Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 355935 times)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4250 on: November 15, 2010, 05:21:28 PM »
World of Warcraft: Filler until Cata is released. Mixing in scoring achievements, soloing old raid content, raising fishing/cooking, farming vanity pets.

Finally tanked/healed my first raid (VoA). Off-tanked the full of VoA10 and healed Ice Watcher in VoA25. Fun stuff. Like it more than DPSing.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4251 on: November 15, 2010, 07:44:26 PM »
Oh haven't posted here in a while!

G3: Beaten! Final level of 50. Thoughts... (SPOILARS)

Yuki: Ingame he's a smart spastic 16 year old. Okay sure. In battle he's very solid: Whirlwind, Flash, and Dragon Slash are all brutal little skills and he gets solid stats (though he's a bad mage).

Miranda: Best fucking character in the game, and while this says little, she's actually -good- as a character. In battle she's a fast balanced character which would have been a nice niche for the entire game.

Alfina: There's an equation I have for Alfina.

Alfina's Failure Quotient = (General Opinion of Alfina)/(Proximity to Emelious)*(Time spent since an Emelious scene)*(Time spent since an Alfina Thinking About Emelious Scene)

I actually -like- Alfina in her snippets with townspeople, but when Emelious enters opinion departs. In battle, she's damn useful. +SP for non-Alfina people, 100% paralysis, and a nasty LT skill for cheap? Sign me up! Being a mage in G3 is good, too.

Alonso: Could have been a good character! Sadly the gambling shit being the primary facet of personality you see makes him lulzworthy unless you talk to people a ton and see him actually being intelligent/motivational/upbeat. In battle... he feels shoehorned in, like they wanted to give you a four-person team early. He just doesn't seem like he was supposed to be a combat dude.

Ulf: One-note. "I'm hungry, let's get some kebabs!" This being said, gets some of the more amusing lines. In-battle, slightly (slightly) inferior Yuki with better crowd options- until Dragon Slash comes in. Then he mainly has better canceling and slightly better physical damage. Prooooobably my LVP, but it's close.

BoobsDahna: Actually is kinda interesting, though we didn't need another crying girl. (That's an annoying trait of this game.) Still, interesting, didn't mind her. In battle, FREE SPELL CASTING. That's all she fucking -needs-.

Hect: ULTIMATE TEMP YESIU. Crimson Shock is fucking crack, and Armageddeon is just nasty. Wish that she had been around all game. Would have taken a cast of Yuki/Dahna/Hect/Miranda so fast, if I could give Miranda some of Alfina's skills.

Scenery: awesome. I loved the visuals of this game.

THE PLOT: Emelious is gay for his best friend Raven but Raven's straight so Emelious decides that all love must perish and stabs himself, re-enacting his childhood emo instincts and transforming into Emolicius. Raven's a bit annoyed by this. Meanwhile Yuki runs into Alfina and gets a crush immediately, leading to Miranda finally realizing, shock, her son has -hormones- and deciding to ditch the lovebirds for a sailor with gambling issues. They sail away and kill eight of the twelve Guardians instantly, making Emolicious' job even easier. Yuki flies a plane straight into Emo's penis insecurity and crashes, leading the DL to overhype him as a bad pilot. Lovebirds wander to Alfina's home which is summarily destroyed by Emolicious in a case of annoyance, and I guess he kills a bird or something? Anyways magically the plane isn't crashed -enough- so Yuki takes Alfina back to Hub City, gets a new plane, and runs into Famine, one of the four Horseman of the Apocalypse so I guess Yuki's Destruction and Alfina's Selective Case Of The Stupids. Anyway Hunger was apparently kicked out of the Dragons Bite Shit club so he still has a dragon, duh. They meet another Guardian here who tells Alfina something totally pointless and then they fly off to a desert which, miraculously, never has sandstorms ever. Boobs greets them, and I guess she's the Horseman of Puerile Male Fetish Fuel. Anyways they go meet another Guardian and then jump into a black hole which drops them in the Glasslands. Emolicious meanwhile kills any Guardian the team's met, cementing the team as bringers of doom. After a glass trip and meeting EMOTIONLESS DEAD GODGIRL they go back home and suddenly, ruin exploration! A bunch of random shit happens boom dead city in the air MELC CRYSTALS OWOWOW they go to the city and let Alfina go try to get into Emo's pants, then decide that was stupid and try to get her back but suddenly MAGICAL PLANE CRASHES FOREVER. Schmidt dies, thank goodness, and they get back in the air but Alfina's turned Emo Stupid Good so he SACRIFICES HIMSELF FOR NO GOOD REASON. Or something. But then the team kills sadness forever and Yuki finally sticks it in Alfina so it's all good.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4252 on: November 15, 2010, 08:03:07 PM »
THE PLOT: Emelious is gay for his best friend Raven but Raven's straight so Emelious decides that all love must perish and stabs himself, re-enacting his childhood emo instincts and transforming into Emolicius. Raven's a bit annoyed by this. Meanwhile Yuki runs into Alfina and gets a crush immediately, leading to Miranda finally realizing, shock, her son has -hormones- and deciding to ditch the lovebirds for a sailor with gambling issues. They sail away and kill eight of the twelve Guardians instantly, making Emolicious' job even easier. Yuki flies a plane straight into Emo's penis insecurity and crashes, leading the DL to overhype him as a bad pilot. Lovebirds wander to Alfina's home which is summarily destroyed by Emolicious in a case of annoyance, and I guess he kills a bird or something? Anyways magically the plane isn't crashed -enough- so Yuki takes Alfina back to Hub City, gets a new plane, and runs into Famine, one of the four Horseman of the Apocalypse so I guess Yuki's Destruction and Alfina's Selective Case Of The Stupids. Anyway Hunger was apparently kicked out of the Dragons Bite Shit club so he still has a dragon, duh. They meet another Guardian here who tells Alfina something totally pointless and then they fly off to a desert which, miraculously, never has sandstorms ever. Boobs greets them, and I guess she's the Horseman of Puerile Male Fetish Fuel. Anyways they go meet another Guardian and then jump into a black hole which drops them in the Glasslands. Emolicious meanwhile kills any Guardian the team's met, cementing the team as bringers of doom. After a glass trip and meeting EMOTIONLESS DEAD GODGIRL they go back home and suddenly, ruin exploration! A bunch of random shit happens boom dead city in the air MELC CRYSTALS OWOWOW they go to the city and let Alfina go try to get into Emo's pants, then decide that was stupid and try to get her back but suddenly MAGICAL PLANE CRASHES FOREVER. Schmidt dies, thank goodness, and they get back in the air but Alfina's turned Emo Stupid Good so he SACRIFICES HIMSELF FOR NO GOOD REASON. Or something. But then the team kills sadness forever and Yuki finally sticks it in Alfina so it's all good.

I'm sorry, you must have the wrong game, this is much better than G3's plot.

I suggest you remove most of your attempts at humor and make it move much slower.
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4253 on: November 15, 2010, 08:09:50 PM »
I didn't pay attention during the slow parts and my mind auto-satirizes. >_>

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4254 on: November 15, 2010, 11:50:04 PM »
THE PLOT: Emelious is gay for his best friend Raven but Raven's straight so Emelious decides that all love must perish and stabs himself, re-enacting his childhood emo instincts and transforming into Emolicius. Raven's a bit annoyed by this. Meanwhile Yuki runs into Alfina and gets a crush immediately, leading to Miranda finally realizing, shock, her son has -hormones- and deciding to ditch the lovebirds for a sailor with gambling issues. They sail away and kill eight of the twelve Guardians instantly, making Emolicious' job even easier. Yuki flies a plane straight into Emo's penis insecurity and crashes, leading the DL to overhype him as a bad pilot. Lovebirds wander to Alfina's home which is summarily destroyed by Emolicious in a case of annoyance, and I guess he kills a bird or something? Anyways magically the plane isn't crashed -enough- so Yuki takes Alfina back to Hub City, gets a new plane, and runs into Famine, one of the four Horseman of the Apocalypse so I guess Yuki's Destruction and Alfina's Selective Case Of The Stupids. Anyway Hunger was apparently kicked out of the Dragons Bite Shit club so he still has a dragon, duh. They meet another Guardian here who tells Alfina something totally pointless and then they fly off to a desert which, miraculously, never has sandstorms ever. Boobs greets them, and I guess she's the Horseman of Puerile Male Fetish Fuel. Anyways they go meet another Guardian and then jump into a black hole which drops them in the Glasslands. Emolicious meanwhile kills any Guardian the team's met, cementing the team as bringers of doom. After a glass trip and meeting EMOTIONLESS DEAD GODGIRL they go back home and suddenly, ruin exploration! A bunch of random shit happens boom dead city in the air MELC CRYSTALS OWOWOW they go to the city and let Alfina go try to get into Emo's pants, then decide that was stupid and try to get her back but suddenly MAGICAL PLANE CRASHES FOREVER. Schmidt dies, thank goodness, and they get back in the air but Alfina's turned Emo Stupid Good so he SACRIFICES HIMSELF FOR NO GOOD REASON. Or something. But then the team kills sadness forever and Yuki finally sticks it in Alfina so it's all good.

I'm sorry, you must have the right game, this is much G3's plot summarised perfectly.

That was awesome, Tai.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4255 on: November 16, 2010, 04:35:23 AM »
Phantasy Staro Zero: Hey, I started playing a game since I ran out of things to do on the train.

This is actually pretty cool. I personally am not a big fan of the 'make your own main character' thing, but the game does a decent job of keeping the blank slate main involved in what's going on and offers dialogue choices pretty regularly. Enough that I actually care what's happening in the Story mode to a degree. The fact that there seems to be three distinct scenarios depending on what race you choose helps, too.

The rest of the cast is fairly entertaining, though the female lead is a bit bland (shock).

The ARPG facets of the game are good for keeping the player engaged, but the challenge scales up far too steeply at times, forcing long periods of grinding, so I've basically stopped playing since grinding in this is no fun. There are no systems in place for manipulating EXP gain or maximizing efficiency of random-killing in the solo-player experience, and while I think there may be some in the multi-player mode, I'm really not interested in online gaming.

Kinda sucks since I noticed the story mode was short and was all set for another quick RPG experience with some Phantasy Star nostalgia, but now I've lost the drive to do any level-grinding.

@Tai: You should write a full-length G3 Review for the wiki. Please. ^__^


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4256 on: November 16, 2010, 09:14:55 AM »
God of War: Chains of Olympus- wants to be DMC so, so bad.

Supposing this is representative of GoW in general, I can really see where Meeple was coming from.  While one of the big flaws, bad enemy variety, could be an issue of portable status, the whole game feels... limited.  You're routinely starved for Magic, so the spells are hard to pull off as go-to offense (admittedly, Charon's Wrath is pretty broke so I could see it as a legit design choice, if that spell wasn't 85% of the way into the game anyway...).  The alt weapon is just not good enough to hang with the blades of chaos.  You can pull off some nice combos with those, but due to the most common mooks blocking and big enemies being uniformly immune to staggering, you rarely get a chance to really play with that.  Dodging is mapped to a three-button combo (R+L->direction) and while you can chain dodge this still adds some  artificial hardness to the thing.  The whole finishing stages of boss battles... argh.  Sorry, nice cinematic battles are fine as a change of pace thing, but this is an action game.  Give me some action battles too!  Mind, there's really only four bosses anyway, and one of them IS a fairly straight duel (and not coincidentally the first part of the game that was really pretty fun outside mindless slaughter), but since having played another actiony game with more gimmick-bosses than was good for it recently it stands out.

Plot's thin, there's one or two good story moments and uh... yeah.  I find myself wondering, and again maaaybe the gameplay here is hobbled  a little by PSP limitations, if the basic appeal of the game is just being an unrepentant sociopath.  It would definitely explain the popularity of American gaming recently (as American games so love their "unrepentant sociopath" morality option) and also is sorta disappointing.  That said, there's at least some real evidence of paying attention to greek mythos, so points for that at least.

Really short too, but at least I paid like $15 for it so whatevs.  *shrug*  5/10 I suppose?  Feels about right.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4257 on: November 16, 2010, 11:25:05 AM »
Djinn: I'll consider, though that -will- be my plot summary. I lack the energy to actually try and piece through the plot.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4258 on: November 16, 2010, 12:22:27 PM »
Isn't BioWare Canadian? They gave us most of the unrepentant sociopath morality choices, thanks to KotOR.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4259 on: November 16, 2010, 09:08:54 PM »
Reading CK's review of GoW:CoO, yeah, that sounds like its typical GoWness.

From what I understand, the game is something to buy only if "You feel the original God of War needed a few extra hours strapped on."  This of course is appealing to a lot of people since God of War = Yay!!! by definition, but it also suggests that the game is strongly indicative of the series as a whole.

GoW2 tried to add some elements to make things a little more interesting...but the game as a core still had a lot of the same problems, which the PSP game seems to hold onto as well.  I can assure you, its not just the PSP that limits enemy variety.  God of War enemies can be summed up, in general:

-Small Garbage you can "Press O to instant kill" that exist to be button mashed through
-Slightly larger or more durable versions that you can't instant kill, mostly there to make you care about Hard Attacks cause they block
-Big Enemies like Minotaurs that you just hit a lot of times until you get the nice big "QUICK TIME EVENT TO KILL!" indicator
-Flying enemies that are just there to be annoying and by large, are totally useless otherwise

And when they need a new enemy, instead of introducing something genuinely new like DMCs do, they just give you an upgraded version of something you've been fighting.  In GoW for example, you fight Minotaurs...ok, time for something new, a FLAMING Minotaur! who fights exactly the same way, just takes a few more hits, does more damage, and maybe has like one more attack.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4260 on: November 17, 2010, 05:58:08 AM »
Dawn of Heroes: Super Demon Brothers is perhaps the first time I have cursed the damage cap in any game ever.  Goooo figure.  At least it's been beaten.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4261 on: November 17, 2010, 07:05:42 AM »
THE PLOT: Emelious is gay for his best friend Raven but Raven's straight so Emelious decides that all love must perish and stabs himself, re-enacting his childhood emo instincts and transforming into Emolicius. Raven's a bit annoyed by this. Meanwhile Yuki runs into Alfina and gets a crush immediately, leading to Miranda finally realizing, shock, her son has -hormones- and deciding to ditch the lovebirds for a sailor with gambling issues. They sail away and kill eight of the twelve Guardians instantly, making Emolicious' job even easier. Yuki flies a plane straight into Emo's penis insecurity and crashes, leading the DL to overhype him as a bad pilot. Lovebirds wander to Alfina's home which is summarily destroyed by Emolicious in a case of annoyance, and I guess he kills a bird or something? Anyways magically the plane isn't crashed -enough- so Yuki takes Alfina back to Hub City, gets a new plane, and runs into Famine, one of the four Horseman of the Apocalypse so I guess Yuki's Destruction and Alfina's Selective Case Of The Stupids. Anyway Hunger was apparently kicked out of the Dragons Bite Shit club so he still has a dragon, duh. They meet another Guardian here who tells Alfina something totally pointless and then they fly off to a desert which, miraculously, never has sandstorms ever. Boobs greets them, and I guess she's the Horseman of Puerile Male Fetish Fuel. Anyways they go meet another Guardian and then jump into a black hole which drops them in the Glasslands. Emolicious meanwhile kills any Guardian the team's met, cementing the team as bringers of doom. After a glass trip and meeting EMOTIONLESS DEAD GODGIRL they go back home and suddenly, ruin exploration! A bunch of random shit happens boom dead city in the air MELC CRYSTALS OWOWOW they go to the city and let Alfina go try to get into Emo's pants, then decide that was stupid and try to get her back but suddenly MAGICAL PLANE CRASHES FOREVER. Schmidt dies, thank goodness, and they get back in the air but Alfina's turned Emo Stupid Good so he SACRIFICES HIMSELF FOR NO GOOD REASON. Or something. But then the team kills sadness forever and Yuki finally sticks it in Alfina so it's all good.

I'm sorry, you must have the right game, this is much G3's plot summarised perfectly.

That was awesome, Tai.

The greatest thing about this summary is that it is pretty close to what happens, just that it's satirical and therefore already better than G3 plot as G3 plot tries to be SRS BSN.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2:
Fun popcorn fodder type of game. Not something that has a large amount of depth (which certainly matches the complaints I here about it compared to MUA1), but its fanservice, based on a comic story (Civil War) and the gameplay is fun. Game's designed such that the characters have different "classes" so to speak, so its easy to shoehorn in a favourite even if they're not the most effective. Game's challenge peaks up around the last level or so, but if you have Thor, the game pretty much bends backwards for you. God, when people said Thor was broken as hell, they weren't kidding. Mmm...what else? The gameplay's actually pretty well thoughtout - you're not grinding for coins as much, plus the ability coins are now automatically collected (which from me playing MUA1 was a distinct weakness), character switching no longer fully heals you (well sort of) and the levels are shared so that no one really falls too badly behind. The main team you do use still get some perks, but the differences are not terribly large so it doesn't bar you away from the rest of the cast. Of the heroes I did use...

Spider-Man: Spidey's more of a hybrid character. He has some long range options and but he's not afraid to go head-to-head. In fact his best attack ability is a melee option and he has a few passives that help keep him on both sides. What I really liked about Spidey was his flight (web swing) since its so much faster than walking and other flyers. He can certainly hold his own and I used him for quite a while all things considered. Just not part of the final dungeon.

Wolverine: Used him early. Healing Factor's pretty awesome in the early going, when it heals roughly 10% of your MHP. It gradually sucks as you progress, but Wolverine is a melee monster. He's built that way and has great attack speed, although his big thing was that he didn't really have the durability for it. Sadly. He got dropped pretty early as a result.

Hulk/Thing: Massive HP tanks. He had some pretty awesome resistances too. Dropped him for Thing. Both are pretty interchangable all-things considered. Hulk has a better debuff, but Thing has more damage

Gambit: Another hybrid like Spidey. A little worse off since he doesn't have any good melee passive for survivability (Spidey at least has some HP + some evade). Gambit however is one of the few characters that benefits off a little mechanics glitch called Guard cancelling. And he benefits a lot. It turns him from a hybrid to more a of mid range spammer. Explosive Hand is ridiculously silly when you can fire off like 3 of them in 2 seconds. 52 Card Pick Up's pretty neat, although is has some nasty start up on it. Also, he can carry items like portable grenades.

Ice Man: Used him mainly as a last man on the team for a team bonus (Natural forces), Ice Man's big thing is good random control. He's got some boss slaying options, but his stats are geared towards long range. Pretty solid, but someone I would switch out if it weren't for the team bonus.

Storm: The weather goddess retains her name for 2 big reasons: Lightning Strike and Hail Storm. Hail Storm is like its MvC2 version. Not in the ridiculous chip damage, but it has great AoE, can freeze targets, and Storm can spam it to basically cover the entire map with ice for a few seconds, effectively wiping almost everything out. It does consume all her energy though, so its not a long term viable tactic. Lightning Strike is pretty good for its cost and can be used several times.

Jean Grey: So, who remembers how in X-Men 3, Jean Grey pretty much roasted things with her psionic powers? MUA2 decided to incorporate this idea and um...yeah. Jean destroys mobs worse than Storm as she uses less energy, and hers will always knock down lighter enemies over. Plus it has a very low stamina cost, making it stupidly spammable. Jean has good Fusion combines with other characters, but isn't a boss slayer herself otherwise and her HP isn't impressive. That's why you bring...

Thor: This guy. To give you a comparison: Fusions, which are usually your best source of damage, deal around 350x2 to a boss or so. Very respectable, but you need to build metre for it and that takes a while. Thor? Mighty Swing deals 350-400 damage, and it takes around 2 seconds to complete. Oh, and he also benefits from Guard cancelling with Mighty Swing, making him an insanely powerful OHKOing mobile tank. Yeah, he's a tank too, with massive HP and 10-15% resistances to all types of damage. Oh and if that wasn't enough, he can fly and Lightning Rod clears randoms like a hot knife through butter. Thor makes MAU2 hilariously easy, and its easy to see why he's the last of the unlockables you get from hidden items.

Overall, game's around a 7/10 or so. Miiiiiiight be an 7.5 or 8 if I feel really generous, but its certainly fun enough.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 07:18:08 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4262 on: November 17, 2010, 10:58:20 AM »
Green Goblin's stupid good as well. You just hop on his glider and hammer on his machine gun button. It uses energy, but he gets energy back from it. More than it uses.  My brother and I decided to ban him because it was just too easy to get on the damn thing and watch whole armies of dudes die as they walked in to his bullet wall.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4263 on: November 17, 2010, 01:26:47 PM »
Call of Duty 4:Modern battle- Is there any way to zoom in the camera on the gunship mission? I can't see anything the game's asking me to target.

FM4- Restarted this up for the hell of it. Elsa will run machine guns, Bosch will run sniper rilfes, Zedd Shotguns, Latona fists, Hermes will be machine gun/healing, and Beck... hell if I know. Maybe Bazookas. Pretty standard builds for the most part.

Donno about Darill's team yet
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4264 on: November 17, 2010, 02:23:38 PM »
Etrian Odyssey 3: Finally carried on with this a little. I swear I got up to Ketos before, but apparently not. >.> That, or the battery died or something, since I didn't have the map data, and the Sea Bead wasn't even in place. Either way, up to Ketos now, haven't tried fighting him yet.

Have been busy planning Pokemon teams instead. >.> Been looking at two OU teams, being Trick Room Slowking/Cresselia/Dusknoir alongside Scizor/Heatran/Machamp, as well as a normal team with Swampert/Jirachi/Shaymin and Scizor/Heatran/Tyranitar. No idea if either one'll work, although I really like the Iron Head/Thunder Wave w/King's Rock J. Rachi. Flinch haxing is always fun. That said, need to know the best counters to that - Smogon has counters to Thunder Wave/Calm Mind and Iron Head sets, but not the one that uses both. >.> (Dragonite gets Thunder Wave'd before U-Turning to DDTar, while things like Hippowdon just get the standard Iron Head or a U-Turn to Shaymin.) Anyone (looking primarily at hinode/Cap'n K, naturally) able to find any major flaws in either team? (Ignoring the usual Trick Room flaws - maybe flaws in using Scizor/Heatran/'No Guard Champ, though?)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4265 on: November 17, 2010, 05:49:55 PM »
Call of Duty 4:Modern battle- Is there any way to zoom in the camera on the gunship mission? I can't see anything the game's asking me to target.

Have you tried switching between guns? I'm pretty sure that the smaller caliber ones also zoom in on the screen.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4266 on: November 17, 2010, 09:32:02 PM »
That said, need to know the best counters to that - Smogon has counters to Thunder Wave/Calm Mind and Iron Head sets, but not the one that uses both. >.> (Dragonite gets Thunder Wave'd before U-Turning to DDTar, while things like Hippowdon just get the standard Iron Head or a U-Turn to Shaymin.)

I like Hariyama to counter your Shaymin.  Thunder Wave just makes it stronger, has priority moves to ignore flinch hax, and Fire Punch to wreck a predicted Shaymin switch.  I just play VGC rules though so my experience in Smogon-style play is limited.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4267 on: November 17, 2010, 10:00:54 PM »
Dawn of Heroes: Aaaaaaand Ragnakore is dead and there was much rejoicing.  First phase is the most godawful slog in a game that does not do ye standard slogfesting particularly well.  Second phase was much better, being an escort mission in a game that *does* do them well, though Chaos Wind is annoying, it's not particularly large on the annoyance factor.  Third phase was alright enough.  Thankfully you don't have to do Ragnakore's previous phases over again which is good, since having to repeat the first phase would quite possibly be the worst thing ever.

The game's roughly in the 7-8 range, I think?  Honestly, aside from having a bit too many slog-type battles for my liking, most of the gripes I have about the game pertain to polish issues, and even then most of those don't bother me too much.


Khan - Pretty good early on.  Baits enemies, deals decent damage, can take hits.  Gets outclassed at all of these things later on, but hey!

Templar - The healing is kinda limited and the damage fails at life until he gets Smite, which is alright on damage and of the much-needed magical variety.  Divine Touch makes the healing better, which is pretty much the only reason he has to use his standard attack ever.

Infernalis - Gets Combustion early, which gives her otherwise pathetic standard attack the setup for a one-two punch that will pretty much serve you the rest of the game.  The MP is kinda limited, but most battles didn't last long enough for her to run dry.  Mystic Aura is a weird pseudo-tanking passive for magical damage.  HP isn't complete failure, either.

Soul Caller - MVP?  Quite possibly.  Soul Turmoil is more badass than a one-turn stun effect running off of a four-turn cooldown has any right to be and is pretty much your only real source of affliction damage for pretty much forever.  Getting infinite range early is also quite badass.  Pretty frail, though that isn't a huge issue.

Doshu - Does alright damage, has a one-turn stun effect (albiet much more limited in range than Soul Turmoil), can partially ignore physical defense late.  Got sorta hosed on knucks for a while though.

Valkyrie - Can deal all three types of damage!  Too bad I got sorta hosed on good hammers for a while.  Can boost physical damage though!

Crusader - Backfire is pretty awesome, and he's alright at taking hits.  Probably should've used him more but eh.

Zealot - Didn't really use, looked fairly meh.  Shield Throw is a nice option but it's late.

Necroxis - Didn't use too much.  Limited MP and unpredictable healing, and the damage is not too special.  Gets revival late, which... didn't actually see much use, oddly enough.  Oh well.

Sabretooth - Damager-level damage output off of Guardian-level HP.  Good lord what were they thinking.  The frailest of the lot thanks to having no defense ever but being the frailest Guardian class means you're still better off than most.  Can buff the damage even higher, though at the expense of taking more from magical and affliction attacks.

Thane - Awesome taunter, Intervention and Ice Curse are sometimes handy (though Ice Curse is late), Jump's alright, Combat Lust synergizes quite nicely with the auto-taunting, pretty awesome on durability... just the base damage, it is not there.

Wizard - A bit too reliant on critical hits and Pacify is late.  The base damage is alright enough, just not very impressive all around.

Kensei - Is pretty damn awesome.  Hits hard, has good magical damage that has the added benefit of being AoE, durability doesn't suck, is generally anti-physical.

Colossus - Tank tank tank.  50% physical defense when fully equipped, has a passive that reduces magical and affliction damage by 25% (and reflects that back at the caster), I think he's cast-best on HP.  Also has no damage ever and has the worst taunt.

Razorclaw - Not really great at damage for a supposed Damager.  Didn't use too much, but looked alright.

Feral Warden - Didn't use.  Doesn't look too bad, but frail.

Lurker - More of a Damager than a Controller, honestly.  Didn't use the traps much, but physical defense penetration and already good damage output plus the possibility of a third hit on the standard attack is great.

Gothi - Didn't use.  Conversion looks great but it's late, and I got hosed on knucks, so.

Metamorphus - Another knuck using class.  Has non-ignorable physical defense and the physical version of Mystic Aura.  Dark Toxin doesn't look like much of a deterrent, though.  Damage is good, though.

Majin - The knuck using classes are ganging up on me now.  The consistant damage output is good!  She's frail as fuck, though.

Theurgist - Knuck using class, didn't use.  Looked pretty good, though.

Reaver - Too luck-reliant for my tastes, though at least she can set up for Assassination fairly well.

Warlock - Pretty durable for a Controller and gets a damage buff at the end of each turn that stacks up to four times and does not wear off ever.  He *needs* the damage buff, though.

Pneumbros - Affliction Damager fuck yes.  Too bad you have to defeat the sixth baron to get him so he's late as fuck.  Also frail, but goddamn is that a cool skillset.

Kamui - Aftergame character.  Can revive at the cost of HP and regenerates HP.  Also can deal Affliction damage.

Demonicus - Also aftergame, looks fairly decent.

But yeah, all told, it was a pretty fun ride.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4268 on: November 17, 2010, 10:10:46 PM »
Fallout: NV - Found and dealt with good ol' Benny. Love that jacket. And now the game seems to have sort of exploded outwards; I have a million possible quests, and can sort of see what the endgame's going to be. Except I have no idea which way I want to go about finishing things. So between that and the general lameness of the gameplay (for all that it's certainly better than FO3), I've sort of lost a good deal of my momentum. Which has led to me re-playing a little bit of...

Arcanum - Woohoo! Playing this for the first time in a couple of years. That playthrough (my first), I was a surly Dwarf Technician. This time I'm a very charismatic, dexterous Gnome eschewing both magic and tech and specializing in Persuasion and the thiefly skills. Thus far I've completed most of the quests available in Tarant on your first visit, and am about to go visit Gilbert Bates. Tagging along with me are Virgil, Magnus, Gar and Vollinger. I love this game.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4269 on: November 17, 2010, 11:52:43 PM »
That said, need to know the best counters to that - Smogon has counters to Thunder Wave/Calm Mind and Iron Head sets, but not the one that uses both. >.> (Dragonite gets Thunder Wave'd before U-Turning to DDTar, while things like Hippowdon just get the standard Iron Head or a U-Turn to Shaymin.)

I like Hariyama to counter your Shaymin.  Thunder Wave just makes it stronger, has priority moves to ignore flinch hax, and Fire Punch to wreck a predicted Shaymin switch.  I just play VGC rules though so my experience in Smogon-style play is limited.

Odds are, I'd stick with J. Rachi there and start Zen Headbutting instead, hoping to catch you on a Fire Punch for flinch or just kill before you do. (Full set is Wave, Headbutt, Iron Head and Wish, for reference.) But that does raise a good point - half my team there is weak to Fire. Wonder if there's a good replacement for Shaymin...


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4270 on: November 18, 2010, 12:53:26 AM »
Mass Effect 2: Beaten.

That was a blast. Now I'm all sad that I'll have to wait for the next game.

There were no casualties in the suicide mission, because that's how Paragon Shepard rolls. Pursued a romance with Miranda----no real reason, just seemed like the thing to do.

Some of the stuff at the end was fantastic, especially Joker/EDI interaction. It was true awesomeness. Not counting Shepard, I'd say Joker "Won the Game", as opposed to ME1, which was clearly won by Urdnot Wrex.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4271 on: November 18, 2010, 01:19:30 AM »
Are you planning to bother with DLC at all?
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4272 on: November 18, 2010, 02:10:23 AM »
Just Zaeed, because he's free. Sucks to be Kasumi or Liara.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4273 on: November 18, 2010, 03:48:53 AM »
Shame. Lair of the Shadow Broker is great. Tough as hell, too.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #4274 on: November 18, 2010, 04:23:04 AM »
Tactic Ogre PSP- 140000 copies already!? Are people really THIS nostalgic?