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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1575 on: April 04, 2010, 06:03:03 PM »
No second DS at the moment, so no way to transfer over all my glorious Pokemon. By the way, what are your friend codes? I have pretty much every pokemon and once I get to the breeder I can start handing out anything you guys want...for the most part.

Since most of my pokemon are level one, I have been spending some time in the first area with my two exp spares and trying to get some of the pokemon I want to use through the game to at LEAST level 10.

I think I am going to try and make a balanced team and just use that for the game, and afterwards worry about EV training some select few pokemon. I never did the whole EV training, so I should probably look into that before starting and screwing up the pokemon I wanted to use.

I'm thinking having these guys as my team...

Lucario - Seriously, my favorite pokemon.
Scyther - Because he looks cool and has False swipe.
Golduck - Old personal favorite.
Houndoom - Because he looks awesome.
Electrivire - To fill the need for an Electric type.

Last spot could vary. I am leaning toward a Sceptile or maybe a Espeon. Hmmm


anyways, that won't happen for awhile anyways! I want to get all my baby pokemon transfered over first and foremost.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1576 on: April 04, 2010, 06:40:07 PM »
PW3 Spoilers!

3-4: Finished. Bleeeeeh.

Biggest problem: Could have been alluded to in 3-1 and elaborated on (Diego specifically) in 3-5 and not been a case at all. I don't think it justifies its own existence.

Other issues:

1. The case is deadly serious. I mean, wow. The only really amusing part is Edgeworth Von Karma, and that only carries a case so far.

2. The murder mystery is not intriguing at all, it's pretty bland by PW standards, and there's not really any decisive proof that the killer actually did it. I think a bit of the mystery is also ruined by the fact that as soon as you see the witness you know she is guilty.

3. The logic puzzles are a pretty big stretch even by Phoenix Wright standards. I feel like a few of the logical leaps are just really unintuitive and that a lot of the case is solved by randomly guessing instead of using actual logic because there isn't any.

4. Gross misogyny from Diego. Oh boy~

5. The ending is highly unsatisfying and I feel like there would have been a larger impact if Mia had just, you know, lost.

The good:

1. Edgeworth von Karma.

2. I think that the time-travelling type aspect of the game is pretty cool. It gives you a glimpse into what happened before the game.

3. Dahlia is the same old Dahlia, but I felt like she wasn't quite as good as she was in 3-1.

Overall I feel like the case was a waste of time but it was quite short so I guess I forgive the game. After about halfway through the case I just starting FAQing it out of shear boredom and it's like an hour long, which is a bad sign. >_>

3-5 next~~~
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 06:51:36 PM by Ciato »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1577 on: April 04, 2010, 09:25:09 PM »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1578 on: April 04, 2010, 11:19:55 PM »
HG: "Margarine learned Psybeam!" Goodnight, Morty.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1579 on: April 04, 2010, 11:38:48 PM »
Completed Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth.


I have very little bad to say about this game. The series has been in decline for me, with AJ in particular being the least impressive entry to the series in my eyes. I went into this game with a "hopefully that trend will be reversed". It was, and then some. AAI injects just enough much-needed change, while bringing back and further developping some of the series' best characters, and having a nice, satisfying set of cases overall to work through. There's no real stinkers, and if no one case completely blew my socks off, well, that's fine, since 5-1, 5-2, 5-4, and 5-5 all rate as excellent. No other game manages FOUR cases of this level of quality. And then 5-3 isn't terrible or anything! Sooo yeah.

Character-wise, the game leans heavilly on returning characters. Arguably more than it should. I don't find myself too bothered overall, although the game doesn't produce too many compelling new characters and I guess that's a strike against it. Kay and Lang are both solid enough, but neither really pushes the envelope of their archetypes, although I will give them props for Kay being more generally likable than Maya (if less than Trucy) and for using Lang in about the correct number of cases (he'd be tiring if they tried to use him in 4 cases or something) and having a convincing motivation for being the way he is. Though, did I rather liked two of the villains (Portsman and *spoilers*, see later) and since villains are super-important to me in PW games this is good! Back to the old characters, though, this game definitely elevated Edgeworth and Franziska to new heights for me, and I already liked both a lot. Edgeworth is a lot of fun to play as, he's smart (he visibly figures out things before the player does, like PW3 Phoenix but unlike other mains) and his thoughts are delicious snarky, but this is balanced by the extreme pain the hilarious people he has to deal with cause him. Franziska basically operates as his evil bitch sister/assistant/superior (it varies) who is responsible for either being a sounding wall for Edgeworth's cleverness or inflicting pain on those who deserve it. Gumshoe, the third returning major player, is hilarious but fundamentally the same as always. Not that this is bad.

Music is the best in the series. Easily. No f'ing contest. They finaly got some composition quality to go with their melodies, since a couple old melodies worked a hell of a lot better in this game and the new tracks are solid enough. I suppose I should look up track names so I can actually elaborate on this.

As far as overall plot goes it... the cases all tie together a lot, but many can stand on their own, at least? Thought it worked pretty well. I also liked that the cases were clearly tied together chronologically instead of being random events separated by a few months. It's something. More details need case spoilers of course.

Gameplay... well, I don't really give a crap about PW gameplay and I like it best when it isn't interfering much. I could see FRUE PHOENIX WRIGHT GAMEPLAY FANS being unimpressed by this entry because it does hint/point at what you should do more than the previous games, but this doesn't bug me at all. It's easier than previous games on the whole (last case definitely steps it up though) but this fits plotwise, as Edgeworth is far less of an underdog because he isn't a defence attorney in the PW universe. Anyway, the game largely cans the useless pixel hunting and "can't advance plot until presenting item X to character Y", guiding you much more in investigations where such things might otherwise be required. I approve of that at least. But yeah, basically, gameplay doesn't factor into my rating of PW games as long as it doesn't actively tick me off.

Case spoilers! You've been warned! I am keeping this to a large enough font that it the sections should be individually discernable but small enough that accidental spoiling won't happen~

5-1: Best introductory case in the series? Possibly. It introduces the characters and game nicely, and uses, I think, the Logic system the best of any case, since there were some trickier connections in there. Jacques Portsman really carries this case because he is just so hilariously silly yet has a bit of a nasty streak to him, too, and hints at the darker major plot to come. The case does have Maggey, which is ugh, but she's less bad than before for some reason? She doesn't spend quite as much time apologising for how worthless she is. The two-thieves twist was pretty solid.

5-2: Another one I dug overall. I am a bit of a sucker for the Mimi Miney routine of "pretend you're a total ditz to avoid suspicion" since the transformation is always so fun. This game's villain didn't really push the envelope of that archetype, but I did like that the murder turned out to be an unplanned reaction she did because she was scared. Pretty badass framing job too on paper, and turbulence's disruption of it, while improbable, only made things more interesting. Possibly had the most "aha" moments of any case in the game, and that's always fun. Ninjaing both the time and the lociation of the murder worked well. Also yay more Franziska.

5-3: Definitely the weak entry, despite some awesome cameos. The main problem here is that the murder is just stupidly implausible. The game never really elaborates on whether the killer acted in self-defence or it was all planned. If the former, then he had to concoct an immensely convoluted plan that relied on many unlikely things in literally seconds between when he commits the murder and when he starts on the ridiculous chain of "mug Edgeworth, disguise him and tie him up and show him off all while hoping he doesn't regain consciousness, THEN send Lauren out with the prop gun (until now useless!) and make her shoot him with it (instead of just running or whatever) and yeaaah this was stupid. If it's planned it's still stupid, but at least we don't have to worry about him concocting all this in about 6 seconds.

Also the stupidest "logic" puzzle in the game. THREE CHAIRS + THREE CUPS = ?!?! Yeah, this was not the highlight of that system, it was reather insulting to my intelligence actually. <_<

The case does a bunch of small things well, at least. One trivial one jumping to mind is the killer's "damage" animation, it rules.

5-4: So yeah, there's this case called 3-4. Ciato just talked about it. It sucks and is one of the worst cases in the series and 5-4 is the game designers realising that because 5-4 is what 3-4 wanted to be. It's set in the past and sets the stage for the next game but it tells its own, unique mystery, shows both Edgeworth and Franziska in their more formative years, and their interaction with Manfred (hell yeah Manfred cameo). I really dug the interaction in this one. The identity of the killer totally caught me off guard too because (a) I had her pegged as "the one seeking to most annoy the player" trope like Victor Kudo or Wendy Oldbag or Ben/Trilo and those are always innocent!, and (b) there are never two female villains in a PW game!

5-5: The first half of this case is pure gold. I mean. THE CAMEO. Larry/Edgeworth/Franziska interaction mark 2... well, it pretty much runs with my favourite part of PW3 again. Unoriginal? I don't fucking care. Edgeworth needs some Larry in his life to cause him maximum physical pain (hey, it's half the fun of the game!) and the ways they did it were delicious. Then you get down to the actual confrontation with the villain and that is terrific too. I really liked her, it's quite a plot twist but makes way too much sense once you take the time to study her two portraits side by side, and she's portrayed as competent enough for it to be believable. I may have wanted a bigger fight here given this one was in the cards for three cases, but oh well. If Portsman isn't my favourite villain, she is; her dark demenour was quite compelling. No compelling personal motive would normally bother me more, but her last scene sells me on her just being a dark, unapologetic, manipulative tool for the big bad.

Second half... hmm. It's not as good and it can't be, just because the villain didn't have the same screentime throughout the game as the previous. But overall I think it is still among the most satisfying ends to a PW game. 1-5 and 4-4 are both unmitigated nonsense, 2-4 just dragged too much, and 3-5 post-Dahlia was brutal anticlimax to an otherwise excellent case. 5-5 avoids the worst anticlimax, though there's still some of the unfortunate dragging. The challenge definitely ramped up here to make you feel like you were really working for something, and while at times the villain bordered on insufferable with his "luzl I'm just going to walk out on your investigation", Agent Lang stepped in with some massive awesome so we could finish the case without having to put up with THAT any longer. Besides that... mm. Guy reminds me a bit of Redd White or Damon Gant, which is a horrible thing, but he's so much better. His motivations are crystal clear and sensible, and his "immunity" leg to stand on is far more believable (diplomatic immunity >>> I CONTROL EVERYTHING!!1), and he himself avoids descending into whining, putting on a decent facade until the end. Not really my favourite because fundamentally I dislike that archetype of villain but he does it much better than his predecessors do and had enough presence to leave me satisfied with nailing his ass for all the shit he had caused (aka the whole damn game). Also LARRY TO THE RESCUE is so amazing, the present that foils his final testimony was beautiful (I wish they'd wrapped the game up more quickly after that because it was so perfect, but there's the dragging coming in).

I have a lot of trouble ranking the cases of this game. Aside from 5-3 < the rest of course. None of them quite crack the ranks of my absolute favourite PW cases, and I'm not sure why... I guess because no villain is on the level of the last two in JFA? But they're all good, all solidly in the top half of the series' cases, and all were a lot of... fun. In the end, that's the best thing I can say about this game: I always had fun playing it, something I can't say about... any of the four previous games, although JFA does come close at least. I think the fact that I beat it in about half the time I beat the others and my having more on my plate in my life now than I did then alludes to this! I still can't rank it the best in the series because I do think 2-3 is just that brilliant and 2-4 is just that important (i.e. still the only case for which the entire SERIES suffers if it gets removed) but hell, it has me thinking about it. So, updated list!

JFA > AAI > T&T > AA > AJ

Game is probably something like an 8.5/10 if I do that. Hard to get much better than this without actually having good gameplay; PW writing has delivered in spades once again, and I am happy.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1580 on: April 05, 2010, 04:50:22 AM »
Pokemon SS: My team really sucked for taking out Lance.  The first 4 fights, I handled fine, but then Lance came and...yeah, I was like "wow, I am totally not prepared for such an occasion".  Rather than going through the entire E4 again, I said fuck it and just item spammed; I just wanted to get to the after game damn it!

God of War 2: Just rode the Phoenix to...yet another temple!  I think I'm getting...somewhere near the end of the game?
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1581 on: April 05, 2010, 09:24:24 AM »
Arctic Adventure -

Jumping controls are fairly atrocious, although problems tended to happen at points when I needed to jump and I had little problem jumping around at points where I didn't need to, so it may have just been me failing it up. However there were numerous times when I was killed because the jump cut out halfway up and this is not a game with controllable jump height, so I can take solace in the fact that those were not my fault at least.

Part 4 has one point where it can purposefully cause you to put the level into an unbeatable state with no telegraphing of this. Bad form.

All up, I beat the four parts with little trouble outside of my jumping problems. When I was a young lad, I couldn't beat the shareware part. Which only goes to show that games these days are too easy.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1582 on: April 05, 2010, 02:02:37 PM »
Resonance of Fate - Up to Chapter 3 or 4?  I have to go to a forest and fight some pixies or something.  Gauging from the Arena round 5 this is going to be kind of hard.  Want to get to chapter 6 already for unlimited money.  Kind of burned out on the game, but it was fun for a few days.

Gets bonus points for having the most Tri-Ace style art and general aesthetic for a good while (Forget what Infinite Undiscovery looked like...), but areas and menus remind me Valkyrie Profile a lot, more so than VP2 did even.  Really nice if you are into that.

Tales of Vesperia - I still haven't finished this I remembered, so wanting a break from the ball busting the above was doing I decided to go back to that for today.  End game sidequests.  100 man Melees done for Yuri, Repede and Estelle.  Had forever to spare on Yuri, Repede was annoying, doing this without Glory is a pain.  Estelle was slow but invincible, close but thankfully her final 10 can easilly be Holy Rained down.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1583 on: April 05, 2010, 02:11:18 PM »
So, Resonance of Fate should go on my 'someday when I have a 360' list?
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1584 on: April 05, 2010, 02:26:10 PM »
I honestly don't know, it kind of yoyos around the place (SHOCK A Tri-Ace game that is all over the shop?).  At heart it is stupid, but it is fun with it, it doesn't take itself really seriously unlike FF13.  The gameplay is easy at the start and it is getting harder (enemies getting more health, more of them and my damage hasn't reallllly gone up much.  This might be alleviated with a bit more weapon customisation.  When stuff gets really rough Grenades (which are a primary weapon type!) are great, they do good damage, but I can't buy them yet, so eh.  Essentially the gameplay is all about dudes doing flips and shit and shooting some dudes.  You take out armoured foes with hand guns after you weaken them with an SMG.

I dunno if you really like the art style of the Clockwork Tower from Valkyrie Profile (Chapter 3 hard mode only dungeon with the sliding square rooms maze) then maybe?  It is really only specific parts of VP aesthetic so far and probably not really the prettiest ones (Certain no Asgard from the opening sequence here).  It is something I myself quite enjoy though.

There is better games I would reccomend for the 360 for an RPG fan most certainly though, not necessarilly so much on the PS3 though (which is what I am playing it on), it is probably one of the few PS3 RPGs I have really enjoyed of what I have played, but I have not played a great deal (It is probably worse than Valkyria Chronicles) and the PS3 still shines for other genres.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1585 on: April 05, 2010, 02:41:13 PM »
Right, well. I haven't played VP anyways, so I can't compare that, but it sounds like it might get SOMEWhERE on the list at any rate. I'll almost definitely be getting a 360 before a PS3 assuming I can get a decent job for the summer, unless Namco shocks the world by giving us the PS3 version of ToV (probably my biggest tie-breaker). I've got plenty of ideas already lined up for games already, and I just happened to see 'oh hey, a gun-heavy RPG on the 360 made by a respectable studio' while milling around a GameStop.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1586 on: April 05, 2010, 03:00:42 PM »
If the gun factor is a big thing I cannot praise Mass Effect 2 enough.  RoF is not real time controls and you have no actual gunplay on your part, it is just shoot some dudes stuff.  If you want a game with good actual gunplay RPG stuff then ME2 is the place to stop.  But yeah if you are more just after something outside of the fantasy setting which is pretty well represented on the X-Box out of what RPGs there is.

You should totally check out VP sometime though, it is around the place if you are into emulaion and if you got a PSP version then VP:Lenneth is pretty respectable other than some minor annoyances with the equip menus (You can't cycle through characters and have to back out to the main menu each time, minor problem they fixed in the US release of the PSX version and not ported over to the PSP version).  It is still a pretty unique game even for one with 2 sequels (both drastically change the combat system), some fun albeit easy platforming and personally I find it absolutely gorgeous.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1587 on: April 05, 2010, 08:32:47 PM »
Pokemon HG - Just beat Upgraded Lance with the team being:

Ho-Oh Lv56
Magnezone Lv66
Typhosion Lv56
Sandslash Lv55
Gyarados Lv59
Scizor Lv52

Lance was a total beefcake but Gyarados showed him levels aren't everything because After 4 dragon-dances Gyarados was dishing out OHKOs at mach speed. I'm going to keep playing because I've got a rival in a friend playing SS and I want to beat him, I've already won 4 times but he has only trained 3 pokemon (1 is lugia) while I have six. We did play some 3 vs 3 to make it fair but I won there as well. The best moment was where my Lv50 Ho-Oh smacked down his Lv50 Lugia without a problem. Anyway he is building a full team now with the purpose of beating mine however he doesn't know types that well so he doesn't know the pokemon he has chosen all have weaknesses I can exploit ;D.

Quick question to Scar and anyone else who'll know these things. I have platinum and was thinking of bring over the legendary birds but they exist in Heartgold so will me trading them over make them go poof?
If so could I then get two by getting them in Heartgold then trading them over from platinum?

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1588 on: April 05, 2010, 09:34:04 PM »
PW3-5: So motherfuckin' awesome. I just started the Day 2 trial.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1589 on: April 05, 2010, 10:23:52 PM »
So apparently while ME1 works fine on a PC with a single core processor, ME2's min sys reqs require a dual core.

I... am sad.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1590 on: April 06, 2010, 02:10:57 AM »
God of War 2: Completed.  TIme for a rant!

To be frank?  It was just GoW1 with different spells, 2 new weapons replacing the Artemis Blades, and new dungeons.  Yeah, I know; Mega Man does the exact same thing every game, but Mega Man is a simpler game and that's the entire formula you need to keep the series good; good levels, decent bosses, good weapons, bam!  Decent Mega Man game.  God of War, however, has a lot that could be added or fleshed out, but honestly, feels like they didn't.

First off, Combat.  Its...still generic.  The enemy variety really pales in comparison to that of Devil May was about akin to Onimusha enemy variety, thing is, Onimusha has more simplistic gameplay, so you can't get TOO creative with enemies there, so whatever.  God of War?  Not so much.  That's what really makes DMC vs. GoW battles different; DMC gameplay is rather dynamic cause the enemy variety is all over the place, and things stay fresh.  God of War feels like a generic hack and slasher, and its more just "weak enemy vs. big fat durable enemy vs. agile enemy."  Also, you had too many "fuck you" attacks for groups of small things.  Be it "Spinning Chains of Death!" after upgrading, your magic attacks (especially Atlas' move), or the simple "Push Circle to rip Zombie in half".

Also, I definitely prefer the Lock on and dodge manually style rather than having a dodge button; Bayonetta has a dodge button, but let you use the Lock on + Jump for dodging, and dodging was a lot more fluid and spammable there, and doing it felt more rewarding (WITCH TIME YAY!), but here...dunno, felt like the only dodge was a back dodge for big elaborate moves.  Well, blocking was certainly handy, which brings the Onimusha parallels back!  Aerial Combat was also bland, not that there was much of that, but also the fact that juggling enemies wasn't as fun...yeah.

Really, just the combat system got monotonous, and was too polarized, and there was enough variety in it that they could have done so much more.  That's what makes GoW fights pale compared to DMC and Bayonetta fights; the latter two actually make full use of their combat systems and make you try out all your options, rather than resort to "Attack things til they die."

Having more bosses was nice, having most of them be gimmicky was not.  The Fight with Atropos and Lakhesis was cool until I realized there was a gimmick attached to beating them that I couldn't figure out.  The fight with Clothos, meanwhile, was less than cool, cause you had to rely on weird visual cues and trial/error until SOMETHING worked.  And then Zeus is painted like a standard one on one fight, but it seems to have specific triggers for when he does what (that or Rage of the Titans ups damage a lot more than I give it credit for, but its hard to tell.)
Oh, yeah, NO HEALTH GAUGES was another bullshit thing for bosses.  Its nice to know if you're actually making progress on a boss for somethings with vague visual damage cues (I guess you could use your Combo meter to compare), and how effective certain moves are.  I mean, DMC games, yeah it's hard to tell if Ebony and Ivory are actually being blocked or doing legit damage, but the game has a health gauge and when the enemy is hit by ANYTHING, it shakes as though to show "They're taking damage, EVEN IF AN INSIGNIFICANT AMOUNT!"  I guess with gimmick style bosses, its hard to have a health gauge, but its still something that would have been appreciated.  And frankly?  Bayonetta had similarly styled bosses, and it had health gauges, so...yeah.

I know comparing Bayonetta to GoW2 isn't fair cause Bayonetta came out years later, but I just can't stop the comparison cause the things Bayonetta did different from DMC often felt GoW-like, just they were handled so much better...except for Quick Time Events; GoW2 was definitely more lenient just cause it gave you enough time to SEE THE DAMN BUTTON; I've stated that Bayonetta's biggest problem was probably how not-lenient its QTEs were.
But then, Bayonetta handled the "Kill Boss" QTEs better.  See, in Bayonetta, when you kill a boss, and have to QTE him to death, once you start it, you've won; what the game instead lets you do is try to get a bigger bonus in terms of rewards by performing the QTE properly (its always a rapid button push or spin circle.)  In GoW2, failing one means you take damage, and have to start over again; its kind of obnoxious to go through an entire boss fight, but then have to restart it cause you failed the QTE.

The game also had obnoxious puzzles, climbing sections, and platforming scenarios (though they weren't as annoying as in GoW1 at least.)  I ranted in Okami how Block Pushing Puzzles suck ass and should die as a general rule, and praised Okami for, depsite being a Zelda Clone, more or less lacking them, the closest it had was a rare Ball Pushing Puzzle, which are MUCH faster and there were so few and far apart, they didn't hurt things much.
So why is God of War, which is primarily an action obsessed with using them?  THEY'RE NOT FUN DAMN IT!  Nor are they mentally stimulating; they're tedious, and they make the game artificially longer, NOT HARDER!  Devil May Cry got it right by having its "Puzzles" basically be the most basic Resident Evil style plot progression, which is to say just Emblem Fetch Quests, which while not ideal, its not offensive.  I guess DMC4 had the rotary blade puzzle, but there like 3 of those the entire game and they were easy to figure out and done within 2 minutes instead of 10 (plus more stylish *AND* those rotary blades could actually be used in Battle for some unique kills.)

I know, God of War =/= DMC, I'm aware of that, but that doesn't mean I can't help but stand by that DMC just feels like such a better handled action game, mostly cause it lacks a lot of factors that detract from action.  DMC focused on action above all else...well, that and COMPLETELY OVER THE TOP RIDICULOUS STYLE!  This isn't to say that God of War isn't stylish; it most definitely is, just more of a "We're gonna impress you!" style rather than "...physics? What's that? *has Dante ride up a tower with a motorcycle*"  Not trying to bash God of War here, just noting that DMC was more entertaining cause it pushed the style to its ridiculous limits, rather than being merely fancy.

That brings me to plot.  Honestly, I know, ACTION GAME PLOT and all that, but...God of War 2's plot is something that I feel honestly negative about.  I know, I haven't said much good about GoW2, but its plot really annoys me.

See, GoW1's plot was mostly just a vehicle for the gameplay and it worked.  Ok, so Kratos is a dick and a sociopath, that's fair, though I don't like him...but at least I can side with him cause Ares is a bigger dick, screwing Kratos just for the shit of it, so whatever, lesser of two evils, that's fair.  I can route for Kratos there for that reason.

GoW2, I didn't get that feeling.  Kratos was more or less falling into the same damn trap he freed himself from in GoW1, and it was so blatantly obvious, so its like they didn't care and just went "people liked him cause he's a sociopath, lets go with that!"  They tried to justify Zeus as being worse, but I didn't buy it.   The ending made it especially clear that Kratos was not the one I wanted to win; he gets the scenario explained, and what's he do?  He pretty much blows it off just to destroy everything with 0 justification, and sides with the group very clearly JUST USING HIM.  Well, I guess if they're trying to make Kratos out to be a Bad Guy Protagonist, then congrats, you succeeded; pity I still don't like him.  Sociopaths can be well done, but Kratos is just angry and homocidal.  Its especially bad since GoW1 showed shades of depth in him, so I was able to accept it more there; here they sort of blew it off, only making him go all "VENGEANCE!"

I guess I could go on, but whatever; I don't care if GoW2 got like the 15th best game out of GI's 200 best, I don't care if its one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time, I don't care if I seem like a whiner, GoW2 just isn't very impressive once you get past the stylish cutscenes and what not.  I guess the game is good at all those "Shallow" qualities, but doesn't really do it where it matters.  I dunno, is there something I'm missing here?  The combat system is generic, the plot is poor, the non-combat gameplay aspects are just boring...seriously, I've never been so questioning as to why a game gets so much hype.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 01:29:55 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1591 on: April 06, 2010, 03:44:20 AM »
HG:  Beat the Elite 4 and Champion.  Got extremely lucky on Dark Chick and switched my Feraligatr in at the same time she switched her Houndoom in.  Waterfalled it while it used Nasty Plot for the kill.  On Lance I just said screw it and used all the stat boost items I had left on Feraligator while Gyarados sputtered against it.  Swept the rest of his team easily.  Only one Dragonite got a turn, and it decided to spend its time using Safeguard.  Did I mention the AI in this game is the worst I've seen in a long time?  D/P/Pt was fairly decent, but this game just picks random crap most of the time.  Way too many enemies relying on Double Team/Minimize also.

Final team:  Level 45 Feraligatr (Crunch, Ice Fang, Agility, Waterfall), level 36 Onix (Screech, Sandstorm, Strength, Rock Throw), level 39 Togetic (Fly, Extrasensory, AncientPower, Wish), level 39 Dunsparce (Headbutt, Rock Smash, Roost, Yawn), level 45 Magmar (Faint Attack, Flamethrower, Smokescreen, Sunny Day), level 43 Victreebel (Razor Leaf, Cut, Flash, Acid).


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1592 on: April 06, 2010, 04:42:13 AM »
Mission Pack 1-Pretty good. Nicely designed for the most part. New weapons weren't really necessary or useful, new monsters were barely used, but the core gameplay is still the same.

Mission Pack 2-Starts out okay, quickly becomes tedious and annoying. Goes on for too long, with 16 grindfesty levels. It has new ammunition instead of new weapons, which basically amounts to a palette swap that does more damage. Multi-rockets were great though. New enemies were pains in the ass and mostly served as bullet sponges. New zombies....who do the exact same attacks and take slightly longer to kill. A new ghost enemy...who's a watered down Vore. Electric Eels...which have a painful AoE attack underwater, where they can easily be way above and below you. In a game where looking up and down is something it considers a luxury only bestowed on the fortunate. Ogres with multi-grenades, because they didn't have enough annoying spam already! Guardians...which are slowly moving plasma spamming Egyptian things that don't do a whole lot but take a bunch of rockets to kill. Is it too much to ask for a fucking Shambler now and then? At least they were fun to fight.

And this doesn't even go into the many, many dick moves the maps pull out. Oh hey have a random lava pitfall hope you save recently champ! Oh yeah round a corner and there's like 5 fucking fiends in your face well time to replay the whole level again. There are several times when picking up a key item causes an enemy to spawn directly behind you and immediately start attacking, which means you take damage no matter what you do unless you already know it's coming.

Oh shit I almost forgot the final boss. The boss himself isn't that bad, just your standard "hit me a million times and dodge my attacks" FPS boss. But there's this whole 'ground shaking' effect during the fight, which translates into your character moving randomly around like he's wearing roller skates and somebody waxed the floor. This wouldn't be a big problem but the entire arena is full of inescapable lava pits that kill you in like 3 seconds. It also throws off aim really bad and even with the game aim assisting you basically just have to spam a bunch of shit and hope it hits. The fact that all the bosses attacks have knockback doesn't help either. Finally I just spammed Plasma until the fucking thing died sitting in the corner so I couldn't get knocked into a pit through no fault of my own. gj boss designers

Well whatever Quake 1 is done for now. Maybe go play through again on a harder mode? Nah. Played the shit out of Quake II back in the day, have no interest in revisiting it or playing the map packs. Maybe I'll try Wolfenstein 3D...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 04:48:25 AM by AAA »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1593 on: April 06, 2010, 05:02:39 AM »
HGSS- So I nabbed the Yellow Road Saturday, and spent most of the weekend a) learning how the system for items/pokemon off the walker really worked  and b) employing this to get a Surfing Pikachu.  The after a few days on part a, half an hour of dedicated spending Watts gets me a Surfer off a !! encounter!  Naturally, it's Jolly.  I'm levelling it up anyway, to see just whether the SAtk's really unsalvagable or not.  No Light Ball yet, despite putting several hours into that, but given the cost gap involved and seeing as I have to level up the pikachu anyway, no big there.

Otherwise, not much left to the game.  I may end up trying for the Quiet Cave path and mucking about for Feebases, depends on how long my "I want to play pokemans and ignore other games" streak goes on.

Current Team:

Scyther (Technician)- Wing Attack/U-Turn/Swords Dance/X-Scissor- Has cracked level 70.  Essentially solos the three of the UE4 at this point, though is fairly useless against Lance of course.

Tyranitar (Sand Stream)- Crunch/Earthquake/Surf/Stone Edge- L62 or so.  Uh yeah.  She actually can outfight most of Lance's team (I've been trying to level against the UE4, if it wasn't obvious) but having Sand Stream up makes the Garchomp kinda... not... doable.

Togekiss (Hustle)- Charm/Air Slash/Aura Sphere/Fly-  L65.  Not so bad, but not great either.  Mostly around to fight things when Scyther or T-Tar bite it.

Latias (Levitate)- Dragon Breath/Mist Ball/Ice Beam/Recover- L62.  Still in development; I haven't been eager to spend TMs since I'm not sure where this team is going, and in a few levels it gets some STAB support so Dragon Pulse/Psychic would be  a waste.  Sadly, Lance's Salamence and Garchomp still survive Ice Beam, and I need Choice Scarf to get the drop on 'mence.  Draco Meteor would solve that problem, but given I got a -Atk nature, it'd be counterproductive.

Pikachu (Static)- Surf/Thunderbolt/Thunder Wave?/????-  Still in progress.  I may have to catch another one with a better nature (-_-), beyond THAT I'm not sure where to take the moveset.  They come with the above list of moves, but... given it's Pikachu durability T-Wave may be a waste, and I'm not sure what the heck should go in that last slot.  If I don't replace this one, probably Strength?  Unless I have a Return TM sitting around.

Still playing around with ideas for that last slot.  I had a Sceptile half raised until I got to looking at it and realized that beyond Leaf Blade it had, well, NOTHING that wasn't redundant, so I dunno.  On the other hand, it's not like I'm raising the team FOR anything, so hey.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 05:25:13 AM by Cmdr_King »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1594 on: April 06, 2010, 07:31:46 AM »
Pokemon HG - Just beat Upgraded Lance with the team being:

Ho-Oh Lv56
Magnezone Lv66
Typhosion Lv56
Sandslash Lv55
Gyarados Lv59
Scizor Lv52

Lance was a total beefcake but Gyarados showed him levels aren't everything because After 4 dragon-dances Gyarados was dishing out OHKOs at mach speed. I'm going to keep playing because I've got a rival in a friend playing SS and I want to beat him, I've already won 4 times but he has only trained 3 pokemon (1 is lugia) while I have six. We did play some 3 vs 3 to make it fair but I won there as well. The best moment was where my Lv50 Ho-Oh smacked down his Lv50 Lugia without a problem. Anyway he is building a full team now with the purpose of beating mine however he doesn't know types that well so he doesn't know the pokemon he has chosen all have weaknesses I can exploit ;D.

Quick question to Scar and anyone else who'll know these things. I have platinum and was thinking of bring over the legendary birds but they exist in Heartgold so will me trading them over make them go poof?
If so could I then get two by getting them in Heartgold then trading them over from platinum?

I can't be certain since I am not there yet, but you could usually fight the legendaries with another version of themselves caught from a different game and still catch them. I don't see why they would change that. They are in the game's registry to be at those points to be caught.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1595 on: April 06, 2010, 03:46:57 PM »
FFXIII-Defeated the final. POIZN! and Vanille's Death (damage) saved the day >_> Also SEN was absolutely vital for things like Ultima and the other super/special attacks the final run of bosses used <_< My PCs just died otherwise!
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1596 on: April 06, 2010, 04:00:06 PM »
FFXIII-Defeated the final. POIZN! and Vanille's Death (damage) saved the day >_> Also SEN was absolutely vital for things like Ultima and the other super/special attacks the final run of bosses used <_< My PCs just died otherwise!

Poison works on the final boss?  Really?   That's just awesome and would have been exceedingly helpful cause of how much I was on the defensive in that fight.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1597 on: April 06, 2010, 05:43:20 PM »
PW3- Finished~~~ Spoilers
PW3-5: Finished! This case is fabulous.

The good:

1. Larry vs. Edgeworth vs. Franziska. God. Like. This is the best Day 1 ever.

2. The mystery is really great and has you trying to figure out who the killer is pretty late in the story.

3. Day 1 investigation is also awesome because of Larry.


5. The look on Dahlia's face as you speak with her and the reveal that she didn't in fact kill Maya and Mia curbstomping the bitch.

6. It ties up a lot of things nicely; Morgan Fey and Dahlia and Godot in particular.

7. The ending makes Godot slightly less unredeemable. I think that they did a good job at being convincing with his motives.

8. Fran and Edgey and Phoenix and Larry playing off eachother in non-trial settings is quite fun.

The bad:

1. Godot still blathers misogyny and makes me wonder why the hell Mia would date him. His motivation for hating Phoenix Wright is still way stupider than it should have been (Dude, I'm not Mia's bodyguard, I'm her pupil.). To me, it would have been more effective if Godot had just resented Phoenix for taking his mantle as a lawyer or for hanging out with his girlfriend while he was in a coma.

2. The post-Dahlia Day 2 trial was pretty anticlimactic. After you figure out that Dahlia played an integral role, the case lacks the ooomph needed. I find it really hard to conceive how they could have written the case to be dramatic at the end as it stands, but that's their fault. >_>

3. The Day 2 investigation is also a little droll at points. Bikini is not a compelling person to speak with although she has her moments, and Iris/Dahlia is pretty boring. Fransizka somewhat saves these though.

So with that said, I think that overall, 2 > 3 > 1 when it comes to PW games. I spent a lot of last night comparing 1 and 3 and 3's cases are overall better (except 3-4 which is better than nothing except 1-5).

Overall, my opinion on the cases looks something like this:

2-4 > 1-3 > 3-5=~ 2-3 > 3-3 > 1-4 > 2-2 > 3-1 > 1-1 >> 3-2 > 2-1 > 1-2 >> 3-4 >>>>> 1-5.

I would put anything below 1-1 in the category of "would not do over if I were replaying some cases", possibly with the exception of 1-2 which I barely remember. All these cases except 3-4 and 2-1 made me quit playing the games for a non-insignificant time.

The middle tier is from 3-3 to 1-1. All of these cases I think are quite good, but overall lack the same oomph needed to make it a truly wonderful case. 3-3's pretty close, but I don't think it's quite funny enough.

The upper tier is from 2-4 to 2-3. These are all cases I really like and would actively argue for.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 05:50:15 PM by Ciato »
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1598 on: April 06, 2010, 07:25:50 PM »
FFXIII-Defeated the final. POIZN! and Vanille's Death (damage) saved the day >_> Also SEN was absolutely vital for things like Ultima and the other super/special attacks the final run of bosses used <_< My PCs just died otherwise!

Poison works on the final boss?  Really?   That's just awesome and would have been exceedingly helpful cause of how much I was on the defensive in that fight.

Poison also works on most of the superbosses so for once it isn't a sucky status. Using Poison is vital for killing that mission 64 bastard.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1599 on: April 07, 2010, 01:01:33 AM »
The difference between running a medic and a Sentinel in trash is that you really need someone to stay being Sentinel to be worth shit.  Medic you can swap between that and Ravager and lose next to nothing. 

Eh, Light and Vanille are much better on offense, and in the latter's case, debuffing the hell out of things.  Hope instead of Fang would be introducing a character with half the HP and considerably less damage mitigation.