Author Topic: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!  (Read 361784 times)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1300 on: March 17, 2010, 11:27:02 PM »
Pokemon Ecks Dee:  Finished the Cipher Base.  Wow, got a ton of Shadow Pokemon here, I must be near the end!  *looks at list of all shadow pokemon*  37 more...  *dies*

About 1/3rd of those Pokemon are gotten in the last 3 fights of the game.  I'm not kidding at all.  The final boss has 6 Shadow Pokemon, preceded by a lone Shadow Pokemon (should be obvious who it is), preceded by some guy wielding 4 Shadow Pokemon, one of whom is an evil Salamence :(

Other than that, just about every trainer in the final dungeon has a Shadow Pokemon, some multiple, and then there's Shadow Dragonite who is after game only <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1301 on: March 18, 2010, 06:59:52 PM »
Pokémon Heart Gold- Up to Mt. Silver.  In mentally reviewing Red's team, I'm pretty certain I can't beat him even with significant item usage, meaning I'm going to take some time to figure out new Pokes to raise before bothering with the whole thing.  Listing current team before commenting on the rest of the game, because... well, you'll see how it ties in in a moment.

Scyther (L55, Technician, Wing Attack/U-Turn/Double Hit/X-Scissor)- Badass.  I caught one in the bug catching contest, and it was by a wide margin my MVP.  Having used a Crobat in Platinum's mid-game, I didn't even think that Wing Attack OHKOing everything in sight was odd until I was doing it to Clair's subordinates, at which point I saw Technician and smiled.  But yeah, faster than about anything you see besides Electrodes and Aerodactyl, Wing Attack is kinda ridiculous off STAB and that level of Attack WITHOUT Technician, and while U-turn wasn't a huge deal it was a nice option.  X-Scissor mostly OHKOs Psychics.

Typhlosion (L39, Blaze, Lava Plume/Swift/SmokeScreen/Blast Burn)- Honestly?  Jeigan.  Typh has this MONSTER move drought between levels 16 and 34, give or take, and due to HGSS's lowered level curve this amounts to nearly have the damned game.  Once it catches up it's good again for a time, but definitely wasn't up to snuff for the E4 and at that point the level gap made it mostly useless against the Kanto gyms.  If I'd thought ahead to "oh, yeah, I'll be using Ho-Oh" and knew I'd pick up a Scyther, I'd have taken Meganium.

Gyarados (L45, Intimidate, Ice Fang/Dragon Dance/Waterfall/Surf)- Mostly around for requisite water HM uses.  That said, given that I needed significant Revive chains against Lance and Blue, Intimidate was a life saver.  I also had this idea of using him against Blaine, which sorta worked out I guess.

Ho-Oh (L47, Pressure, Extrasensory/Brave Bird/Fire Blast/Sacred Fire)-  Man, Brave Bird was TOTALLY worth that Heart Scale.  Ho-oh was mostly a tanky reservist in Kanto, but the E4 did not like the 120 STAB'd off Uber Attack move.  Sacred Fire... I dunno.  I feel like they could have gone higher on the Burn rate.

Togekiss (L50, Hustle, Aura Sphere/Charm/Fly/Sweet Kiss)- I hate you so much HGSS.  You deny me Shiny Stones the entire game.  Okay, sure.  I end up having to farm the minigame for one in the aftergame, because otherwise I can either smash Rocks all damn day or wait until I BEAT ALL THE KANTO GYMS to get one.  What?  And then it turns out that, whether because the mechanics changed or because Togekiss specifically hates you (I honestly don't know), it doesn't get it's evolution moves upon, y'know, evolving.  No, you have to get more Heart Scales.  This again can be achieved with the minigame.  Hey, at this point I'm pretty good at it.  Ah, but wait, you can only buy Heart Scales on certain days (hurray DS clock abuse) and... only one per day.  The one per day rule is NOT circumvented by clock abuse.  in fact, I'm not sure you can ever get more because the game may just hate me that much.  So yeah.  I hate you so much for this game.  Oh, also the wrong ability, just for added salt.

Furret (L17, Keen Eye, Cut/Rock Smash/Strength/Whirlpool)- Useful in Whitney's gym (it was, uh, pretty much the same level there).  Otherwise you can guess.

Butterfree (L39, CompoundEyes, Silver Wind/Sleep Powder/Stun Spore/Psybeam)- Ultimately retired for Kanto, since I needed my HM Slave and wanted to keep Ho-Oh around.  That said, pretty useful right up until the E4.  The offense is pretty usable in the first half of the game, and after that it's enough to batter around status'd opponents fairly well.  Every Rival battle was fairly trivial because Feraligator just can't take a little sleep.

So if you'll notice, this team is HILARIOUSLY unbalanced.  And you know?  The game only really punished me for it against like Lance and Kanto.  I had to level up against Janine because at THAT point Typhlosion was Quilava and didn't know Lave Plume.  So basically I couldn't do jack against her Steelix.  After that though it wasn't so bad.  The oddity is that all the Johto Gym Leaders have this weird quirk where they basically have one man teams.  Oh, they pretend to have more, but uh... Kakuna/Spinark/Scyther  (or was it Kakuna/Metapod/Scyther?  Whatever).  This is typical, not an exception.  The Kanto leaders are a little better, and tend to have four man teams with two unevolved dead weights, but yeah.  Aside from Lance, Blue, and Red, I swear all the bosses are basically "maim puny mortals, have real fight with one pokemon, profit". 

Weird game.  Much improved from the original (despite the quirky design, the one good pokemon is ACTUALLY good for every boss but maaaaybe Falkner), 7/10 range.

Really not sure who I want to train up to fight Red.  Scyther and Togekiss can stay, otherwise I'm still mulling.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1302 on: March 18, 2010, 07:14:07 PM »
Use a Luvdisc.

FFXII: Does it say something about the game that I'm hunting down the rare monsters to fill out the bestiary instead of going ahead with the plot?

metroid composite

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1303 on: March 18, 2010, 09:00:24 PM »
That silly "upgrade everything" flash game:

Did three SCCs for the three weapon types (still allowed myself to use magnets and speed panels as they're utility.

Lightning SCC--as near as I can tell, is incapable of beating the game.  Just flat out does not seem to have the firepower for level 18, even with all 12 ship parts being level 5 lightning.  Optimum setup seems to be to place all the lightning bulbs as far forward as possible.

Gun SCC--Can beat the game, but it's hard.  Seriously struggled with level 18 for ages.  Optimum strategy seems to be to spread the guns evenly along the bottom, and tap left and right a lot (and use a speed panel--moving helps more than additional shots, since extra damage doesn't register if too many shots are clumped together).

Missiles SCC--Beat the game with the average missile upgrade being level 4 >_>.  Really quite easy, it just has the problem that if all the launchers target the same enemy, they waste a lot of time, and...missiles really like targeting far away enemies and not the enemy that's threatening to sneak past you.  Optimum setup seems to be to buy lots of launchers instead of upgrading at first, and space them out vertically and horizontally so that they each track different targets.

So...Missiles are obviously worth the money.  Gun probably is too, costing 1/2 Lighting and 1/3 Missiles.  Lightning...ugh, it feels really handy in game, but...ugh.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1304 on: March 18, 2010, 09:24:49 PM »
Typhlosion (L39, Blaze, Lava Plume/Swift/SmokeScreen/Blast Burn)- Honestly?  Jeigan.  Typh has this MONSTER move drought between levels 16 and 34, give or take, and due to HGSS's lowered level curve this amounts to nearly have the damned game.  Once it catches up it's good again for a time, but definitely wasn't up to snuff for the E4 and at that point the level gap made it mostly useless against the Kanto gyms.  If I'd thought ahead to "oh, yeah, I'll be using Ho-Oh" and knew I'd pick up a Scyther, I'd have taken Meganium.

Couldn't you buy a Fire Blast TM for it in Goldenrod? Low PP yeah, but it helps for major opponents at least.

Togekiss (L50, Hustle, Aura Sphere/Charm/Fly/Sweet Kiss)- I hate you so much HGSS.  You deny me Shiny Stones the entire game.  Okay, sure.  I end up having to farm the minigame for one in the aftergame, because otherwise I can either smash Rocks all damn day or wait until I BEAT ALL THE KANTO GYMS to get one.  What?  And then it turns out that, whether because the mechanics changed or because Togekiss specifically hates you (I honestly don't know), it doesn't get it's evolution moves upon, y'know, evolving.  No, you have to get more Heart Scales.  This again can be achieved with the minigame.  Hey, at this point I'm pretty good at it.  Ah, but wait, you can only buy Heart Scales on certain days (hurray DS clock abuse) and... only one per day.  The one per day rule is NOT circumvented by clock abuse.  in fact, I'm not sure you can ever get more because the game may just hate me that much.  So yeah.  I hate you so much for this game.  Oh, also the wrong ability, just for added salt.

You can get Heart Scales from Rock Smash. That's probably the best way, even if it is kinda tedious.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1305 on: March 18, 2010, 10:15:42 PM »
More of the stupid "upgrade everything" flash game:

Did a "maximum 6 ship parts" runthrough.  Final setup was 5 Missiles and 1 Lightning (Lightning does have a use!)  Although replaying the final level with 5 Missiles 1 Gun seems to do the trick just fine as well (or at least, beats level 20, which might not be the hardest).  Hmm...*replays* actually, 4 Missiles 1 Gun also seems to get past level 20 (and 4 Missiles 1 Lightning definitely does not).  I swear switching to lightning made things easier in the midgame...maybe I need to go back and do a 5-ship-parts playthrough.

EDIT: yeah, Max 5 parts (4 Missilses 1 Gun) gets through the entire game just fine; in fact the final level caused me the most trouble requiring several tries (which surprises me as it usually hasn't been the hardest in the past, and I already knew this setup could win here).
« Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 10:56:30 PM by metroid composite »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1306 on: March 18, 2010, 11:21:40 PM »
Upgrayedd.  Why did you have to link that stupid game.  That's the 9th time I've played it.  Ugh.



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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1307 on: March 19, 2010, 03:45:47 AM »
I'd read about Rock Smash heart scale farming, but after trying for ten minutes or so and not getting any (admittedly, got some other prizes including at least one Max Revive) I decided to try the next method on the list.  Since I'd already gotten my Shiny Stone from the Pokethalon and had a sense of how best to abuse that, I probably got my points faster than I would have found scales rock smashing.  Then I found out that the timer on its prize purchases is actually run internally by the game rather than through the DS clock.  I've since purchased another one, so at least I have Air Slash now.  I don't think I'll need another major "need multiple Heart Scales at once" incident, so if I need more I can probably go back to the Pokethalon. 
(Admittedly, if the items available from rock smash vary by location, it's possible that was the issue since I was just using some rocks at the entrance to the Alph Ruins.)

Decided to go ahead and train up a T-Tar.  That takes care of Charizard.  Scyther should mangle Espeon and Venusaur, and I think Togekiss can slug down Snorlax.  Pikachu is a matter of having T-Tar take the hit, so that leaves Blastoise.  Whether I should raise an electric type or just go the lazy route, use Ho-Oh, and item abuse through that bit I dunno.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1308 on: March 19, 2010, 04:09:42 AM »
Items from Rock Smash vary by location ( has a list). I doubt you'll be surprised to learn that there are no Heart Scales at the Ruins of Alph.

T-tar is a good choice for Red, as it screws up the Hail that he tries to abuse with three Blizzard spammers.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 04:12:10 AM by hinode »

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1309 on: March 19, 2010, 06:34:37 AM »
You know, for some reason I decided that I didn't do enough of STUPID UPGRADE FLASH GAME.  I don't know what's wrong with me, but without further ado...

No-lose challenge.  This is actually kind of hard, as some of the levels are balanced assuming a few losses here and there (which ends up meaning significantly more cashflow).  So...after some experimentation, the strategy early on was....lots and lots of magnets; like, earlygame there's nothing wrong with five or six magnets (leave most of them at level 1).  Past that, 4 Guns, 4 Missiles, 4 Magnets carried me through the midgame/lategame (keeping Guns and Missiles at similar levels).

And in even more insanity, stat topicing of "Upgrade Complete"

First, some of the raw damage comparison tests:
Level5Gun ~= 3xLevel1Gun damage (or some of my tests have said more like 2.5x)
Level5Missile ~= 4xLevel1Missile damage
Level4Lightning > 4xLevel1Lightning > Level3Lightning  (Level 5 Lightning is maybe a bit above 5x--I didn't have a good test case here).

Level5Lightning's hard to compare across weapons, but probably about as much as Level1Gun.
Level5Missile...I think a solo one might be similar damage to a solo Level5Gun based on some tests, and this matches some of my tests on level1 Gun vs Missiles, theory damage looks something like...

Lightning:...1-5 damage
Gun:..........5-12 damage
Missiles:.....3-12 damage

Though notably gun damage stacks poorly due hit detection issues.  In particular 12x all-Gun is able to beat wave 20 (just barely), but 6x all-Missiles is also able to beat wave 20 (again, barely).  And along the same lines, 12x Gun wins by changing targets rapidly to get less hitbox overlap.

Prices are (including all upgrade costs)

Gun:..........L1 $1,000, L2 $3,000, L3 $7,000,  L4 $13,000, L5 21,000
Lightning:...L1 $2,000, L2 $6,000, L3 $14,000, L4 $26,000, L5 42,000
Missile:.......L1 $3,000, L2 $9,000, L3 $21,000, L4 $39,000, L5 63,000

Gun shoots straight forward (though tilts with you when you move left or right, so aimable).
Lightning hits the nearest target.
Missile hits the furthest target within range.

One additional mechanic: lightning's range starts out very low, and increases every upgrade by an equal amount.  At L4 it's about equal with Missile launching range, L5 is higher range.  L1 range is...painful.  Though yes: this combined with "your damage is HOW LOW??" makes L1 lightning really, mind-bogglingly painfully bad.  (L5 lightning is okay; not that much less damage than L5Gun due to gun-glitch, and lightning is homing.  In a normal game this would probably be the better weapon, but in this long as you're shooting in an upwards direction, you're probably hitting enemies, so often L5Gun is worth more.  Never mind that it's half the price...).

EDIT: And some extra insanity: what's the least expensive team that can beat level 20?  So far I'm down to $36,000 (6x L1Missile, 6xL2Gun).
EDIT2: Okay, got it down to $30,000 (4xL1Missile, 5xL2Gun, 3xL1Gun).  I'm not inclined to try to push this line any further, but...still, it's fun to see setups that can win and also cost less than some individual pieces of equipment.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 07:22:44 AM by metroid composite »

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1310 on: March 19, 2010, 07:17:38 AM »
FESD - Finished the H3 play. After the first 3 chapters and their hax bosses the game got a bit easier, but generally maintained a certain bite to it, a bit easier than FE10 NM but not too much? Pretty good area for challenge of a FE game to me. Definitely liked the multiple Hard Mode settings the game had, great idea. Think I chose well, and H3 was just a guess!

Final map got super-buffed, though, definitely one of the harder FE finals out there. Enemies were entirely outfitted with Brave and +5 forges, which is kinda hax. The mobile 36-atk Pachyderm ballisticians may have been the real threat, though. Medeus himself is kinda psycho, 30 speed/50 atk is brutal. I planned out a strategy to beat him but made two errors, in forgetting his throne bonus (27 def instead of 25 def = whoops) and some untimely reinforcements which forced me into a panic. THAT SAID, the combination of both Tiki and Nagi is hax, so I could sacrifice one and together they 2HKO. If I'd missed things could have seriously gone south, but so it goes. The FE6 style reinforcements are really a bit much, least favourite thing about HM.

Kill leader was Caeda, reprising her role from last game, again with the same 94 kills! The Coyote trio of Hardin, Sedgar, and Wolf came next, in that order. PC notes...

Marth: Gave him Boots. This makes him notably better, but I didn't realise it at first (didn't think of this until I got the boots) so I let him get too underlevelled again. No big, he loses one of his main niches (fighting Medeus) on HM because of lol30speed.

Caeda: We know the story here. Winged Spear is even more valuable on HM, you really need its oomph, particularly on someone as mobile as Caeda. Made her a Paladin for a few fights where flight wasn't needed so she could avoid arrow weakness... just great options for her.

Lena: For what it's worth, I was wrong about holding onto the Starsphere being worth it. This is because Hammerne is ridiculous. Game gives you a bunch of stuff worth repairing - A rank weapons, Divinestones, the Pachyderm, ANYTHING you forge. And at 12 shots you can do it all. This singlehandedly vaults Lena into top tier to me, but even without this she's still the best staff level (initial Warp!) you have.

Merric: Only other person I used all the way through to Endgame in both files as a combat unit, besides Caeda. Easy enough to see why, probably the best mage statistically and best suited to fighting Gharnef.

Hardin: Probably the best cavalier? Technically his stats are slightly below Abel/Cain/Frey, but he wins because of weapon levels. B/D where the others start at D/E... yeah. Can use Jagen's Silver Lance initially (not to mention Javelins, damn you Cain), can class over to Myrm and have Steel, and later into SM and use Silver (was close to Mercurius DESPITE my mainly using lances for him) or into a Dracoknight to fly. Just awesomely versatile. My final boss strategy involved him attacking Medeus because he was the only person on my TEAM who could take a hit and do real damage back as a SM, although this ended up not mattering.

Sedgar: Starts bad, but once he gets some levels in him he starts rockin'. Nice def, decent otherwise. I had him as a General at first, even though I hate Generals and they suck, because it helped him at least survive while he levelled. After about 6-10 maps I made him a Horseman again and he started kicking ass. Fell off a bit at endgame, his speed just couldn't keep up, but always had some Def, and made a reasonable bow user.

Wolf: Somewhat less impressed. Probably just RNG, he's similar enough to Sedgar and went through the same pattern. I made him into a Hero and he basically stayed there to be my axeman, which probably wasn't worth it, Hauteclaire isn't THAT badass and it was final chapter only by which time Wolf's stats had fallen off some. Main thing that bugged me about him is I noticed that 20/1 Palla had better stats than 20/11 Wolf in like everything, kind of a bummer.

Palla: Because I used her instead of Catria this time to be different. She's no Catria. She does have massive Strength, but Speed's just not good enough. Means that after promo I had her go SM, which meant dropping to C, but... she did get back to B and then she hurt things pretty well. Low speed for a SM only really hurt her against the final boss.

Horace: Oh yeah, Horace rant time. Anyway, I missed 12x last time, got it this time. I was pleasantly surprised; the scene at the end of 12x is, without a doubt, the best in the game. Basically Horace is being all emo about being an honourable knight and that you should kill him for betraying his (your) country, and Nyna basically bitchslaps him and tells him that dying would shame all his soldiers who fought and died believing he was doing the best thing (which he was, Dolhr had threatened to raze his lands if he didn't cooperate), not to mention ensure that they would be remembered as followers as a dirty traitor, instead of someone who found redemption. It was actually rather powerful by the game's (Very, very low) standards. Surprised it was Nyna because she's so worthless in all her other scenes, but there you go. Anyway, after this I decided I was using Horace until endgame. At first he was pretty good, better than Wolf as a Hero, although the low weapon levels sucked, I burned an Arms Scroll on him (And shouldn't have, those are too valuable). Bad growths caught up eventually and he was definitely the Endgame LVP.

Jake: Other ballistician. For all intents and purposes they are clones, with Jake being a couple maps earlier but harder to recruit (and you need to recruit Beck anyway because he has the only Thunderbolt).

Tiki: Best manakete in the series that I've seen. It's her or Nagi. Though she was a liability at first, she wasn't -that- big of one, and after a couple maps (of a modest number of kills, not a killfeed fest like Nino needs) she started holding her own just fine. Then in Chapter 23 she is great because of her monstrous Res, then in 24 she is EVEN BETTER because hey manakete central and she has 54 might on them, lulzOHKOed and manaketes are monstrous bastards (26 speed, IS? Really?) so this is great. Endgame well she and Nagi are by far the best killers of the final boss, and although in H3 they are nowhere near as good offensively (way more enemies they don't double, or don't 2HKO in the case of ballistas and generals, although manaketes still get raped) they are very effective tanks (Sedgar has similar Def, but lacks the Res and Luck) while having said offence. Just wish they had more Move. Tiki's a bit better than Nagi if levelled, for what it's worth, a bit more Strength and Luck.

Nagi: See above basically. Using both at once is basically cheating (and needs you to burn your Aum Staff on Tiki, but this is quite fine!).

Castor: I should mention him because he showed promise with his Str/Spd and HM is less archer-unfriendly (more tanking) but he was still clearly tending towards LVP in my party so eventually I made the move to make Sedgar an archer and sacrifice him instead.

BAntu: Oh dear god he's bad. What the fuck is up with those growths? Needing to keep him alive until you get Tiki is just rude (although worth it).

Julian: Note to self, raise him as a combat unit sometime. Wait, I don't actually plan to replay the game.

So yep. Enjoyable enough experience but I'm definitely done, all the other FEs I've played are better and now that I've basically experienced FESD to completion (H5 sounds like the same as H3 just with better enemy stats, no map redesigns) I don't plan to return to it any time soon if ever. 6/10 can stay.

XS2 - I love Vanderkam. Why didn't I nom the Naglfar Cannons scene in Meeple's topic?

Ace Attorney Investigations and Mega Man 10 are next, as promised by Capcom stuff earlier!

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1311 on: March 19, 2010, 08:14:44 AM »
FF13 - Barely played today, did some missions.  I know people are sick of me ragging on this by now, but wow, the map for getting around this section is fucking horrible.  Makes me so glad the rest of the game was on rails.  I would seriously frisby the game if the map was this bad all the time.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1312 on: March 19, 2010, 09:13:12 AM »
You know, for some reason I decided that I didn't do enough of STUPID UPGRADE FLASH GAME.  I don't know what's wrong with me, but without further ado...

No-lose challenge.  This is actually kind of hard, as some of the levels are balanced assuming a few losses here and there (which ends up meaning significantly more cashflow).  So...after some experimentation, the strategy early on was....lots and lots of magnets; like, earlygame there's nothing wrong with five or six magnets (leave most of them at level 1).  Past that, 4 Guns, 4 Missiles, 4 Magnets carried me through the midgame/lategame (keeping Guns and Missiles at similar levels).

And in even more insanity, stat topicing of "Upgrade Complete"

First, some of the raw damage comparison tests:
Level5Gun ~= 3xLevel1Gun damage (or some of my tests have said more like 2.5x)
Level5Missile ~= 4xLevel1Missile damage
Level4Lightning > 4xLevel1Lightning > Level3Lightning  (Level 5 Lightning is maybe a bit above 5x--I didn't have a good test case here).

Level5Lightning's hard to compare across weapons, but probably about as much as Level1Gun.
Level5Missile...I think a solo one might be similar damage to a solo Level5Gun based on some tests, and this matches some of my tests on level1 Gun vs Missiles, theory damage looks something like...

Lightning:...1-5 damage
Gun:..........5-12 damage
Missiles:.....3-12 damage

Though notably gun damage stacks poorly due hit detection issues.  In particular 12x all-Gun is able to beat wave 20 (just barely), but 6x all-Missiles is also able to beat wave 20 (again, barely).  And along the same lines, 12x Gun wins by changing targets rapidly to get less hitbox overlap.

Prices are (including all upgrade costs)

Gun:..........L1 $1,000, L2 $3,000, L3 $7,000,  L4 $13,000, L5 21,000
Lightning:...L1 $2,000, L2 $6,000, L3 $14,000, L4 $26,000, L5 42,000
Missile:.......L1 $3,000, L2 $9,000, L3 $21,000, L4 $39,000, L5 63,000

Gun shoots straight forward (though tilts with you when you move left or right, so aimable).
Lightning hits the nearest target.
Missile hits the furthest target within range.

One additional mechanic: lightning's range starts out very low, and increases every upgrade by an equal amount.  At L4 it's about equal with Missile launching range, L5 is higher range.  L1 range is...painful.  Though yes: this combined with "your damage is HOW LOW??" makes L1 lightning really, mind-bogglingly painfully bad.  (L5 lightning is okay; not that much less damage than L5Gun due to gun-glitch, and lightning is homing.  In a normal game this would probably be the better weapon, but in this long as you're shooting in an upwards direction, you're probably hitting enemies, so often L5Gun is worth more.  Never mind that it's half the price...).

EDIT: And some extra insanity: what's the least expensive team that can beat level 20?  So far I'm down to $36,000 (6x L1Missile, 6xL2Gun).
EDIT2: Okay, got it down to $30,000 (4xL1Missile, 5xL2Gun, 3xL1Gun).  I'm not inclined to try to push this line any further, but...still, it's fun to see setups that can win and also cost less than some individual pieces of equipment.

Christ, girl.  Damn.  I don't know if I'm impressed or horrified.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1313 on: March 19, 2010, 11:06:44 AM »
FF13 - Barely played today, did some missions.  I know people are sick of me ragging on this by now, but wow, the map for getting around this section is fucking horrible.  Makes me so glad the rest of the game was on rails.  I would seriously frisby the game if the map was this bad all the time.

Please, rage some more. Seriously.  I'm putting FFXIII on indefine backlog once I got to the end of chapter 11.  Up until that point, the game was fairly easy on the grind factor.  Mobs were challenging but not overwhelming and bosses were cool.  But fuck, chapter 11 brings bosses with millions of HP and take fucking forever unless you seriously sit down and CP grind for hours.  Take too long and they cast Doom on your leader. Completely screwed!  You have to pick your mobs too since straight from chapter 10 you can only handle enemies that give a pathetic 2000 CP when at minimum need 4000 for stats.  I only did 6 or so Ce'ith mission, not including the forced ones.  I'm completely stuck on the boss and I can't backtrack to the center of Grand Pulse.  My only option is to grind on low CP randoms or fight this fucker that takes 10 minutes to kill.....for 4000! CP.  Yeah, I need 10,000 for a megar 100 HP.

Good thing Resonance of Fate and Infinite Space don't suck ass!


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1314 on: March 19, 2010, 01:22:08 PM »
Disgaea 2: DHD - Starting Chapter 6.

Luxor 2 - I hate odd number achievements.

Bioshock 2: Finally reached L 40 in multi.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1315 on: March 19, 2010, 02:08:59 PM »
Good thing Resonance of Fate and Infinite Space don't suck ass!

Those are the songs in the game?  Eh I muted it a while back to listen to some podcasts.  Much rather listen to some remix of Legend of Zelda theme redone as a Surf tune that someone found. 
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1316 on: March 19, 2010, 02:52:31 PM »
It's a game, Grefter. Infinite Space's pretty wonky. MISSILE DESTROYER CAPITAL SHIP, need to grind money from randoms. It's only 40-80 randoms. >>;
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 04:18:00 PM by Bardiche »


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1317 on: March 19, 2010, 05:01:13 PM »
I'm completely stuck on the boss and I can't backtrack to the center of Grand Pulse.  My only option is to grind on low CP randoms or fight this fucker that takes 10 minutes to kill.....for 4000! CP.  Yeah, I need 10,000 for a megar 100 HP.

What boss is this? As long as you keep up with the stone missions you shouldn't have any problem. The millions of hp are balanced out by you being able to take half of it out after staggering them once.

FF13 - Have done 61/64 missions, still can't beat those dinos without death though :'(. Missions left are:

Mission 51 - Currently grinding before facing him but I'm sure I could beat him now anyway. Has a lot of hp but not very threatening.

Mission 62 - Who thought of this mission because it shouldn't be this hard. Basically you have to face one of the hardest enemies in the game again except now theres two >:(.

Mission 64 - The big bad superboss. I've heard there is a method to easily beat him. I'll try myself but I'll proberly end up looking for help on him.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1318 on: March 20, 2010, 06:11:38 AM »
ME:  Got through most of Feros, thought I saved, reloaded after a shitty round of combat, found out I hadn't saved since before doing the Feros sidequests.  Blah.  I continue to enjoy the game but I'm becoming less and less impressed as I play.  I tried to do some sidequests that required me to go to uncharted worlds buuuut that's just too annoying to not FAQ.  I....... may do them, but probably not.  Perhaps when my party's stronger.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1319 on: March 20, 2010, 06:26:08 AM »
FF13 - Have done 61/64 missions, still can't beat those dinos without death though :'(. Missions left are:

Mission 51 - Currently grinding before facing him but I'm sure I could beat him now anyway. Has a lot of hp but not very threatening.

Mission 62 - Who thought of this mission because it shouldn't be this hard. Basically you have to face one of the hardest enemies in the game again except now theres two >:(.

Mission 64 - The big bad superboss. I've heard there is a method to easily beat him. I'll try myself but I'll proberly end up looking for help on him.

I think 62 is the hardest in the game to 5-star, probably the hardest in the game fullstop. 64 is tricksy rather than difficult, I feel, and 51 just doesn't quite dish it out like he needs to (needs less negative status vulnerability). The Neochu are pretty brutal, too, the death vulnerability aside.

Got the last couple of trophies a few days ago now. Pretty content with the game, overall. Cautiously optimistic about DLC; the longui are tough, but they could definitely be tougher (I ended up beating one with seriously subpar equipment, not sure if I'm okay with that in my ultimate optional bosses)...

Started Valkyria Chronicles, though papers mean I haven't had much chance to play yet. Ch. ~2 so far so good, and it's the only game I've played these past few months that doesn't look ugly compared to FF13, which is nice. Not sure I dig the levelling and item management system... I like to micromanage and I like character individuality, and the system doesn't really seem designed to encourage this.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1320 on: March 20, 2010, 11:24:54 AM »
FF13 - Missions are dull or just plain annoying (HERE GUYS I HEAR YOU LIKE TO FIGHT GUYS LOL 12 ENEMIES AT ONCE).  The map continues to suck horribly, if I didn't have an online map I would not even bother with this shit at all (Seriously, I was ready to punch someone when you get directed to "North blah blah" on the plains and the map constantly rotates with whichever direction you were facing and there is no compass (If you zoom all the way out on the map so you can't see anything you get a reference point of Cocoon which is north), seriously horrible fucking map design and that is all the side questing is.  Running around on the map trying to locate what arbitrary one of 64 statues has animated after you beat the last fight (It does show you active ones that aren't finished on the map!  Assuming it is in the same area as you and not far enough away that you can't see it).  Fuck this game.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1321 on: March 20, 2010, 05:56:25 PM »
LUNAR Silver Star Harmony: Nall's voice is not squeaky! Voice-acting's not the best, but not terrible either. I like the new opening, lets you get used to the combat system early. Also showcases Lemia's powers, which are... exactly the same as Lemina! Ghaleon has his four elemental spells and a bevy of healing spells.

Ramus sort of got upgraded? Superior in all stats on level 1. Sadly he doesn't seem to get stats from leveling. Except HP. Graphics are nice, loading times are a bit mrhfh but it's PSP so I guess that's a given... combat system's nice. Mix between GBA and PS, dare I say it? You have the gauge special moves from the GBA and the movement based system from the PS.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1322 on: March 20, 2010, 07:57:40 PM »
Running around on the map trying to locate what arbitrary one of 64 statues has animated after you beat the last fight

The location where you beat a mission should have nearby the next numbered mission. This is true for like the first 30, the next 8 are in the same area (The circle of stones) and the next 16 are again all together in a small area. There is actually only about 5 stones which they give no clue to.

and the map constantly rotates with whichever direction you were facing and there is no compass

I have to agree with you as it is just bad design. I found it best to use the objective mark as the compass as it always points in the same direction.

FF13- Completed mission 51 with five stars. As I'd heard the guy is underwhelming as his damage just isn't good enough and anything without AOE attacks suck in this game. His damage seems a bit random though as he was causing 1500-9000 damage but even he caused 9K with every hit he'd still be easier then his bastard brother in the final area. Next mark is 64 because fuck spawning the hell beasts by beating 62. Is maxing out your character's grids needed though? From what I've seen they give tiny boostes at best.

Dynasty warriors 2 Gundam - Played this with a friend. He was what seemed to be Gundam's version of Lu Bu with the burning Gundam. When I had to pick a character I was underwhelmed at the selection as they all seemed rather lame and girly so I ended up picking the only selectable women character (Who sounds more male then most of the other guys). Her mech while nothing fancy is quite good and her quotes are by far the best (The WHITE DEVIL is my ANGEL!).
All the other guys are lamers with their commanting on war beeing bad or we should all be friends or some crap.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1323 on: March 20, 2010, 08:22:01 PM »
and the map constantly rotates with whichever direction you were facing and there is no compass

I have to agree with you as it is just bad design. I found it best to use the objective mark as the compass as it always points in the same direction.

Me too, but agreed too.

FF13- Completed mission 51 with five stars. As I'd heard the guy is underwhelming as his damage just isn't good enough and anything without AOE attacks suck in this game. His damage seems a bit random though as he was causing 1500-9000 damage but even he caused 9K with every hit he'd still be easier then his bastard brother in the final area. Next mark is 64 because fuck spawning the hell beasts by beating 62. Is maxing out your character's grids needed though? From what I've seen they give tiny boostes at best.

One complaint I have about the aftergame is that you can't get back through the final dungeon. Feels like such a strange oversight, since there's tons of unique and difficult enemies through there, and it might be the best way to grind for CP (possibly even Gil, since the Jabberwocky/Bandersnatch drop pretty expensive items pretty frequently)

Maxing out the secondary jobs is more about the job levels than stats, I think; I'm not sure, but I suspect the hell beasts' ultima isn't terribly survivable without Sentinel/5. The stats do add up, too, but I'm sure you could get away without maxing out everyone in everything. That's sort of my complaint about the long gui; they're difficult, but there's room above them, difficulty-wise.

Even after you do unlock the long gui, there's still one adamantaimai (or whatever they're called) wandering around the main area, and you can still fight the one in Cocoon too. And you can always refight 63 for an adamantortoise if you're so inclined for some reason.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1324 on: March 20, 2010, 08:44:01 PM »
As I thought, I'll be maxing everyone's Sentinel before facing him then. Meanwhile I'm going to be working on everyone's weapons. Fang was easy (She gets Taming pole) but Lightening and hope are much harder as choosing between Lionheart or Axis blade is a hard choice to make. Everyone keeps telling me to use the axis blade but I'm not so sure because having to give up four slots to make the weapon good isn't very appealing.