSPHERES!?!?!?
*Dramatic music plays*
War: Yes, yes I have. (If only cause it'll make you NOT explain what they do.)
Samael: They let you control time.
War: (CRAP!)
Samael: The Demons learned how to use a lesser degree.  With full control one can slow down, speed up or even REVERSE TIME!!! But that's not important, what's important is that I'm giving you another random plot power upgrade that lets you use these things cause you're going to need them for the following puzzles to avoid these stinking bugs.
War: Uh, ok?
*War gets the power to control Chronospheres*

*at the Ashlands*
War: So, I see these blue orbs, touch them, time slows down, and I have just enough time to complete the puzzle, it seems.
Watcher: Yes, that would be the case.
War: ...didn't God of War 2 have that EXACT SAME GIMMICK?
Watcher: Please.  You act like we aren't liberally ripping off games as we speak already.  Just shut up and get on with-
War: *busy ripping Zombies in half* I'm sorry, what was that again?
Watcher: ...just open the damn door using the Chronosphere.
*A bunch of NEW kinds of angels appear*
*War throws Bomb rocks at them, they explode*
War: You know, when this "Adventure" is over, I think Angels and "Kamikaze Morons" are going to be synonymous to me.
*after many of those stupid aerial worm traps from the previous levels later*
War: Ah, a desert.  We must be getting close.  I think I'll walk into the sand and...
*War gets eaten by a giant worm, respawns at edge of sand*
War: What the fuck was that? HA! I won't be beaten by-...
*Same thing happens*
Watcher: Its called an Instant Death trap.  You're suppose to use that Chronosphere over there and avoid being eaten.
War: ...I knew that.
*War does exactly that*
Bull Demon Guy: HE COMES! GET HIM!
War: Who the hell are these freaks.
Watcher: NEW Generic mooks.
War: Which means I get to slaughter them with massive prejudice?
Watcher: Oh absolutely!
War: NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! *War rips them in half...some literally*  And now to climb this *gets saw bladed off* WHAT THE FUCK?
Watcher: Another Chronosphere puzzle.
War: Look, can we forward thing this boring section and get on with the fun stuff?
Watcher: Fun stuff? Like what do you mean?
War: Well, you see...
*Fast forwards to a section with big bull demons, one holding large grenade launchers*
War: ...this is what I'm talking about! An actual battle!

*after the battle is won, one of those demons drops a cannon, which War picks up*
War: HA! Now that's what I'm talking about! I shall name this cannon...JIMMY!
Watcher: Not as threatening a name as Redemption, if you ask me.
War: Doesn't matter, Jimmy and I shall DESTROY ALL DEMONS IN THIS DUNGEON!
*War runs rampant blowing up just about everything in this dungeon.  This goes on for about 5 rooms involving mass destruction, explosions, and many suicidal demons as a result*
War: Ah, Jimmy, you are a fine...
*Demon punches War, he drops the cannon*
War: GIVE HIM BACK!! *War slaughters the demon*
Watcher: (Note to self: Never get between War and weapons he's sentimental with)
War: These freaks will pay! Dear god they'll pay! For my name is...
*War gets eaten by another giant worm*
War: ...ok, what the hell?
Watcher: Its another Worm puzzle.  this time, you need to rush between the towers which are safety points, before it eats you.  Have fun with that, cause its going to involve lots of painful deaths if your timing is a little off!
War: God damn I hate it when I can't just kill things.  Seriously, why can't I just kill this worm now?
Watcher: Cause you can't do shit while you're sinking in the sand, and thus it leaves you defenseless?
War: ...oh, right, that stupid handicap.
*About 10 deaths later, War reaches the end*
War: That was really unfun, who seriously thought that was a good idea?
Watcher: The Council did.
Watcher: (, I didn't think that'd actually work, but...)  The Arena is on the other side.
War: Arena you say? That means there will be things to kill!
*War opens door, gets ambushed by about 60 demons*
Generic Demon #7: HE CAN'T TAKE US ALL ON!
War: BRING IT ON! (Also, thanks for the tip!)
*War kicks some ass and then some*
War: Wait, why do DEMONS get horses? I mean, I'm one of the Horsemen!
Horse Riding Demon: Shut up! I'm more awesome than...
*Demon gets impaled on the Chaoseater*
War: Like I was saying...
*New special fancy Demon who resembles one of the Horsemen appears*
Super Horse Riding Demon: Aha, you don't look so big from here, HORSEMAN!
War: You can look me eye to eye when I kill you! </actual line of dialog>
SUper Horse Riding Demon: HA! I got the horse, that's 6 legs! YOu only have two! What now!?
War: Falcon...PAWNCH!
*War smacks the Demon off the horse*
Super Horse Riding Demon: Ok, that was unfair! But you'll need more than that to...
*War slices the guys legs off, then impales him*
Super Horse Riding Demon: Blargh! Unfair...this was...suppose to epic...boss fight. *dies*
*The horse goes out of control*
War: Ruin...I will not fight you!
Watcher: What!? Whose Ruin and where did it come from? KILL IT NOW OR I'LL KILL YOU!
War: I'll take my chances!
*Ruin kicks the shit out of War some offscreen*
Watcher: Oh come on, you thought standing in the way of a stampeding horse was a good idea?
War: Look, I'll admit it wasn't one of my better ideas, but...
*War mounts Ruin*
War: I GOT MY HORSE BACK BITCH! Now I cam a REAL Horseman!
Generic Demon #10: He's got his horse back! Quickly, we can beat him now!
Logical Demon: Um, sir, doesn't the horse give him MORE strength and he just took down a whole bunch of us *AND* some high class demons in the process>
Generic Demon #10: IRRELEVANT!
*things end about as you'd expect*
Watcher: Aww, what a touching reunion...BUT WE HAVE A STYGIAN WORM TO GET AND A HEART TO RIP OUT DAMN IT!
War: Oh, right, there's that.  Say, with Ruin, I can now TRAVEL ON QUICKSAND! HA! That worm is totally getting its ass kicked.
Watcher: I guess I should tell you I saw a flashing thing in its mouth.  But I don't think its that important.
*War challenges the worm, kills it with lots of gun shoots in the mouth*
Watcher: See? I told you it was relevant.  
*War slices the worm in half, Shoryuken style, as a finishing move*
Watcher: Anyway, that was just a warm up, GO FIND THE REAL STYGIAN WORM!
War: Already did.
Watcher: Really, where!?
*War points to a huge freaking worm that's chained up by a mass of demons*
Watcher: Well, its chained up, so that's easy.  Ok, go get the-...
*War starts butchering all the Demons in the way instead*
Watcher: ...well, I guess that's one way to get to the thing.
*The Stygian Worm escapes, kills all the demons*
*Mega Man Style Intro: The Stygian*
Watcher: War. Chosen Demon. Beating Heart. Fight.
War: Based on the way this fight looks, it seems to be a simply more elaborate version of that OTHER worm fight.  So...
*War proceeds to just shoot it in the mouth a lot til its dead.  Sure, some gimmick sections like it trying to eat him from below, having to slice off the metal thing on his mouth first, and splitting into multiple small worms appear, but no one cares about that*
War: AHA! I win...
Watcher: Just press the B button and get on with the cinematic kill.
War: Right!
*War jumps into the Stygian's mouth, the two go underground, War shoryukens his way out of the ground holding the heart*
War: HA! I win!
Watcher: Ah, another heart for Samael.  You know, with all these hearts giving him know, I'm starting to think this isn't a good idea.
War: of course it is! I get to kill stuff, he gets the hearts, we both get what we want! I fail to see what can go wrong.
Watcher: ...whatever.

Watcher: And so, ends the 3rd dungeon that wasn't quite as long as you'd expect and...
War: Seriously, are you going to be doing this for the rest of the episodes?
Watcher: Yes I am.  You can either shut up, let me talk, and it'll be over faster, or...
War: I feel like this chapter was missing something.
Watcher: War, you thinking what I'm thinking?
War: That retreat might be a good idea for the first time in my life?
Watcher: Yes!
Uriel: HEY! You two get back here!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 03:28:26 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3608 on: September 07, 2010, 12:27:52 AM »
Running a Nuzlocke challenge on Pokemon Ruby alongside a couple of friends. Writing up diary entries for it, so might as well post them here. Will give them their own topic if people enjoy reading them.

Do we get to name your battle-pets, too?


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3609 on: September 07, 2010, 07:00:17 AM »
So like, all the Megaman talk I've been seeing anywhere has convinced me to like, play MMX6 again.  Why yes, I am brain damaged!  And I'll show it too by going through with only unarmored X.  Hahhahahaha.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3610 on: September 07, 2010, 07:24:00 AM »
WA:XF replay- Beginning of C3. I only did one Creeping Chaos this playthrough, and interesting to see how it plays without the breaking! Using Clarissa, Levin and Ragnar and 3 generics. Also of note was that I still finding Ragnar only barely objectionable as a character.

Crisis Core- Wooooow, they really want you to hate Zack, huh? Didn't really much screentime in FF 7, but he's pretty horrible so far. Game feeling highly random so far.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3611 on: September 07, 2010, 01:01:44 PM »
Also of note was that I still finding Ragnar only barely objectionable as a character.


Lost Odyssey-Started this. Saved outside the wizard dude's mansion. I'm not supposed to be there, I was supposed to go to an inn but I decided to explore the town first. Started playing it in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep but didn't do much before going back to bed. The opening reminded me of Legend of Dragoon of all things because of the ridiculously dressed troops, also of SO3's big war battle scene on disc one. The game has seemed really camp/cheesy so far but that might be because I had the sound off and everything just looked so silly! Also I thought "Balmore" was a man when I first saw the character in the game manual. On reading the profile ... Wait what that's a woman!? Cute in her first cutscene though. I might end up liking her more than Ming! Cooke is CT bait in character but looks like Mack has the more CT bait battle skills =/
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3612 on: September 07, 2010, 04:05:29 PM »
So like, all the Megaman talk I've been seeing anywhere has convinced me to like, play MMX6 again.  Why yes, I am brain damaged!  And I'll show it too by going through with only unarmored X.  Hahhahahaha.

You are a brave (and stupid) man, my good sir! I support you 100% of the way on this endeavour! (Mostly cause its not me doing it <.<)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3613 on: September 07, 2010, 09:59:43 PM »
So like, all the Megaman talk I've been seeing anywhere has convinced me to like, play MMX6 again.  Why yes, I am brain damaged!  And I'll show it too by going through with only unarmored X.  Hahhahahaha.

You are a brave (and stupid) man, my good sir! I support you 100% of the way on this endeavour! (Mostly cause its not me doing it <.<)

Speaking of brave and stupid things...

MMX6: God damn am I out of practice for this shit. 

Opening: Alright, the only time I'm allowing myself armor and it doesn't go too bad.  I do realize how terribly bad at games that actually require action though.  I can barely dash jump so I keep winging myself on crap I should be clearing.  Bss is lol, but I get hit repeatedly because I'm an idiot.  On the other hand, I do play fancy with High Max!

Commander Boobhead: Picked his stage by accident(really!).  First time as unarmored X.  I'm just sort of randomly grabbing powers and stuff so I'm not going out of my way to rescue OBVIOUS REPLOID 86 or some things.  Boobhead is a joke as usual, only my complete inability to not suck prevents me from actually going without damage on him.  But hey, he still blows no matter what so zoop!

Rainy Turtloid: Because I am stupid.  Stage is fairly tame up until the water pits or whatever you wanna call them.  My complete inability to dash jump kills me like 4 times here.  But eventually I make it to the final cave or whatever with 9 lives.  Seriously, this game just throws lives at you!  Anyway, because I'm dumb I spend most of those lives trying to invincibility frame my ass to the Shadow chest piece BECAUSE I CAN and eventually do it!  Then because I'm a goddamn wimp I try the alternate exit because I figure Nightmare Zero or whatever the hell it's called would be easier.  Too bad I never get to attempt that because I die until I run out of lives.  Damn!

At that point someone else took over and ran through the level as Falcon X.  He managed to beat Turtloid by the skin of his teeth on his last life.  Damn, there goes my challenge.

Shield Sheldon: Yeah, I somehow manage to die because of those bug things that I never remember exist until I reach the stage.  Once I get to the spike pits, things become worse because as we all know, I can't dash jump worth crap so I'm constantly falling into the pits.  Though eventually I make it through to the alternate.  Once there I die a few more times while using invincibility frames to grab the weapon tank(lol useless).  I couldn't time the frame right to get the top reploids so screw it.  I make it to Nightmare Zero and promptly get my ass handed to me twice effortlessly.  Third try the luck of the gods is on my side but I still screw up.  On my last life(yiiiiii) I manage to get enough of a handle on his pattern that I can deal with it and emerge victorious!  Then I rage at myself for not getting the armor piece because I completely forgot.  Until now when I remember it's hidden behind the fake wall at the start of the spike pit.

Infinity Mijion: Hahahahhaahhahahaha.  I only make it past the first cable thrice before I'm down to my last life.  And on my last life I remember/find out that Meteor Rain stuns his lousy ass so I can do this!  Then I die from leaping into a pit.  Damn.

Well, that's it for the challenge for... earlier today.  Stayed tuned for tomorrow when I continue trying to play a stupidly unfair game with barely working arms.  Ciao!


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3614 on: September 07, 2010, 10:43:49 PM »
Oh yeah on that note from CT.

Lost Odyssey - Started this, I don't have German option sadly, just Korean of Japanese, so bah, English it is.  I got a tiny bit further, ie I saved outside the wizard mansion when I am supposed to be there.  The first Thousand Year Door Dream Thousand Whatevers sequence was pretty well done, nice use of text crawl there, finally a reason for it to exist.  Closest similar thing I can think of to use it for example was the way Subtitles were used in Nightwatch.  The way they pop up and the font is used as a visual queue to what the text is saying and who is saying it in that case.  Which works really well with the body language and tone in the movie.  In the game it helps fill an emotional story with feeling and meaning to stop it from becoming stale prose.

DQ9 - Grinding stuffs because I play while I catch the bus.  Got the last Fygg.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3615 on: September 08, 2010, 11:01:32 AM »
Hey look, actual consistency from me!  Let's all act shocked.

MMX6: So, coming off from last time I head back to Shield Sheldon's place to get the armor part, and see it's across a gap too long to dash-jump too.  Dammit.  And then I run myself out of lives running into spikes again.

Infinity Mijinion: Back to this plucky jerk.  So, I head through, and remembering that Meteor Rain utterly punks Ilumina I ruin him both times.  I head for the alternate and pick up the armor and heart(seriously, I've always hated how pointlessly not hidden this one was).  I cruise through and make it to High Max.  Fuck.  So, since I suck so bad, I go through nine lives trying to whittle the bastard down and get my ass frazzled all to hell.  Eventually, on my last goddamn life I get his ass.  Yay.

At this point my mind gets kind of hazy despite doing this only six hours ago.  I start it up again and I think I go for Blizzard WolFang's sorry ass.  Despite getting a max stock of lives I'm down to all of three when I get to him because of that damn final ice block puzzle.

I go for Ground Scarvich's nightmare and clear out the alternate exit.  The souls from that get me three Part slots.  Yay.

Someone takes the controller from me and goes for Zero at Shield Sheldon.  That ends in hilarious failure so no need of the challenge being ruined further!

After that I think I try Blaze Heatnix (YEAHHHHHHHHH), I manage to clear the first dumbnut but die to the freaking flames in the actual level ha.  Second dumbnut kills me again but I beat it on the retry.  I go for the upper dumbnut for my third one, only to be smacked down effortlessly so I go below and take that one out.  The rising lava dumbnut gets all ten lives from me.  URGHHHHHH.

I go for Metal Shark Player (YEAHHHHHHHHHH) and do rather well all told.  Since I have the ability to, I make it to the armor part and get the alternate done as well.

I head over to Ground Scarvich again, and accidentally send myself into the alternate again.  Well, whatever.  Dynamo's still a wimp.

I go and grab the armor parts in Sheldon and WolFang's stages because I can now.

Infinity Mijinion: I'm now pretty beefy, so Ilumina does even less now.  I make it to Mijinion and buster his and his clones asses to dust.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3616 on: September 08, 2010, 01:02:28 PM »
Epic Battle Fantasy 3:  Flash RPG found online that is pretty fun.  Sat down with it for a few days (read: my latest save file records about 24 hours, so), and it was a fun romp all the way through.  I played on Epic on my first availability (the other three difficulties being Easy, Normal (assumed default), and Hard) and was not disappointed.  Had several instances of bosses royally kicking my ass, and I had about eighteen seperate game overs from the final boss, due to it being so hard.

It's here, if anyone is interested:

If there is actually enough people thinking it's fun enough, I could be convinced to try to come up with a stat topic for it.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3617 on: September 08, 2010, 03:35:56 PM »



[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3618 on: September 08, 2010, 09:58:05 PM »




Stat topic for MMX6 coming up.  Eventually.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3619 on: September 08, 2010, 10:04:58 PM »






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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3620 on: September 08, 2010, 11:15:07 PM »
*points at Yggdra Union stat topic* - ANYTHING can be stat topic'd if you're dedicated enough!,5137.0.html


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3621 on: September 09, 2010, 12:20:57 AM »




What about games where certain party members can do infinite damage in one turn?


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3622 on: September 09, 2010, 02:40:21 AM »




What about games where certain party members can do infinite damage in one turn?

Joey's Rattata Like
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3623 on: September 09, 2010, 03:00:49 AM »




What about games where certain party members can do infinite damage in one turn?

Joey's Rattata Like

Feh. The DL isn't interested in dead things.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #3624 on: September 09, 2010, 05:17:24 AM »
Playing the Secret of Evermore Rebalance Patch (awwright!)

Recording it too, if anyone's interested:

It's great.