Saga Frontier - Blue's quest complete! Very short, only took me about 8 hours or so. Granted, I didn't do a deluge of optional stuff... just Sei's Tomb, the Shingrow Ship, and the Bio Lab. Nature of the quest is somewhat to blame, but yeah. I was pretty underlevelled for the end but still certainly good enough to handle BR 9 randoms (which to be fair, I only fought after beating Rouge and becoming uber).
PC notes...
Blue - Overdrive/StasisRune is just as cheap as advertised, no real shock there. 99 magic stat Megawindblasts and TimeEclipses were quite nice for the rest of things, though. Had him fire a gun in some battles to get his speed up, but not enough. Needs to be ranked in the DL clearly, wooo 100x overkill damage.
Liza - Punched things, got DSC, etc. I dunno, see Gen from last playthrough. Didn't get PoweredSuits this time so the fighters never quite took off in the same way, but eh.
Roufas - Never got Deflect with him (it's hard to get, to be fair), which is lame. Played him as a swordsman/mage, which worked well enough, although Mind Magic was generally disappointing (Awakening doubling move costs, Mindheal being self-only). The palsy move and JP-based damage were both decent, though, and of course he got Starlight Heal which is always good. Generally favoured the sword side though. Actually got Lifesprinkler, though it never really saw genuine use.
Mei-ling - Gunner and light mage. Not sure how I feel about splitting the duties, the upped costs are kind of a downer, but she was versatile certainly, and it certainly wasn't a failed experiment or anything.
T260G - I have a lot to learn in mec fu probably. Had bad luck getting decent abilities, so generally lagged in damage all game although ShootingMastery Hyperblaster is not bad for free offence. Other than that, tanky, though hard to heal, incredibly fast, and held the backpack so he made a very solid utility healer throughout the game.
Both Timelord and Hell's Lord were quite impressive when not cheaped out (I didn't fight Kylin). One could certainly argue I was underlevelled for both, but yeah. Mattered a lot for Hell's Lord whose physical spam did about double what the stat topic notes, generally had loads of trouble staying on top of him. Unfortunately he got UBER BLUE'd on the retry.
Blue quest plot after Asellus quest plot is a bit of a cultureshock. Oh well, at least I got the fun of Blue being a more sociopathic Marza.
I think next is either robots or superheros, not sure which. Also not sure if I'll dive in soon or do something else, do need to finish other things.
LFT Summoner SCC - Decided to give the Kolliery a try. Beat the kos by killing them all with fatal Odins at once on the second round (Angel Rings ensured I got that far), but the 97/03 Blade Grasp Squire on top of a non-fail second battle means I can't reasonably win that unless I pull some crazy Blood Suck shenanigans involving Strago, and I lack the patience to try that. Going to have to level up to the next speed point to beat Hashy, I'm pretty sure.
Suikoden Tierkreis - 88 stars of destiny, woohoo. Near the end.