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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1675 on: April 10, 2010, 06:43:12 PM »
Okay, yeah, Steel gym was pain. Steelix laughed off every attack I had except Magnitude, and he OHKOed Graveler. I ended up tossing in Flaaffy for the Steel resistance and stacking six Growls on him. That got Iron Tail down to a 4HKO, and Magnitude did the rest. Kinda of a tight race between my damage and Iron Tail's defense debuff to see which one would end the fight first, but Graveler pulled it out.

Now to go to.....the Safari Zone, I guess? Also found the way back to Kanto and oh dear Christ this game has Waterfall. HATE.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1676 on: April 10, 2010, 07:00:22 PM »
Waterfall actually has use on some pokemon now though....

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1677 on: April 10, 2010, 07:13:34 PM »
Yeah, Waterfall is Physical, so it has uses on things like Gyarados, instead of being "Crappier version of Surf."

Whirlpool is the real UGH HATE HM, but I think beyond facing Lugia and a few random side things, its overall unnecessary.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1678 on: April 10, 2010, 08:07:43 PM »
SC2, after ages of fucking around with everything I finally got it working.  I might not have mentioned on here before that I hate Vista, but I do!

Anywho, the Beta is pretty weak right now.  I hadn't played at all and won all 5 of my matching games with Terran to get into the Platinum league.  Then played an awful game and beat some dude in Platinum too...  messing around with Terran mech and air mainly.

Hellion- Fun harass, they're the new vulture.  They murder lings and when a zerg fast expands I can murder loads of workers.  They do okay... against the other races, but decent players can stop the harass.
Tanks- BLOW!  SC2 is too fast paced for these slow ass units than need to unsiege and siege.  Also, Terran totally lacks a good unit to support tanks like Goliaths did in SC.  I won some games with them, but only cuz the opponents were garbage.  There is ONE MAP where you can nicely ledge an opponents main and block the tanks off with turrets/depots, but even then... I think a good opponent could just counter your wide open main.
Thor- Fun as hell, problem is they are giant... they move slow and only one can fit up a hill at a time.  Nonetheless, they do well against zerg earlygame since they one shot hydras, 2 shot roaches, and crush mutas.  (With hellion support to deal with mass lings.)  They also 2 shot most toss units too...  TvT they have little use though.
Vikings- First tier Terran air.  They are A2A or G2G, kinda cool.  They transform into a ground unit and can only fight ground, but... the transform is kinda slow and the G2G is kinda weak.  They absolutely dominate A2A fights though.  Don't see a ton of use as an overall unit.
Medivac- FLYING MEDICS!  They are dropships + healers.  Cool... but since I have sworn not to use the standard Biobuild I lose a lot of use.  They are fun for drops still though and healing SCVs that come along to heal my Thors in fight.
Scie... Raven-  Not got to play with them much.  Detectors with some spells that don't seem as good as irradiate and EMP.
Banshee-  FUN UNIT!  Only used these in my last game, a silly FFA with friends.  But they are A2G and CLOAK  Also, since they are only A2G their ground is pretty brutal. Pretty sure my next game is going to be a 2 Banshee rush with cloak to wreck workers.  Should be a fun unit.
Battle Cruiser- Got about 18 of these in my FFA.  Yamato still wrecks and they still pewpew shit down.

Now, I'm not actually some kinda savant.  I played my friend Vince twice and he massacred me twice.  The competition is just that bad even in low level Platinum.

My problem with Terran is that they lack a good unit to make Tanks/Hellions/Banshee any good in the late game.  Zerg can pair Hydra with anything and have good Air and ground damage.  Protoss can do it with Stalker/Sentry.  Terran units that can hit air and ground
Marine- Roflbabies
Ghosts- Late game... could have some fun uses actually with Snipe, but ehhh expensive and squishy
Battlecruiser- LOL at using in single player
Viking- Need to transform... slow and annoying

So basically you have marines.  Hence why everyone goes Marine/Marauder/Medic.  Laaame.  (Every race has their issues, but meh in the fast pace SC2 the tank/turret/hellion push isn't a viable option.)


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1679 on: April 10, 2010, 08:53:06 PM »
Heart Gold: Despite having four out of my six Pokemon weak to ice, Pryce was an absolute joke thanks to his secondary types. The seals got Thunder Punched, and the mammoth got Surfed. Now on the way to free Goldenrod from the oppression of wearing black before Labor Day.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1680 on: April 11, 2010, 12:21:37 AM »
Fire Emblem 7 - Decided to replay this a while back, recently got around to beating it.  Final team was Kent/Lucius/Rebecca/Oswin/Raven/Fiora/Nino, though Sain, Erk, Priscilla, Canas, Legault, and Pent got a lot of use, though Erk/Canas were largely filler.  Started the final chapter around 20/10-13 for non-filler people, with Hector and Priscilla being the underleveled ones (Hector at 20/8, Priscilla at 20/6).

Eliwood - Think he ended up with slightly below average strength, but made up for that with good speed.  Ended up a little below average on concrete durability too, I thought, but again, good speed/luck to the rescue there.

Lyn - Lyn, meanwhile, decided to act like she had Hector's Str growth while keeping the good speed.  MVP of the playthrough, most likely.

Hector - Had a somewhat rocky start but bounced back into average Hector territory.

Kent - Actually decided to gain strength this playthrough.  That and the HP edge he had over Sain (helped in part by the Angelic Robe that was given to him in accordinance with the wishes of the bot) made me take him over Sain for Light.

Sain - Turned out largely as expected.  Offensive powerhouse, not so great on at durability.

Erk - Turned out decidedly mediocre.  Mostly used him for filler.

Lucius - Not a whole lot to say about Lucius, other than he felt like capping Mgc early.  That and he got the Afa's Drop, for all the difference that made (probably none).

Rebecca - Rebecca decided to be a Res tank this playthrough.  Little stronger than average, too, but got a little shafted on speed.

Oswin - Not a whole lot to say, aside from the fact that he decided on picking up the slack offensively lategame.

Priscilla - Turned out slightly below average until late.

Raven - It's Raven.  What's there to say, really?

Canas - Also turned out average.

Fiora - First time I've had a peg knight turn out awesomely (or hell, even decently) in FE7.  Wound up capping strength and I don't think she turned out below average in a single area.

Legault - Used him for stealing stuff, mostly.  Was pretty lame as a combat unit due to 8 Str but then again I don't expect much from FE7 thieves in that regard.

Pent - Was pretty awesome (shock), though wasn't used for Light on the grounds that I used him for Light last time I played.

Nino - Turned out awesome after being fed a shitload of kills in Night of Farewells.  blahblahreducingaveragelevelbecauseofthat well I probably would've used the filler more if I didn't use her anyways because that's how I roll so it wouldn't have made a huge difference for me.

Not much else to say, really, other than the playthrough reminded me of just how badly regular FE7 NM enemies suck, but eh.

At any rate, other stuff!

Strange Journey - Been playing this off and on for the last few weeks.  Currently in Bootes, trying to kill Mitra.

Etrian Odyssey 3 - Cleared the 2nd stratum, got subclasses.  Main team is currently Princess/Pirate/Monk/Zodiac/Balista.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1681 on: April 11, 2010, 03:44:26 AM »
Hahahahaha. Pokemon Sapphire, Feebas hunt over after only 24 squares checked. Life is good.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1682 on: April 11, 2010, 04:04:53 AM »
In addition to training my Alakazam on my challenge file, I've been looking at some teams to train for Ubers. Alongside my new Adamant Ho-oh, it turns out I have Mild Azelf and Jolly Rayquaza, both without EVs so far and without any resetting or specifically trying. Whee~

Choice Band or Scarf for Ho-oh? I'm thinking Scarf to get off a quick Sacred Fire will be better.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1683 on: April 11, 2010, 01:24:15 PM »
ToV - Beat final boss, Fell arms version.  He hits hard in that last version, but nothing you can't handle even without Divide Alll.  All secret missions done.  Tons of side stuff done, but not all of them (Seriously how the fuck do people master all the cooking on one character let alone all of them?).

Trying to think of jokes I can make about the ending, but nohing is full forming enough to make me think of fitting in more than a joke per sentence, so meh.  Duke lives so he can continue to grace the world with his chiild bearing hips, elegant long neck framed with purple ruffle shirt open down to his chest to flash come cleavage and wow, those legs that just keep going and topping it all off with a flowing head of hair that any woman would kill to have.  What was I talking about again?  Oh yeah Yuri formed his giant feather and stroked the Adaphaggots to death.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1684 on: April 11, 2010, 01:43:53 PM »
Rondo of Swords -

Up to the final level of this route.

I had Ansom feather the final a little. Turns out that he currently does slightly more than the final's regeneration. Terrific. Writing that off for the time being, I turned Ansom's attention to tasting the final's range (re: game bastardly not telling you spell ranges). Turns out he has a range of 9 squares. Turns out that he one-hit-kills with this range.

At this point I would like to introduce the fact that the highest movement any of my characters has is 10, so even if they were stationed just outside the final's range, they would not be able to attack it because you need to run through enemy units to attack them. At least one of these has the capacity for 11 move if I grind them up a bit, in which case they will be able to attack the final for a low amount of damage and end up in a perfect location to be one-hitted. There is rescue teleportation available, but I am not sure offhand whether it can reach the required distance from outside the final's range and there is always the chance that the character will end up on one of the sides of the rescuer that is inside the final's range. To say nothing of the inhospitality of the terrain for this.

I would like to believe that I will be able to eventually kill the final with Ansom/Marie shooting/rescuing combination, but it is going to take -forever-. There is also the possibility that damage won't overflow from one bar to the other. If this is the case, then things become trickier; currently my plan for this situation is to hope that when it gets to that point, the final won't have the capacity to use any spells regardless of its regeneration and I will be able to send someone else in . But I can't know this exactly because the game does not let me know how much the spells cost. Forgetting to check how much his big spell had eaten while aghast at Ansom dying also does not help in this matter.

I'm not understanding the point of having three tiers of classes. The last three sets of quests I was able to do each gave off an item necessary for one person to hit their third tier, and each person (each person that can even get to third tier anyway) has their own unique one. So... only three people get to move to third tier. Except it's actually only two, because you don't actually get a chance to use the third one. I would like to think I am missing something here.

On top of that, the two people were Aegil and Igraine, neither of which are particularly spectacular units. Igraine's third-tier class gave her access to the Null ZOC ability, and I thought back to all the times I wished I could have Igraine run through ZOCcing enemies WHICH WAS NEVER BECAUSE SHE IS A LOW-MOVE FRAGILE GIT THAT SHOULD NEVER BE ANYWHERE NEAR ANY SORT OF ENEMIES


I could vaguely understand Yumiluna getting ZOC
because she has ludicrously high defence for god knows whatever reason that at one point was second best in my team, although her position has slipped since then
and even then her HP is horrible anyway

I do not believe I have complained about purchasing items yet, only selling them. So you assign particular categories of items to buy to the unit you are sending shopping, and you then assign them a total budget. As you assign the total budget the game randomly assigns the budget to the categories in question. So say we're going for HP Items and Amulets. Say we set 500 gold as the budget. The game might assign this as 2 50-gold HP items and 1 400-gold amulet. Change the budget up to 501 then put it back to 500 again. Now the game has assigned it to 1 200-gold hp item and 1 200-gold amulet. What the heck game. What is the point of this tomfoolery.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1685 on: April 11, 2010, 06:05:03 PM »
Heart God: Completely revamped my team after the Safari Zone, getting rid of a few monsters that either can't reach their final form or just weren't working out. New team is:

Farfetch'd (mainly holding the place for a flying type that can be viable at endgame, but that is some nice power off Swords Dance)
Larvitar (Spawned without Bite, annoyingly, but it was the only one I could find so I'll get a Heart Scale somewhere)

Annoyingly, Bayleef is the only one here that can learn Strength (I was counting on teaching it to Farfetch'd), and nothing that can learn Cut wouldn't have to ditch a better move for it. I figure if I need them I'll bring Furret back in and dear Christ I hate HMs.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1686 on: April 11, 2010, 06:20:47 PM »
For what it's worth, Strength is probably in the running for Bayleef's strongest attack right now anyway, so no real reason not to teach it to him. Magical Leaf and Razor Leaf are comparable, but of the three, I'd keep Strength and Magical Leaf so you can hit both defences and hit two different types, while keeping the other two attacks for tanking or whatever (Reflect + Synthesis?).

I'd teach Cut to Farfetch'd since you're planning on dropping him anyway and he gets STAB on it, so it's an okay filler move at worst, though probably a downgrade on whatever you'd be kicking out for it.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1687 on: April 11, 2010, 06:35:36 PM »
He's got Swords Dance, which is his main selling point, Fly (not dropping, obviously), Aerial Ace (solid STAB move, infinite accuracy, good when I don't want to use a two-turn move just to hit Flying weakness) and Slash (higher power, accuracy AND crit rate than Cut, also STAB). Not really seeing much to drop there. And yeah, Bayleef has Magical/Razor Leaves, Reflect and Synthesis.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1688 on: April 11, 2010, 06:39:54 PM »
For what its worth, Slash (and any Crit Rate move) is not what it use to be.  Gen 2/3, they were 25% Crit Rate; now they're 12.5% Crit.  Normally, moves have 6.25% Crit Rate.  Yeah, its a bit of a laughable upgrade now, instead of an unreliable but worthwhile niche.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1689 on: April 11, 2010, 06:48:58 PM »
Cut only has 5 less accuracy than Slash. You're losing power, yes, but given that your giving up his third best attacking move I don't consider it a huge loss. You may also prefer to drop Aerial Ace if you value its ITE less than Slash's power, but eh, Fly is the power move anyway. Unlike the Bayleef situation (where Razor Leaf is really doing nothing that Strength and Magical Leaf don't) you are losing something, but still not a major loss and better than benching someone for Furret.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1690 on: April 11, 2010, 07:08:35 PM »
Heh, right after I post that, Togepi evolves, taking WAY less time to get to maximum happiness than I thought, and gives me that other Fly user I wanted.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1691 on: April 11, 2010, 07:50:37 PM »
I found that after the early parts of the game cut isn't used that much until you get to Kanto so you could probably get by without it until after the E4. Unfortunately in Kanto cut is needed almost everywhere.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1692 on: April 11, 2010, 08:54:40 PM »
Pokemon HG - So I talked to a few guys about beating Red and they all told me I should grind to 70-80 before I would even stand a chance. Imagine their surprise when I flattened Red with my Pokemon in the 60s.

Lv56 Sandslash Vs Lv88 Pikachu
- I don't see why everyone is scared of Pikachu. Even with a 32 level difference is still got destroyed by one earthquake.

Lv66 Magnazone vs Lv80 Lapras
- Two Discharges and BAM Lapras was down. Well it would be if it didn't run away but eventually when it got called back in it went down.

Lv 61 Gyarados vs Lv84 Charizard
- Sadly Gyarados was no match for Charizard but it did some damage which allowed Sandslash to claim victory.

Lv61 Typhlosion vs Lv82 Venusaur
- Lol grass types. One Eruption and it was down.

Lv66 Magnazone vs Lv84 Blastoise
- Magnazone Outspeeds and OHKOs Blastoise. Man thats pathetic to be outran by Magnazone.

Lv60 Scizor vs Lv82 Snorlax
- Sword dance x3 shortly followed by a OHKO. Snorlax this time round has such shit damage it couldn't do anything to stop my buffing.

Overall its been my best run in a pokemon game. My pokes don't have the best movesets or natures but regardless I'm happy of how well they've done.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1693 on: April 11, 2010, 09:41:33 PM »
So I talked to a few guys about beating Red and they all told me I should grind to 70-80 before I would even stand a chance.

No offence to those guys but ahahaha.

Metroid Fusion - Wow, learning you can power bomb to expose a ladder above Security Robot 2 makes him much less evil. Beaten again, only died to a few of those nasty midgame bosses (Yakuza through Bot 2); Ridley was a chump and I beat SA-X's first form with 5 HP left, then proceeded to perfect the second too, which was amusingly tense. 1:34, 21% this time. That percentage seem awfully low but that's what happens when the game doesn't count all the forced upgrades I guess. Not sure what'll I do next with the game.

Xenosaga 2 - Beat this again a couple days ago. I don't think I intend to do the aftergame this time. Fun game, I still dig the gameplay and the Jr./Albedo plot but my opinion of all other things plot-related dropped a fair bit, no shock there I am no longer at all impressed by this style of storytelling which talks a lot and says nothing. Probably should drop the game to an 8/10 or something. Which also means taking XS1 down a peg too but I'm fine with that.

Mega Man 10 - Beat Hard Mode. A bunch of stuff here was way nastier, both the levels and some bosses. They did nothing to improve the last two Wily forms that I noticed, though, so that was kinda anticlimactic. Still fun overall.

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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1694 on: April 12, 2010, 12:20:44 AM »
Sounds like you want to get yourself a Crabby for Cut and Waterfall duties Shale.

Rock Band - So I suck enough to know that I am probably not going to play Guitar on Expert, but I am doing alright on Bass which is honestly all I really care about anyway.  So been practicing lately, finally got Flawless Groove acheivement playing I Think I'm Paranoid because well frankly Garbage are awesome.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1695 on: April 12, 2010, 01:10:09 AM »
Rondo of Swords -

Up to the final level of this route.

I had Ansom feather the final a little. Turns out that he currently does slightly more than the final's regeneration. Terrific. Writing that off for the time being, I turned Ansom's attention to tasting the final's range (re: game bastardly not telling you spell ranges). Turns out he has a range of 9 squares. Turns out that he one-hit-kills with this range.

At this point I would like to introduce the fact that the highest movement any of my characters has is 10, so even if they were stationed just outside the final's range, they would not be able to attack it because you need to run through enemy units to attack them. At least one of these has the capacity for 11 move if I grind them up a bit, in which case they will be able to attack the final for a low amount of damage and end up in a perfect location to be one-hitted. There is rescue teleportation available, but I am not sure offhand whether it can reach the required distance from outside the final's range and there is always the chance that the character will end up on one of the sides of the rescuer that is inside the final's range. To say nothing of the inhospitality of the terrain for this.

I would like to believe that I will be able to eventually kill the final with Ansom/Marie shooting/rescuing combination, but it is going to take -forever-. There is also the possibility that damage won't overflow from one bar to the other. If this is the case, then things become trickier; currently my plan for this situation is to hope that when it gets to that point, the final won't have the capacity to use any spells regardless of its regeneration and I will be able to send someone else in . But I can't know this exactly because the game does not let me know how much the spells cost. Forgetting to check how much his big spell had eaten while aghast at Ansom dying also does not help in this matter.

A certain dark knight has insane range with his special as well as doing big damage. Have a lot of drugs, and you can at least make him snip three times.
Also, the final is not going to attack if you are within a certain range, or you can just use Elma's mdef buff. Once the boss's buffer hp are gone, just have Sedric run ahead for a kill.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1696 on: April 12, 2010, 01:21:08 AM »
Sounds like you want to get yourself a Crabby for Cut and Waterfall duties Shale.

For some bizarre reason Krabby can not learn Waterfall.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1697 on: April 12, 2010, 01:25:58 AM »

Metroid Fusion - Wow, learning you can power bomb to expose a ladder above Security Robot 2 makes him much less evil.


Ahahahaha oh -wow- I didn't even think about that of course that'd be why you found him so tough last time! ... Damn, props, NEB, for beating him without that beforehand.


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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1698 on: April 12, 2010, 01:42:14 AM »
Sounds like you want to get yourself a Crabby for Cut and Waterfall duties Shale.

For some bizarre reason Krabby can not learn Waterfall.

The fuck?  Man sometimes Game Freak just hate on pokemon to an amazing degree.
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Re: Let's Play Some Motherf*$&ing Games: 2010!!!!!!
« Reply #1699 on: April 12, 2010, 02:11:18 AM »
ToV - Beat final boss, Fell arms version.  He hits hard in that last version, but nothing you can't handle even without Divide Alll.  All secret missions done.  Tons of side stuff done, but not all of them (Seriously how the fuck do people master all the cooking on one character let alone all of them?).

Carrying over cooking skill is like... 10 grade. I think that's how you do it. That's how I did it with Yuri, at least. Not going to even consider doing it with anyone else.